Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 943: Ancient dust

"Let the patriarchs worry, they want to kill me, how easy it is, after I refine the blazing heart, I get a pair of blazing fire wings, this fire wing with my body, can be silently inside the void Shuttle, I don’t think it’s six six-level grand priests, even if it’s sixty six-level sacred sieges, I can still leave quietly.”

Jiang Chen smiled. For the few people in front of him, he has nothing to hide.

"Good boy, it seems that you are the biggest winner of this ancient battlefield site. Not only did the six major families suffer heavy losses, but they also got such a heavy treasure."

Gu Xuantian was overjoyed. Jiang Chen’s death made him extremely uncomfortable. It turned out that Jiang Chen did not die, but he escaped safely. This made him really happy. He was also convinced of Jiang Chen’s means of escape. You must know that Jiang Chen appeared here, and he did not notice it beforehand. This is enough to illustrate the horror of Jiang Chen.

A first-class grand priest, even with such an ability to fight against the sky, is really speechless, but Jiang Mian has always created a lot of miracles, this time is to let Gu Xuantian open his eyes.

"If I don't die, the six major ethnic groups will definitely not rely on me. With my current strength, I can't deal with the violent bombing of the six major races. I will also involve the ancient and the Yaozu, which will make the pure land completely chaotic. Now that I am dead, I have saved a lot of trouble. When I confront the six major races again, that is their last day."

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Gu Xuantian nodded secretly and looked at Jiang Chen’s eyes full of appreciation. This young man is terrible. Not only is his talent and potential against the sky, but his wisdom is also amazing. Even he has to admit that Jiang Chen’s suspended animation is too A good idea, you can completely get rid of the pursuit of the six major groups, give yourself enough time to improve.

"What do you do next."

Gu Xuantian asked, he believed that Jiang Chen was not a person without goals.

"I am going to the Temple of the Holy Sepulchre."

Jiang Chen said his thoughts to Gu Xuantian once again. Gu Xuantian also nodded. He felt that there was nothing wrong with Jiang Chen going to the Shengyuan Temple. After all, people like Jiang Chen would have to contact the Holy Yuan Temple sooner or later. The final chaos in the Yuan Dynasty will also be the Shengyuan Hall. Jiang Chen went to the Shengyuan Hall and will certainly be able to disturb the Sanyuan Temple and destroy the plan of the Xiao people. It is very beneficial to both the ancient and the Yao.

"You should have a more complete plan."

Gu Xuantian asked.

Jiang Chen’s face showed a smile, only to see his face began to distort, and his body creaked. In the blink of an eye, he completely changed a person and completely changed his appearance. In front of this, Jiang Chen looks normal. Many, but the kind of domineering that is filled with eyebrows cannot be concealed.

"From now on, my name is Gu Chen. As for the patriarch to give me a name to enter the Shengyuan Hall, that is your business."

Jiang Chen said that Gu Xuantian is not a fool. Some things don't need to be too clear. He changed his appearance in the face of Gu Xuantian. What to do next, he believes that he does not need to say it himself. Will arrange everything.

"Well, go to the Shengyuan Temple. You don't have to worry. You should rest for a few days in this condensed world. The ancient wind is closing. He took a Jiuyang Leilongdan. I believe that it will take a few days. Shocking into the Great Holy Land, I will send both of you to the Temple of the Holy Spirit at the same time."

Gu Xuantian said.

"it is good."

Jiang Chen nodded, his impression of the ancient winds is still very good, the repair of the ancient winds has reached the peak of the half-step Dasheng, just a step away from the real Dasheng, now has a Jiuyang Lei Long Dan, the impact of the Great Saint is not a problem at all.

In the next three days, Jiang Chen stayed in this condensate world, accompanied by the dancing bamboo family, waiting for the ancient wind to hit the great holy.

On the third day, the ancients circled thunder and lightning, and the thunderclouds were densely covered. The successful impact of the ancient winds became the realm of the great sacredness. Only a ray of light flew from the retreat of the ancients and quickly galloped outside the ancients. And go.

Like the rhubarb, the ancient winds and the rhubarbs must find a remote place. It is absolutely impossible to rob the ancients. Otherwise, the entire ancients will suffer from the shackles of the fish. It is difficult to defend, the more defense, the stronger the day.

The younger generation succeeded in the emergence of a great saint. For the ancients, it was a rare good thing. The promotion of the ancient winds was very big, and the masters of the pure land could almost sense the movement of the robbers.

The violent robbery of the ancient winds made the six majors extremely uncomfortable, especially the Xiao and Shi nationalities. Xiao Yuan and Shi Han were originally more powerful than the ancient winds. Now the ancient winds are promoted to the Great, Xiao Yuan and Shi Han have already lost their lives in Huangquan. Then they think that Kong Yang, who has been promoted to the Great Saint, has even hated Jiang Chen in his heart. He deeply feels that it is too cheap for Jiang Chen to die so easily.

