Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 948: Arrogant

The people in the outer hall also began to whisper, and the voices grew bigger. They all came from the pure land. When they were in the pure land, which one was not a famous figure, now they are here, but they are so suffocated, the clay figurines still There are three points of fire.

The new man named Gu Chen hit Gu Ling on the first day. This kind of behavior did not make the people in the outer hall resent the ancient dust. Instead, he greatly appreciated and admired the ancient dust. Many of them wanted to do it. The things that dare to do, let the old dust dry, and see the old bear like a bear, they can not tell the refreshment in their hearts.

"It is him, he is the old dust."

Gu Ling saw Jiang Chen from the crowd, and suddenly he shouted.

For a time, everyone’s eyes were on Jiang Chen’s side. Whether they were in the temple or in the outer hall, their eyes fell on Jiang Chen’s body. When they saw the appearance of Jiang Chen, everyone was surprised. .

"This is the old dust that is daring, I didn't expect it to be so young."

"This ancient dust is the first-class grand priest. So, Guling is made by the first-class sage, which is too shameful."

"How can this guy be so strong, no mistakes, a new first-class grand priest, even Guling did not fight back."


At this moment, not only the people in the outer hall, but even many people in the temple raised their brows. They thought that the people who beat Guling were such a powerful thing, but they did not think that it was only a first-class sacred, Gu Ling. Being a dog at the first level is really a dog.

Seeming to feel these ridiculous eyes, Gu Ling's face also rose red, and quickly said to the ancient wolf: "Big brother, don't underestimate this kid, he is very powerful."

"Haha, the ancient wolf, Gu Ling, even a first-class grand priest can't beat, you are still very embarrassed to make trouble, really funny."

Guliuying laughed a lot, and the mood was a happy one. If this ancient dust is the cultivation of the third-level grand priest, it would be bullying Guling, but now the ancient dust is only one level of great sanctuary. The Holy Capital, however, can only show that its strength is too bad.

"Hey, those of you outside the hall, who are the first to wait for us, who have beaten our temple, that is a great provocation against us. If you do not give you some lessons, you will not be able to go to heaven in the future."

The ancient wolf snorted and immediately looked at Jiang Chen: "The ancient dust, I have to say, your courage is too big, even dare to beat the people of this temple, I will give you a chance, immediately kneel down to apologize to my brother, then I broke my legs and took out 100,000 Shengyuan Dan as compensation. This is the case."

Jiang Chen calmly walked to the front of the camp, his eyes swept like everyone in the temple, and then said loudly: "The ancient wolf, your words are ridiculous, I can directly be a fart."

Jiang Chen has already seen that the contradiction inside the ancient temple is far more serious than he imagined. If it is not dealt with as soon as possible, it will have a great impact on the future of the ancients.

"Miscellaneous things, what do you say, you dare to talk to me like this."

The ancient wolf immediately became angry, it seems that this ancient dust is as arrogant as Gu Ling said.

"I said that your words are fart, you look at the faces of these people, one by one. Is your superiority built on your own people? The difference between the outer hall and the temple in your mouth is simply ridiculous. Extremely, don't forget, your ancestors are all coming from the pure land. You are the ones who flow in the body. It is the blood of the ancients. They are also the blood of the ancients. Why do you be superior?"

Jiang Chenyi said in his words.

This remark is just to say that the heart of the people in the outer hall has gone inside. Yes, all the people who are flowing are the ancient blood, and the people in this temple must be superior.

"If you bully the outer hall, you will only be in the nest. This is a skill. You have the ability to bully the Xiao people and bully other people. It’s really true that you have Gu Ling. That’s because he The fight, you guys who are pretentious, just can't find their place. In my eyes, you are nothing, because I am stronger than you, you look down on the people in our outer hall, I will tell you with strength. You are weak, a weak person, why look down on powerful people."

Jiang Chen’s voice is very loud. He listens to everyone’s ears. Those who are in the outer hall are the first to see Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen’s words make them very relieved. They are simply enjoyable and have not seen it with their own eyes. It’s a shame to hit Gu Ling in Jiang Chen’s storm.

"The argument of the tongue is not very interesting. You said that the strength of your outer hall is stronger than ours. It is just a joke."

The ancient wolf said coldly.

"The ancient wolf brother, with such a person to do so much, what to do, look at him, is not prepared to apologize, let me try how strong he is, I do not believe that he is a small first-class sacred, How powerful it is."

