Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 960: Ancient sky [one more]

The Law Enforcement Hall is an independent temple. It is an independent church. Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog and the ancient wind of Kongyang are controlled by the seven-level Great Saint. In the blink of an eye, it is where the law enforcement hall is located.

"Little dust, what do you do now, I heard that this law enforcement hall is extremely powerful. When you don’t die here, you have to peel off the skin. Now the main hall of the law enforcement hall is the owner of Xiao Dian, and the power of Xiao Dian is in the grip. Let's fall. In their hands, there will be no good endings."

Kong Yang passed the voice to Jiang Chen, with a hint of worry between the words.

"You don't have to say anything for a while, everything has me."

Jiang Chen has always been so confident. No matter what kind of situation and environment, you will not see the slightest tension from his face. For his heart, Kong Yang and the ancient style are simply Admire the five bodies to vote.

"You two can rest assured that you can't die."

The rhubarb dog swayed the thick big tail. Since Jiang Chen said nothing, it must be fine. It is not because of how powerful Jiang Chen is. The repair of Jiang Chen is far from reaching the level of the Dian Dian Dian, but because of Jiang. Dust is the kind of self-confidence.

The location of the Law Enforcement Hall is very special. It is located in the center of the Eighth Hall. It stands tall in the Golden Pagoda. This tower looks like a dozen layers. The whole body exudes golden light, giving the whole person a feeling of incomparable honor.

"Old dust, if you can't explain the fairy things today, you should know the consequences."

The elder looked at Jiang Chen’s opening.

"The ancient dust, the tower is the foundation of the temple of the Holy Yuan. Since the creation, there has never been such a thing. Therefore, the law enforcement hall must figure out what is going on, you are very lucky, but your luck is not good. Because this time it will be the Lord of the House to personally interrogate you."

Another elder said.

Jiang Chen’s hands were behind him, and the words of the two men were completely unheard of, and the face did not see the color of worry.


The elders of the temple said, they took Jiang Chen directly into the law enforcement hall.

The hall of the Law Enforcement Hall is as big as a palace. At the moment, there are at least a dozen people sitting in the hall. When Jiang Chen just stepped into the hall, they immediately felt an invisible pressure on the sky. Under this invisible pressure, the ancient wind and Kong Yang body could not help but tremble, and the brain was full of sweat.

These people are all real high-level people. They are the high-level existence between the heavens and the earth. The lowest level is the seven-level Great Saint, and there are eight great saints and nine great saints. So many people gather together and distribute them at will. The pressure that comes out is not something that ordinary people can bear. At the very least, Kong Yang and the ancient winds are unbearable, and they feel extremely uncomfortable.

Even the rhubarb dog, the man with the blood of the beast, feels very unnatural under such pressure. If it is not because the atmosphere here is too depressed, he can't help but open his mouth.

On the contrary, Jiang Chen, from the beginning to the end, is the same as nothing. Even if the pressure of so many masters is united, it will not have any effect on him.


The top executives of the Law Enforcement Hall couldn’t help but sigh, and the surprised eyes fell on Jiang Chen’s body. With their eyesight, they could naturally see that the young man in white was just a small second-level sage. A second-class sage, in the face of so many powerful masters, can still be so calm, young people have such a heart, it is unimaginable.

There were members of the ancient ethnic group, watching Jiang Chen could not help but secretly nod, they are ordinary antiques that do not appear in normal times, are powerful supreme characters, which one is not high-sighted, but this genius in front of him really makes him feel It is bright to the eyes.

"The lord, the people brought it, and all the fairy tales in the micro space were absorbed by the four of them."

The elder said to the one sitting on the top of the head, the gesture is extremely respectful.

When Jiang Chen came in, he noticed the man. The man was not tall and medium-sized. He looked like he was forty years old, with a red-gold robes, a golden crown on his head, and a pair of scorpions. Like the cold pool, the bottom of the lake is so deep that people feel a cold feeling. He sits there, but there seems to be nothing like that. When you look at him, you will feel a mountain sitting there and let it happen. The breath is enough to suppress everything.

Not angry and self-defeating, this is the true superior, the most peak of the world, and the supreme figure at the top of the pyramid of the entire Sanyuan continent.

He seems to be an emperor, but he does not know how many times the emperor of any empire on the sacred continent. The average emperor does not even have shoes in front of him, and he does not even have the qualification to worship.

He is Xiao Tianwang, the master of the two halls of Xiao Dian and Law Enforcement Hall. He is the most powerful person in the entire Shengyuan continent. He is the supreme master of the 9th-level Great Sacred Summit. Further, that is the immortal.

"You are the old dust."

Xiao Tianwang spoke, and the sound was like Hong Zhong. It shocked the soul. His eyes looked at Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen had a feeling of falling into the ice cave.

Xiao Tianwang immediately said the name of Jiang Chen. It seems that he has known everything that happened in the tower. But this is no stranger. He has reached this level, as long as he wants to know, Shengyuan Hall. Everything can't escape his perception.

