Dragon-Marked War God

Vol 2 Chapter 137: Nanyang City Bloody Battle

"Heavenly Meteorite? This is a god-level material for refining. I heard that the ancient divine artifact, the Eastern Emperor Bell, was made from this extraterrestrial meteorite!"

Zhang Mo heard the words "Meteorite in the Sky", his eyes turned red in an instant, and he silently took out the saber from his waist.

"Today's meteorite iron, whatever I say, I will get it!"

Wang Dazhui looked at the meteorite outside the sky, and she lacked interest. She was not very interested in these things, and the material used for her dragon and phoenix double ring did not match the meteorite.

"Brother Long, what do you think we'll go to Tianxianglou to eat later? I heard that Tianxianglou recently caught an ancient sturgeon, which is extremely delicious..."

Long Yang rolled his eyes and said:

"Do you remember the sword in Zhang Mo's hand? The Meteorite and that sword are a perfect match!"

"And I know what his sword is missing."

Wang Dachui was a little curious.

"What's missing?"

"What's missing is blood. His sword was also made of meteorite iron, and he has seen too much blood, killed countless people, and the sword spirit has just been formed."

"But the blood killed by the sword body is not strong enough. There is too much blood of inferior quality, and the body of the sword is full of impurities. After the body of the sword has wisdom, it begins to reject the inferior blood, so he can kill the body of the sword without dripping blood."

Long Yang said that he vaguely felt that Zhang Mo's sword was a great threat to him, but it could be stronger.

Wang Dachui was a little puzzled.

"Then how can we make those impurities disappear?"

"It's very simple. Use extremely pure blood, supplemented with other meteorites from outside the sky, and use blood to refine swords, and the sword will become."

Long Yang said.

"That is to say, that Zhang Lone will definitely win this Heavenly Meteorite Iron!"

Long Yang said firmly.

"I think Zhang Lone should owe me a favor."

"Oh? You mean, after he bought the Overlord Flower, he no longer has the spiritual stone. Do you want to take this piece of extraterrestrial meteorite and give it to him?"

Wang Dazhui responded.

"It's more than that. Didn't you notice that he has been targeted by Immortal Bitao and a few strong men? This time, he may have underestimated this Yingjie from the Atlanta Trench."

"And he will also pay the price for his arrogance."

"At that time, it's time for us to take action. Longyang wants his power."

Longyang looked domineeringly at the second private room next to him, and had a crazy idea.

Perhaps, the strength of this talented young man Zhang Mo can be used for him.

"I'll give 500,000!"

The old monster Bitao had just been robbed of the Overlord Flower, and looked very angry. In the face of the meteorite outside the sky, he directly shouted the sky-high price of 500,000.

Zhang Mo looked at his bottomed purse with an anxious look on his face, and now he even wanted to return the Overlord Flower and exchange it for this Heavenly Meteorite.

He is addicted to swords like his life, his sword is his way, it can strengthen his sword, even if he is asked to give up the Overlord Flower, he can accept it.

"Old Monster Bitao, you gave me this extraterrestrial meteorite for free, and I will be very grateful in the future."

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Mo still didn't say the word "Shenhou Mansion".

He doesn't want to use the power of the "God Houfu" to oppress people, he wants to make everyone surrender by his own strength.

"Who do you think you are? There must be a heavy thank you. Do I, Bitao Immortal, care about your heavy thanks?"

Immortal Bitao is in a very bad mood right now. This kid just stole his Overlord Flower. Now he not only calls him an old monster, but also wants him to give him this meteorite for free? It's so deceiving!

Zhang Mo frowned slightly, he didn't understand why this old Bi Tao was so angry.

"Hmph, fool, I don't even accept the opportunity given to you."

Immortal Bitao was furious, and this kid dared to scold himself.

"Auction venue, don't make noise!"

The white-clothed old man from the South China Sea Chamber of Commerce frowned and stepped forward again to suppress the dispute.

