Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 918: Ancient demon [complement]

Several people of the ancients swallowed the medicinal herbs, and their faces changed instantly. As a genius of the ancients, they also carried a lot of healing herbs, but compared with Jiang Dian, this is simply garbage. goods.

"A very good remedy, I suffered such a serious injury, and I recovered half in a blink of an eye."

"My injury has completely recovered. This medicinal medicine is really terrifying. It makes me feel like a dead wood. It is really amazing."

"Jiang Gongzi not only saved our lives, but also gave us such a superior healing medicine. This kind of kindness is really unreported."


The geniuses of the ancient tribes were shocked. They have never seen the healing staunch medicine with such strong resilience. The ancient people are one of the pure land tribes, and their foundations are powerful and can be said to describe the healing drugs. There are countless others. The family itself has a lot of alchemists. They are the top geniuses of the ancients. They can get more resources than the average person, but they are still shocked by Jiang Chen’s medicinal herbs.

They naturally don't know that Jiang Dian's medicinal herbs, in addition to a large number of elixir, also incorporate a certain wood spirit, the general injury, can be restored in an instant.

Jiang Chen smiled and his eyes immediately fell on the bodies of the scattered evil spirits. They secretly ran the ancestral tower and absorbed the energy contained in all the corpses directly. However, most of these evil spirits were of the small holy level. The promotion of Jiang Chen and Zulongta is complementary. With Jiang Chen’s current cultivation, the energy of Xiaosheng’s level is absorbed. The use is already very small, and it is of no use.

However, absorbing these evil spirits, it is to let Jiang Chen figure out a confused problem, that is, the problem of absorbing energy from the ancestral tower. Before that, he absorbed the spirit of the two elders of the Nalan, and there was a tyranny in the body. Breath, now absorbs so many evil spirits, a little violent atmosphere.

In this case, Jiang Chen will also know the means to condense the ancestral tower in the future. The human spirit can never be absorbed. After all, it is the same kind, and all the energy outside the human being, the ancestral tower can absorb it.

When I saw it, the faces of several people in the ancient winds clearly showed the color of surprise again. They didn’t know why Jiang Chen had to collect the bodies of those evil spirits, but they did not ask, this is Jiang Chen’s own business. They don't have to know too much. Today's Jiang Chen has not been a level of existence with them.

"Chu brother, since you are all right, I will leave. The other evil spirits in this space are not strong, you can handle it completely, and there are many places where there are many evil spirits. It is likely to exist. You must look for the treasures left by an ancient great saint. In addition, try to find the masters of the ancients after going out. Don't leave them. There are too many ruins, overlapping, and the degree of danger is far more than you think. Bigger."

Jiang Chen said to several people in the ancient wind.

"Okay, we know, I didn't find out what happened before."

The ancient wind nodded.

Jiang Chen is preparing to leave with the big yellow dog. He suddenly thinks of something, and once again looks at the ancient wind: "The old brother, I don’t know if this sister came together."

"The bamboo did not come together. Gu Mu went to the Southland to pick up her father. Now their family has just reunited, so there is no site to come to this ancient battlefield."

The ancient wind said.

"Well, let go."

Jiang Chen finished, with the rhubarb dog disappearing directly disappeared, Gu Xuantian is still a trustworthy, let Gu Mu go to the Southland to dance Tianyang, Wu Ningzhu family is really easy to reunite, naturally it is to cherish this is Time, it is normal to not come here. For Jiang Chen, if he does not come, he will have less worry. After all, it is too dangerous.

As for the treasures in this space, Jiang Chen is not interested in itself. Simply sell it to the ancient winds and leave them to the people. They will leave these treasures to the ancient winds. The ancients and the evil spirits fought for so long. After all, it is very hard. of.

In the deep space, Han Yan has no idea how many spaces have been shuttled. The power of summoning is becoming more and more obvious. He can already feel that this mysterious summoning power is not far ahead, he is a small St., all the way through here, without encountering the threats and crises of the apex, it is a very lucky thing.

"Come, come, come."

Suddenly, a voice rang from the heart of the cold, the voice was extremely low, and some hoarse, the person who spoke seems to have been speaking for too long, even the simple first word, it is extremely unfavorable to say.

