Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 906: a big gift


The third-level sacred screams, and the rhythm of the big yellow dog is too horrible. The three-level sacred sacred itself has been frightened by the influence of the war situation, and there is no fighting spirit. At this moment, the rhubarb is caught off guard. The dog is so slammed, the consequences can be imagined, the three-level Great Saint body was directly pierced, and a **** big hole appeared.

The body was broken, but the big saint still did not die, but even if it was not dead, it was the end of the strong, and could not bear the attack of the big yellow dog again. The rhubarb dog was very fierce, and immediately rushed to the third-level Dasheng, opened With a big mouth, the person’s head was bitten off with a bang, but he just bit his head off, but he was not as ruthless as World of Warcraft.

At the same time, the Griffin also exerted a strong means, firmly trapped the last four-level Grand St., the battle has been carried out until now, basically all the killers are the same mind, fighting spirit is basically completely consumed, because the opponent It is too fierce.

You must know that in the real battle, fighting spirit and morale also occupy a great factor. Two people with the same level of competition play against each other. One side is arrogant and the other side is morally depressed. In that case, even if both sides are repaired, the morale is low. People must die.

Moreover, the Griffin is much stronger than the opponent itself. The opponent is not an opponent. The old lion is too fierce. Two fierce lion claws are evolved. The inner chest of the opponent is worn, and the lion's claw in the gryphon. With the flames, the four great saints shouted in the burning of the flames.

"Ha ha..."

The griffin screamed and laughed. The fierceness of the Yaozu was completely provoked. A pair of horrible lion claws swayed toward both sides, tearing the body of the great saint into two halves.

At this point, in addition to the leader in the shadow base, the rest of the people are still dead, there is no living, the entire space is full of broken bodies, the emptiness of the air is filled with pungent blood, the whole scene is like Shura hell. same.


The leader who was still fighting with the Peacock King couldn't help but screamed. This scene caused him to collapse directly. The shadow killer organization that he worked hard to manage was completely annihilated. Now his life does not seem to be preserved.

"The lion chief, be careful not to let this person run away."

Jiang Chen reminded the lion to say that this leader is a powerful five-level grand priest. Although he has been injured by the peacock king, he is still unable to give him the opportunity to escape, just in case, the seal of the big yellow dog is not Must be able to block the fifth level of the Holy.

The peacock king now attacks every thunder, and the shadow leader can't resist it. At this time, only the gryphon can pay attention to not let the leader escape.

"it is good."

The gryphon's momentum was shocked, and countless gods rushed out, shrouded the entire space, and never gave the leader a chance to escape.

"Kong Yujian, kill everything."

The Peacock King couldn't take the leader, and he also moved his true anger. His pair of feathers turned into a very long sword. This is a sword of the world. It is in the hands of the Peacock King, as if it were alive.

Kong Yujian casually swayed, making the entire void battlefield full of incomparable colorful swords, each sword shadow seems to be the real Kong Yujian, with endless lethality.


This is a piece of sword sea. Under the control of the Peacock King, the head of the opposite side has been impacted over the past. The leader’s face has changed greatly. This is the most powerful attack of the Peacock King. If he is in a state of full prosperity, he can barely resist. But in his current state, it is undoubtedly very difficult to resist this move.

"Dark brilliance."

However, the leader is a powerful five-level grand priest. It is not so easy to kill. The black sword in his hand also smashes out countless sights. The black brilliance and the peacock king’s attack collide and are everywhere. Sexual attack power, the void is completely ruined.

Numerous swords collided with each other, and a large spark was wiped out. The barriers of the space began to crack, and it seemed that there was a possibility of collapse at any time. At this moment, the center of the chaotic sword sea suddenly appeared incomparably. Guanghua, the colorful Xiaguang, the speed is fast to the extreme, like a colorful Tianhe, in the blink of an eye, it is near the leader.

That brilliance is the peacock king and the long sword in his hand.


The long sword of the Peacock King pierced the head of the leader, and the sword sea behind it collapsed. This is the most powerful attack of the Peacock King. The sword sea is just a cover up. He is like a drop of water in the sea. You can wander freely and give your opponent a fatal blow.

"no no……"

The leader feels the vitality of the rapid loss. His eyes are full of disbelief. In this life, he has always killed others. He never thought that he would die one day, and this day is so fast.

"I said that I can die in the hands of my peacock king. You are also dead. From today, there will be no more shadow organization in the Shengyuan continent."

The peacock king put away the body and turned into a human figure, which broke the head of the shadow leader.

