Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 982: Wannian Xuan Bing Beast

The people of the six major races ran, Xiaocheng was destroyed, and many of the six great saints were dead. Even the seven-level masters who came back from Xiao Dianzhong died. All of them died in the hands of Jiang Chen. This is pure land. A big event that has never happened.

Today's World War I will be shocked, and the chaos of the Shengyuan continent can be regarded as a prelude. Jiang Chen’s complete fame will soon become a sanctuary, no one knows no one, no one knows no one, no one knows. None of the people spoke. Their eyes looked at the white figure in the sky. At this moment, Jiang Chen had already taken up the body of the dragon and restored his original appearance. Thinking of the battle-like fighting power before Jiang Chen, people still It can't be calm for a long time.

Han Yan came out from the ancestral tower. At this moment, his injury has recovered to almost the same. He took a picture of Jiang Chen’s shoulder: "Bai Ni."

Han Yan said with a smile, Jiang Chen’s performance today can only be described by the words of Niu, but Han Yan also knows that after the First World War today, the Sanyuan Continent would not calm down again. The news here is very good. I will know soon.

"A Yan, you immediately rushed back to the East China, moved the entire sacred dynasty to the ancients, and the nebula, and moved to the ancients together. I will go to the Western Regions for a while, and the Sanyuan Hall is very I will get the news soon, I am afraid that they will not find me to take my family as a threat."

Jiang Chen said to Han Yan, and at the same time, he used the voice of God to tell the story of his transformation of identity into the ancient temple this month.

"Well, I will go to the holy dynasty."

Han Yan knows the seriousness of the situation, and immediately does not dare to have a slight stagnation. He knows what serious consequences will be brought about by the First World War today. It is extremely easy to investigate the bottom of Jiang Chen’s bottom. The matter of Jiang Chen has killed so many people in the six major ethnic groups. If it disappears, it is impossible to say that the top leaders of the six major ethnic groups will threaten Jiang Chen’s family and friends.

The Shengwu dynasty is the foundation of Jiang Chen, and it is also his concern. On the other side of the holy dynasty, there must be no such thing as a little bit. Otherwise, the consequences are not what Jiang Chen can bear, so if you want to fight with the six major groups, you must first Solve worries.

It is also a very easy thing to move a dynasty to the way of chilling the present, without any effort.

Jiang Chen came to Gu Xuantian and said: "The patriarch, I asked A Yan to move the Shengwu dynasty and the nebula to the ancients, and hope that the ancients can guarantee their safety."

"You can rest assured that even the people of the six nationalities are too arrogant and dare not go to the ancients to kill your family."

Gu Xuantian said that the six majors may directly fall out for Jiang Chen and the ancients, but as long as Jiang Chen is not in the ancient tribe, the six majors will not go to the ancients to threaten Jiang Chen’s family, anyway, The six major groups have not been shameless to this kind of share.

"The seven swords are for you."

Jiang Chen turned his palms and took out the seven long swords that he had received from the head of the Xiao Dian patriarch and handed them to the hands of the ancient Xuantian. These seven swords could be arranged with a powerful sword array. Although Jiang Chen could not see it, However, I have to admit that the power of the seven swords is very powerful. When they fall into the hands of the ancients, they can play a big role.

"Okay, then I am welcome."

Gu Xuantian was not polite with Jiang Chen, and directly collected seven long swords.

"Jiang Chen, you have killed so many high-level people of the Six Nationalities today. I am afraid that there will be people coming soon in the Temple of the Holy Yuan. What are your plans now?"

The wolf asked for a day.

"No problem, I have my own countermeasures. When they come to the masters, I have already disappeared. I am going to the Western Regions now, you don't have to worry about me."

After Jiang Chen finished, he turned and disappeared directly. The Shengwu Dynasty and the Nebula were handed over to Han Yan. He was very reassured. Putting important figures in the ancients also saved Jiang Chen’s worries.

Jiang Chen is now going to the Western Region to find a monk, Qinglian ancestors to explain his affairs, but he must do it, such as today's next chaos, if the monk can grow up quickly, he and Han Yan can become their own right arm, become I can help myself.

It didn't take long for Jiang Chen to go out and suddenly stopped. "Yes, Xiaoyu is still in the site of the ancient battlefield. This little girl doesn't know what happened outside. If I just came out and heard the news that I was killed, I am afraid I will still do stupid things. If this **** falls into the hands of the six major ethnic groups, the consequences will be unimaginable. I have to go to the ancient battlefield site to see what happened in the rain."

Jiang Chen suddenly thought of the smoke and the morning rain. At the beginning, he entered the site of the ancient battlefield together with the smoke morning and the cold three, and then lost. Until the last ancient battlefield collapsed, the morning rain did not come out.

