Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 941: Return to the pure land [plus more]


In the clear skies, suddenly a void burst into a hole, and the three figures came out from the inside. It was really Jiang Chen, the big yellow dog and Kong Yang. At this moment, Jiang Chen has completely recovered from its original state and reached its heyday.

The site of the ancient battlefield opened. Jiang Chen can be said to be the biggest winner and the biggest gainer. The heart of the flame and the ancestral tower gave him two cards. The only regret is that he did not explore. What other functions are there in addition to defense?

Especially in terms of attack power, it is estimated that this ancestral tower has no other functions besides being a general weapon. Of course, the powerful real dragon to treasure may not have the ability to attack. Jiang Chen estimates that this is very likely Because his strength is still too weak, it is not enough to control the ancestral tower attack, can not play the power of the ancestral dragon tower, and the ancestral tower is a total of ninety-nine layers, now only three layers, but has not yet reached the power degree.

Even so, the Zulongta is also a defensive artifact. At least, if Jiang Chen wants to defend, the six six-level Great Saints will not be able to destroy the Zulong Tower.

"Where are we going now?"

The rhubarb dog looks at Jiang Chen.

"First go home, the news of my death is now passed to the Shengwu Dynasty. I am afraid that I can't bear such a huge blow. I must let him know that I am still alive."

Jiang Chen’s eyes looked at the direction of the Shengwu Dynasty. The most important thing now is to go home and tell Jiang Zhenhai that he is still not dead. He knows Jiang Zhenhai too much. This father puts almost all his thoughts and expectations on himself. He is the whole world of Jiang Zhenhai. If he is dead, he imagines how Jiang Zhenhai will live in the future.

Jiang Chen did not hesitate, and quickly flew toward the direction of the holy Wu Dynasty. At their speed, they had to go to the holy Wu Dynasty. It was only a matter of a moment. He did not bother anyone and went directly to the Shengwu Hall. He is going to make a big plan now, so he has no news of death. He only needs the high-level members of the holy dynasty to know. It must not be a big fan.

In the hall of the holy martial arts, the atmosphere has been suppressed to the extreme. Jiang Zhenhai will not have to say it. His expression is lonely, and the name of Jiang Chen has been chanted in his mouth. The peacock king and the lion cub sit like two gods and do not say a word.

Yan Zhanyun, Wu Jiu, Guoshan, Yuzihan, Xuanyi real people, the high-level figures of the sacred martial arts dynasty are ugly to the extreme, Jiang Chen’s death, it is too much against them, in their hearts, Jiang Chen is not only The gods of the holy dynasty are still their loved ones, friends, brothers.

Just then, the void of the hall suddenly trembled.


The Peacock King and the Griffin also shouted at the same time. The emptiness of the void was slight, others may not feel it, but they were able to sense it for the first time. Now Jiang Chen has just died, anyone wants to play the idea of ​​the holy dynasty. They are the first ones who don’t want to, Jiang Chen gives them the demon sacred demon, and they have great grace for them. Now Jiang Chen’s war is dead. They must guarantee the safety of the Shengwu Dynasty and ensure that Jiang Chen’s family will not suffer any harm. .

Three figures appeared in the hall, the first one, a white suit wins the snow, the wind is flowing, just a move is full of domineering and heroic spirit, not Jiang Chen or who.

"Peacock King, Lion Chief, don't have to be nervous."

Jiang Chen smiled.

"Jiang Chen."

The two exclaimed at the same time, and the expression was exactly the same as that of Kong Yang. They simply suspected that their eyes were out of order.

"Yes, it is me."

Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders and was able to see the Peacock King and the Griffin here. Jiang Chen’s heart was still very happy, indicating that he was a good person. The so-called people went to the tea and they were all dead. The Peacock King and the Griffin also Jiang Chen was moved to protect his family.


Jiang Zhenhai, who was already half-dead, after seeing Jiang Chen, Huo’s station stood up from his seat. When he stepped out, he came directly to Jiang Chen, and the mood was simply unspeakable.

Not only Jiang Zhenhai, everyone in the room was shocked and wide-eyed. Is Jiang Chen not dead, how come alive, what is going on?

"Oh, let you worry, it’s a bad boy."

Jiang Chen reached out to help Jiang Zhenhai wipe the tears in his eyes. He felt extremely embarrassed. Since he left Tianxiang City, he rarely stayed with his father, but he knew that no matter where he went, no matter where he flew. How high is the biggest concern of this middle-aged man. This is the father, the love that cannot be replaced in the world.

"Brother, you are not dead."

Wu Jiu also ran over and patted Jiang Chen's shoulders.

"Jiang Chen, what is going on here, are you not killed under the joint attack of the six masters?"

