Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 947: Hit the door

Jiang Chen’s words made the blood of Guliuying almost burned. Although Jiang Chen was the first to come to the ancient temple, the situation of the ancient temple seemed to be more thorough than they knew. Moreover, in their eyes, this white youth is not only in front of him. Powerful, there is also a maturity that does not match the age, and the domineering and heroic spirit that exudes on the body makes them feel guilty.

They are very clear that Jiang Chen’s words are very right. In this world of strength and respect, no matter where it is, it is all about strength. The reason why people in the outer hall are often bullied by the temple, even the courage to resist, is not to The bottom is still too weak. If they are strong, if they are strong, if they dare to resist, the genius of this temple will dare to bully them.

"Let's go, take us to the ancient temple."

The calmness of Jiang Chen’s face seems to be a bit of worry about the brutality of Gu Ling.


Guliuying took a deep breath and took Jiang Chen and the ancient winds to the direction of the ancient temple. He can be sure that Gu Ling will not be willing to give up, to find the trouble of the ancient dust, but now even the ancient dust does not care, they have no Anything to worry about, anyway, today's Jiang Chen storm hit Gu Ling, it is a very happy thing, in this ancient temple, the people in the outer hall have been suppressed for too long.

"The ancient dust, the wind, this space of the Holy Yuan Temple is more than a hundred thousand miles, is a typical small world, the eight halls occupy their own territory in different directions, compared to the pure land, the number of people here is not too much, but each All are elites, and the lowest is the Great Holy Land. It can be said that it is the true highest territory of the Holy Yuan."

On the road, the ancient dynasty and the ancient resurrection said the general situation of the Shengyuan Temple with Jiang Chen and the ancient winds. They are all realms of great sacredness, and they are extremely fast. They arrive at the ancient temple in the time of sin.

In front of it is an endless mountain, which seems to stretch for thousands of miles, above the mountains, white smoke, the heavens and the earth are strong to the extreme, in the sky above the mountains, looking around, buildings everywhere, the building of the ancient temple, full of The atmosphere of honor and prestige, there are palaces, there are different courtyards, there are ancient towers, many buildings are suspended in the air, some peaks are suspended in the air, relying on the power of space, those buildings are built in Above the peak, the whole rhythm looks like a fairy court, giving a very shocking feeling.

"The ancient dust, the wind, you have the identity token now, that is the people of the ancient temple. From the moment you drip blood, the information in the ancient temple is yours. You see the mountain in front of it, we are like this. The people in the outer hall basically live on it, and I will take you there."

Guliuying pointed to a relatively remote mountain peak. It is a mountain peak suspended in the sky. There are many buildings in the mountain. It is the place where the disciples of the ancient temple used to live and cultivate.

Under the leadership of Gu Yueying, a group of four people flew over the mountain peak. There were many empty courtyards here. Jiang Chen and the ancient winds randomly chose a courtyard to be a place to live.

"Now it is noon, many people have gone to practice. The ancient temple has a refining tower. It is the main place of cultivation. It is a residential area. At this time, there are basically no people. Moreover, the people living here are all three. Under the holy."

The ancient flow back to introduce.


Jiang Chen nodded and walked directly into the other courtyard. Here, he and his ancient residence.

However, Jiang Chen did not have time to rest, and he saw more than a dozen figures flying in the distance, and came to the huge performance field. This is the only performance field in the residential area. It is used to solve the grudges between the disciples on weekdays. In this area, the disciples of the outer hall are still very united, so this performance is basically not used.

"It’s Gu Liang, they are not going to practice the tower, how come back at this time, let’s go and see.”

Guliuying was puzzled. In normal times, the practice of practicing towers was over in the evening. At noon, the strength of heaven and earth was the strongest and the most suitable time for cultivation. However, they returned at this time, but it is indeed very doubtful.

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a sneer, perhaps, he had already guessed what was going on.

On the huge performance field, Jiang Chen and four people came over. Gu Yueying came to Guliang and they said, "Gu Liang, how come you came back at this time, and it seems to be flustered."

This young man named Gu Liang is not weak, and has reached the second level of the Holy.

"Liu Yingge, I heard that a new dust from the pure land has actually beaten Gu Ling, is it true?"

Gu Liang quickly asked.

"Yes, how do you know."

Guliuying Emei.

"The big thing is not good, then Gu Ling went straight to the tower. This matter is now known to many people. He will bring a lot of talents from the temple and will soon come over, telling the ancient dust lessons, we will hear the news. When I got back, there were many disciples in the outer hall who were coming back."

