Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 950: Ancient refining

Every outside disciple’s heart has a sigh of depression. In today’s situation, it is necessary to take a good breath. There are some conflicts between these people who are present more or less. So, hit At that time, the disciples of the outer court also specialized in picking up the people who are most uncomfortable and most want to be jealous on the weekdays. No matter how beaten they were, they played and said, they must know that they used to have no courage.


The powerful aftermath of the battle has just started to sweep everything here into scum. All the buildings have been destroyed. Two or three hundred great sacred battles are together, and it’s difficult to solve. But although there is a fierce battle, there are still A little bit of measure, everyone is using the combat technology to attack, there is no display of the soldiers, after all, this is the internal contradiction of their ancient temple relative to other ethnic groups, no matter how contradictory it is their own people, playing is also a breath, if If you really make a living, the nature is completely different.

"You bastard, isn't it very arrogant on weekdays, come, fight with Laozi."

A genius in the outer hall yelled and yelled at the genius of the temple, which was arrogant to him on weekdays. It was a powerful attack and began to bombard.

The people in this temple are also angry. They never put the people in the outer hall in their eyes. In their hearts, their status is above the genius of the outer hall, but now they are really fighting with the disciples of the outer court. It was discovered that the genius of the original outer hall was so powerful and the battle of the same level was not inferior to them.



In the vast battlefield, a white shadow is constantly flashing. Everywhere, there will be a sound of screams and broken bones. The white shadow is Jiang Chen. He is very hot and his body is different. Every time he appears in one The place will bring some damage to the opponent. None of these people in the temple is the enemy of his move. When they come up, they will be directly cut off one leg.

In the blink of an eye, there are twenty geniuses in the temple that are in the hands of Jiang Chen. It greatly consumes the combat power of the opponent, and his power will increase the morale of the geniuses in the outer court. In this big melee, the outer hall gradually gained the upper hand.

"Damn, how is this **** so strong."

The ancient wolf screamed, and he jumped, and the majestic body was in front of Jiang Chen.

"Old dust, let's fight."

The ancient wolf screamed, he has already seen that these geniuses in this hall today, I am afraid that only he can fight with Jiang Chen, and he has no grasp of Shang Jiangchen, although he is a third-level grand priest The repair, but also can not do a slap in the face of a three-level big fan to the ground, but Jiang Chen has done it easily.

"The repair of the third-level Great Sacred Peak, the ancient wolf, you are not my opponent."

Jiang Chen said that with his current cultivation, it is difficult to find an opponent in the third-level sacred. If the dragon is changed, the fourth-level sacred priest will be dead, but he must hide his identity now. It is not enough to use it, even if you don't use it to deal with these people, that is enough.

"Hurricane, black whirlwind."

The ancient wolf burst into a whirlwind. The black whirlwind directly formed a black storm. These storms are similar to the eternal fairy wind of Jiang Chen. Each wind blade seems to be a sharp blade, very sharp. Exhibited, the void is cut into pieces.

However, this black whirlwind is not a bit more than the eternal fairy wind of Jiang Chen. The two are not at all a level. The eternal fairy wind comes from the powerful skills of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

In dealing with the ancient wolf, Jiang Chen naturally cannot display the eternal fairy wind. Otherwise, I am afraid that the life of the ancient wolf will be directly affected.


In the face of the mighty black whirlwind of the ancient wolf, Jiang Chen’s response was very simple. He punched a punch and the golden fist became a golden dragon, making a roaring sound, and slamming the past toward the black whirlwind.


The two collided, one battlefield was destroyed, the space was hit by a big hole, the devastating energy was moving, it was shocking, that is, this battlefield is all masters of the great holy level, if a small When St. fell into such a battlefield, he couldn’t bear it. The lingering aftermath of the horror could instantly explode it.


The ancient wolf made a scream, and the whole person was shot and flew out. The third-level Dasheng Peak was repaired, and it was still the enemy of Jiang Chen’s move. He played the black whirlwind. The storm, the golden dragon that was punched out by Jiang Chen, was destroyed.

The ancient wolf was greatly shaken, spurting blood, and has been greatly injured, and the combat power is seriously damaged.


The ancient wolf's eyes are red, and his heart is the most shocked. He has never seen such a horrible person. He said that he is in the pure land, even in this holy temple, where the genius is like a cloud. There has never been such a horrible enchanting scorpion. This kind of combat power is simply against the sky.

