Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 951: High-level conflict

Jiang Chen smiled and did not put the words of the ancient Liuyang in his heart. He looked straight at the ancient refining and said: "You also saw that everyone in the temple can't beat me."

Although Jiang Chen’s words are not very thorough, the meaning he wants to express is already obvious. That is to say, you have so many geniuses in this hall that I can’t beat my first-class sacred, what qualifications are proud, what qualifications? Bullying the disciples of the outer court.

"You are really good, I feel very shocked. I didn't expect that there is such a genius in the pure land. They can't beat you, but they are also inferior. I have nothing to say. Your performance in the outer hall today. It does make me look at you in the past."

Gu Lian nodded and said that it is also a refreshing person.

"However, if you are a newcomer, you have hit so many people in our temple, and you have interrupted so many people's legs. That is, we don't put our temple in our eyes. I will regard this as a provocation against our temple. So, even if I admire you, I have to ask for a fairness for our temple and find the lost face."

Gu Lian said that his words are understandable. Jiang Chen also said that if such a thing is changed to himself, he will make the same decision. After all, the ancient refining is the side of the temple. If you face this situation, you can still be indifferent. If that, it is weak.

"what do you want."

Jiang Chen said faintly that the internal contradictions of the ancients have been radically intensified. They must be resolved quickly by this kind of intensification. Once they cannot be resolved, this contradiction will evolve into an uncontrollable point. It will be finished, from the bottom to the top, will fall into contradiction.

Therefore, Jiang Chen has no way to go now. How can the development of the situation be a step by step, but one thing is necessary, that is, it must be strong in the end, and must be the prestige of the genius of the outer hall.

"I am playing with you."

The ancient eyes are hot, and the body shoots a hint of war.

"No, ancient refining, you are the cultivation of the fourth-level great saint, and it is unfair to fight against the ancient dust."

Gu Liuyang was the first to object.

"Yes, the fourth-level grand priest is fighting against the first sacred sacred priest. Even if it is won, there is nothing to be proud of. Is your temple already shameless to this extent?"

The people in the outer hall are not doing it. You must know that the gap between the four-level Grand St. and the third-level Grand St. is not small. The promotion from the third level to the fourth level is itself a hurdle. Jiang Chen can defeat the third level. The ancient wolf of the Great St., but its own cultivation is only one level of the great saint, how to deal with the refinement of the fourth level of the Holy Order.

Jiang Chen raised his hand and pressed the voice of the outer hall. He smiled and looked at the ancient refining: "Well, I am playing with you."

In fact, for the ancient refining, Jiang Chen did not have a little grasp. If he used the dragon to change his body, he would certainly be able to defeat the ancient refining, but now the dragon-changing skills can not be used. With his own strength, he can deal with the general four-level sage. However, it is somewhat inadequate to deal with such genius as Gu Lian.

However, for the challenges of ancient refining, he must agree. If he does not dare to accept it, the outer hall will still be despised by the temple as before, be oppressed, and it will be intensified. Therefore, regardless of the outcome of the war, he To fight.

"Good, happy, ancient dust, just rush your guts, I admire you when you are old, let me see how good the geniuses cultivated in the Pure Land are, and I will fight you today to find your teeth. Defend the dignity and status of the temple."

The ancient refining momentum was violent, and the whole person flew high above the sky, and the whole body fluttered, and the breath of the fourth-level grand priest was completely released, which was horrifying.

Jiang Chen also released his own momentum and came to the opposite side of the ancient refining. He was white as snow, spotless, black hair moving with the wind, exuding a strong heroic spirit, making people fascinated and impressed.

"Mother's, isn't this bully?"

"I don't know if the ancient dust can be used for ancient refining. I think it is very difficult. The ancient refining is not good, and the ancient dust is only the cultivation of the first level. This war is really worrying."

"What do you know, the ancient dust is fighting for the dignity and glory of our outer hall. He must accept the challenge. Otherwise, there is still no way for us to stand still after the outer hall, or to be bullied by the gang of bastards."

Everyone in the outer hall has their eyes on the sky. Everyone’s eyes are filled with the color of worry. The opponents are powerful, and they have no way to worry.

"This guy really dared to accept the challenge, I really don't know where he came from."

"Although it is a person in the outer hall, I have to admit that this ancient dust is really very powerful. You and I are too far apart from him."

"Yeah, I didn't expect the pure land to cultivate such a genius. I admire him a bit, but now it is a battle against dignity and status. The ancient brother will let him know what is powerful, and teach him well. The newcomer is so arrogant that it is necessary to pay the price."


