Dragon-Marked War God

Vol 2 Chapter 138: Battle Bitao Immortal

"Brother Long, don't worry about me, you can go by yourself, or both of us will die here!"

Wang Dazhui looked desperate.

The Yasha King alone, Long Yang is not afraid, but the Taoist Qinghai keeps making shots from a distance, plus he is trapped in the golden locks of the eight gates, and he breaks through the formation flawlessly.

"Don't talk nonsense, you go first, you go, I can do my best!"

Long Yang frowned and drank Wang Dachui.

"I said, I will never let anyone hurt you, don't you believe me?"

At this time, Long Yang was full of domineering, and Wang Dazhui was full of surprise.

Then she was a little relieved, thinking:

"Brother Long has grown up."

King Sledgehammer smiled.

"Okay, sister, I'll go first, promise me, you must come to me alive, otherwise, I will never let you go in this life, in the next life, forever and ever!"

Wang Dazhui pressed his lips tightly, his eyes were filled with tears, and he called out the Heavenly Monkey.

He Tian Monkey's body became stronger, and his spiritual energy was exposed. Obviously, he became much stronger, and his speed was more diligent.

"I'm leaving!"

Wang Dazhui stepped on the sky monkey, and Long Yang saw the machine shot and blasted the eight-door golden lock formation. He continued to exert his strength, and the golden light was bright. Wang Dazhui took the opportunity to run away.

Only then did Long Yang withdraw his strength, Wang Dazhui had already left, and he no longer had any concerns.

He looked at Zhang Lone who was struggling to support him.

"Are you a genius, so powerful? Do you still want to kill me?"

When Zhang Mo heard this, he was furious, and the long sword danced in his hand even more fiercely, slashing out a huge sword beam, forcing the immortal Bi Tao back.

"Hmph, this Bitao old immortal is a half-step golden immortal, you can do it!"

Long Yang grinned.

"I'll save you when I get rid of these two shameless old guys in front of you, sir. By then, you'll owe me a huge favor!"

Long Yang stepped forward with a gun, and Zhang Mo also had an ashen face, sword dancing.

At this moment, Long Yang and Zhang Mo, the absolute pair of arrogances, issued the most fierce challenge to the old-fashioned powerhouse opposite!

I saw Long Yang swaying, the spear shot out like a dragon, the spear flowers flying all over the sky, and rushed towards the Yasha King unstoppably.

King Yaksha seemed to remember the fear he once had, and his three heads and six arms felt a little aching.

"Hmph, this time, you will definitely not cut off any of my three heads and six arms!"

King Yasha muttered to himself, but unconsciously took a step back.

Long Yang stepped forward quickly, and kept making shots. One after another, Shenhua shot out from the spear, defeating the Yasha King.

The Yasha King roared, and the powerful sound wave sent out all the sea water in front of him. The green figure suddenly jumped high, and the Yasha in the six hands quickly circled and whistled into the air, bringing up the whistling sound of the wind.

The wings on Long Yang's back fluttered, and the fiery red unicorn cloak moved with the water, and the speed was driven to the extreme.

With a loud "bang", a plaque of a shop that fluttered in the wind dozens of feet away was cut off, and the huge plaque fell to the ground leisurely. Although the businesses inside had closed their doors, they still suffered heavy losses.

"Old ghost Yasha, you are not allowed to fight."

Long Yang laughed.

He bullied the Yasha King at an extremely fast speed. The three heads of the Yasha King had different expressions, one was panic, the other was angry, and the other was timid. His six hands were no longer coordinated.

"Yaksha, when did you old ghost become so weak?"

Daoist Qinghai said to King Yasha with a frosty expression on his face.

"I can't help it. The head and arm were cut off by this kid. This is a new life after killing the toad king and splicing the head of the water monkey."

It turned out that the reason why Yasha King recovered so quickly was entirely because he devoured the bodies of Toad King and Water Monkey.

"King Yasha, you are so disgusting, you can even eat something as disgusting as the Toad King!"

Qinghai looked disgusted and looked at King Yasha in disgust.

"If it weren't for the things that Bitao promised too precious, I wouldn't want to cooperate with this dead Yaksha!"

A few days ago, Bitao immortal found the two of them and negotiated a partnership. The reason why Bitao is so focused on Zhang Mo today is because he has long been eyeing Zhang Mo!

When I heard that the people from the Shenhou Mansion came here a few days ago, Immortal Bitao began to calculate that all of this was a conspiracy against Zhang Mo!

And why Bitao is targeting Zhang Mo, only he knows.

His Qinghai Taoist was just collecting money to do things.

As for Long Yang, it was a complete surprise. None of them thought that Long Yang was the guest of the No. 1 private room.

However, this also saved them a lot of trouble, allowing them to capture Long Yang and Zhang Mo in one fell swoop.

Long Yang swung his spear forward, just about to kill Yasha King, but was blocked by the sword of Qinghai Daoist.

King Yasha took the opportunity to recover his spiritual energy and concentrated his energy to regain control of his three heads.

Long Yanghei let out an angry roar, waved his hand forward and proudly shot Dragon Slaying Po. The mighty Slaying Dragon Smashing spear technique made people terrified. The golden whirlwind and invisible spear intent roared out, and the wind was filled with the roar of the dragon.

