Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4461: Qiu Tu

"Tsk tusk tusk, so I don't know Lianxiangxiyu? This is more than 20 Jiao Didi everyone, how can I kill it? Don't you feel distressed at all? Hahaha."

A man wearing a green robe and carrying a spear, standing round his chest, standing in front of a crowd of dead civet cats, shaking his head constantly, his eyes sharp, and smiling at Jiang Chen.

He was dressed in a green robe, no wind, and his hair was disheveled, but he was fierce. The long spear behind him exuded bursts of black light.

His gun suddenly appeared cold, and his eyes were like a wolf.

By his side, Jiang Chen came from all directions, seven people, slowly walking, these people, Jiang Chen more or less, had a fate, they are all the people who have been evaluated this time.

"What do you want."

Jiang Chen said lightly.

"So many destiny stones are scattered on the ground, what do you think I want? I pick it up for you, or do you pick it up for me?"

Qiu Tu said with a smile.

"I kill people, and things naturally belong to me. Is it possible that you still want to kill people and make money?"

Jiang Chen said with a chuckle.

Qiu Tu waved his hand, his face calm.

"I didn't want to kill you. Even these destiny stones are not enough for me to kill you, but you are too arrogant. Qiu Tu can't stand others pretending to be better than me in my life. You are one of them."

"So... I can only kill you, but it seems that I don't need to do anything. At the end of the crossbow, you are still too young."

Qiu Tu's smile was like welcoming the spring breeze after the rain. It was pleasant and natural. The seven people around walked into Jiang Chen slowly. The purpose was self-evident.

"If you want to add to the crime, the murder is like a mother-in-law, so what reason are you looking for."

Jiang Chen snorted.

"You are crazy, but unfortunately, your life is over."

Qiu Tudao.

"That may not be necessary."

Jiang Chen looked at Qiu Tu and said with a ghostly smile.

"Do it, since you want to die so, I will fulfill you, trust me, you will die very comfortably."

Qiu Tu's smile gradually became ferocious and stern.


Seven figures came one after another, with murderous auras, and they came close to Jiang Chen. These seven people are all inexhaustible masters, the pinnacle of the star emperor, with a super genius who is one to ten, able to break through and reassess. To meet the requirements of the Apocalypse Knights, their strength is infinitely close to the Apocalypse Knights.

"You're happy, it's a bit too early. If you want to kill me, I'm afraid you have to weigh it."

Jiang Chen ate a small pill, his strength rose instantly, his Origin Qi was full, and the strength in his body reached its peak state.

"You still have Xiao Huan Dan?"

Qiu Tu's pupils shrank and his face grew colder.

"It's a violent thing! People who are about to die want to use a small pill to continue their lives and dream!"

Qiu Tu shouted loudly, and the seven finally came forward. Jiang Chen was also not silent, and raised his sword. These guys are absolutely unique masters. They are absolutely different from the previous civet cats. War, he is destined to be more difficult.

Wood show in the forest wind will destroy it!

In response to that sentence, they had already seen Jiang Chen displeased, and coupled with the long-term search for the Destiny Stone at this time, how could they let it go? Killing Jiang Chen, making a name for himself, grabbing the Destiny Stone, and looking forward to promotion, this is a matter of killing two birds with one stone.

"I don't have enough strength, but I want to be so arrogant. Today we will send you to the west!"

"Yes, I don't know where your confidence comes from, kill him! We must rise to fame."

"A star emperor eighth heaven, it's really a shame for him to ask us to attack together."


Qiu Tu didn't squint, staring at Jiang Chen. Why could he be such a rampant Star Emperor Eighth Heaven?

Seven masters came one after another, Jiang Chen flew his sword straight, drew his sword and looked around. He heard all the sonorous voices. Under Jiang Chen's transformation, his power has reached the peak of the Star Emperor, he is completely fearless of these people, but he must always Beware, that Qiu Tu is likely to wait for an opportunity.

The seven masters are not vegetarians. Between the linkage of the figures, they flicker and the light and shadow are floating. The two sides fight to make you come and me. They are very nervous. Even Qiu Tu on the side frowned slightly, always preparing, it looks like this river Dust is really hard to deal with.

"Not yet! What are you keeping your hands for?"

Qiu Tu screamed, and the seven masters moved in their hearts. They didn't dare to neglect, they all used the energy of milking. The sword energy, the sword light, and the overlapping shadows made Jiang Chen more difficult.

"Twenty-eight swords!"

Jiang Chen was one against seven, and never let the wind fall. The attacks of these guys were pervasive.

"Eternal fairy wind!"

Jiang Chen advances with retreat, the sound of the wind is like a knife, and he walks with the blade. When the wind blows, he descends from the sky, the sword is domineering and powerful.

"Get out of here!"

A stunned sword light rushed into the enemy's formation, and the two figures fluttered away. Very embarrassed, Jiang Chen sneered, then cut the sky, the sword of boundlessness, invincible, taking advantage of the momentum of victory and pursuit, let the seven masters hold their breath Jingshen, fight with all strength, life and death are at stake, who dares to neglect for a moment?

Jiang Chen's power became stronger and stronger, and the dragon's transformation made him reach the peak of his strength. In the same level of battle, Jiang Chen's power is no less.

"Too strong, we can't resist his sword power at all!"

"Grandma's, it's really evil, a star emperor eighth heaven can be so strong!"

"No way, I can't stand it anymore."

"If you can't stand it, you have to stand it!"

Everyone gritted their teeth, Jiang Chen began to exert his strength, and they did both. They were already a little unaware. Facing the dual suppression of the Boundless Sword and the Eternal Fairy Wind, Jiang Chen seemed unstoppable.

The seven great masters retreated steadily, and Jiang Chen, as if entering an uninhabited state, began to crush wildly, beating the water dog.

The seven people fled and couldn't face Jiang Chen at all. This guy became more and more courageous, as if he had been beaten with blood, so the seven people were pale and traumatized one after another. The Star Emperor Peak was so unbearable in Jiang Chen's hands. With one blow, Qiu Tu's heart became even more depressed.

"Lazi dare!"

Qiu Tu was finally angry. It seemed that he couldn't sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and watched the battle in a leisurely court. Jiang Chen used one against the seven, but instead repeatedly forced his people back. If he didn't make any more moves, the seven might have their lives. Yu.

The half-step star master, finally here!

Jiang Chen knew that this guy had to do it sooner or later, so he was mentally prepared. Qiu Tu smashed with his bare hands with a blast from the sky. The sky was dim, and he hit Jiang Chen’s Heavenly Dragon Sword with a fist. Endless, and he was shaken back dozens of steps before slowly stabilizing his figure.

"The strength is good, but today, I want to divide you five horses!"

Qiu Tu stood with his hands bound, majestic and domineering, looking at Jiang Chen contemptuously.

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