Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 981: Fury of the Dragon

This is a powerful taboo technique. It is necessary to consume the essence as a price. It seems that the elders of Xiao Dian are also fighting, losing seven long swords, and his heart is bleeding. Web w╇ww.


A whole **** wind, the **** frenzy, the power of the elders of the temple, all turned into a bloody, viscous airflow that evolved into a **** sea filled with violent breath. When you fall into it, you will be affected by the environment inside, affecting your own mind, making yourself a violent person, and your heart will fall into chaos. When you get there, you will be full of flaws, no enemy, just this violent blood. Attack, you can have the life of your opponent.

I have to say that this is a trick, and the attack is extremely fast, and the scope is very wide. It does not give the enemy a chance.

Just like now, Jiang Chen was instantly shrouded in it. This piece of blood is like a beast, and instantly swallows Jiang Chen.

This horrible scene has made many people nervous, and everyone with a discerning eye can see it. This is the last blow of Jiang Chen and Xiao Dian elders. If Jiang Chen can break this trick, the elders of Xiao Dian will be extremely strong. The counter-attack, completely finished, if Jiang Chen can not break this trick, deeply affected by the blood, then it will be finished.

This is the life and death killing, and the last life and death showdown.

"Small beasts, let you try the horror of this **** sea, even dare to plunder the warriors in this seat, it is really abominable."

The elders of Xiao Dian gritted their teeth and could not wait to immediately bite Jiang Chen into pieces.

"Old man, it’s ridiculous to want to trap me on this point."

Jiang Chen’s voice came out of the **** sea, and he did not put this violent blood in his eyes. This kind of attack that can affect the mind is essentially no different from illusion, but it is more horrible than illusion, because it is extremely Strong attack power.

However, these attacks are useless to Jiang Chen. As for the illusion that affects the mind, let alone the horror of the refining of the soul, Jiang Chen itself is also proficient in the dream, the illusion contained in this violent blood. Compared with the big dreamland, it is completely pediatric.


Jiang Chendu is almost at the extreme, and dozens of swords are instantly thrown out. The swordsmanship of each sword is like an incomparably powerful training. In an instant, this piece of blood is cut and cut, and the shackles fall.


Then, the whole **** sea burst, and countless blood was flooding above the scorpio. The violent swells swept through, even if they were far apart, they felt the strong devastating atmosphere. Many people Zhang Dazui, thinking that if he is caught in such a battlefield, I am afraid that he will be strangled into powder immediately, and there is no possibility of surviving.


The violent blood sea was broken by Jiang Chen to the brute force. The elders of Xiao Dian spurted a blood arrow, and the breath of the whole person was also depressed. It was judged by the former strong state, and he suffered from the violent blood. I was extremely traumatized. ∥∥≦∥≤

Not only that, when the violent **** sea was used before, the elders of Xiao Dian had already spent a lot of spirits. Now it is almost the end of the strong, and at least has lost the ability to fight against Jiang Chen.


Where is the elder of Xiao Dian still dare to be a little bit scornful, completely frightened by Jiang Chen, this person is really terrible, hit this time, except for escape, there is no second way, if you continue to fight again, even Life is broken here.

The elders of Xiao Dian disappeared in the blink of an eye and drilled into the deep space. However, Jiang Chenchen gave him the opportunity to escape. Almost immediately, the elders of Xiao Dian had just made an escape. Jiang Chen also moved.

"Old man, if you choose to run away from the beginning, I really can't help you, but you don't even have the chance to escape now."

Jiang Chen’s momentum is so strong that the fire wing is strong to the extreme. In the blink of an eye, it has penetrated into the void. In the next moment, another piece of void bursts out of a hole. Jiang Chen walked out from inside. At this moment, in the hands of Jiang Chen, he still squats. One person is the elder of Xiao Dian.

The elders of Xiao Dian stunned to the extreme, and were smashed by Jiang Chen. Like a dead dog, he was covered with blood. ?≧≮v网≠≠.┮.


This scene suddenly set off a storm in the crowd, the six major ethnic groups have an impulse to spurt blood, especially the people of the Xiao nationality, their hearts are about to be torn, the ups and downs of the mood, it is really a kind of The urge to stun.

"My God, do you want to be so strong, but it is a powerful seven-level grand priest, even if there is no chance to escape, is this still human?"

"The powerful seven-level grand priest, the elders who came to the Sanyuan Hall, the real high-level figures of Shengyuanda 6 were killed by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen is now a third-level grand priest. It is hard to imagine. After he is promoted to the fourth level, after five levels and six levels, he will be tyrann to what extent."

"As long as Jiang Chen does not fall, it is a supreme character, an invincible existence, even if it was the first holy peak of the world, it was not so powerful."