"Hmph, rude junior, do you think I'm as incompetent as that Yaksha?"

Qinghai Daoist wielded Dao Dao sword qi, sword qi is vertical and horizontal, ten thousand swords return to the ancestors, and the sharp sword qi is not inferior to the golden spear.

In an instant, accompanied by a violent wind, dragons and tigers roared, golden guns and green swords entangled together.

There was a loud "bang", and the loud sound shot straight into the sky. The shrill and piercing sound caused many members of the Bitao Sect to cover their ears. The violent impact shook the huge city walls of Nanhai City as if they were shaking.

Countless broken bricks and **** fell "suddenly", and the momentum was amazing. The eyes of the surrounding Bitao Sect, Qinghai Xuan and Yaksha Sect all showed panic in the eyes. Longyang was far more powerful than they thought, and Qinghai The Taoist was facing the attack, and he did not lose the slightest.

The Qinghai Taoist looked gloomy and cold, and ordered Qinghai Xuan to help the crowd:

"Reinforce the big formation, and try to lock him up for me!"

His sharp eyes stared at Long Yang, full of killing intent.

Long Yang smiled disdainfully. Now that Wang Dachui is gone, do these people really think that these eight golden lock formations can trap him?

His spear fluttered wildly, and countless spear flowers were swung out by him, flying into the sky, seemingly without a trace, but suddenly they all rushed to one place, which is the life gate of this gossip golden lock formation.

"No, the big formation is about to break!"

Qinghai Daoist was shocked. Without the blessing of this great formation, his strength would be greatly reduced. Without the restriction of the great formation, Longyang's speed advantage would be brought into full play!

Long Yang smiled disdainfully.

"Playing a formation in front of Lao Tzu is as ridiculous as dancing a big sword in front of Guan Gong."


The gossip golden lock formation was directly smashed to pieces, and the eight people who formed the formation vomited blood and fell to the ground.

The gossip golden lock formation was completely broken, Long Yang proudly rushed into the cold sword and sword shadow, opened a peerless in the small soldiers, instantly blood danced wildly, and corpses were scattered everywhere.

The Sen Leng swords, which were densely packed on both sides and almost rubbed his neck, were almost no threat to Long Yang, and he killed them in the crowd.

After Yasha King finished his conditioning, he rushed towards Longyang.

He stared at the boy in front of him with a complicated expression.

Now he is no longer the opponent of this young man.

However, he can no longer escape. If Longyang is allowed to grow, the next time Longyang wants to kill him, he may only need one move.

Long Yang stood alone with a single gun, standing proudly, surrounded by Qinghai Xuan masters who were as airtight as the tide and hundreds of well-trained demon soldiers of the Yasha Mansion.

The sea water has been dyed red with blood, and the coldness emanating from Long Yang's body condenses the sea water into ice.

He looked at the rushing Yasha King indifferently, the eyes of the two were tightly intertwined, and they could clearly see the depths of each other's heart.

At that moment, apart from each other's eyes, there was not even a grain of sand in their eyes. Long Yang's expression was as indifferent as water, and he even had a faint smile on his face, while Yasha King was terrified.

The Dragon's Back roared out, the golden light shone, and the spears fluttered, instantly forming a golden ocean.

The green fluorescent light of Yaksha King was simply unable to resist this sacred golden light.

He felt that all the roaring sounds and pain sensations suddenly disappeared, and the world was finally quiet, as if entering the blissful world, there was nothing but the endless coldness!

The golden light dissipated.

All the people around were surprised.

At this moment, Long Yang's expression was as if he was walking in the mountains with splendid spring flowers. There was no murderous aura pouring out from his body, but the three-headed and six-armed Yaksha King had become a corpse.

His face was full of smiles. The moment he touched the golden light, the divine light made him feel purified.

The sin and poison in his body disappeared in an instant.

His life also came to an end.

No one would have imagined that a generation of heroic heroes, the Yasha Mansion's head, would be instantly killed by Long Yang with one shot, purified, and had no resistance at all.

Unraveling the seal, Long Yang, who has no worries, is unparalleled in strength, which amazes everyone, and the pace of Old Monster Bitao's suppression of Zhang Mo is stagnant.

The Taoist from Qinghai had a frosty expression on his face, and he did not dare to continue to fight the enemy in Longyang.

"Hmph, trash."

"You go and restrain this kid, give Longyang to me, and I will kill him as soon as possible!"

The old monster Bitao stopped attacking Zhang Mo directly. Zhang Mo was beaten without the strength to fight back, panting heavily, but his eyes were still firm and full of fighting spirit.

Old Monster Bi Tao came directly to Long Yang, while Taoist Qinghai went to contain Zhang Mo.

Long Yang's face looked a little dignified, Bitao old monster is a master of the Half-step Golden Fairyland, this is the strongest opponent he has ever faced!

And Zhang Mo was relieved and stabilized the situation after his opponent was replaced by Qinghai Daoist in the late stage of Tianxian.

"Kid Longyang, it was my negligence that I failed to kill you in the unicorn formation, and this time, I won't let you go!"

