Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 924: Fart and big sacred [He Tianxian]


The fifth step of Canglong's five steps is the most powerful and the most lethal. Xiao Yuan is already the end of the strong, there is no room for rebellion, how can he still bear the last foot of Jiang Chen, Xiao Yuan's entire chest It was sunk, basically worn by a hole, and the internal organs were ejected from his mouth.


Xiao Yuan’s body fell heavily on the ground, constantly twitching. At this moment, Xiao Yuan, every place in the body is squirting blood. He has not completely died. His eyes are covered with blood. Unwilling, more fear.

He is the arrogant son of heaven. He is a genius. He is the first in the world. He has countless auras since he was a child. He is the first talent of the Xiao people. He is recognized by the top of the Xiao people as the person with the most potential to attack the fairy world. However, all this has become a bubble. In the face of death, all glory and aura are so fragile, so vulnerable.


Jiang Chen raised his big feet and stepped on Xiao Yuan’s face.

"The first in the world, the first day of the Xiao nationality, the pure land of the glory of the characters, now you are stepped on my feet, there is nothing to call me the capital, you are dead, just like ordinary people, dead Dead, no longer can leave anything."

Jiang Chen is looking down at Xiao Yuan, and Xiao Yuan’s squirming seems to be trying to break free, but it’s too difficult. He didn’t know how many times he used such eyes and postures to see others, and even said the same words to his opponents. However, he did not think that the same thing, today fell on his own body.


At the foot of Jiang Chen, he forced the head of Xiao Yuan into the hard soil, and then he lifted his footsteps. Xiao Yuan on the ground squirmed a few times and completely moved. At this point, the legendary figure of the first list, The little enchanting in the hearts of countless people is completely dead. His previous pasts can only become the past and become legends. However, as long as the name Jiang Chen exists, he is destined to become a legend, even if his legend is only for Set off the dust of the river.


At this moment, everyone **** in the air, and this scene seems to them to be like a dream. Xiao Yuan, the first in the list, died like this. In the hearts of all people, Jiang Chen’s figure has become extremely tall. In front of him, all the dazzling stars and all the geniuses are just clouds.

The genius of the fire genius who came back from the Shengyuan Temple was completely stunned at the moment, and his face was completely devoid of his former pride. For him, all this happened in the same dream, even if he did not know how much Xiao Yuan was. Strong, but he also knows how strong Xiao Cong is. In the big ratio of the Shengyuan Hall, he and Xiao Cong once confronted each other and won no match.

But now, Xiao Cong is killed by Jiang Chen, this shows what, even if it is rushed to himself, the ending is the same as Xiao Cong.


That's right, I only ran for the present, and now I still have time to run. Otherwise, my life is not to be lost here today.


However, this firefighter had not had time to run, and saw a majestic rhubarb dog in front of himself, completely cutting off his own path.

"Hey, I want to run now, it seems to be a little late."

The rhubarb dog smiled.

"I didn't provoke you."

The fire genius screamed, if it was before, he must directly shoot out the dog in front of him, but now, he must bear it, only compromise, it is possible to fight for a chance.

"You didn't take the initiative to provoke us, but what about it?"

The words of the rhubarb dog have a feeling of spurting blood. This is simply a shameless face. However, everyone knows that Jiang Chen and the fire people did not share the same day. Before this fire genius was here, he was also going to take it. I just saw that Jiang Chen was too strong to resist the shot, or that he had not yet had the opportunity to kill Jiang Chen to kill the two geniuses of the Xiao.

"Dead dog, let go of Lao Tzu."

The genius of the fire blasted and immediately grabbed the big hand and grabbed it toward the big yellow dog.


The rhubarb dog is completely fearless. He is now a powerful first-class sacred priest, and it is the first sacred peak. When dealing with the shadow organization, the third-level sacred priest was killed by his own hands, not to mention the guy in front of him. It is a first-class sage, even if he is a genius of the fire, the big yellow dog will not be afraid.


The head of the rhubarb dog flashed a golden light, and the big hand that was displayed to the genius of the fire slammed into the past. He only listened to the bang, and only then gave the big yellow dog a dozen feet.


The genius of the Fire genius was shocked. There was an impulse to spurt blood, and what kind of character he was. Now even a dog can't beat it. This is enough.

However, without waiting for his reaction, the rhubarb dog once again shocked.

There are a lot of people gathered around, and this space existed before. The power of Jiang Chen has made them very speechless. Now this dog is so tyrannical, it is completely pressing the genius of the fire.

