Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 919: Cold crisis


Han Yan couldn't help but screamed, thinking that he took the initiative to release all the defenses, and let the other god's soul seeds enter the depths of their own souls, control their own blood, he has a feeling of regret, can not wait to directly fan I have both slap in the face, and I have experienced so many things in my own life. I did not expect that a misstep will become a thousand years of hatred, and the key moments will be convinced.

In fact, Han Yan was completely affected by the blood of the ancient demon. He thought that the other party was fancying his own blood and wanted to find a descendant. The other party was indeed in a state of dying, so Han Yan was not prepared. I thought that the other party really gave me a good relationship.

Han Yan now understands that the other party is the ancient demon. In the ancient history, the ancient demon is what kind of existence, the evil is extremely evil, and the heart is mad. It is the ancestor of the Mozu, even if it is dead, it will give others a good relationship.

Although Jiang Chen also has a complete blood of the ancient gods, he is a personal class, and he has always lived in the way of human existence. Even the blood of the ancient demon is slowly opened later, and the true ancient demon has the essence. The difference.

It’s a pity that it’s too late to say anything. This ancient demon, but a powerful nine-level grand priest, now exerts the ancient demon spirits on himself, forcibly extracting his own soul and blood, and even occupying his own body. As if it was firmly controlled by a cage, it would be extremely difficult to move.

Han Yan regrets it. Although the ancient demon is a nine-level grand priest, his status is very poor. He has no ability to shoot. If he does not actively release his own defense, the ancient demon has no chance to approach himself, let alone Said to control himself.

"Despicable, little doll, you are still too tender, this seat advises you not to resist, let me directly occupy your body, erode your soul, blend your blood, from now on, I am you, you are me, so Isn't it good?"

The face of the ancient gods is full of yin laughter, and the plan is successful. Let him see the hope and future of his survival. He has been waiting in this broken place for many years. The ancient demon is naturally excited.


Han Yan's eyes are full of anger, he can't give up, even if he is dead, he can't let the other party get his blood and soul so easily.

"Hey, boy, you don't want to toast, don't eat and drink fine wine. You are in this ancient demon spiriting, and you are destined to be eroded and refining, and there is no need for rebellion. It will only increase your own endless suffering. There is time in the seat now, I can kill you a little bit, let you die and die."

The ancient demon snorted, and he has now succeeded. In his opinion, even if Han Yan rebelled, there would be nothing. He could spend time refining it a little bit, thinking that he would be able to regenerate soon, that is really one. A very refreshing thing.

"The old devil, you won't be embarrassed."

Han Yan bite his teeth. At this moment, he suddenly thought of something. A golden charm in the sea suddenly burst open, and he would penetrate into it.

Inside the overlapping spaces, a cold and incomparable space, killing is taking place, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog are fighting with dozens of evil spirits and monsters, and all the evil spirits and monsters that have been killed are all Absorbed, used to consolidate the ancestral tower.

As this killing continues, Jiang Chen's cultivation is becoming more and more tyrannical, getting closer and closer to the Dasheng level, and the first layer of the Zulong Tower is also a little bit condensed.

"Mother's, this ancestral tower is too slow to condense."

The rhubarb dog said a little depressed, has killed so many evil spirits and monsters, but the growth of the ancestral tower is very rare.

"I have an intuition. If I don't promote the Great St., the first layer of the Zulong Tower will probably not be able to condense. If I am promoted to the Great Sacred, not only can the first layer be completely condensed, but the second layer may also be condensed. come out."

Jiang Chen guessed that it seems that it is extremely important to attack the realm of the Great Holy Spirit.

"Little dust, come to save me."

At this moment, a message suddenly appeared in Jiang Chen’s mind. Jiang Chen’s look suddenly changed, directly stopping the movements in his hands, giving up and killing the evil spirits on the opposite side.

"what happened."

Asked the rhubarb dog.

"No, A Yan is dangerous, let's go, let's hurry up."

Jiang Chen’s face was extremely dignified. He used to leave a message to Han Yan. The message that he had to call for help was just passed down by the letter. Jiang Chen knew too much about Han Yan. Han Yan is a very strong person. Now that Han Yan is asking for help, it must be a very critical situation.


The face of the rhubarb dog is also changed. I dare not have a slight stagnation. He and Jiang Chen have turned into two afterimages, and they have impacted the past in the direction of the cold. Because the letter of the cold is the refinement of Jiang Chen. Therefore, Jiang Chen can feel the specific location of the cold.

