Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 905: One does not stay

This scene can scare the other two third-level grand priests. When they are fighting against the devil and the rhubarb dog, they have already fallen into the wind and struggled. Now they see that the World of Warcraft directly brings their fellow masters. After swallowing, the mood fell into the bottom of the valley in an instant, which directly led to the decline of combat power, and it was not the opponent of the big yellow dog and the devil.


After World of Warcraft swallowed one person, it was completely violently abused. The huge body attacked directly toward another person. Under the joint attack of the magic spell and the demon, the three-level Dasheng could not do even the resistance. The half-death that was beaten, the fierceness of the World of Warcraft was completely provoked, and once again opened the **** mouth, and swallowed the third-level Grand St.

"Ground World of Warcraft, this is Lao Tzu's opponent, what is your mother's hand."

The devil yells, the rise of his own killing, the World of Warcraft has to come to kick, so that they have not killed themselves, in his view, even if the World of Warcraft does not shoot, they can eventually kill their opponents.

World of Warcraft simply ignored the devil, he was completely mad, and all four eyes turned into blood red, and even went to the opponent of the big yellow dog.

"The World of Warcraft, let the old man go out, this person is the dog and my."

The rhubarb dog smacks against the ground of Warcraft. He has just been promoted to the Great Saint. He is in need of a strong opponent to practice his hand. This opponent is really good. Whoever dares to intervene, the big yellow dog is absolutely not doing.

Seeing the ferocious expression of the rhubarb dog, the World of Warcraft quickly stopped moving. Although his blood was noble, he was almost inferior to the big yellow dog. Moreover, when he was at the first level, he could not directly suppress the third level. After seeing the big yellow dog crossing the big robbery, the World of Warcraft is also admired by this dog, plus the relationship between Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, even if it is the World of Warcraft, nothing to dare to mess with this dog. If the Jiang Chen is not so happy, then I don’t want to be happy.

The most depressing thing in this situation is the three-level sacred battle against the big yellow dog. There is a feeling of spurting blood on the spot. It is also a powerful three-level sage, but now it has become a prey.

"Warcraft, go, let's help the owner."

The devil said to the World of Warcraft.

"Get out of the way, I will get it myself."

The devil's voice is falling, Jiang Chen's voice is ringing. His current situation is the same as that of the big yellow dog. The most needed is the battle. Now it is easy to find two strong opponents, which directly inspired Jiang Chen's winning heart. These two opponents, he must solve it himself.

The World of Warcraft and the devil just prepared for the shot, they were blocked by Jiang Chen, especially the World of Warcraft, the fierceness has just been motivated, and now there is nowhere to vent, it is quite embarrassing.

But Jiang Chen’s words can’t be ignored. The two men’s eyes fell on the battlefield of the Griffin. They found that the Griffin didn’t need them at all, and they had already killed their opponents. Then look at the Peacock King, the Shadow Chief. The same is being pressed by the Peacock King. The momentum is getting weaker and weaker. There is no place for them to intervene. Besides, the same level of battle, they seem to be unable to insert their hands. The so-called skinny dead camel is bigger than Ma, even the shadow leader. Have been injured by the Peacock King, it is still very easy to kill them, and then, the Peacock King's battle, they can not participate, neither of these two is a good provoke.

In the end, the World of Warcraft and the devil will gaze on the little squadrons. In the eyes of the two, suddenly the fierce smashing, the World of Warcraft is sticking out the red tongue, very embarrassing.


The little holy slayers took a breath, and they never thought that their great master would be so completely defeated, and the defeat would be so miserable, and the two demons would look at their targets. Especially the terrible World of Warcraft, the four eyes are like hell, and when they are glanced, they all feel that the soul has trembled. Even the three great saints have been eaten by the World of Warcraft, let alone they. It is.

"Hey, you guys, you have to eat you."

World of Warcraft laughed, the huge body was like a hill suddenly rushing toward the little squadron, the devils were not willing to show weakness, and at the same time culled the past, they began to get Jiang Chen’s instructions to destroy everyone here, One does not let go.

Ah, ah...

For a time, the whole space was flesh and blood, and the screams of screaming were endless. The devil was better, just cruelly killing, but the World of Warcraft was a crazy guy. He grabbed the person and directly tore it in half, then swallowed it. This scene is **** and cruel, it is disgusting. However, for the fierce World of Warcraft, such a scene is too sparse, and under the strong **** spurs, the World of Warcraft even feels great pleasure.

"Bastard, Warcraft."