A powerful coercion was released from the Bi Tao old monster, and the crowds in the surrounding distance could feel this unparalleled coercion.

The old monster Bi Tao suddenly erupted without warning, and threw out a 19-section whip. The emerald green figure lingered around Long Yang's golden figure like smoke and mist, making people dazzled.

Long Yang's reaction was also extremely fast, waving his spear like a galloping dragon, blocking the blow of the nine-section whip.

After the muffled sound of "bang", there seemed to be a layer of transparent ripples in the air that dissipated around, and people who were more than a hundred meters away also clearly felt the invisible pressure from the coercion.

The golden figure of Longyang was shaken high into the air, Immortal Bi Tao was extremely powerful, Long Yang was knocked flying by a blow, and his cultivation was obviously not as strong as Immortal Bi Tao.

Long Yang, who was at a high altitude, let out a loud laugh, his body suddenly swooped down, and he unreservedly used the Dragon Slaying Spear Technique.

"Three-breaking Meteor Blazing!"

He used the power of diving to increase his power. The golden spear rolled up countless meteors, and countless meteors spun down suddenly. The meteors fell, and the momentum was amazing!

Immortal Bitao smiled indifferently and didn't care.

"Boy, you are still too young!"

He soared into the sky like a ghost, and with a screeching sound, he shot towards the countless falling meteors. The time angle was extremely clever, and there were no flaws to be found.

The immortal Bi Tao was unstoppable, waving the nine-section whip like the wind, splitting thousands of terrifying meteors, and before the force was finished, he directly swung the whip towards Longyang.

The first move of the two was to cross the gun and whip, and neither of them wanted to back down.

Long Yang approached with a spear, but was repelled a hundred steps by the powerful force of the nine-section whip. He finally felt the enormous pressure that Zhang Mo had just endured. This Bitao Immortal was by no means comparable to that of the Yasha King.

A trace of blood oozes from the corner of Long Yang's mouth, but he does not feel any fear.

"The gun is the courage of a hundred soldiers, how can I be afraid?"

Long Yang let out a long roar, and Panlong Ji seemed to be filled with endless joy, whistling and stabbing towards Immortal Bitao, without any reservation, as fast as lightning and as bright as a star.

The corner of Immortal Bi Tao's mouth showed a sinister smile.

"Today is your birthday!"

The nine-section whip turned into an ancient dragon, and the majestic spiritual power seemed to shatter the void, with different forms.

The spear pierced into the green whip shadow.

A series of voiceless voices of gold and iron erupted in the air. Longyang attacked from top to bottom. He was unable to concentrate for a while, and let out a groan. He was shocked and flew up again. Only this time, Longyang only retreated fifty steps!

With the cultivation and temperament of Immortal Bitao, I was also shocked.

"This kid has become more and more brave. Not only is he not frightened by my strength, but he has become stronger?"

Long Yang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"What's the matter, old man, lack of strength?"

He roared again, without flinching, the Dragon's Back roared like a hurricane, without the slightest pause or hesitation, one move after another, smooth and flawless.

"Hmph, courting death!"

Immortal Bi Tao shouted angrily, and the nine-section whip in his hand swung more and more quickly.

Immortal Bi Tao's spiritual power surged like a tide, and it seemed that there was no sign of exhaustion. The air was violently oscillated between the whips, and the air waves were churning like stormy waves, and the entire Nanyang City was turned upside down by it!

Many masters around Wang Zhi were secretly frightened, the nine-section whip was extremely powerful, and the sky was full of green whip shadows and golden dragons whistling and biting, making people tremble with fear.

"This Immortal Bi Tao has cultivated to such a level, I'm not as good as it is, but Xiaoyou Longyang is also the person who the second elder has explained that he must keep it, so how can I do it?"

The white-robed old man from the South China Sea Chamber of Commerce hid in the shadows, tangled.

Xiao Bishui from the Gorefiend Sect, Su Mei'er from the Palace of Wind and Rain, and Iron-blooded Judge Mobi Weng also put down the food, tea and wine in their hands, watching intently, with a cautious look on their faces.

No one thought that Long Yang was able to fight against Immortal Bitao, and at this moment, the shock that the young man brought to them was so great that they couldn't take it lightly.

Long Yang was knocked flying again, blood spattered again, but he rushed up with a more swift posture.

He has forgotten life and death, without any distractions, fighting wholeheartedly, only the trembling tip of the gun in his eyes.

Immortal Bi Tao snorted coldly, her hands suddenly turned green, and her whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of green light.

In an instant, the green light spread in Nanyang City, like a green devil descending on the world.

Immortal Bi Tao's turquoise body suddenly spun like the wind, whipping out countless violently rotating green annular airflows, the airflow seemed to have a spirit, condensed into an ancient poisonous snake, revolving, entwining, tightly coiled in Longyang on the long gun.

The green air flowed up Longyang's spear, smashing the clothes on Longyang's arms directly. Longyang snorted and flew away. This blow severely injured his left arm, and he was almost unable to lift it. !

Seeing this, Zhang Mo also started to become crazy, if Long Yang was defeated, then he would surely die!

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