At this time, a young man came out. His cultivation was equivalent to that of Gu Ling. It was only the second-level Dasheng Peak. He was deeply ashamed of Gu Ling’s being like that. He absolutely did not believe in a pure land. The first level of the great saint will come, so he will try it for himself.

"Old dust, give me a knee."

The young man came to Jiang Chen and shouted.


Jiang Chen shook his head. It seems that it is impossible to solve the contradiction inside the ancient temple with his tongue. If this is the case, then you can only use iron and blood.

"Since you want to interrupt my legs, then everyone who comes here today will have to break one leg and start with you.

Jiang Chen said faintly.

"what did you say."

The young man stunned and suspected that his ears were wrong.


Responding to the youth is a loud slap in the face, the sound of the slap in the sound of the entire martial arts field, very crisp, Jiang Chen this slap is very fierce, directly shot the young man on the ground, then Jiang Chen raised his feet, 狠Stepping on the face of the young man, he stepped his half head down to the ground.


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed. I heard that it was one thing. It was another matter to see it with my own eyes. Many people did not see how Jiang Chen shot, too fast.

This scene is simply astounding. Here is the Temple of the Holy Sepulchre, where the masters are like clouds. Which one is not a master, and there is no means. They have never seen a first-class sacred sect.

That slap, it is definitely not an accident.

"It's so strong."

The people in the outer hall have widened their eyes, and Jiang Chen’s slap is really enjoyable.


The young man struggled fiercely at the foot of Jiang Chen, but it did not help at all. He thought that he had just been arrogant to let the other person kneel down, and the next moment he was stepped on his feet. It was a great sarcasm.

"You are now stepping on my feet, and there is any arrogant capital. I am a new priest disciple who can trample on you at will. What qualifications do you have to look down on the outer hall? This is a world dominated by the strong. Everything must be strong, not with your mouth, your mouth, or for licking the mud."

Jiang Chen said one word and sentenced the superiority of the genius of the temple to the smashing of the trampling. Looking at this scene, listening to the words of Jiang Chenkou, all the people in the outer hall were not screaming. This scene is too deflated, too It’s fun, it’s what they want to do when they dream.

"Old dust, stop."

The ancient wolf screamed.

"What qualifications do you have to order me? I said that everyone has to break a leg today. He is just the beginning. You are no exception."

Jiang Chen said, stepping on the thigh of the young man, only to hear a crack, the youth's thighs were distorted on the spot, and the face buried in the ground made a scream.

"Miscellaneous things."

"Damn, he is a great provocation to our temple."

"Let's relax, it's too arrogant. The ancient temple was built for so long. People who have never had such a madness must not let him go."


The people on the other side of the temple are shaking. This scene can't believe it. This newcomer can be described as mad.

For the anger of the temple, Jiang Chen did not look at it at all. He crossed the young man's body and took two steps forward. He said loudly: "Who else?"

Outspoken, arrogant, and who else, swaying the character of the man.

At this moment, all the disciples of the outer hall were infected by the dust of Jiang Chen. The eyes of all people became extremely hot. How many years of grievances seemed to be released, suppressed for a long time, never like today. It’s so refreshing, even if it’s only the first time I’ve seen it, but now Jiang Chen is in the hearts of everyone, and her status is already high.

For Jiang Chen, today, it is necessary to find the dignity and self-confidence for the people in the outer hall. It is necessary to fight, and to fight, only let them know that the outer hall is not easy to provoke, they will be afraid of them, only let these temples People have no sense of superiority since then, only equality, the contradictions within the ancients can be resolved.

As for the broken leg, Jiang Chen is not worried at all. For the master of the great sanctuary, this injury is nothing at all.

"Old dust, you are too arrogant, you will pay a heavy price for what you have done, I will personally let you know what is called regret."

The ancient wolf was shocked, and the breath of the third-grade Dasheng Peak was completely released. He was prepared to personally teach the arrogant boy.

"Gulves, let me come, deal with him, you don't have to take it yourself."

At this time, another young man came out. This person’s cultivation is relatively strong, and he has reached the third-level grand sac, but it is just the kind that has just reached the third-level grand priest. The gap is still not small.

The ancient wolf nodded, and he also wanted to take a look at how strong this new guy is.

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