Han Yan’s heart was shocked. This voice was clearly sent to himself. He could feel that the mysterious summoning power of the previous one was the mysterious voice. Han Yan took a deep breath and he didn’t know it. Why there is something in the ancient battlefield that summons itself, but has already come here, there is no way out.

There was a space node in front, and Han Yan took a deep breath and jumped in as soon as it flashed.

Suddenly, the scene in front of me has undergone great changes. The space where Han Yan is located is very small. It seems to be only a few dozen miles away, but here is the magical sky, the magical waves floating in the void, picking up There was a cold wind and waves.

Jiang Chen took a sip, and suddenly there was a feeling of refreshingness. Even the soul was followed by nourishment. For him, the environment here is simply a peerless place.

"I smell the taste of the ancient demon, and I am connected to my source."

Han Yan was shocked. He looked forward and saw a giant in the center of the space.

"You came."

The behemoth once again vocalized to himself, and the voice was much better than just now. It was a troll with a height of ten feet. He had two magic horns on his head, but he had a human face. The pair was like a camel. The eyes of the same size are looking at the cold.

"The ancient devil."

Han Yan exclaimed, he felt the breath of the source from the body of this troll, that is to say, this troll turned out to be a real ancient demon, but the atmosphere of this ancient demon is very wilting, cold can feel it, this The vitality of the ancient demon is gradually disappearing. He seems to have suffered a great injury. He has been here for so long, almost exhausted his life and is in a state of dying.

"I finally waited for you."

There was a smile on the face of the ancient devil.

Seeing the ancient demon like this, Han Yan suddenly had a kind of sadness. He felt a kind of instigation from the source. He strode forward and went to the ancient demon to give a deep ritual to the ancient demon: "senior."

Although the ancient demon has been dying, but standing in front of the ancient demon, Han Yan can still feel the strength of the other side, it is a powerful state in the top state, due to the influence of blood, Han Yan can feel the true of the ancient demon It is precisely because of the feeling that Han Yan is even more shocked and more respectful. This powerful ancient demon is actually a powerful nine-level grand priest.

"Very well, from the moment you enter this site, I feel your blood. Listen, I am now at the end of the strong, dying, and soon I will die. You have the complete blood of my ancient demon in my body. Before I die, I will transfer my blood to you and pass on my life skills. Only those who truly have the blood of the ancient gods can bear my inheritance skills. You are only three small St., after receiving my inheritance, I have benefited a lot, and I have made great progress, and I have broken through the Great St.

The ancient devil said, "I have already burned out the lights, I don't want to lose my skills, let me know what your name is."

"The younger generation is cold."

Han Yan said.

"Good name, you will completely let go of your mind now. I want to use special techniques to communicate your blood source. You and me are connected and can directly get my inheritance."

The ancient devil said.

Wen Yan, Han Yan suddenly raised his brow. If you follow the ancient demon, you will remove all the defenses, and expose the origin of your soul to the ancient demon. If there is any misunderstanding of this ancient demon If you are in the heart, you are not at the mercy of it.

"Children, don't worry, my life is not long, now I just want someone to get their inheritance, and you are the best, don't hesitate."

The voice of the ancient demon is lower, giving a feeling of being unable to do so.


Han Yan nodded, no doubt he was, immediately released all his defenses, exposed the blood source of the soul deep to the ancient demon, but he did not notice, in the eyes of the ancient demon, the hidden flash A trace of embarrassment, it is a feeling of planning.

"Very good, I will pass it on to you now, and it will be a good relationship before I will die."

The ancient demon said, a black light spot rushed out of his eyebrows, this black light spot directly into the eyebrows of Han Yan, and soon passed to the depths of the cold source, connected with the blood of Han Yan. together.


However, at this moment, the black spot of light trembled fiercely, and there was suddenly a feeling that the soul would be torn, and a blood was immediately sprayed.


Han Yan realized that it was not good, looked up at the ancient demon.

"Haha, stupid boy, you are so tender. Now that you have the ancient demon sorcerer in this seat, this seat has completely controlled your soul and blood. You only have to give up the seat, as long as you have this seat. A little bit of refining your blood, you have a chance to return to the peak, haha..."

The ancient demon screamed and laughed, and the laughter was very open. Just now he was at the end of the strong, dying state, a little bit of combat power could not be displayed, so he could not directly use the trick of deceiving, let Cast this ancient demon spirit, firmly control the cold.

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