Many people in this hall also talked about it. Jiang Chen almost did not even agree to the challenge of refining, which made them not think that after all, the strength gap between the two sides was too great, which is a difficult gap to make up. Because even if they are opponents, even if they hate Jiang Chen, they have to secretly give a thumbs up to Jiang Chen and express their admiration.

Sometimes it is irrelevant to admire a person and whether they are comrades or enemies.

"Old dust, come on, make your full strength."

The ancient refining and drinking, has been fully prepared for the battle.


At this moment, there was another loud bang, and four strong and extreme figures appeared in the sky. These are the four old men, each of which is full of momentum and tyrannical, all of which are the five-level sacred After they appear, they will have a panoramic view of what happened here.

It was originally a splendid place. It is the residence of the geniuses of the outer hall. There are martial arts fields, flowers and trees, and other palaces. Now it’s good, nothing, all destroyed, even a little residue. There is nothing left, although it is not worth the money, it can't be done like this. Well, this is the symbol of the ancient temple. This is a symbol of the defeated family. It seems that if this suspended mountain peak was banned by the master, even this mountain was completely destroyed. It is.

"It’s the elders."

It is indeed the elders of the ancient temple. In normal times, even if the following disciples are noisy, the elders will not appear. It seems that today's things are not small, even the elders are out.

"What have you done, ancient refining, are you ready to dismantle the entire ancient temple?"

An elder shouted at the ancient refining and then looked at the opposite dust: "Who are you?"

But soon, the four elders knew what was going on here. Someone had already read the story and told them everything, the cause, the process, and the result.

As for the results, I don’t have to say it, because they are all in front of me.

"Old dust, these people are all wounded by you."

An elder asked a little unbelievable.


Jiang Chendao: "Maybe several elders should know why I shot. Although I came to the first day of the ancient dust, I can’t stand it. The ancient temple was originally built by the ancients. Why do you have the main hall and the outside? The difference between the temples, the people in the outer hall will be insulted, I just want to see, the geniuses of this temple, what is great, now it seems, but it is."

"Bold, you are a newcomer, even beaten the genius of the temple, but also destroyed the entire residence of the outer hall, that is the big sin, the ancient dust, you immediately went to the penalty hall with this elder to be punished."

An elder shouted loudly at Jiang Chen.

"Elders of ancient times, this place is not destroyed by the ancient dust. The people who beat the temple, we all shot, you have to be punished, even we punished together."

The ancient Liuyang stood up. At this time, the outer hall must be united.

"What are you doing, do you have to rebel in the outer hall?"

The ancient eyes are big eyes.

"Rebellion, the elders of the ancient elders said something harsh. I think that the ancient dust is right, they are all ancient people. They should not have the distinction between the temple and the outer hall, and today it seems that this temple Genius, it is really just that, the ancient dust is only the cultivation of the first level of the great saint, so many people crying and shouting at the temple, the pure land sent such a talented person, that is the luck of our ancient temple. ”

An elder who was next to the ancient Shu said that he was called Gu Zheng, who was also a member of the outer hall. He had always been extremely upset about the difference between this temple and the outer hall.

Jiang Chen sees this in his eyes, and his heart is even more worried. The internal contradictions of the ancient temple have reached a point where they cannot be ignored. Not only are the following geniuses, even these elders have contradictions with each other. Excited, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

"Ancient Zheng, since the establishment of the ancient temple, there has never been such a big rebellious thing, destroying public facilities, ignoring the rules of the ancient temple, adding sins, and having to be punished. Otherwise, how to control disciples after the ancient temple."

Gu Yu said loudly and his attitude was very determined.

"Fart, the mistakes made by the ancient dust are nothing more than a violent attack on Gu Ling. This is a battle between disciples. It is also very common in ordinary times. We have always asked no matter what we asked. As for the destruction of public facilities, I have to ask a question. Here is the place of the outer hall. What more than 100 people are doing in the temple, to say that the public facilities are destroyed, it is also the people in the temple to make trouble. If you want to go to the penalty hall, you should also take away the ancient wolves. Everything here is destroyed. The disciple of the outer hall is the victim. It is unfair to punish the victim now."

The ancient justice is just saying, it seems that you must stand firmly on the side of the outer hall.

The two elders came up against each other and made Jiang Chen more determined to resolve the internal contradictions in the ancient temple.

[Thanks to 137575... brothers' red envelopes, today's plus,] The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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