The Peacock King is still extremely doubtful. The same is true of the Griffin. When they heard that Jiang Chen was attacked by six Six-level Great Saints, it was basically confirmed that Jiang Chen would die, even if Jiang Chen had already hit the Great San Realm, but it may not be the opponent of the six six-level Great Saints, so they have no doubt about the authenticity of this news.

"Is Jiang Chen so easy to kill?"

Jiang Chen shrugged.

"Oh, all this is Jiang's plan. He was not killed, but he escaped with powerful means, but the six masters did not notice it, so he decided that Jiang Xiong was killed."

Kong Yang said with a smile.


It is said that the Peacock King and the Griffin sucked a sigh of breath at the same time. A first-class sacred priest was able to escape silently under the joint attack of six six-level sacred priests, and did not let the six masters cause the slightest Be alert, such a means of against the sky, ask who can do it between heaven and earth, I am afraid that only Jiang Chen.

Or, this is not just enough to describe it.

"Hey, my father-in-law, Jiu Ge, I didn't fight to death. I was not so easy to kill Jiang Chen. I am afraid that you are worried, so I quickly rushed back after the injury recovered, but I will soon leave. I am pretending to die in this battle. I want to carry out another plan. Don’t tell me the news that I am still alive, even if it is in the holy Wu Dynasty."

Jiang Chen said with great solemnity.

"Do not worry, we will not say."

Jiang Zhenhai laughed: "I know that my son Jiang Zhenhai will not die so easily."

Jiang Zhenhai suddenly recovered his enthusiasm and enthusiasm, and he was completely ruined.

"Jiang Chen, what plan do you want to carry out?"

Peacock asked curiously.

"I am going to change my identity to the San Yuan Hall."

Jiang Chen directly stated his purpose.

"Go to the Temple of the Holy Spirit."

A glance at the gryphon.

"Yes, I am now promoted to the Great Saint. The Pure Land has not been a big challenge for me. It is not a difficult thing to change my face with my skill. What's more, everyone thinks that I am dead now, so I only need to change my appearance. Just fine, no one cares."

Jiang Chen said, you must know that a person's appearance is easy to change, but the breath is hard to change, but now Jiang Chen's situation is different. In the eyes of many people, he has completely died and is beaten. So, almost no need to deliberately hide themselves, no one will doubt, not to mention the masters of the Temple of the Holy Spirit have not seen themselves.

"It turns out that you are playing the idea of ​​the Shengyuan Hall, but this is the best. With your ability, I believe that in the future, we will be able to stir up the Sanyuan Hall. This is exactly what we want to see."

The Peacock King nodded, and Jiang Chen was able to go to the Shengyuan Hall. It was a wonderful thing. People like Jiang Chen couldn’t calm down wherever they went. The Holy Yuan Temple is the real master in the Shengyuan continent. The chaos must also be dominated by the Shengyuan Hall. The Xiao people are now growing stronger. It is not a good thing for the Yao and the ancients. If Jiang Chen can confuse this pool of water, whether it is against the ancients It is still a demon, it is extremely beneficial.

"Jiang Chen, do you have any specific plans?"

Asked the griffin.

"You eight ethnic groups should have the right to send people to the Shengyuan Temple at any time. I will enter the Shengyuan Hall as an ancient nationality. After you return to the Yaozu, you can tell me the patriarchs about the news of going to the Shengyuan Temple, but you must not I am arguing that once the people of the six nationalities know that I am not dead, all plans will become a bubble."

Jiang Chen arranged very solemnly.

"Of course."

The Peacock King and the Griffin nodded at the same time. They knew in their hearts that Jiang Chen deliberately knew the imaginary death of the war, that is, to smash the people of the six major ethnic groups. If the news of his death did not pass away, all efforts were in vain. Relationship, they are still very clear.

"If it is not too late, let's return to the Pure Land now."

Jiang Chen said that he immediately bid farewell to Jiang Zhenhai.

"Dust, everything is careful."

Jiang Zhenhai and Jiang Chen, although he does not know where the Shengyuan Temple is, but he can also guess one or two, the big forces above the pure land, even Jiang Chen, can not afford, otherwise it will not come out A fake death.

"Do not worry, hey, I have my own size, your son's ability, you are not at ease."

Jiang Chen took Jiang Zhenhai's shoulders with his hand, and looked like a singer in Tianxiang City.

"Haha, of course, rest assured."

Jiang Zhenhai laughed, and now he is in a good mood, and the whole person’s spirits are coming up.

Subsequently, Jiang Chen and Peacock King left the Shengwu Dynasty. Jiang Chen did not leave directly, but summoned the demon and the land of Warcraft.

"the host."

The two great devils saluted Jiang Chen.

"From now on, you two don't have to follow me, stay here and secretly guard the holy dynasty. If there are any problems here, you two don't have to live."

Jiang Chen said in a cold tone.

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