Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 956: Xianqi [one more]

However, when the people of the Xiao nationality feel the grievances, they are also deeply shocked, especially Xiao, who can’t help but re-evaluate the big yellow dog. His own ability is not strong, but in the big yellow dog. Under the impact, it was directly hurt, indicating that there is a certain gap between the two sides.

The cultivation of the rhubarb dog is only a second-class sacred. It seems that it is not just the ancient temple. The demon hall also has a real genius. This kind of existence, I believe that it will take a long time to become a dazzling in the temple. The presence.

"I counted three, you don't leave, I will kill."

Jiang Chen’s eyes swept coldly through Xiao Dian’s people. The ruthless scorpion made all the people in Xiao Dian unable to bear a chill. No one doubted the authenticity of Jiang Chen’s words. The three bodies on the ground were the most Good proof, like the murderous figure like Jiang Chen, you should never dare to measure him. Otherwise, the consequences are hard to bear.

"A brother, what do we do."

Someone in Xiao Dian asked not to be willing.

"Go, today's things are not over."

Xiao Yi raised his hand and wiped the blood on his lips. Then he gave the body of Xiao Yilang to the Qiankun Ring. With all the people of Xiao Dian, the face was gone. Since the rebuilding of the tower, Xiao Dian has never Without such humiliation, it is conceivable that Xiao Dian will never stop here, and everything that happened today also makes the name of the ancient dust begin to spread among the great geniuses.

"This man is so overbearing, I like it very much. I don't know how to call my dear friend. I am willing to be a friend with my dog."

The rhubarb dog pretended to be pretending to see him like this, and Kong Yangqiang, who was on the side, couldn’t help but squirt out.

"Of course, I see that the brother-in-law is also a man of temperament. Today, the secret room of Xiao Dian, our ancient temple and the demon hall share."

Jiang Chen is also pretending to be a model.

"That's really good. Everyone listens. These empty rooms, the ancient temple and the demon temple coexist peacefully. Other people in the temple go to the fourth floor to find a place."

The rhubarb dog directly tied the demon hall and the ancient temple together. The secret room that Xiao Dian vacated was shared by the ancient temple and the demon temple. The other temples were directly excluded. For them, except for the ancient temple and the demon temple, others All are enemies, and naturally there is nothing to be polite.

The geniuses of the five halls are secretly embarrassed, and they are extremely dissatisfied, but Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog are too strong. They dare not say anything more. The ancient temple and the demon temple are excited. Many of them come. At that time, there was no secret room for cultivation. Now I am being vacated and I am naturally happy.

Especially the geniuses of the ancient temples, their faces are full of high-spirited look, they are almost proud to go to heaven. Today, their ancient temple can be said to be proud, Jiang Chen gave them a big face.

"The ancient dust, today's things really thank you, I did not expect you to be so ignorant."

Gu Yong came to Jiang Chen and said to Jiang Chen.

"Gu Yong, you have to remember that yesterday's thing is a matter between the outer hall and the main hall. It is not a personal grievance between you and me. I don't want to see the ancient temple with the outer hall and the main hall. I want to see one. The ancient hall of unity, so I will take the shot. In my eyes, you are all your own people. Your own people are wronged. You have to stand by and watch. Outside, we are all family members. You can let outsiders bully. I don't allow people in Xiao Dian to bully you, just like people who don't allow you to bully the outer hall."

Jiang Chen took a picture of Gu Yong’s shoulder and said with a strong heart.

Wen Yan, Gu Yong and other people in the temple suddenly headed out, how much feel awkward.

Gu Yueying and Guliuhui looked back at each other and couldn't help but secretly gave a thumbs up to Jiang Chen. This person has the courage to do so. Jiang Chen's achievements must be limitless. Now his battle with ancient refining has not yet begun. Let the geniuses of this temple completely change the views of him and the outer hall. It is a change from the heart. They can feel that the geniuses of these temples are different from before. The internal contradictions of the ancient temple have begun to gradually improve.

Jiang Chen is in the early stage of Gu Yong, and the effect is better than defeating the ancient refining effect two days later.

"Gu Yong, I have some medicinal herbs here. You take them to the brothers who were injured yesterday. Their injuries will recover soon."

Jiang Chen took out another Qiankun ring and handed it to Gu Yong’s hand. This is called Huairou’s policy. When there is no way to solve the contradiction, then it will be beaten. After the fight is finished, it will give benefits. I want a person to change psychologically. An easy thing, Jiang Chen has to do, this is the case.

It is conceivable that today's events have spread to the ancient temples. Those geniuses of this temple, even the top of the ancient temple, must admire Jiang Chen. After all, Jiang Chen earned a face to the ancient temple and pressed the arrogance of Xiao Dian, plus these In the case of medicinal herbs, all hatreds have been understood. Two days later, in front of all the ancient temples, defeating the ancient refining in the martial arts field, the purpose of Jiang Chen has been completely achieved, even if the internal contradictions of the ancient temple cannot be completely solved immediately, but the ancient temple It will get better and better until the iron plate is a piece.

