Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 942: How did you do it?

"Yes, master."

Where the World of Warcraft and the devil dare to be a little bit sloppy, Jiang Chen let them do nothing, there will be no shackles, then, the World of Warcraft and the devil disappeared directly, he let these two guys secretly hide, just to not give the holy Wu Dynasty People are too stressed. After all, they are not only masters of the great Saints, but also powerful demons. Once they appear, the impact is too great.

The Shengwu Dynasty is the home of Jiang Chen, the place where Jiang Chen cares most. He does not want the powerful forces of the Shengwu Dynasty to be, and does not require the Shengwu Dynasty to enter the mainland of China and enter the Pure Land. He only hopes. The holy dynasty can be safe.

"Jiang Chen, now the six major groups think that you are dead, this page is also a smashing of the past, the shadow organization has also been killed, even if there are residuals are not enough, the World of Warcraft and the devil can handle it, At present, the holy Wu Dynasty is absolutely safe. You don't have to worry about it. Are you ready to go directly to the ancients?"

Asked the Peacock King.

"Yes, I just want to enter the Shengyuan Hall through the ancients. Let's get rid of it from here. If you are together, I am afraid it will attract the attention of outsiders. After you go back, you only need to tell me that the demon is reliable. A few high-level executives, remember to be unspeakable."

Jiang Chen solemnly said that if the news of his own suspended animation is leaked out, all his plans will be lost.

"Do not worry, I have a sense of concentration in my heart."

The Peacock King took a picture of Jiang Chen’s shoulder. The Yaozu and Jiang Chen are the same people on board. In other words, the future of the Yaozu will depend on Jiang Chen to change.

"Your boy wants to use the ancients to go to the Temple of the Holy Spirit, where the dog, I go."

The rhubarb dog looks at Jiang Chen.

"Nature is going to the Sanyuan Hall with me. You go back to the Yaozu with the Peacock King, let the Yaozu send you and Kongyang to the Shengyuan Hall. When we are in the Shengyuan Hall, let’s play, of course, San Yuan Hall, you still have to pretend not to know me."

Jiang Chen said with the dog's head of the rhubarb dog.

"Jiang Chen said that the genius of the Eight Greats will be sent to the Shengyuan Temple as soon as they are promoted to the Great Holy Spirit. In addition, the Shengyuan Hall will also select some talented geniuses to directly store, plus Entering the Shengyuan Hall, that is the people of the Shengyuan Temple. Some people who are unwilling to come back are also married to their children. Because of the influence of the cultivation environment of the Holy Yuan Temple, they are born with peerless genius. When you arrive Be careful too. After all, the Holy Yuan Temple is not a pure land. Today, both the rhubarb and the yang are promoted to the Great Saint. They are also eligible to be sent to the Shengyuan Temple."

Said the Peacock King.

"Oh, well, the legendary Temple of the Holy Spirit, it is really going to have a look."

The rhubarb dog is extremely excited. The same is true of Kongyang. It is a matter of incomparable glory. It is the most desirable thing for countless geniuses. Everyone knows that the temple is the eighth largest. The combination of the supreme masters of the tribe is said to be able to directly communicate with the fairy world, and to draw a sacred scent from the fairy world. The space where the entire Sanyuan Hall is located, the strength of the heavens and the earth does not know how much stronger than the outside, it is completely a cultivation treasure.

Of course, in such a place, there are countless geniuses and masters. Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog can be in the pure land, but when they reach the Shengyuan Hall, they have to be honest.

After that, Jiang Chen and Peacock King flew away from the pure land in two different directions. In order not to attract attention, Jiang Chen even separated the big yellow dog. In fact, he should be separated from the big yellow dog.

From the beginning to the present, the rhubarb dog has become the symbol of Jiang Chen. In the place where the rhubarb dog is, the dust must be indispensable. Now Jiang Chen pretends to die and is separated from the rhubarb dog. This is the most necessary.

At this moment, the pure land, the news has already spread. Almost everyone knows the news of Jiang Chen’s death. Every region, every street and alley, is talking about the battle, discussing the name of Jiang Chen, one The people of the world, even if they are fallen, are destined to leave endless legends, which will be discussed and admired for a long time.

"It’s a pity that Jiang Chen, who is famous for his reputation, is still dead. If Jiang Chen is not dead, he will be a pinnacle in the future."

"Yeah, I heard that he caused a robbery of dragons and phoenixes, and he was able to refine the legendary Jiuyang Leilongdan under the robbery. It was just a blast, but he offended the six races and eventually got one. The end of the tragic death."

"That is for sure. The six majors decided to kill him. I heard that all the patriarchs have personally shot it. Although some are shameless, it also shows that Jiang Chen is too strong. It has already made the six ethnic groups feel scared. I can imagine Such a enchanting, if he continues to grow up, the future will certainly be a big worry for the six major groups, bringing unimaginable losses to the six major groups."

