Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 980: Niubi to burst

This kind of scene makes many people have an impulse to spurt blood. It is too arrogant. Jiang Chen is definitely the most arrogant person they have ever seen. No one, the sword refers to the seventh-level grand priest, a third-level big St., clamoring to kill the Seventh Grand St., such a scene, even in a dream can not meet. ∧?⊥≠≈≦网

The blood of many ancient and demon people has been ignited. They have been attracted and infected by Jiang Chen’s arrogant arrogance. They are deeply impressed. Good men and children are like Jiang Chen. Only such people I will not walk in this world in vain.

Jiang Chen itself is the first reincarnation of the world, and its own momentum is very influential. After getting the heart of the flames, the momentum that is freely scattered can infect many people.

"It’s too strong, if I have such a day, even if I die right away, it’s worth it.”

"Yes, Jiang Chen is so handsome, it is my real idol."

"You don't have to dream, and you don't take the mirror to look after yourself. If you like this, you want to compare it with Jiang Chen. It is not harmful at all."

"Do you say that Jiang Chen can deal with the old man of the Holy Yuan Temple? That is the seventh grand priest, too strong."

"It's hard to say that Jiang Chen can kill so many six-level grand priests, indicating that he also has the strength to compete with the seven-level grand priest. Moreover, Jiang Chen has never known how many miracles he has created. I am against him. I have already admired the five-body cast, and even if he can kill the seven-level sacred today, I will not feel too surprised. ≮≈网.┿."


Many people of the ancient and the Yaozu can't restrain their excitement. Many people are guessing whether Jiang Chen can deal with the seven-level grand priest, but thinking about Jiang Chen's past deeds and achievements, it has already created too many miracles. Even if they can really kill the Seventh Grand Convention today, they will not be too surprised.

Compared with the ancient and the Yaozu people, the people of the six nationalities are not so calm. They hate Jiang Chen and now all the hopes are pinned on the elders of the Xiao Dian. They hope to be able to Xiao Dian. The elders can kill Jiang Chen and avenge their patriarchs and elders.

"Small beast, you are too arrogant, this seat will let you know what is powerful."

The elders of Xiao Dian were angry and rushing to the sky. They did not say anything. They were shot against Jiang Chen, and the huge golden palms were incomparable, as if they were fighting like a cage.

"This kind of nutrient-free attack doesn't work for me at all."

Against the attack of Elder Xiao Dian, Jiang Chen did not even look at it. He raised his hand and slammed it out. The huge fist hit the palm of his hand, only to hear a bang, the old man was rubbing his hands. It was beaten by Jiang Chen into countless pieces and scattered in the void.


The old man exclaimed, and he doubted that his eyes were wrong. He was a powerful seven-level grand priest. He did not know how much tyranny he was compared to the sixth-level sage. He did not know how long it took to put a third-level sage in his eyes. In his opinion, there is not much difference between killing a three-level grand priest and crushing an ant. Network ≤.┿.

But today, Jiang Chen played against him and let him see what it is called real change and enchanting. Although his attack was only tentative, it was not his full strength, but Jiang Chen was just an understatement, and there was no such thing. To show their full strength, from another perspective, the two of them are the same grade.

"Old man, you are still careful in front of Lao Tzu, what is the means, even if you let it out, don't get the chance to die in the end, it is not a pity."

Jiang Chen said loudly, he did not put the other party in his eyes. He is now in a state of abrupt change. With his current cultivation and combat power, he is indeed qualified not to put his opponent in his eyes.

"This seat does not believe in a small three-level sacred sect, can succumb to the point of confrontation with me, cracking the gods claws."

The elders of Xiao Dian are all violently murderous. He dare not look down on Jiang Chen again. He came up to play the strong claws of the Xiao people. This cracked **** claws are compared to Xiao Yuntian. I don’t know how many times the sturdy, red gold palm The scales are all on the top.

At this moment, the old man has a terrible hatred for Jiang Chen. Xiao Yuntian is not only the patriarch elected by the Xiao nationality, but also his relatives. As the uncle of Xiao Yuntian, after he appeared, he could not save Xiao Yuntian. Life, but also seeing his relatives dead in the hands of the enemy, that anger can be imagined. ≮≈网.┿.


The **** of the cracked gods tore up the sky, shrouded this battlefield, did not give Jiang Chen a chance to escape, and after the emergence of the claws of the gods, it locked the breath of Jiang Chen, so that Jiang Chen could not avoid it. There are hard things.

"Haha, come on."

Jiang Chen laughed wildly, and he was not polite with the other side. The high-lifting Tiansheng sword, under the state of the sword and the sword, was even like a giant dragon, dancing back and forth in the void. I am brave enough to get to the extreme.


