Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 925: Warcraft shot


"I swear from now. Rhubarb is my idol of Leopard."

Kong Yu and Leopard's expressions are wonderful. Their admiration for the big yellow dog is really like the continuous stream of water. Rivers are flooding. It’s out of control. The fart is great. These miracles. Who can do it. Only rhubarb is also.

"Hey. This guy of the fire family. Even if it is not dead. It will be a disability in the future. Rhubarb this fart. Not only stunned him. It also caused him extremely serious damage. Unable to recover the injury. And. I can't lift my head. It's impossible to go back to the Temple of the Holy Spirit."

Kong Yang is also embarrassed. He has already seen it. This genius of the fire is definitely not just as simple as a stun. The big yellow dog's fart is not just stinking. And the power is endless. The guy of the Fireman is also a powerful great saint. If you change to the general little holy. Rhubarb dog this fart. Enough to break him apart.

"Fighting with the dog. It's too tender."

The rhubarb dog swayed the thick tail. Raise your proud head. Swinging and walking to the side of Jiang Chen. It seems that there is no intention to kill the genius of the fire. Jiang Chen has a smile on his face. There is no plan to shoot. They are the same as Kong Yang thought. Such people no longer have to kill. Because of his future road. It will be better to die than to die.

There are many geniuses of the five major families around. After seeing this scene. I quickly went away. I was afraid that Jiang Chen would kill them. Don't talk about Jiang Chen. Take their strength. Just pull out one at the scene. They are not opponents at all.

Kong Yang came to Jiang Chen. Holding a fist against Jiang Chen: "Jiang Xiong. Today, I am thankful to save. I am grateful."

"Confucius brother is not polite. My relationship with your father is very good. Peacock King is now the guardian home. I naturally want to ensure the safety of his offspring. I think you are not hurt. This medicine. You take it as soon as possible."

Jiang Chen took out three medicinal herbs. Submit to Kong Yang separately. Leopard Wei and Kong Yu. Especially Leo Wei and Kong Yu. The injury is the most serious. If you can't recover as soon as possible. For them to walk in the next. Extremely disadvantageous.

The three are not welcome. They are now on board with Jiang Chen. For Kong Yang. Today is also a real insight into the power of Jiang Chen. A nine-level grand priest. It can be so horrible. Such a genius. It is only his life. He Kong rarely admire people. But today against Jiang Chen. But it is convincing.

After the medicinal herbs are swallowed into the abdomen. The three faces are also changing instantly. The feelings of the few people before the ancient winds are exactly the same. They also have a lot of healing herbs in their hands. But compared with Jiang Dian, this drug. It is not a level at all.

"Good remedy."

Kong Yang couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes. The resilience of this drug is really strong. I have been so badly injured. It has recovered half in such a short period of time. It is terrible."

Leopard Wei couldn’t help but say.

"That is of course. Jiang Chen is not alone in tyranny. He is still a powerful alchemy teacher."

The rhubarb dog said with pride. It is not Jiang Chen who is emotionally refining this drug. It is the same as his rhubarb.

"Okay. This place should not be left for a long time. Now the space has disappeared too much. The movement here is likely to attract more powerful masters. It will save you trouble. Let's leave first."

Jiang Chen said.

"it is good."

Kong Yang nodded. I feel that Jiang Chen said it is very reasonable.


however. Just before they just got some action. When you are ready to leave. The void suddenly exploded with a hole. Three figures appeared at the same time. That is three old people. Wearing different clothes. It can be seen from their costumes. One of the Xiao people. One is the fire family. One is the Nalan.

What is shocking is the strength of these three people. The two elders of the Fire and Naran. The repairs have all reached the third level. The old man of the Xiao family is the most terrifying. It is already a powerful four-level grand priest.

After the appearance of three people. I immediately saw the horror here. Immediately angry and screaming. Directly blocked this space.

"Look. It’s the elders coming."

"Good. Jiang Chen, they are going to die this time. He killed Xiao Yuan. And the genius of the Shengyuan Temple. The elders will not let them go."


The emergence of these three elders. Let the disciples who have just escaped not to rejoice.

And Kong Yang here. It is a face that is more dignified than one. The ancient saints of the ancient and the demon have not appeared. This is the three masters. All are enemy forces. The two third-level grand priests have been unable to deal with it. There is still a powerful four-level grand priest. Such a powerful master. Killing them is not a matter of casual sigh.

Although Jiang Chen is strong. But after all, there are only nine levels of little holy. Want to deal with the powerful four-level holy. Undoubtedly it is the Arabian Nights.

"Jiang Xiong. What to do now."

Kong Yang said with some concern. at this time. Jiang Chen is undoubtedly regarded as the backbone of the heart.