"Hmph, boy, when the auction ends, that's when you die."

Immortal Bi Tao said through gritted teeth.

"Six hundred thousand!"

"Seven hundred thousand!"

"one million!"

Longyang bid Road.

"One million, meteorite outside the sky, one million mid-grade spirit stones, are there any more?"

"One million for the first time, one million for the second time, one million for the third time...the deal!"

In the end, Long Yang won this extraterrestrial meteorite with one million spirit stones. After paying the handling fee, he netted more than 400,000 middle-grade spirit stones in this auction, and his wealth doubled.

Long Yang and Wang Dachui happily walked down the street.

"Brother Long, after making so much money, should we go to Tianxianglou?"

Long Yang smiled slightly.

"We, I'm afraid it will be difficult to leave."

I saw Zhang Mo holding a nine-foot green peak and heading straight for Longyang.

"I need extraterrestrial meteorite, give it to me, or die!"

Zhang Mo said directly, not at all sloppy.

Long Yang smiled.

He did not expect this lonely to be so direct.

"How do you know Meteorite is here?"

Zhang Lone smiled.

"It's just a little trick of carving insects. It's not worth mentioning. You just need to understand that even if you go to the ends of the earth, I can find you. That's it."

Long Yang frowned slightly, it seemed that he was marked.

"Give me a reason why I should give it to you."

Zhang Mo raised his head.

"Give me this meteorite, I owe you a favor and can do one thing for you."


Long Yang's eyes narrowed slightly.

"What if I don't agree?"

Zhang Mo looked at the long sword in his hand.

"Then, become the soul of my sword!"

Zhang Mo flicked Qingfeng in his hand and said indifferently.

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

Long Yang's aura was fully revealed, and at this moment, Zhang Mo aroused the arrogance in his bones.

Wang Dazhui looked at Long Yang in surprise. Since the two of them met again, Long Yang has always been smiling and has no edge. At this moment, he feels that Long Yang has completely changed himself!

What he didn't know was that Long Yang was only so kind when he was by her side.

All the good things about Long Yang are for those close to him.

Zhang Mo narrowed his eyes and looked at Long Yang seriously.

"Is this your true strength? Then, let me experience it!"

A smile appeared on Long Yang's mouth.

"Okay, genius, genius has fallen, but it's a very good show!"

"You will pay for your arrogance!"

Long Yang didn't want to fight Zhang Mo here. He knew that Zhang Mo had already been marked by Immortal Bi Tao, and it was estimated that he would be approached soon.

In that case, he and Wang Dazhui would also be implicated, but the current situation did not allow him to back down.

Mortals have a three-point blood, not to mention his Long Yang, who has never been a cowardly person.

The dragon's spine behind Long Yang flew out, the tip of the spear was facing the sword light, and the battle was about to break out.

But this tit-for-tat atmosphere was quickly broken by a group of people who came.

A group of people in green robes came towards the two of them, headed by the Bitao old monster, and the mighty people of Bitao sect blocked the entire street.

In the back, the people from the Yaksha Sect were coming, and the loose cultivators on the street fled when they saw this kind of battle.

The people from Qinghai Xuan came from another direction, and Qinghai Yaodao's face was full of weird smiles, which was extremely scary.

In the whole street, only Long Yang, Wang Dachui and Zhang Mo were left. They were tightly surrounded by people from Bitao Sect, Yasha Mansion and Qinghai Xuan, while people from Wind and Rain Palace watched the show coldly from a distance.

"Looks like we're going to see blood in Nanyang City today."

The Lord of the Wind and Rain Palace, Su Mei'er, was sitting in the Tianxiang Tower, sipping the fine wine in front of her, looking in the mirror, and was extremely satisfied with her appearance. She felt that she had become more attractive after eating Dingyan Dan.

And in the teahouse on the other side.

Xiao Bishui, the No. 1 gangster in Atlanta, took a young woman and sat in a teahouse, staring coldly at the scene in the distance.

