Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 961: Face ugly Xiao Tian Wang [two more]

The ancient sky has already known everything that happened in the tower, and it is also very curious to know how Jiang Chen can do all of the celestial space in the micro space. One thing is certain, the ancient temple has a horrible genius but it is true.

The cultivation of the first-level Dasheng is a genius master who easily kills the third-level grand priest of Xiao Dian. This is not something anyone can do. Moreover, regarding the identity of Jiang Chen, others do not know, but he is clear, Gu Xuantian personally I sent a letter to him, explaining the identity of Jiang Chen, and even the earth-shattering events that Jiang Chen made in the Pure Land. This made the ancient monk, the owner of the temple, have to pay great attention to Jiang Chen, and see it today. People really are people in the dragon and phoenix, the air is soaring, it is amazing.

"I also want to know, what is wrong with the genius of our demon hall."

Tianpeng Wang also said that for the big yellow dog, the guy who has the blood of the complete beast, there is also the existence of the totem god, and their demon temple is also extremely important. Today, the situation of the Shengyuan Temple is very clear, Xiao Dianyue The bigger the day, the day and night, the balance will be broken. The two masters are very clear in their hearts, so they are more aware of the importance of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog.

"The things that are going to be refining the tower must have been heard by both of you. The four people have absorbed all the scent of the fairy. This is the first time in the history of the Holy Yuan Temple. It has never happened. This seat must know what they are doing. If they don't figure it out and punish and stop it, I am afraid that the geniuses of the Holy Yuan Temple will not absorb the scent.

Xiao Tianwang stood up from his seat and said, he originally wanted to use hard-line means to let Jiang Chen directly explain it, but now that both ancient and heavenly kings have appeared, he can’t do that, but his heart is more determined to punish Jiang. The determination of the dust, these people in front of them, directly shocked the ancient sky and Tian Peng Wang personally appeared, enough to show that they have an unusual position in the ancient temple and the demon hall.

"Xiao Dianzhu, you are really laughing, this matter has nothing to do with the three of them. Those immortals are automatically coming to me, and then I am separating them. As for what you said I use. Means, then I can tell you very responsibly, what means is useless to me, it is Xianxian who automatically finds me."

Jiang Chen immediately said.

"Nonsense, the situation of micro-space, do you think that we are not clear? Your kid is still honest, what kind of taboo technique is used to take all the scent, what you have done today, already It caused public outrage. If it wasn’t for us to arrive in time, those geniuses might have shredded you."

The elders who came with Jiang Chen before said that they were very strong.

"Stop, we are three here, where you have a share, and don't look at your identity."

Tianpeng Wang immediately yelled at the elder, and the elder look changed. He did not dare to scream at the moment. He faced Tian Pengwang, the lord of the demon temple, what a murderous hegemony, and then he The identity is indeed not qualified to be against the giants like Tianpeng Wang. Even if Xiao Tianwang is not here, Tianpeng Wang is said to be fast. If Tianpeng Wang wants to kill himself, it is feared that Xiao Tianwang will not stop.

More importantly, even if Tianpeng King killed himself in this law enforcement hall, it is also a white death. Tianpeng Wang wants to kill, and does not need a reason. It is a symbol of identity.

"Haha, this elder is also a character of the seven-level grand priest. How to say this is unreasonable. It is just the face of Xiao Dian and the law enforcement hall. You said that I used some kind of taboo technique, at least I have to take it out. According to the evidence, the Law Enforcement Hall is a place to tell the evidence. If there is no evidence, it will be blameless. This should not be the style of the elders of law enforcement."

Jiang Chen laughed and screamed.

Wen Yan, the ancient sky and Tian Peng Wang look at each other, the eyes are showing the color of appreciation, this is really a terrible young man, know how to deal with it, here is the occasion, the general disciple came here, scared They are all scared, let alone deal with them. They have never seen a young man who can be so calmly coped with so many masters in the law enforcement hall.

"The tip of the tooth is good, but the ancient dust, you should explain it clearly. If you go to the law enforcement hall, you must make a decision. The tower is about the whole sacred temple genius, but you are not alone. The cultivation place."

Xiao Tianwang snorted and had a little killing of Jiang Chen, because Jiang Chen’s watch is too good, so such excellent genius is not the person of their Xiao Dian, how to make him feel good.