How do you cultivate yourself, the existence of the third-level Great Saints, the general four-level grand priest is not an opponent, but now he can't beat a small first-level sage. This ending is something he never dreamed of.

"No, the ancient wolf is defeated, even he is not the opponent of this ancient dust."

"Mother's, is this guy still a human? When did the pure land cultivate such a enchanting out?"

"There are people in the outer hall. When we see that we are all hiding, we didn't expect it to be a tyrannical one. Now there is old dust, we can't win, we have lost a lot of people, and We have low morale now, but the other party is just like chicken blood."


The ancient wolf was defeated by Jiang Chen, completely letting the people in this temple lose their confidence, and in the course of the previous battle, they also really saw the strength of the outer hall. Although they did not say it, in the subconscious, these geniuses of the temple It has begun to stop looking down on the outer hall as before.

And this is exactly what Jiang Chen wants.


Jiang Chen's body movement is like light and shadow. When he brushed it, he came to the ancient wolf.

"What are you doing?"

There was fear on the face of the ancient wolf.

"Broken your legs."

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a sneer, and he came up to display the real dragon handprint. The huge cage made the ancient wolf unable to resist. On the spot, Jiang Chen was trapped by the prisoner. A force hit the leg of the ancient wolf like a sword. The ancient wolf made a scream and stepped into the footsteps of the two young men.

"Old dust, you are mad, you are finished, do you know what you are doing?"

On the side of the ancient screaming, but there is an impulse to vomit blood, he was originally sent to the rescue to come to avenge himself, but did not expect this ancient dust to be so strong to this extent, which makes Gu Ling look at Jiang Chen The eyes have changed from hatred and disgust at the beginning to fear.


Jiang Chen’s backhand slaps directly, and the slap in the face of Guling’s face has already turned into a pig’s head. The whole person has shot.

"Haha, the people in this temple are just like this, brothers, call me and hit them to find their teeth."

"Yes, today I want to release all the depressed gas before, Mom got a bait, hit."

"That is not the case with the ancient wolf. The repair of the third-grade Dasheng Peak is not enough for the old dust."


The screaming, the people in the outer hall were completely excited. Everyone seemed to be beaten with chicken blood. The genius of the temple was defeated. This area has been completely destroyed, but the people in the outer hall don’t care about this now. Compared with the loss of some buildings, gas is the most important.

However, the movement here is too big, and I don't want to disturb other people.


At this moment, a violent scream suddenly sounded from a distance. The next moment, a young man in blue appeared in the sky. The young man was red-haired, long and majestic, imposing, and arbitrarily ventilated. It’s amazing.

"The ancient refining is the ancient brother."

"Large brother, you must be the master of us."

"Mother's, the oldest brother, the guys in the outer hall have to rebel, they must be punished."


Seeing the people who had been beaten and crying and shouting at the temple, they all cheered up, as if they saw hope.

Ancient refining, the genius of this temple, the fourth level of the Holy.

"what happened."

The ancient refining and cold sweeping across the battlefield, I saw a lot of people in the temple have broken a leg, other people are also gray-faced, incomparable wolf, the genius master of the temple, the ancient refinement is extremely angry.

"The ancient brother..."

One person uses the voice of God to recite everything that happened before.

"A group of waste."

After listening to it, the ancient refining couldn’t help but snorted. Of course, he was not the people in the outer hall, but the people in their temple. He didn’t feel anger at all, but a kind of anger. Shame, because he has already seen it. The presence, no matter the number, or the cultivation, the temple is higher than the people in the outer hall. In this case, the temple is so miserable, it is really shameful. Things, but this also gives a new perspective to the people who have refined the external hall.


The eyes of Gu Lian fell on Jiang Chen, and I noticed that Jiang Chen really only had the cultivation of the first-class Dasheng. The eyes suddenly showed strange colors. Others did not say that they could defeat the ancient ones with the cultivation of the first-class Dasheng. The wolf is enough to make people value.

"You are the new dust."

Asked about the cold and cold.


Jiang Chen did not have a bit of fear on the eyes of Shang Gu Lian.

"The ancient dust, it seems that today is in trouble, this ancient refining is a four-level grand priest, it is not easy to deal with, must be careful."

Gu Liuyang came to Jiang Dust and whispered.

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