The sacred sword screamed and screamed at the sword.


The two attacks collided together and immediately smashed a large spark. The sacred sword smashed into the inside of the claw of the sacred god, but did not completely tear it. The claw of the celestial **** was terrible, and it was quite indestructible.

The two major attacks showed a stalemate on the battlefield, and they all thought about killing each other.

"Why is this kid so tyrannical, I feel that his power seems to be overwhelming, giving me great pressure, and the sword is also extremely horrible, even able to break my cracked gods claws. ”

The elders of Xiao Dian changed their minds and could not believe that there were such enchanting geniuses between heaven and earth.

"Tear me."

Jiang Chen once again tried hard, and countless dragon patterns stirred up. Like a dragon-like shadow of the blood, the power of the Tiansheng sword instantly doubled, only to hear a bang, and the claws of the gods were directly from the center by the gods sword. Split into two halves.


Elder Xiao Dian received a great anti-shock force, and slammed back. A pair of blood-red eyes showed a shocking color. He and a third-level grand priest were actually shaken by the other party. Let him have an impulse to spurt blood.

"God, he actually retired the seventh grand priest, is this still human?"

"No, this is impossible. How could he be so tyrannical, four levels apart? This is almost an irreparable gap. This madman, even the seventh-level grand priest is not his opponent. Is there no way for us to report it? ?"


The people of the six major ethnic groups had already reported great hopes, but now they have seen that even the seventh-level grand priest has been repulsed by Jiang Chen, just like a basin of cold cold water poured over his head, which is called a heart-cooling, They don't expect the elders of the temple to kill Jiang Chen now. Looking at the situation, it is very good not to be killed by Jiang Chen.

"Wolf brother, you see no, the strength of this seven-level great sac, and the battle power of Xiao Yuntian just after they exhibited the comprehensive array of the heavens, the meditation has been torn by Jiang Chen, that is to say Jiang Chen’s current cultivation is enough to force the elders of the temple."

Gu Xuantian said that a pair of scorpions is extremely bright.

"Yes, it is really surprising. The seven-level Grand St. is probably not the opponent of Jiang Chen at all, but he is a seven-level grand priest. It is also possible to escape the estimate."

The wolf line is also awkward. Every occurrence of Jiang Chen will bring shock and miracle to them. Since the space triangle, the name Jiang Chen has been circulating in the pure land. Can't take it off.

In the sky, the battlefield has been shattered, and the sky has been hit by several large holes. The cold air flow is moving, and Jiang Chen’s move is to press the seventh-level grand priest. The shot is even more rapid, and the Tiansheng sword becomes a god. Light, in the blink of an eye, went to the old man.

The old man roared, and there were seven long swords, seven swords, and seven different colors. This is a sacred kit. The seven swords are combined to attack, and the power is increasing. This kind of warfare is the most horrible. .

At this time, the elders of Xiao Dian still dared to look down on Jiang Chen. He instilled all the energy attacks into the seven long swords, forming a dazzling sword array, which was presented in the form of seven stars. The swords are like the swords of the sky, and they are not rushing and rushing toward Jiang Chen.

"Good swords, but I want to hurt me, it is impossible."

Jiang Chen praised the sword, and behind him, there was a pair of fire wings, a red gold fire wing, and his **** dragon wings merged together. It was a fiery flame, and the fire wing flashed. Jiang Chen is like a fish in the sea, lightning flashed through the most powerful attack of the sword array, and drilled into the gap of the sword array.

The whole person of Jiang Chen got into the sword array, and the big refining spirits were launched. They immediately found the weakness of this sword array. Tiansheng sword slammed toward the weak point, only listening to the slamming sound. Broken, seven long swords also screamed in the sound of humming, trembled fiercely in the void.

"I am so happy with these good swords."

Jiang Chen sacrificed the ancestral dragon tower, and all the long swords were absorbed into it. Xiao Dian’s elders were shocked. It was his life-threatening soldier. He could not be summoned by others. He quickly rushed to seven long swords. Out of the call, but the tragedy is now, the long sword has no sense of touch, it seems to disappear from the air.

"Old man, you don't have to summon, your warrior has been completely surrendered by me."

Jiang Chen said.


Elder Xiao Dian did not believe it, but in fact, as Jiang Chen said, because he could not sense the breath of the seven long swords, this shock is not a trivial matter. If the soldiers are lost, the loss can be big. It is.

"Small beast, this seat and you fight, violent blood."

The elders of Xiao Dian were mad, and the endless energy erupted from his body.


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