According to Jiang Chen’s estimation, the smoke morning rain must be the same as that of Han Yan. It should have been greatly cultivated in the ancient battlefield, and it is being digested and absorbed. However, the cold and refining of a powerful ancient demon has come out, and the smoke is still raining. Not coming out, this time is too long.

I don’t want to say that Jiang Chen is afraid that the smoke will come into the hands of the enemy after the morning rain. The smoke has not come out for so long, so Jiang Chen is not worried. So he decided to go to the ancient battlefield and find the smoke first. Morning rain, then go to the Western Regions.

In the Eastern Continent, the space of purgatory has been fragmented, and the land of trials from the beginning has turned into a barren land, but it still forms its own space and is isolated from the outside world.

The ancient battlefield sites were smashed by the dragons and phoenixes, but there are still some spaces, such as the small space where the cold was located.

Time is tight, Jiang Chen will soon come to the ancient battlefield site again. The current site is completely different from the original overlapping space. There are not many spaces left. I want to find the smoke morning. Rain is not a difficult thing.

Jiang Chen used his power to reinvent the soul and infiltrated his own soul into the void. He suddenly found that there was a space different from other residual spaces.

In that space, the breath of incomparable cold is the kind of coldness. Jiang Chen itself refines the water of the heavens and the earth, and is extremely sensitive to this cold.

"The light rain is definitely in the hidden space. It seems that she has had an adventure. The Jiuyin Xuanmai has begun to change, directly affecting the atmosphere of a space."

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a smile, anyway, finding the place where the smoke morning rain is, is a good thing.

The breath that comes out of that space is not that the interior of the space itself has a cold environment, but that the place where the smoke is raining affects the environment. This is almost certain for Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen tore the space barrier and stepped in. A cold wave suddenly rushed to the surface, and Jiang Chen felt a shock.

The whole space is full of whiteness, even the air is frozen. Every inch of space is ice. This space has been completely solidified and turned into a solid. When people enter here, they will be frozen immediately. Popsicles have no ability to walk.

However, Jiang Chen walked in it and was not affected at all.

Jiang Chen’s gaze fell in front of it. There was an ice sculpture standing there. Through the ice sculpture, Jiang Chen could see the situation inside.

The smoke in the morning is in the ice sculpture, but her form has been changing. It is her own, but sometimes another woman with a face. When the woman appeared, she struggled fiercely. The beautiful face was already Distorted, it looks like it is suffering endless pain.

"Xuanbing beast."

Jiang Chen exclaimed, he has already seen it, the woman is definitely not a human being, but an extremely rare black ice beast. Jiang Chen noticed the breath of the mysterious ice beast, at least it was born for a long time, one end What a terrible horror.

With the eyesight of Jiang Chen, it is natural to see what happened in front of him. It seems that the morning rain was similar to that encountered by Han Yan. There is a powerful Wannian ice beast in this space.

The smoke in the morning is the body of the nine yin. After the Wannian ice beast hits it, it is sure to want to swallow the morning rain.

However, it is obvious that the Wannian Xuan Bing beast has become self-defeating. It is not expected that the morning rain will have condensed the heart of the ice god. It is the existence of high and high, and is the true inheritor of the ice god. People.

It is conceivable that the Wannian Xuanbing beast was controlled by the heart of the ice **** during the morning rain of refining and smouldering, and then refining it by the smoke of the morning rain. After such a long time, the Wannian ice beast has lost. The resistance has become the end of the strong, and it has been completely refining by the morning rain. It is also a matter of morning and evening.

Refining and refining this Wannian Xuanbing beast, the repair of the smoke morning rain will advance by leaps and bounds, reaching a very terrible degree. It is affected by the Jiuyin Xuanmai, and the growth of the smoke morning rain is even worse than the cold one. It is possible to advance directly to the level of the fifth level.

This creation is too big.

"Dust brother, help me."

The sound of the smoke and the morning rain came out from the ice sculpture. The battle between the smoke morning rain and the Wannian Xuanbing beast has reached the last moment. The appearance of Jiang Chen is too timely. At this time, as long as Jiang Chen’s help, the morning rain can immediately Completely refine the Wannian Xuan Bing beast.

"it is good."

Jiang Chen did not dare to neglect, and the great refining soul re-operation was once again running. The powerful soul power turned into an invisible sword of the gods, and the brush pierced into the ice sculpture.

At this time, it happened to be the time when the Wannian Ice Beast was manifested. The sword of the gods was not biased, and it pierced into the eyebrows of the Wannian Ice Beast.


The Wannian Xuan Bing beast made a scream of screaming, and the body began to distort and disappeared at a very fast speed.

Jiang Chen’s sword of the gods completely destroyed the last will and soul of the Wannian Ice Beast, and truly lost its resistance. It was completely refining it by the smoke and the morning rain.

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