The laughter of the ancient devil is filled in the whole space, which makes people creepy. This is a very special space, very small, and the space nodes are incomparably hidden. The average person can't find it here. The reason why Han Yan can come here. It is also because of the call of the ancient demon.

"Little doll, give up resistance, you can't change the ending, you will only suffer more pain."

The ancient demon uses the ancient demon spirit to deal with the cold, and does not forget to stimulate the cold.

At this moment, the whole person sits on the ground, and the body is shaking. He is suffering the most primitive pain. His soul is being torn all the time, and the blood is going away. The kind of pain is better than The pain caused by the flesh is hunted a hundred times.

"No, I will never give up."

Han Yan insisted on sticking his teeth and tried to keep his mind clear. He knew that as soon as his own mind was blurred, he would be finished and he would be completely controlled by the ancient demon.

However, Han Yan has been insisting for ten minutes, and it feels that the whole person is about to be abolished. This is the most dangerous one of his life experience. If he is not good, he will fall into a land of no return.

The ancient demon is very proud. He likes the feeling of watching people being abused until death. He feels that he has not remembered how many years he has not felt.

At this moment, the nodes of this space were forcibly opened, and the two figures rushed in like lightning, and came directly to Han Yan and Gu Tianmo.

"Little dust."

Seeing Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, the face of Han Yan’s pain could not help but reveal a hint of surprise. In his eyes, there is no such thing as Jiang Chen’s life in the world. As long as Jiang Chen appears, he may save. It is.

"what happened."

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog's face are very ugly. Although they don't know what happened, they can see the pain of cold.

"How did the two of you come in?"

The ancient gods looked at Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog. It is a very bad thing to have outsiders come in at this time.

"The ancient devil."

When Jiang Chen’s light is shining, he can see the ancient demon at a glance.

"This old devil lie to me, and now I have used the ancient demon spirit in my depths, put a seed of the soul, to erode my soul, absorb my blood, occupy my body."

Han Yan said with great pain, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog can stand up, the voice of the cold speech is shaking, and the tone is somewhat distorted.

"You stupid, you can believe in the words of the ancient devil."

The rhubarb dog was in a hurry and was completely a hateful iron. Although he did not know what happened before, he was still very clear when he was deceived.

"Haha, it turned out to be your friend, but what about that? You are now under my control, even if you have more friends."

The ancient devil laughed.

"The ancient demon, I advise you to let go of my friends now, otherwise, I will let you die without a place to die."

Jiang Chen screamed at the ancient demon.

"There is no place to die, it’s a joke. You haven’t done a little precaution in this seat, and even if you stand here to let you kill, do you dare to do it? Now I am connected with the soul of this kid. I am dead, he wants to die, if you don't believe it, you can try it out, haha..."

The ancient devil is extremely arrogant, this is an old devil, an old fox who does not know how many years have lived, how deceitful, and always doing things well, it is no wonder that the cold will be fooled.

"Mom, it’s so mean."

The rhubarb dog eagerly scratched his head, and the cold eyes could not support it. He didn’t have any way, because the ancient gods said that there was nothing wrong with them. They can’t even shoot the ancient gods. If the ancient gods die, the cold Yan can't live.

"Hey, the ancient demon, do you think you can succeed? You are digging your own grave."

Jiang Chen snorted.

"Haha, stupid human, don't you have any way to save your friends?"

The ancient demon laughed again and did not put Jiang Chen in his eyes.

Jiang Chen is too lazy to talk to the ancient gods. The most urgent task is to solve the crisis of cold development. He looks at Han Yan and says: "A Yan, you listen to me, I am now teaching you to refine the soul, to your potential. Although it is impossible to learn in a short time, with my help, the soul can be stabilized and will not be eroded by the ancient demon in a short time."

"it is good."

Han Yan nodded.

"Haha, it’s so funny. It’s too late to learn what to do with the soul refining.”

The ancient **** laughed.

"A Yan, I tell you the secret of an ancient demon. As far as I know, this ancient demon spirit is a magical power that is unique to the ancient demon. It should belong to the kind of supernatural power. You have not heard it because it is because You are still weak, the ancient demon spirit has not been provoked, but you have the blood of the ancient gods, that is, the soul of the soul in your soul, is the evolution of the ancient demon spirit Come out, the ancient demon can control, your blood can also be controlled."

Jiang Chen said.

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