"How many years, this old Bi Tao still only uses his power to bully others, what a shame!"

She turned around, too lazy to look at Immortal Bi Tao's bad behavior.

"Yu'er, I didn't buy you anything that can be used by Shenmu Linhai today. I'm very ashamed for my teacher. Later, if Immortal Bitao grabs the Overlord Flower from the young man, I plan to take a shot for the teacher."

"When the time comes, I will throw the Overlord Flower I grabbed to you. You hurry up and enter the Shenmu Linhai. Remember, you are the future of my Gorefiend Sect, and you must not be influenced by your emotions."

Xiao Bishui said earnestly to the seductive woman in front of her, she looked a little old.

"What about you, master?"

The girl called Yu'er spoke, with a strange charm in her voice, and with her perfect face, there was a strong and wonderful charm that made people want to stop.

"My longevity has come to an end, and my life has come to an end. Even if I don't fight here, there is no future."

"You have to walk your own way, Yu'er, everything in the Gorefiend Palace is handed over to you."

Yu'er nodded tearfully.

The ink pen Weng stood on the high roof with a pen, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The ink pen in his hand trembled slightly, as if he was expecting something.

The three parties tightly surrounded the three without any gaps.

"Boy, hand over the meteorite outside the sky, and then you can get out."

Long Yang is now wearing the mask of the other side of the flower, and he has not been recognized, but his conversation with Zhang Mo has been heard. Therefore, everyone knows that he is the mysterious No. 1 master of the private room, and he also bought Tianwai Meteorite. people.

"As for you, you are too arrogant, and I can't think of a reason to spare you."

Immortal Bi Tao looked at Zhang Mo tightly, with a gloomy face, and directly gave him the death penalty.

Zhang Mo sneered.

"Just you bastards, let's go together."

Immortal Bitao sneered. After the Qilin battle, he had already broken through to the half-step Golden Immortal Realm. It can be said that in this Atlanta Trench, no one is his opponent.

"Boy, you are crazy, but crazy people die quickly!"

"I don't like you, you must die!"

Immortal Bi Tao's eyes were full of anger, staring at Zhang Mo and said.

At this time, Yasha King also came up.

"What's the matter with Moji, kill them quickly, we will share the Overlord Flower equally, Meteorite's words are useless to me, you can do whatever you want."

After the Yasha King was injured by the unicorn, he fled back to the Yasha Mansion, found the Toad family, slaughtered the entire Toad family, sucked their blood, and then regained his strength.

The people from the Bi Tao Sect, Yasha Mansion, and Qinghai Xuan immediately stood on the ground, forming a strange formation to prevent Long and the other three from escaping.

It seems that the disciples of these three sects have been working together for a long time. Although it has always been rumored that Qinghai Daoist and Yasha King are at odds, but at this time, it seems that the three sects are all obeying the same organization.

"Stop talking nonsense, fight if you want."

Zhang Mo suddenly roared, the long sword shot directly, and the powerful sound wave swept out like a tsunami. Many windows on Nanyang City Street were shattered, and the huge sound made the whole Nanyang City tremble. !

Old Monster Bitao could no longer restrain the anger in his heart. He stepped on the void and pressed towards Zhang Mo like a mountain. The runes surged in his hand, and a powerful force rushed straight to Zhang Mo.

Suddenly, the two figures collided violently in this earth-shattering roar! The impact of Zhang Mo and Bitao old monsters was too great, destroying all the surrounding buildings, and the sound of houses collapsing was endless.

"It seems that today is a must to fight!"

Long Yang tightly guarded Wang Dachui behind him, looked at the Yasha King and Qinghai Daoist who were coming in front of him, sighed secretly, and took off the mask of the flower of the other side.

Suddenly, a handsome man appeared on the field.

His long golden hair was casually draped over his shoulders, moving with the flow of water, with a lazy smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, exuding the style of a king who reigns over the world, like a **** descending.

