Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 955: Human dog recombination

"What did you want to do, what do I do now, anyway, you are dead here, it is also white death."

Jiang Chen's face was cold, and he was released by him. He squeezed from Xiao Yilang in all directions.

"Do not……"

Xiao Yilang made a sigh, he felt the breath of death. He didn't expect the other party to really kill himself. This is an incredible thing. He regrets it now. When he came, there are some secret rooms here. He just went to **** the ancient temple. Now it seems that the final charge is to pay the price, but the price is really too bad.


Xiao Yilang’s body fell to the ground, and after a few moves, he completely lost his breath and died completely.

The scene was silent. Many people felt the urgency even breathing. All eyes looked at Jiang Chen’s indifferent face. It seems that killing the genius of Xiao Dian is just like killing an ordinary person. It is no big deal. .

"My God, this ancient dust is what comes, this courage is too big, it is said that killing people will kill, Xiao Dian may not be able to give up this time."

"This ancient dust should be the new arrival of the ancient temple. I am not surprised by his courage, but his strength. Xiao Yilang is a powerful three-level grand priest. He said that killing will kill. The ancient temple has such a genius. Said, definitely a fortune."

"It's too powerful. The first-level sacred sacred kills the third-level sage. This is not something that you can see with your own eyes."


No one is shocked, everyone is shocked to the extreme, the ancient hall has a genius, and is a ferocious monk, it seems that the future Shengyuan Hall, to be lively, Gu Yong they are also stupid, only the ancient wind performance is good Some, after all, he was not the first day to know Jiang Chen.

The people around the ancient temples, the eyes of Jiang Chen are also full of fear, especially those geniuses of the temple, think of the scenes of yesterday, and then look at the scenes in front of them, they suddenly have a sense of happiness, thank you and Jiang Chen It is a force. Otherwise, yesterday's situation may not be as simple as a broken leg.

But at the moment, the ancient temple people felt incomparable anger, especially Gu Yong, three of them. They were violently smashed by Xiao Dian. Now Jiang Chen is in their heads, killing each other directly, and for a moment of depression. All the gas was released.

At this time, many people who were practicing in the secret room were also alarmed. Many people came out of the secret room. Many of them were geniuses of Xiao Dian. They saw their own two people falling into a pool of blood and suddenly became angry.


Jiang Chen’s gaze looked at the second-level grand priest of Xiao Dian, and the three had already died.

"To you, you can choose to kneel down and apologize, or die like them."

Jiang Chen’s words are still cold without a little bit of affection.

In the eyes of many people, Jiang Chen has done a bit too much. Xiao Dian has been killed two times. Even if he has a big hatred, he should understand it, but Jiang Chen still does not care.

They naturally don't know the festival between Jiang and the Xiao people. For the Xiao people, he never has a bit of politeness. For his own enemy, Jiang Chen never knows what kindness is.

"Old dust, don't be too much."

A loud drink never rang, more than 20 people from the Xiao people gathered together. Among them, there are several three-level grand priests like Xiao Yilang. One group of people is rushing toward this side, talking is When a young man, the third-level master, is supposed to be similar to the ancient wolf, and stronger than Xiao Yilang.

"Excessively, I don't think at all. It's your Xiao Dian who first looked for things. They refused to apologize, and they could only use their lives to pay back."

Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders and said that he was understatement. Then he did not know when he had a Limang in his hands. When the second-level saint in front did not react, he directly smashed half of his head, one second. St., even the screams did not have time to send out and died on the spot.

At this point, the three Xiaodian guys who had previously robbed Gu Yong’s room and beat Gu Yong’s three people all died. Jiang Chen’s shot was ruthless and ruthless.


The people in Xiao Dian were stunned, and all of them were angry, but they saw Jiang Chen’s ability, but no one dared to rush forward.

"The ancient dust, today's thing, we have a record of Xiao Dian."

The young man in the lead said evilly.

"If you don't want to die, you'd better disappear from my face immediately. Today, the fifth floor of this tower, I don't want to see a person in Xiao Dian. You are all gone, not allowed to practice here."

Jiang Chen did not look at the people of Xiao Dian, and said in an unquestionable tone.


It is said that many people can't help but breathe a sigh of gas. What is called a strong position? This is called a strong, too arrogant. The tower is used as a public cultivation place. Although the battle is constant, there is still no situation to occupy. Today It was the first time that the ancient dust had to deprive the disciples of Xiao Dian of their cultivation rights.

