"Hide your head, get out of here!"

Jiang Chen roared, and saw seven black shadows in front of him break through the sky, leap forward, and approached Jiang Chen's face gate, surging and surging, like the seven swords, Jiang Chen was like an enemy.

"It's finally out."

Jiang Chen's fist is sharp and his fist shadows are repeated one after another.

The seven shadows came directly together, Jiang Chen did not dare to take it lightly, and was forced to retreat by one blow, and the seven black shadows did not retreat and went back. Dust locks firmly.

"Is that tanuki?"

Jiang Chen's heart moved, and nearly twenty civet cats, all of which are Star Emperor Nine Heavens, this power can be described as quite powerful, even he did not dare to be negligent.

It seems that this raccoon cat is not as simple as he imagined. He even knew to gather friends and make a comeback, and he was prepared. More than 20 star raccoons and nine celestial cats put great pressure on Jiang Chen, and Their speed is very fast, almost blocking all their retreat, this raccoon cat knows his own means, only to make such a big battle.

"This time, you can't run."

Tanuki slowly walked into Jiang Chen, with a brisk pace, a slightly raised corner of his mouth, Jiang Chen was sure, that was a smile, a strange and soft smile.

"Is it really good to lose so many of your civet cats' lives for a destiny stone?"

Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Is it hard to die, is my mouth still so hard? Kill you, look for things. Just die."

The raccoon cat stood with its head raised, turned into a husky figure, with red sleeves and good dancing, with winking eyes like waves, but secretly murderous.

At the same time, the remaining twenty-one black tanukis also transformed into beautiful beauties, each with eyes full of autumn waves, colorful, like stepping into a sea of ​​flowers, one by one jade hand to the soul, a pair of doubles Beautiful legs mixed with white as jade, smiling faces one by one, and Tibetan Feng as a knife.

The red-sleeved raccoon headed, with a roar, everyone rushed up, the scene was absolutely bloody, but at this moment, it was full of crisis, Jiang Chen did not go to appreciate the scenery line, because once there was a little difference It is possible that he will be trapped in utter despair.

These civet cats are definitely Mianli Tibetan needles, gentle township, hero tomb!

Jiang Chen raised his sword, and the Dragon Sword roared out of the sheath, fluttering with power, and majestic.

The raccoon cat's figure flashed around and there was no way to grasp it. Jiang Chen had only a sword that cut through the sky and cut off the female cage.

"Tian Luo Di Wang, Phantom of the Demon Fox!"

The overlapping images made Jiang Chen unable to distinguish where these civet cats were, and the repeated impacts brought him a lot of oppression.

Jiang Chen stepped forward to retreat and was trapped in the Tianluodi net. A rainbow of colorful rainbow exercises swept through. Jiang Chen saw only the colorful long sleeves, dancing and dancing, killing.

Jiang Chen was like being wrapped into Pansi Cave. There was no ventilation at all in all directions, and he was completely blocked in it.

Jade's hands are repeated, the wind is like electricity, and the tears are empty, Jiang Chen's clothes are also torn apart. After all, he is facing more than 20 star emperors and nine heavens, and he is still in the territory of others. Jiang Chen has to avoid his edge. .

The Tianlong sword was thunderous and thundering, ups and downs, and the sword was like a rainbow, but these civet cats were also very tenacious, fighting back and forth with Jiang Chen, relying on many people and monopolizing the geographical position, these raccoons hardly gave Jiang Chen any Opportunity for backhand.

However, Jiang Chen's Sword of Boundlessness is not a joke.

Sword twenty-eight!

Invisible and shadowless, it pushed forward heavily, leaning on the sword, and the storm repeated.

Sword without borders, permeable, and finally torn apart all the colorful giant training, Jiang Chen is considered to be so good.


These civet cats rushed forward, ignoring everything, and even wanted to fight Jiang Chen with a life and death without taking their bodies seriously.

It’s also a pity to die, but they have absolutely no step backwards, killing Jiang Chen, just like the mission in their hearts.

Jiang Chen's sword sealed his throat, but the pressure of these raccoons also made Jiang Chen's headache more and more. When he killed a person, he needed to use his shoulder to resist the remaining raccoon cats. Jiang Chen consumed a huge source gas.

However, the horror of the sword without borders made these raccoons gradually lose their fighting power. The sword twenty-eight was unfavorable, allowing Jiang Chen to kill in and out without flaws.

The source gas consumes a lot. Jiang Chen cut more than ten people in a row. The sword 28 gave these raccoons a fatal blow. Jiang Chen did not have any pity for the jade. Killing one is one, and will never leave them any upgrades. He vowed to chase down and kill him, and there would be no such thing as today.

Jiang Chen's face was dripping with sweat, and these guys were very cunning, and their continuous consumption of the ladder was not a big deal, because only in this way could they catch up with them.

But this time, Jiang Chen had to make it drip-proof! No one can run!

Tianlongjian rides the wind and waves, steps on the ladder, and Jiang Chen enters the unmanned state, and starts a crazy slaughter.

I have to say that these civet cats are very cunning and very strong, which has caused Jiang Chen no small trouble, but Jiang Chen has not been slack in the slightest. He can’t make any mistakes. He must kill with a single blow and cut everything. Only then can the counterattack be completed.

If you want to get the Destiny Stone yourself, these raccoons also want to get the Destiny Stone, and they have become the most direct opponents.

"In the beginning, if you just walked away like this, since you dare to come back, you will die for me!"

Jiang Chen rushed from left to right, a sword shadow, cut through the sky, like a beacon in the night, one by one civet cats fell one after another, Jiang Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, bloodthirsty increasingly, killing without amnesty , To cut everything, he can be safe.

"None of you can run away!"

Jiang Chen was murderous, he was already cruel to himself. He knew long ago that he must kill quickly. He is not a saint. He must live for himself, and he must think for himself. Who will enter **** if I don't go to hell?

Jiang Chen sneered, the sweat on his face continued to flow out, and the gas consumption even reached 90%. When he cut off the last tanuki, he was also tired and sweating, sitting on the **** beside the bamboo Panting, holding a sword in both hands, breathing heavily.

On the dead raccoon cat, dozens of destiny stones have been dropped successively, and Jiang Chen's corner of the mouth has also slightly raised. It seems that these guys have not been killed in vain. How can they not be sent to the door to buy and sell?

Jiang Chen was just about to get up, but found an invisible oppression around him, which was crushed and made him like an enemy.

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