Gu Liang said that other disciples are also the color of worry, but at the same time they have a hint of excitement in their eyes. There has never been such a thing in the Shengyuan Hall. The outer hall and the main hall have contradictions. The new arrival of the temple hit Gu Ling, and things will definitely not stop.

In the same way, they were also excited. They saw that Gu Ling was beaten like a dog. He didn’t feel so happy in his heart. He only felt a bad breath.

"The ancient dust, it seems that things are more serious than we think."

Gu Yueying looked at Jiang Chen.

"You are the new dust."

Everyone's eyes are on Jiang Chen. In addition to the shock, the eyes are also admired. It is shocked that Jiang Chen actually used Gu Ling as a level one to make Gu Ling like that. Jiang Chen was so guted.

"The ancient dust brothers, you are very violent, and the **** is really very happy, but today's things may be difficult to deal with."

Gu Liang said.

"No problem, everything I have to deal with, our outer hall has been oppressed by them for too long, it is time to find their own dignity and confidence, they have to dare to come, each person interrupts a leg."

Jiang Chen’s face was indifferent, and his tone was calm to the extreme. He couldn’t feel a little bit swaying, and there was no way to see a little bit of tension from Jiang Chen’s face.

"A strong heart, a domineering person."

Gu Liang and others immediately looked at Jiang Chen, not to mention other things. Jiang Chen’s heart is not a person who can compare with it. Moreover, the dusty atmosphere that Jiang Chen’s body exudes freely makes People are impressed.

Everyone interrupted a leg. This is how arrogant, it is simply against the sky, I did not expect the Pure Land ancients to appear such a figure, it seems that today's ancient temple, I think calm.

I have to say that Jiang Chen’s words let them listen to the unconscious blood boiling, but the same, they are also extremely worried, they do not understand Jiang Chen after all, although Jiang Chen can defeat Gu Ling, is a rare genius, But after all, there is only one level of greatness.

Soon, more and more people are coming back. Most of them are from the outer hall. From the direction of the tower, there are a large number of disciples behind them. These disciples are only in terms of quantity and the outer hall. The disciples are not much worse, there are hundreds of people, but their momentum seems to be more powerful, they are the genius of the temple, one face with anger, and the arrogance that can not be concealed.

There are also many people in the outer hall. In the past, the ancients selected some talented disciples to send them every year. Many of them are nine-level little holy people. After they arrive here, they will give them a year to practice. When he was promoted to the Great Saint, he stayed, and if he could not, he was sent back.

However, since the beginning of the past year, the ancient temple has not accepted the pure land, and only the genius who is promoted to the great sanctuary in the Pure Land can come in. From this point, we can also see the internal contradictions of the ancient temple.

Soon, everyone landed on the martial arts field. The two sides stood opposite each other. The number has been nearly three hundred. Most of them are in the first level to the third level. Of course, this is not the outer hall. And all the genius disciples in the inner temple, and many disciples did not appear.

"Which one is ancient dust, get out."

On the other side of the temple, I was a young and majestic young man wearing a pale yellow robes. His face was full of arrogance and extreme. He was powerful and he had already reached the level of the third sacred peak. It can be seen that this time came. The leader of so many people in the temple, standing beside him, stood the ancient Ling Ling.

"His ancient wolf is Gu Ling's brother. He is very fierce. He is very high on weekdays. He does not put people in our outer halls in the eyes."

The ancient stream whispered back.

"The ancient wolf, you have so many people in the temple to come to the place where we live, it is too arrogant."

A young man on the side of the hall shouted loudly. His cultivation was also a three-level grand priest, but compared with the ancient wolf, the momentum was obviously weak.

"Ancient Liuyang, less **** nonsense, hand over the new bastard, otherwise, today's thing is not over, the courage of your outer hall is getting bigger and bigger, a new garbage, even dare to hit the temple Don't look at your own identity. You must remember that everyone in your presence can practice in the ancient temple. That is the charity of the ancient temple."

The ancient wolf was too arrogant, and he did not put the people in the outer hall in front of him.

"Mom, it’s too arrogant, we have to endure the halls again and again, and in this ancient temple, we are swallowing, and now they have to ride on our necks and pull them."

"The words of this ancient wolf are obviously humiliating us. It is really mad at me."

"I have been fed up. I really want to do a good job with these gangsters. I saw that Gu Ling was beaten like this. I was really happy in my heart. I don't know who is the old dust. I must thank him very much."


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