No one is shocked. All the young people of the ancient and the Yao nationality regard Jiang Chen as an idol. The ancient Xuantian and the wolf line are even more fortunate to have made friends with such a modern person. They are the patriarchs and the saints. The situation of 6 is better than anyone knows. They also know the situation of the Shengyuan Hall. Xiao Dian is ambitious, and will sooner or later annex another seven families. The appearance of Jiang Chen gives this fixed model a great turning point for them to see. There is a glimmer of hope.

The elders of Xiao Dian were completely controlled by Jiang Chen, and no matter how struggling, they could not break free from Jiang Chen’s hands. ≡v net ≤≤.╈╬.┯c┿o╳m╋

"Jiang Chen, do you dare to kill me? Do you know what identity I am?"

Said the elders of Xiao Dian.

"I am in charge of your identity, in my place, your identity is the enemy, the enemy has only one end, that is death, Xiao Yuntian is dead, you are the same, you Xiaotang provoke me, the same ending."

Jiang Chen is cold and ruthless. If the elders of Xiao Dian know that Jiang Chen still has an identity of ancient dust, I am afraid that the words of this threat will not come.

The ancient dust of Xiao Dian, even Xiao Tian Wang can count, not to mention him.

"Jiang Chen, you are the devil of the devil, you killed me, Xiao Dian will not let you go, your end will definitely die very badly, not just you, your family, friends, all about you All of them will die and annihilate the Nine and Ten."

Elder Xiao Dian continued to speak out threats.

"Okay, then I will not kill you first. Today I let you see with your own eyes. I am in front of you, Jiang Chen is in your face, destroying your Xiao tribe, the tribe, killing all the Xiao people, completely destroying this. Xiaocheng."

Jiang Chen said that he immediately displayed the real handprint of the dragon. The huge dragon claws were 100 feet in size, and the camp of the Xiao people below was suddenly shot.



This palm went down, screaming for the sky, blood sea corpse, at least hundreds of Xiao people died on the spot, there is no room for rebellion.

Subsequently, Jiang Chen lifted the Tiansheng sword and smashed a sword that stretched for a thousand miles in front of him. The dragon-shaped swordsman screamed toward Xiaocheng, and the infinite waves were devastating fluctuations. It was smashed into two halves by a sword, and countless buildings collapsed into ruins. A deep gully was smashed out, smog and skyrocketing.


Everyone sucked a cold breath, too ferocious, it was too overbearing, and a city was destroyed in an instant. The people inside might not have died, but a city was completely destroyed. Xiaocheng is Xiao. The portal of the family represents the facade of the Xiao people. This kind of thing is still the first time in the pure land.

This scene completely scared the people of the Xiao people, and let the elder of the Xiao Dian completely stunned. He watched the hundreds of descendants being killed and witnessed the destruction of Xiaocheng. He swallowed a blood. .

"I don't die, I will kill all the people here, and then go to the Xiao people's hinterland to kill them. The chickens and dogs don't stay, so the whole Xiao people are turned into fly ash. Do you believe?" ”

Jiang Chen said loudly that he had no intention of killing those people, nor did he intend to destroy Xiaocheng. But the old man’s words made him angry. What he hated most was that some people threatened themselves with family and friends.

"I believe, I believe, Jiang Chen, you killed me, please let the Xiao people go."

Elder Xiao Dian cried directly, no longer dare to say a few words, Xiao Dian is indeed powerful, but unfortunately it is pure land now, the news has not been passed to Xiao Dian, Jiang Chen is a ferocious person, he is thoroughly insight He did not dare to doubt the authenticity of Jiang Chen's words. If he continued to provoke Jiang Chen in his speech, the other party may actually kill everyone in his own face. If Jiang Chen wants to kill, the Xiao people are alone. Can not run, not only this, the inheritance and hinterland of the Xiao people, will also be turned into fly ash, his life, can not be so valuable.


Jiang Chen took a shot on the head of Elder Xiao Dian and killed him. Then the body fell from the sky. At this point, all the masters of the six races died, and even the last thoughts were gone. Everyone was frightened. I can't say a word.

In the face of such a ferocious enemy, they feel that they are still shutting up. Otherwise, the fate of hundreds of people in the Xiao nationality is their end.

This is a mad dragon, the mad dragon is angry, and the corpse is a thousand miles.

You should never challenge the bottom line of a strong man, because they treat the enemy and never know what kindness is.

Jiang Chen’s eyes looked at the people of the six nationalities and said aloud: “You are all going to roll, and I don’t want to kill you.”

In a word, the people of the six nationalities, such as Meng Datun, quickly flew away, and all disappeared in the blink of an eye. Jiang Chen had no interest in killing them. His real enemy is Xiao Dian, today’s World War I. I am completely famous, but the things here will soon be known by the Sanyuan Hall. He needs to make another preparation now, that is, his family.


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