However, a few people of the Yaozu do not think that there is anything. They understand the rhubarb dog. This is a powerful blood of the beast. It has entered the ninth floor of the suspended tower, which makes the totem of the gods come. This is the true genius of the Yaozu. Characters, if you still can't beat a genius of the fire family, then it is not the face that lost the blood of the beast.

Jiang Chen didn't want to delay the time. Now the space has disappeared a lot. The movement here is likely to attract a powerful master. He sacrificed the Tiansheng sword and prepared to directly kill the fire genius, but at this time, Zu Long There was a buzzing sound in the tower.

Jiang Chenyi, a quick look, found that the World of Warcraft in the ancestral tower, actually hit the level of the third-level Grand St., the devil is the same, repaired to the highest peak of the third-level Grand St., at any time is possible Promoted to the fourth level.

"Well, it seems that the ancestral tower constantly absorbs energy, which brings a lot of benefits to them. The World of Warcraft is now promoted to the third-level Grand St., and the combat power is comparable to the four-level Grand St., and it helps me a lot. ""

Jiang Chen was pleasantly surprised. The World of Warcraft and the devil are now his slaves. The more powerful World of Warcraft is, the greater his help is. His current combat power can fight against the third-level Grand St., but if he encounters four levels. Dasheng, it is not an opponent at all, now the World of Warcraft was promoted to the third-level Grand St., Jiang Chen has the capital against the fourth-level Grand St.

In order not to affect the promotion of World of Warcraft and the devil, Jiang Chen slowly put down the Tiansheng sword, no longer participate in the battle between the rhubarb dog and the genius of the fire. He took a look, the fire genius is not the opponent of the rhubarb dog, It is also a very quick thing to kill the rhubarb dog.

Looking at the rhubarb dog's current temperament, Jiang Chen feels that if he shoots at this time, the big yellow dog will definitely bite his ass.


Under the violent impact of the rhubarb dog, the whole genius of the fire genius fell from the sky, the body squatted on the ground, the rhubarb dog was faster, and the huge body was also depressed, but his movements were very Indecent, he swayed the fat ass, just pressed against the face of the genius of the fire.

Seeing such a scene, Jiang Chen quickly grabbed his eyes and hid his body backwards. What kind of tragedy will happen next to him, he will know it, and he will die under the goddess of the rhubarb dog. Even if it becomes a ghost, I am afraid I can't raise my head.

"Take a grandfather's invincible whirlwind fart."

The rhubarb dog was full of strength, his **** was instantly enlarged, and then everyone heard an earth-shattering roar. It was like a thunder, and a green air mass rushed out of the rhubager's buttocks. The face of the genius of the fire was bursting open.


The air is floating like a storm. Everyone hears the fire genius screaming, and the whole person is slammed into the ground by the power of the rhubarb, and a big pit is coming. The green smoke inside the big pit is rolling.

"Ah... kill me..."

The screams that came out of the big pit were horrible, and the words of the genius of the fire were obviously not finished, and then they were forced to go back.

The people around me looked silly, but they all clearly saw that the rhubarb dog just seemed to put a fart, and the power of this fart was terrible, but immediately, the airflow was drifting away. In front of everyone's face, those who were originally shocked, the face was distorted instantly.

"Vo... grass mud horse, stinky."

"Vegetating and vomiting..."

"To die, Lao Tzu is not alive, vomit..."

Even those masters of the small St. John's level can't stand the attack of the big yellow dog's invincible fart, and they can't stand it anymore. Immediately, the wow is vomiting, and many people are stunned and screaming. They suddenly feel that they have been white for most of their lives. Live, this world has such a terrible fart.

The rhubarb dog released a fart, many people were far away from him, and his eyes were full of fear, but immediately, everyone’s eyes looked at the big pit, thinking of the horrors of the fire genius. I really couldn’t help but tremble.

They were just so unbearable by the aftermath of a glimpse of the air, and it was so sad that it was hit by the front and the genius of the fire in the deep pit of the smoke.

Someone looked at it and found that the genius of the fire was lying quietly in the deep pit, and it did not move. But from the breath, the genius of the fire genius did not die. Without death but not moving, there was only one explanation. , fainted.

God, a great saint will faint, this is simply a fantasy, but the great saint, the mighty great saint may be dizzy, but the fire genius really fainted, and it was dizzy. A messy kind of thing.

The big yellow dog is also creating a miracle.

[Thanks to the tyrants to reward, become the first fairy of the dragon pattern, continue to add more today,] the book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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