Long Yang focused his entire body on the dragon's spine, which was more than ten feet long in his hand.

"Slaying the Dragon Break, the first style, breaking the sky!"

Long Yang's face was cold and severe, and he said slowly.

"He's Long Yang! Why is Long Yang here! Come and kill him!"

Long Yang was instantly recognized, and the Yasha King was extremely frightened, and then he directly used three heads and six arms to slaughter him frantically towards Long Yang.

Daoist Qinghai was also shocked and did not dare to neglect. The long sword in his hand was matched with the Taoist talisman, and he released an unparalleled sword energy in the distance to suppress Long Yang from a distance.

Long Yang calmly waved his spear. At this time, he was like a **** in a spear, just to protect the girl behind him.

The front of the spear burst out with cracks and bright lights like electric snakes, which kept flowing along the gun body of more than ten feet, and at the same time, it kept pulling out five or six feet of twisted electric light from the tip of the spear.

Every time a bright light is drawn, it can explode a group of golden red explosions, making a loud noise and a crackling sound.

"This Long Yang is too strong, he is fighting against two old masters alone, not only does he not fall behind, he even presses them to fight!"

The strong wind roared, the spears fluttered wildly, and the extremely fierce Tu Long Po was so overwhelming that the Yaksha King couldn't breathe.

"I'm not a vase, I don't need you to protect me!"

Suddenly, Wang Dachui sacrificed the dragon and phoenix double rings and rushed into the battlefield brazenly.

Immediately, dragons and phoenixes danced in the field, and the double rings cooperated with the gunshots, like mountains and waters, and the melody and melody.

At this time, Immortal Bitao had completely suppressed Zhang Mo, a young man from Shenhou Mansion, and his sword was not sharp enough.

Zhang Mo kept roaring in his heart, his blood was burning.

"I want to kill immortals!"

"The Immortal Execution Sword Art, activate!"

The suppressed genius exploded with strong tenacity and creativity, creating a magical swordsmanship.

A scorching sword light suddenly radiated from the long sword, attacking the enemy like a dark surge, suddenly giving birth to an incomparable sword energy, swiftly slashing through the blue water, bringing out a terrifying howl. Voice!

The sword light collided heavily with the whisk held by Immortal Bi Tao, and the dazzling sparks that burst out made the scorching sun in the sky dull! A loud bang like a thunderbolt from the sky extended from the sky to the ground, and even shook the ground out of a big crater!

"These two are peerless geniuses!"

Immortal Bi Tao was shocked, it wasn't enough to have a Long Yang, and now this young man is so amazing.

"No, all of them must be killed here, otherwise there will be endless troubles!"

Immortal Bi Tao's face was gloomy and cold, and said:


Immediately, the eight members of the Bi Tao Sect dispersed, came to different positions to stand, muttered to themselves, and spit out strange runes.


Immediately, the great formation unfolded, locking Long Yang and the other three tightly in it.

"Hmph, let's see how you run like this, let's play slowly!"

This is the golden lock formation of the door, the defense is extremely powerful, eight doors and one lock, the immortals cannot escape.

Immortal Bitao intensified his attack, waving his whisk in his hand with the divine light of the cranes, and countless cranes pecked at Zhang Mo's long sword.

But every time the Immortal Execution Sword Art was released, Immortal Bi Tao directly threw the body of a disciple to resist, Zhang Mo was suppressed and could not fight back.

After all, he is only in the late stage of Heavenly Immortal, and Immortal Bitao is already a master of Half-step Golden Wonderland.

At this time, Qinghai Daoist and Yasha King also stabilized, and they found that Wang Dachui was Long Yang's weakness.

All the attacks greeted Wang Dachui, and Long Yang was a little overwhelmed.

The large formation gradually shrank, and groups of disciples rushed up without fear of life and death.

Long Yang was getting tired, and everything seemed to be getting worse.

This is a dead end!

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