The disciples of the ancient temple have been completely convinced by Jiang Chen’s domineering. Although the strength of the ancient temple is not weak in the Eight Great Halls, the following disciples have never been so proud in the tower, and Jiang Chen’s strong feeling Let them feel that being a member of the ancient temple is really incomparable glory. Their ancient temple is so powerful. Whoever cultivates here, whoever cultivates here, does not let anyone practice, you have to give him a **** son. Get out of the way, it is so arrogant, it is such a hang.

"what did you say."

Xiao Dian’s eyes were stunned. He was called Xiao Yi. He directly suspected that his ears were wrong. This arrogant **** had to drive all of them from the tower to deprive them of the qualifications for cultivation here. This makes the people of Xiao Dian suffer.

"You are a bad brain or a bad ear. He said that you are all going to go out, haha... or let it go."

At this moment, the sound of watching the excitement was not loud, and everyone started to look at it. Everyone looked down and saw a big yellow dog swaying toward him. He was followed by a handsome young man. One person, one shit, and the demon, the one who looks at the demon temple.

Jiang Chen saw the big yellow dog, and his heart suddenly smiled. At this moment, the big yellow dog is already a second-class grand priest. It seems that the mixed hall is very good. The big yellow dog came to Shengyuan Temple three days earlier than himself. His blood and totem prints, I am afraid that he has already achieved a certain position in the demon hall. This can be seen from the geniuses of the surrounding geniuses. A guy who has the blood of the beast and the totem of the totem, can’t let it go. It is difficult for people to pay attention, unless the high-level brain of the demon hall is broken.

The rhubarb dog mixed well, and it was able to see it from three days to the second level.

"Hey, little dust, dog, I am going to stir up the game."

The rhubarb dog smiled and the voice reached Jiang Chen's ear.

"The rhubarb is beautiful."

Jiang Chen praised the big yellow dog. The rhubarb dog appeared best at this time. Today, the big yellow dog represents the demon hall. He represents the ancient temple. The two jointly deal with Xiao Dian. The invisible has already involved the demon hall and the ancient temple. This first step, it can be said to be perfect.

"Where are the dogs, you dare to ridicule us Xiaotang, don't want to live."

Xiao is very angry. Today is too depressed. Xiao Dian was killed by three people. Now he has to be driven out of the tower. This **** ran out of a dog and sneered for no reason.

"What do you think of, and dare to drink six for the dog, I see you are looking for death, the dog, I was originally watching the lively, is not allowed to watch the lively talk, when you Xiaotang smashed to this point. ”

The rhubarb dog is not a good person. He is afraid that Xiao will not answer. As long as he picks up, it will be much easier.

"It seems that you are really tired."

Xiao Yi’s heart screamed at the fire and didn’t vent. Since he couldn’t beat Jiang Chen, it’s venting the dog’s body. It’s not the time to let this dog appear, and it’s so rude.


Xiao was on the spot against the big yellow dog, and the sharp palm of his hand was like a spiral of warriors, and it hit the past with the big yellow dog.

"court death."

In the eyes of the rhubarb dog, the fierce glare appeared, and the golden light was shining on the dog's head, and the palm of the hand of Xiao was collided with the past.


The two collided, the fifth floor of the tower was swaying, and the attack of Xiao’s three-level grand priest was said to be destroyed even if a mountain was killed. Next, all the attacks are instantly smashed into pieces.


Xiao has not had time to be shocked, and he feels a stream of rushing straight, and it is near in the blink of an eye.

Xiao’s secret voice was not good. He quickly sacrificed Yuanli to resist, but it was already late.


The dog's head of the rhubarb dog hit the sound of Xiao's chest like a diamond. He only heard a scream from Xiao, and the whole person was knocked out. The chest was sunk and a large piece of blood was spurted in the mouth.

"Mom, this is where the dog that came out is so tyrannical."

"Grandma's, this will not be the new arrival of the demon hall, how so many metamorphosis, the dog's head is too hard, and the three-level grand priest Xiao has no power to fight back."

"Xiao Dian is really unlucky today. First, I met an old dust. Then the demon hall ran out of a dog. I thought I could bully it and vent it. I didn't expect it to be seriously injured by the dog's head."


The people in Xiao Dian are indeed depressed and wronged. When they were in the tower, they were so arrogant. They were fighting with the ancient temple. Now there is a dog. What is even more unbearable is that they still can’t beat one. The dog, now being hit into a serious injury, not to mention the battle, I am afraid that it is a death to go up, look at the dog's posture, even if killing is not soft.

[Thanks to the 137575 brothers red envelopes, tomorrow four more,] the book first from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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