"Yes, I am the old dust."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly and took the initiative to meet Xiao Tianwang's gaze. There was no fear or panic. For Jiang Chen, there was nothing to be nervous about standing in front of Xiao Tianwang. He recognized this Xiao Tianwang, when he was pure and pure. This person is just a small character. It is an ordinary big saint. If it is nervous, Xiao Tianwang of that year mentioned that his name must be scared.

However, at this moment, Jiang Chen at this moment is no longer the first holy world in the world more than 100 years ago. Xiao Tianwang in front of him is no longer a small role in the past. He holds the power and dominates the world.

"Let's relax, see the Lord, don't leave, you four, hurry up."

Someone shouted at Jiang Chen.

The body of Kong Yang and the ancient winds swayed, and they only felt that their minds were swaying, and they would soon go down, but they were lifted by the inexhaustible release of Jiang Chen.

This scene saw everyone's eyes, everyone looked at Jiang Chen's gaze, even more strange.

"Xiao Tianwang is the owner of Xiao Dian and the Law Enforcement Hall, but he is not qualified to let us kneel. We are the ancient temple and the demon temple. There is no reason to kneel down to the outsiders. Moreover, we are all great dignity. Our dignity does not allow us to kneel down. Even if the Lord of the Ancient Temple comes, I will not be jealous, and you have no reason to let us kneel because we have not made any mistakes."

Jiang Chen looked around in a circle and said lightly.

"Miscellaneous things, here is the law enforcement hall, you a junior dare to ignore the rules of the law enforcement hall, since you do not kneel down, this seat will let you never stand up again, kneel down."

Before that, the elders of Xiao Dian who brought Jiang Chen with them immediately became angry. His momentum was shocked. He suddenly shot an illusory big hand and slammed it toward Jiang Chen. Since Jiang Chen was unwilling to kneel down, Then he let Jiang Chen squat down and stand up.

"Stop, I have to look at it, who dares to let us go to the ancient palace."

At this moment, a sound like a thunder suddenly sounded outside the law enforcement hall. Then, a figure appeared like a ghost in the side of Jiang Chen, and he did not see how he acted. The illusion of the elders of Xiao Dian automatically Broken.

The wearer wore a light yellow robes, and it looks like Xiao Tian Wang’s age. He also has the momentum of the arrogant person who is not angry with himself. He is not someone else. It is the ancient temple of the ancient temple, who looks at the momentum and is not weaker than Xiao. Tianwang, repaired to have reached the level of the nine-level Great Sacred Peak, only one step can break the holy immortal, and become a fairy.

"My demon hall has never had the habit of kneeling with people, Xiao Tianwang, you said yes."

At the moment when the ancient sky appeared, another powerful figure appeared. This person is very tall and strong, and he is extremely strong. When he moves at will, he brings out endless waves. His name is Tianpeng Wang, but it is the hall of the demon temple. the Lord.

Tianpeng is a beast of the world, and the blood is not weaker than the dragon horse of the big yellow dog. However, there is no complete blood of the beast in the body of Tianpeng Wang. It is said that the body of Tianpeng is only a big bird, and it is mistaken into a forbidden place when young. I got the blood from the ancient Tianpeng, and it was so far from the sky.

Ancient Cangwu and Tianpeng Wang are prestigious and do not belong to the existence of Xiao Tianwang. The law enforcement hall is the best law enforcement place in the Shengyuan Temple. No one dares to run rampant here, but these two are not here, the whole Shengyuan The temple, there is no place where they dare not go, even if it is the king of Xiao Tianwang, there is no way to meet them.

"The ancient sky, Tianpeng Wang, this seat is now law enforcement, what are you two to do, here is the law enforcement hall, you have no right to ask questions here."

Xiao Tian Wang said with an eyebrow.

"The **** has no right to ask. Standing here is the genius of my ancient temple. Let me see, how is this law enforcement hall master, how to enforce the law impartially, the ancient dust does not seem to make any mistakes, now even your law enforcement hall The Lord has been alarmed, and there are some fuss."

The ancient sky is not polite, his eyes look at Jiang Chen, full of appreciation. Just a few words from Jiang Chen just heard him, the people in the ancient temple can squat, so heroic, let The ancient sky is very pleasing to the eye. If Jiang Chen directly squats under intimidation, the ancient sky will turn away directly, and will not control Jiang Chen’s life and death. There is no arrogance. Even if he is genius, his ancient sky is not rare.

But now it is different. Gu Shuangtan has already told him about what happened in the tower.

[Thanks to the 137575 brothers for their red envelopes, and the same feelings of the wind, Notting Hill, miyoulo03's red envelopes and VIPs, today continue to four more, do not enter the group of brothers do not forget to enter the group: 102827635, genuine group, piracy do not enter In addition, the brothers pay attention to the old Wei's prestige public number: Su Yuexi,] the book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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