"No problem."

Jiang Chen waved his hand. They are not nervous about the Kong Yang. If it is before. Encountered the fourth level of the Holy. They are probably really dangerous. But just now. Earth Warcraft has just hit the third level of the Holy. Fight against the four levels of the Sha. Not at all problematic.

"Xiao Yuan. Xiao Cong."

After the appearance of the Big Man of the Xiao. I saw the tragic death of Xiao Cong and Xiao Yuan. A pair of eyes instantly became red. The genius of the two Xiao people. It was killed like this. This is for the Xiao people. It is a big loss.

"You don't have to shout. They are all killed by me. By the way, introduce yourself. My name is Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen said to the three grand priests who appeared. Even facing such a powerful master. There is still no tension in his face. Let Kong Yang three people have to doubt where his confidence comes from.

"Damn. Your little beast has destroyed two of our Xiao geniuses. It is simply that I don't know how to live and die. The old man must kill you today. For those of me who are so many dead in your hands, I hate it."

The elders of the Xiao nationality gnashed their teeth. I can't wait to immediately put Jiang Chen to eat raw.

"And the genius of my fire family is also dead. Jiang Chen. Who is giving you such courage? It is so mad that even the genius of the Shengyuan Temple will dare to kill."

The elders of the fire family are also angered. Against the dust mites.

"I also smelled the death of my Nalan genius here. It must have been done by him. Everyone here today. All are going to die. The Yaozu maintains Jiang Chen. That is the enemy of our Nalan."

The elders of the Nalan are also imposing. It seems that there is no intention to let go of Jiang Chen and Kong Yang.

"Haha. Just because you are three old and undead, you want to kill me Jiang Chen. It’s too much play. You have any means to make it out. I see who killed who today."

Jiang Chen laughed. The arrogance reached the extreme. It seems that there is no such thing as putting these three powerful great saints in your eyes. Let me not say whether he has the strength to deal with his opponent. This kind of discouragement alone. I can't help but be impressed.

"It’s a big word. Let this little beast smash to this time. It’s enough."

The elders of the Xiao nationality were angry. Immediately explore a big hand. Appeared out of thin air. Came to Jiang Chen. and. The goal of his attack this time is not just Jiang Chen. There are also big yellow dogs and Kong Yang. It seems that they are prepared to strike two and they all kill.

This person is a grand fourth. The elders of the Xiao people. Nowadays, I have taken the initiative to deal with the juniors of foreigners. Spreading out is undoubtedly a shameful thing. But now Xiao Yuan and Xiao Cong are dead. The elders also refused to look at their faces. All people related to Jiang Chen must be killed. Only then can the mind hate.

"It's over."

Kong Yu hit a chill. A powerful four-level grand priest. That kind of power. It has gone far beyond their resistance. This palm hits. They felt a pressure like a mountain. They are overwhelmed by the pressure. Uncomfortable.

It is this time. Even Kong Yang. I have to worry about it. Because he really couldn't think of what kind of means Jiang Chen would use to deal with a powerful four-level holy shrine. however. Jiang Chen’s face still can’t see the slightest tension. It is completely confidence that everything is under control. have to say. Jiang Chen's calm. Let them have a lot of peace of mind.

"Warcraft. Let's shoot."

Jiang Chen called. The World of Warcraft directly rushed out from the Zulong Tower. Everyone will see it. A dark, ink-colored hand appeared out of thin air. Hit the palm of the big Shaman.


The world is shaking. The strong attack of the Xiao people. Directly destroyed by that **** hand.


Subsequently. An earth-shattering roar rang. A strong middle-aged man like a tower appeared. He roared in the sky. The body exudes endless black magic waves. He is like the incarnation of a troll. The momentum is rushing.

"Ha ha..."

After the emergence of Warcraft. I laughed at the moment. He has just been promoted to the third level. It is the time when the spirit is high. As the king of the Mozu. Born to be a war. He is already going crazy in the ancestral tower. Now Jiang Chen released him. There is really a feeling of tiger coming into the forest.

"Who is this. A powerful and powerful magic. He is not a human being. It belongs to the Mozu. There are also blood vessels of the Yaozu in the body. This is the World of Warcraft."

The elders of the Nalan judged the identity of Warcraft through the momentum released by World of Warcraft. The face changed immediately.

"The third level of the Holy Land level of Warcraft. It is enough to deal with the four-level Grand St.. How can this small beast have such a powerful World of Warcraft."

The elders of the fire family were also shocked. The emergence of the World of Warcraft. No one is not surprised. How strong is World of Warcraft. It can already be seen in the previous match. The strong attack of the fourth level of the Xiao family. It was destroyed by the understatement of Warcraft.

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