Looking at everything here, Jiang Chen has no expression. In his opinion, this is the inevitable ending of the existence of the shadow. From the day when the shadow provokes himself, the ending is destined. In Jiang Chen’s thought, the enemy will always be They are all used to destroy.

"Addictive, really enjoyable."

The rhubarb dog is so excited that he has just been promoted to the Great Saint. He has been engaged in such an enjoyable battle and ruined the shadow organization. If it is spread out, it is a earth-shattering thing, but they are not prepared to spread it. Shadow It is not a glorious force, a force that exists in the darkness, let it disappear into the darkness.

The eyes of the Peacock King and the Griffin looked at Jiang Chen, and the color of appreciation was more intense. They knew that Jiang Chen was strong, but did not expect to have already reached this level. Today, Jiang Chen killed five great saints, including two Second-level grand.

For a character who has only eight levels of saints, this can not be done by simply using the sky. The Peacock King and the Griffin can’t imagine what it would be like when Jiang Chen was promoted to the Great St. To this extent, it seems that their Yaozu’s friendship with Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog is really a very wise choice. They almost believe that in the near future, the entire Shengyuan continent, even the high-ranking Shengyuan Hall, will have Because of the existence of Jiang Chen, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

Jiang Chen walked in front of the Peacock King and the Lion, and hugged the two men: "The Peacock King, the Lion Chief, today's thing Jiang Chen thanked me, and removed the shadow, I am considered a heart, Shadows have existed for so many years. There must be a lot of treasures and wealth in this stronghold. All these treasures belong to the two, and the soldiers in the hands of these killers, I don’t want them."

It is said that the peacock king and the lion's eyes can't help but shine. They have already felt that there are a lot of wealth in the store. Moreover, these soldiers are the soldiers of the little holy, and even the soldiers of the great holy, if Being able to bring back to the Yaozu will inevitably enhance the overall strength of the Yaozu.

"In addition, the repairs of both of you have reached the peak of the fourth-level grand priest. I have a celestial celestial sacred here. After you realize it, it is not a problem to break through the fifth-level sacred short-term."

Jiang Chen said, directly telling the peacock king and the lion's lion with the voice of the sacred sacred sacred sacred voice. This is a sacred sacred sacred book that he obtained in his previous life. For the Yaozu, it is a peerless treasure. When he was in Chicheng, Jiang Chen once passed a part of the sacred sacred sacred to the Black Hawk, which made the Black Hawk change in a short time.

But how can the Blackhawk's talent and bloodline compare with the Peacock King and the Griffin, and with their two comprehension, can they truly display the power of the Heavenly Demon.


After getting these mouthfuls, the bodies of the two men immediately became shocked. They confidently felt the mouth of the demon sacred, the eyes gradually enlarged, and the face was covered with a shocked look. With their heart, there was a short-term dementia. This shows how much the day of the demon sacred has shocked them.

"The demon sacred magic, there are such amazing secrets between heaven and earth, I have a feeling, as long as I give me ten days, up to ten days, I will be able to directly break through to the fifth-level grand priest, and the future will be Higher and higher."

"Yes, give me up to a month to break through the five-level Grand St. This mystery is too mysterious, and wonderful."

Both the Peacock King and the Griffin were shocked. They returned and looked at Jiang Chen with a glance. The eyes floating in the eyes were full of gratitude.

"Jiang Chen, we owe you a favor today, your gift is too thick."

"Yes, Jiang Chen, I don't think we can report it. We will never postpone it if we have our place in the future."

The Peacock King and the Griffin said with great solemnity that, in their capacity, they can say such a promise, how rare it is.

The peacock king and the griffin are now excited to the extreme. They can’t wait to return to the demon to go to the retreat immediately, so that they can feel the magic of the demon. Today, this is really too much value. Let’s not say the wealth in the stronghold. Those warriors, this day alone demon sacred, that is endless wealth, not to change more wealth.

"Haha, everyone is a friend. If you say this, you will see it. I have always been like Jiang Chen. How do friends treat me? How can I treat my friends?"

Jiang Chen’s hearty laughter, in fact, this day’s demon sacred technique is of no use to him. His cultivation of the dragon scorpion is a real horrible practice. This enchanting mystery has actually been forgotten by him. I remembered it, so I gave the Peacock King and the Griffin, and thanked them for their help. Secondly, they sold two people and one person. Besides, the stronger the cultivation of the Peacock King and the Griffin, the greater the help for himself. .

[Moreover, the original plus standard is still counted, the flowers are five hundred plus, the WeChat public number is increased by one hundred plus, the red envelope is one hundred plus, one hundred and five plus two, so the brothers do not stop the flowers,] The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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