"There is no way to explain this situation. The genius who practiced in the tower is originally relying on his own air and power. Whoever has a strong air force will be able to absorb more scent. Now all the scent is toward me. The closeness here shows that I am very angry and suppress all the geniuses. As the owner of the law enforcement hall, Xiao Tianwang should also be impartial to law enforcement. You can’t give me a crime because of my strong air traffic. When a refining tower is opened, there will be some geniuses with strong air traffic to absorb a lot of celestial scent. There are also many qi dynasties that can't absorb the scent. This is nothing fair, and the tower has been open for so long. See the Law Enforcement Hall to punish those geniuses who have absorbed a lot of scent because of the strong air traffic. Now it is my turn to be punished. What is the truth?"

Jiang Chen said that he was not humble and innocent, and he was completely stunned by the imposing manner of Xiao Tianwang.

The rhubarb dog licked his teeth, and Kong Yang and the ancient winds gave a thumbs up to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen’s remarks could not be refuted by Xiao Tianwang. If you are punished because of the strong air traffic in Jiang Chen, then every time the tower is opened, it is not necessary to be punished for genius.

More importantly, Xiao Tianwang could not find evidence that Jiang Chen used the taboo technique to gather the scent. Jiang Chen pushed everything to the air, even if he was Xiao Tianwang, there was nothing to say.

"Haha, Xiao Tianwang, have you heard it? This is a gas transport. The ancient dust is the new genius of my ancient temple. The gas is strong, the tower is cultivated, and it is the luck of the fight. Your law enforcement temple must be enforced by law, not because of others. When the air is strong, it will punish others.

The ancient sky is laughing and laughing. Now, watching Jiang Chen, I really like it more and more. This kind of young man has no reason to dislike it. He can tell Xiao Tian’s words, but it’s not a problem.

The ancient sky was still thinking about coming to the law enforcement hall to force Jiang to take away with a tough attitude. Now it seems that Jiang Chen’s head is the road, and the law enforcement temple has no way to directly rule his crime.

"Jiang Chen, I don't believe that your air transport can be so strong that you can let Xianqi take the initiative to find you. If you want to prove your innocence, then release your soul, let me use the spirit of the soul, come Check to see if you are lying."

Xiao Tianwang’s momentum was shocked and he said.

"Xiao Tianwang, don't be too much. Don't think that you can control the law enforcement hall. If you can't get the evidence, then I will take people away. You can use the soul-detecting technique for the younger generation. I still don't want to be old. I am standing here today. You try it out."

The ancient sky was suddenly furious, and the means of Xiao Tianwang was simply ridiculous, letting Jiang Chen release the spirit, then it was not directly sent to the hands of Xiao Tianwang, if Xiao Tianwang incited the evil thoughts, directly Killed Jiang Chen, who he is looking for.

"Xiao Tianwang, it is too much for you to do this. If you lose your identity, the law enforcement hall can never be so law enforcement. If there is no evidence, don't arrest people. If you catch someone, you must have evidence."

Tianpeng Wang also said that it seems that because of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, he and the ancient giants have already stood together.

Xiao Tianwang’s face is extremely ugly, as if he was covered with a haze. He originally thought of relying on his own momentum, and it was enough to scare Jiang Chen’s all-in-one, but did not think that this young man was so difficult to deal with, just like Jiang. As the dust said, he wants to punish Jiang Chen because of the refining of the tower. There is no strong evidence at all.

Nowadays, both the ancient sky and the king of Tianpeng are here, and the position stands together. He is the identity of the master of the law enforcement temple. It is even more impossible to directly punish Jiang Chen.

"Well, this thing will not be said for the time being, Gu Chen, you can't help but say that I am killing the three geniuses of Xiao Dian in the refining tower. You are a new disciple. For the first time, you are so daring and mad at the tower, you will not have a tower. The rules are in the eyes, I have to punish you, what do you have to say."

The goal of Xiao Tianwang’s transfer shifted the focus to the people who were killed by Xiao Dian.

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a sneer: "I did kill Xiao Dang three people, but to say the destruction of the rules, that is the hand of your genius Xiao Dian first move, they first hit the ancient temple of our people, but also threatened to Kill us, can we bully the ancient temple, can we only stand there and be killed by the people of your Xiao Dian, can't kill you, this is what shit."

Jiang Chen is in a tit-for-tat relationship. If you say that the ancient sky is a little bit angry, the ancient dust is the person of the ancient temple. It is a must for the ancient temple genius. The people in their ancient temples cannot let people bully and not fight back.

"Xiao Tianwang, you have heard it. This is the thing that you Xiao Dian people picked up first. The ancient dust is just a legitimate defense. Moreover, the battle between the disciples below, even if it is a study abroad event, is a common thing. This kind of thing has to come to the law enforcement hall, and you are also very interested."

The ancient sky said.

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