But in any case, Jiang Chen is dead, and the six nationalities can be safe. Even if they are enemies, they have to admit that Jiang Chen is a rare and rare genius. If such a person gives him enough time. With enough room for growth, future achievements are destined to be infinite.

In the hall of the ancient tribe, more than a dozen high-rises gathered together. Gu Xuantian sat at the top, standing next to an ordinary white youth. This white youth is not someone else. It is Jiang Chen. These people are ancient. The most reliable person of the family, so the identity of Jiang Chen, Gu Xuantian did not hide.

After learning that Jiang Chen did not die, the people present were shocked to the extreme, and the expression was exactly the same when Gu Xuantian saw Jiang Chen at the beginning, but when he was shocked, he felt endless joy.

At this moment, Jiang Chen is more advanced and important in the hearts of the top leaders of the ancient tribe. A character who can escape intact under the joint attack of six six-level Great Saints is so powerful and powerful. Dust is only a first-class grand sacred. Until now, almost no one will doubt how big the achievements of this enchanting one are. They don’t even dare to estimate it. They can even imagine that in the near future, even if it is holy. The Yuan Temple must also be turned upside down by Jiang Chen.

They already know what happened to Jiang Chen from the East China. This enchanting can be said to have created countless miracles all the way. It is simply a kind of anti-sky existence. If you want to use air transport to describe a person, then Jiang Dust is the kind of person who has the greatest luck.

At this time, the ancient winds of the winds came in. He crossed the six-role robbery. It was not too horrible, so he quickly recovered. There was basically no period of weakness. I thought Jiang Chen was promoted. When the holy time came directly to the dragon and phoenix, the ancient wind could not help but sigh again.

After the ancient wind was successfully promoted, it was summoned by the ancient Xuantian, and immediately did not dare to neglect, directly came to the hall.

"The patriarch, the elders."

The ancient wind swayed at the people. He had just been promoted to the Great Saint. It can be said that he was arrogant, but he was about to turn his eyes on the white youth next to Gu Xuantian. He was familiar with the people present, but this young man never saw him. However, what puzzles him is that this person is actually qualified to stand by the ancient Xuantian, knowing that even if he is the first genius of this ancient nationality, he is not qualified to stand by the ancient Xuantian.

"Flower wind, tell you about it, he is called Gu Chen, it was a small donkey that I came back from that year. I accepted it as a child. I have been secretly practicing. Now I am already a big saint. I am going to send you both together. The Holy Yuan Temple practiced."

Gu Xuantian said with a smile, this is an identity he arranged for Jiang Chen. This identity is undoubtedly excellent. The head of the ancestral patriarch will never cause suspicion.

"What, oh, righteous."

The ancient wind was blinded on the spot, what kind of jokes, when the patriarch smashed the scorpion, and he was taken as a son, and this person seems to be younger than himself, and he has already been sacred, and the ancients hide such a world. Genius, how is this possible?

"Ha ha..."

Seeing the expression of the ancient wind, Gu Xuantian and others suddenly laughed.

"Chu brother, congratulations to the promotion of the Holy, you see who I am."

Jiang Chen came to the ancient winds to restore the appearance of cost.

"Jiang, Jiang Chen..."

The ancient winds immediately exclaimed, and if you want to see ghosts, your mind has a sense of dizziness, which is too shocking.

Immediately, Jiang Chen restored the appearance of the ancient dust, and Gu Xuantian told everything about the ancient winds, including plans to send Jiang Chen and the ancient winds into the Shengyuan Hall.

The ancient stream is so popular that it seems to be dreaming, but he knows that this is true. Jiang Chen is really not dead. He and others have a glimpse of how Jiang Chen escaped from the joint attack of the six masters.

But in any case, Jiang Chen is not dead. He is naturally very happy and excited. He knows that in the ancient battlefield site, Jiang Chen saved his life. If there is no Jiang Chen, he may have lost his life at the site. Inside, for the day when I saw Jiang Chen being killed by the six masters, but I couldn’t do anything about it. Gu Liufeng’s heart has always been worried. This is a huge hurdle in his heart, and he is destined to let him live forever.

Now, Jiang Chen is not dead, and his hurdle will pass.

"Jiang Chen, the wind, this is the token to enter the Shengyuan Temple. You hold it. I will help you open the space passage connecting the Shengyuan Hall. You can use this token to enter the ancient temple. I have to remind you. The temple of the Holy Yuan is no better than the pure land. You must be careful in it."

Gu Xuantian is extremely solemn to remind.

Jiang Chen and Guliufeng took the token. The token does not know what material to use, giving a heavy feeling, with a big [ancient] word printed on it.

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