"It’s a pity that such a person’s death is dead, but the existence of Jiang Chen is destined to leave a strong stroke in the history of Pure Land. The second cold stone in the list, Xiao Yuan, the first in the list, is dead. In his hands, I heard that he also killed half of the six great tribe masters when he was in a robbery. This is a big event that is earth-shattering. Even if it is dead, it is worth it. The six major families have suffered heavy losses. I am afraid that it will take some time. Rehabilitated."


Everyone is talking about it, although in many people's minds, Jiang Chen's death is an inevitable result. After all, Jiang Chen's offended people are too horrible. It is difficult to want to die, but this does not prevent countless people from admiring and cherishing him. When will the fall of a famous person become a glorious history.

Ancient people.

"No, the little dust will not die, I will never believe it."

In the condensate world, Wu Ningzhu learned the news of Jiang Chen’s death and the emotions were extremely excited. She has always had a cold and tough character. She was famous when she was in the South China. The glamorous saint, her emotions have never been so intense over the years.

In the heart of Wu Ningzhu, Jiang Chen has long been an indispensable part. Jiang Chen has always been an omnipotent existence. From the Eastern Continent to the South Continent, Jiang Chen has come along and killed many powerful enemies. All the powerful enemies have become a stepping stone on his growth path. He has long been a miracle creator and has become an immortal legend.

But now, the news that came over was that Jiang Chen died, and the war died. He was killed by six six-level sacred priests at the same time. The **** that was hit was not left, which made Wu Ningzhu suffer, and hit It is too heavy.


The ancient 岚 is extremely distressed, thinking of Jiang Chen, the handsome young man with white clothes like snow, her heart is just like a knife cut, she knows that the dance bamboo road is coming, relying on Jiang Chen, Wu Ningzhu can successfully find himself Let your family reunite, this is also because of Jiang Chen’s credit.

Now, my daughter has just contracted with Jiang Chen, and then she is dead. It is hard to imagine the mood of Wu Ningzhu.

"Hey, Jiang Gongzi helped us to resist foreign enemies in Wuyang City. We saved us from dancing up and down the city. We don't know how many people are going up and down. Now let our family reunite. This kind of kindness, I dance Tianyang for a lifetime, I can't finish it. I didn’t expect that I had just come to the pure land. I haven’t had time to meet Jiang Gongzi, just...”

Dancing Tianyang iron and blood man, at this moment can not help but stunned, Jiang Chen's kindness to their family is too heavy, there is a saying that the grace is like a mountain, Jiang Chen's kindness, but more than a few times more than the mountains.

"Condensed, the festival will change, and you will try your best."

Gu Xuantian sighed, he had expected that the dance bamboo would hurt, but the news was unstoppable, and he would tell Wu Ningzhu sooner or later.

"No, little dust is not going to die."

Wu Ningzhu constantly shook her head, and her emotions were extremely excited. She could not accept the news of Jiang Chen’s death.

Gu Yu distressed and danced on the shoulders of the bamboo, but she also understood that although she was not present at the time, it is also conceivable that Jiang Chen, a younger who has just been promoted to the Great Saint, can be in the six sixth-level Surviving under a joint attack is simply impossible.

The six major ethnic groups have to kill Jiang Chen, even if the ancient Xuantian and the wolf line have a means of passing through the sky, it is impossible to preserve the Jiang Dust. After all, it is the union of the six major groups.

"Cing sister, I am relieved to see you cry so sad."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came out from the void, and the familiar voice made a dance, everyone looked at one direction, and saw a wave of emptiness, a white youth walked like a ghost. Come out, with a bright smile on his face, just watching the dancing bamboo.

"Little dust."

"Jiang Chen."

Seeing Jiang Chen again, the face of Wu Ningzhu directly froze, but Gu Xuantian immediately exclaimed. Before he saw Jiang Chen’s tragic death under the siege of the six masters, he decided to be beaten. There is nothing left, but this is indeed Jiang Chen’s undoubtedly, and watching his breath, there is no change, what is going on.

"The patriarch, the father-in-law, the adult, your expression, I am very uncomfortable, congratulations to the father-in-law family reunion."

Jiang Chen strode to the front of the four people, holding a fist to the dance Tianyang.

Wu Ningzhu suddenly rushed into Jiang Chen’s arms and broke into laughter: “I know that you **** is not so easy to die.”

"Jiang Chen, what is going on here?"

Gu Xuantian couldn't help himself. He had to know the reason immediately. At that time, how strong the six masters combined with a blow was clear, and it was definitely not a first-class sacred sect. The great sanctuary does not work either, but the Jiang Chen in front of it is obviously a living person. That is to say, Jiang Chen escaped innocently, and Gu Xuantian wanted to know how Jiang Chen did it.

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