The leader of the shadow saw such a scene, roaring loudly, and then squirting a blood on the spot. This blood was not beaten by the peacock king, but was angered by the World of Warcraft. Those killers were all painstakingly cultivated. The elite, if these killers die in the hands of the other party, his heart may be better, but these killers are all killed by the World of Warcraft, died in the hands of their own people.

However, after the death of the World of Warcraft, the temperament has not changed, but the attitude has completely changed. He only listened to Jiang Chen’s instructions and completely ignored the leader.

"Haha, let's die."

The Peacock King laughed loudly, and the huge peacock body swayed hundreds of millions of radiant rays, rendering the entire battlefield beautiful, but under the beautiful appearance, it was the endless killing and destruction power.

The Peacock King has already seen it. The killers of the little holy level are completely finished. Today, one can't live. The kind of existence of Warcraft is too clear. Once the magic is big, it is more than a hundred times more fierce than the devil. Direct slaughter, the little holy killer met the World of Warcraft, where there may be life.


At this moment, there was another scream on the battlefield, but he saw a **** arm in his hand in the gryphon. His lion roared and snarled, and the four-level grand priest who was torn off his arm was ugly. The pole, these people who come today, one is more perverted, even if they are united, they are not opponents at all. In his current situation, if he is on the lion's squad, he will be directly shredded by this living king.


The lion roared and was also beaten bloody. He shot wildly and broke through the defense of a four-level sacred priest. He came to the opponent who had torn his arm. The golden enchantment was like a cage. On the spot, it would be big. The holy glory shrouded.


With a scream, the fourth-level great shrine was torn apart by the gryphon.

"Ha ha..."

On the other hand, Jiang Chen laughed. This kind of situation is exactly the same as he expected. The battle has been played until now, and the ending has basically been confirmed. Today, all the killers here, one can't think of going away.

The two second-level saints standing opposite Jiang Chen have been scared and scared at this moment, or their minds are no longer in battle. The opponents are too strong, and the leaders are completely suppressed by the Peacock King. They think of relying on the leader. The dream was directly shattered, and now the four great saints are killed, and they are not far from death.

The two looked at each other and looked at each other with great tacit understanding. Then they turned into two lights and flew in two directions. They were not fools. They had already seen the situation and continued to fight. Their end is only One, in this case, simply escape directly, and to save life is the most important.

"I want to run, it is already late."

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a sneer, and he used his space to catch up with one of them. In the blink of an eye, he caught up with one of them. As for the other person, he did not even pay attention to it. A second-level sage wanted to escape the blockade of the big yellow dog cloth. It’s a fantasy.


Jiang Chen Thunder shot a sword and pierced the body of the second-level great saint in front. If the two continued to unite, they could still be shorter and shorter with Jiang Chen, but now they choose to flee separately, no doubt they will fight. Force has been dispersed, coupled with their confusion, no fighting spirit, how to survive the river dust opponents, a sword was killed by Jiang Chen, that is the inevitable result.

On the other hand, the escaped second-level sage was blocked by the rhubarb dog's ban, and he couldn't escape. He just expected it to be bad. He saw that he would have killed his companion and appeared in front of him.

"Jiang Chen, you..."

The great saint is really afraid. In his eyes, Jiang Chen at the moment is no longer a person, but a devil.

"I said earlier that everyone here today does not want to go out alive. From then on, there will be no more shadows in the Holy Land."

After Jiang Chen finished, the Thunder attacked again. The Tiansheng sword is like a sword. God is blocking the killing of God. It is necessary to kill a second-level saint who is scared and timid. It is completely effortless and shrouded in the sword net. Underneath, just a little rebellion, Jiang Chen and his sword smashed his head.

At this time, those masters of the small holy level have all died under the violent attack of the World of Warcraft and the Devil, and one live has not left.

Jiang Chen took up the dragon's body and came to the World of Warcraft and the devil. Looking at the **** scene, he couldn't help but say: "You two cruel guys, especially your World of Warcraft, kill it and kill it. Also eat it directly."

"Yes, master."

The real World of Warcraft is very depressed, it seems that your old man is also very murderous, and the countdown has come to us, and then, to kill everyone is not your order.

Of course, this kind of words World of Warcraft also said in the heart, on the surface of Jiang Chen, but did not dare to have a little bit of violation.


At the same time, the rhubarb dog showed his talents, and a light-like beam of light was ejected from the dragon's horn, hitting the third-level sage.

[Talk about adding more, the red envelope is more than one hundred and five in the future, directly four more, more than one hundred and three more,] the book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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