"Thank you for your dust."

Gu Yong took over the Qiang Kun ring and said with gratitude.

"Our ancient temple has such a genius as the dust brother, that is the honor of our ancient temple."

"Yes, with the strength and talent of the dust brother, the morning and evening will be famous for the Shengyuan Hall."

"Dust brother, we disrespected you yesterday and apologize to you."


Many disciples in this temple have said in a serious way, with their pride, if they do not really admire one person, they will not apologize.

"The ancient dust is so powerful that it took only one day to get the genius of this temple. It seems that the internal contradictions of the ancient temple will soon be solved. After our outer hall, we will no longer have to live with grievances."

The ancient literary mile, the way of Jiang Chen's soft and hard, makes it difficult for them to admire.

"Okay, everyone is going to practice, and there are friends of the demon hall. Don't delay the time."

Jiang Chen said to the crowd.

Later, in the eyes of the fascinating genius of the five halls, the ancient temple and the demon temple peacefully entered a secret room to practice, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog and Kong Yang once again pretend to chat a few words, and entered a secret room. go with.


The stone door of the secret room was closed and the rhubarb dog suddenly burst into laughter.

"Jiang Xiong, Rhubarb, I said that you two can really play."

Kong Yang Ren Jun can not help.

"Confucius brother, I can't call my real name in the future. I am now called Guchen. You can call me a little dusty like the rhubarb."

Jiang Chen is very special.

"About it."

Kong Yang was so embarrassed. Just a moment ago, she was so excited that she ignored this most important point. Only then did she think that Jiang Chen was hiding her identity.

"I heard that the contradictions in your ancient temple are not small, but it is not bad to see your kid."

The rhubarb dog said that he and Kong Yang have been here for three days, and the situation here is still very well understood.

"Yes, what I have to do now is to eliminate the internal contradictions of the ancient temple and make the ancient temple become a piece of iron. The people in Xiao Dian today have given me a good opportunity to find a good opportunity. I have seen the results, the rhubarb has just appeared. It is also the time when the relationship between the ancient temple and the demon temple was originally good. Now it is invisible to connect the two forces together. This situation is excellent and can pave the way for the cooperation between the ancient temple and the demon temple in the future."

Jiang Chen gave a thumbs up to the rhubarb dog. The sudden appearance of the rhubarb dog was what he did not expect, but the tacit understanding between him and the rhubarb dog was almost seamless. A small thing between the disciples below, When it came to a big role, it made a great foundation for the future two major forces.

"But today you killed the people in Xiao Dian, Xiao Dian will definitely not give up."

Kong Yang said.

"No matter, the Xiao and I are originally dead enemies, and Xiao Dian wants to deal with me. The ancient temple will not sit idly by. The more powerful I am, the more I care about the ancient temple. Now the situation of the Shengyuan Temple is not Too clear, but the tops of the main halls must be clear, the ancient temple should be able to see my importance."

Jiang Chen said with confidence.

"Take him, the people who killed Xiao Dian are no big deal. Anyway, it is not the first time. It is a good practice in this place. I heard that the opening of the tower is also a day's time. Let's not waste it. Let's take time to practice. ""

The rhubarb dog said, and walked past a futon next to it. There were three futons in this secret room, which accommodated three people.

Jiang Chen and Kong Yang went to the other two futons and sat down on the knees. The three of them were the first to come to the Shengyuan Hall. They were also practicing for the first time in the tower. I was a little excited if I could absorb it. Some fairy words are definitely good forever.

Jiang Chen's operation and refinement of the soul, found that this channel of the refining tower and the fairyland has a looming connection, just like a kind of array connection, as to whether it can absorb the immortality of the fairy world through this connection, it depends on Your own skills.

The refining tower has a total of nine floors. The higher the level, the closer the connection is, the easier it is to sense, and the more scent that can be absorbed.

On the contrary, the lower the tower is, the weaker the invisible connection is, and the more difficult it is to sense. Even if it is sensed, the probability and quantity of absorbing it will be limited.

Jiang Chen, where they are now on the fifth floor, does not go up, wants to sense the immortality, there is a certain degree of difficulty, which mainly depends on their own air transport.

Jiang Chen’s air transport has never been bad. Hualong’s as a masterpiece has brought him countless air transports. It’s like now, Da Yan’s refining works with the dragons, it took only a few minutes, Jiang The dust has sensed the atmosphere of the fairy world. In the chaos of nothingness, there is a stream of silky air. The airflow is full of noble atmosphere. It is the fairy tales of the legend. The quality does not know much higher than the heaven and earth of the Shengyuan continent.

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