Looking at the magnificent battle, the crowd lamented that the prince of the demon clan had terrible strength. However, the sword sky said to Long Yan: "don't worry, my two swordsmen will not hurt the prince of the demon clan. They just restrain him. He can have such talent, and even be cultivated by the wild Emperor himself. We are full of awe and respect for him."

"Do you dare to kill him?" Long Yan sneered.

Sword sky is not angry, but smile: "they dare not kill him, but contain him, can let me deal with you at ease, make you disabled, you now no one to protect you, give you support, you still horizontal what, you are just a wretch, what qualifications do you have to fight with me?"

Long Yan looks at each other's taunt. He turns ten magic sealing blades into magic. He looks at him with hatred in his eyes. The extremely violent Nirvana power from his body starts to mobilize. He defeats the sword sky, and even makes him kneel down to repent.

Ten magic sealing blades, all transformed into a protective halo of more than 1000 meters, surrounded by Longyan and quickly rotated.

The dazzling golden light made people squint again.

Longyan's burning blood has already used his extreme power. Moreover, he feels that without the master of Youquan mansion, he can continue to mobilize the two magic sealing blades. At this time, he has become the terror power of twelve magic sealing blades.

It's almost hard for Long Yan to control this power. The next moment, suddenly, twelve magic sealing blades have been combined and become a sharp sword.

Moreover, this magic blade sword has huge runic power, flowing in the body of the sword. That kind of terrible power, as if he was holding twelve five clawed golden dragons, which roared and released their anger. When Long Yan instilled his own violent power into the magic blade sword, the terrible five clawed Golden Dragon brought an unprecedented killing to the sword sky, It made his heart tremble.

"It's a good weapon, but you don't have enough power to see it!" Sword sky still sneers at Longyan.

Then, without saying a word, he flew to the sky and stood in the void. He was twenty miles away from Jianfeng mountain, which was a huge security guarantee for the disciples of Jianzong.

Long Yan cold hum a, follow behind, he didn't have the slightest timidity, toes a bit, and the ground has left his heavy footprints.

It's easy to break the ground of the sword field. His terrible power has already reached the level of shaking people's hearts.

The five kings of Wu have already looked at Longyan one after another, and the emperor Haotian's body is also suspended 10 meters above their heads, giving them the sky completely as a battle field.

"Emperor Zun, do we really look at it like this? We all know the strength of emperor shengwuzun best. " Yuan Tianzun asked.

"Yes, emperor, how many percent of Longyan can break through to that realm?"

Emperor Haotian shook his head: "I can't see. However, how old is the general age of our Imperial Palace, which has made great achievements?"

At this time, King Wu of xingbiyao said, "I'm afraid it's not more than a thousand years old. If it's less than a thousand years old, I'm afraid there's no one in the whole holy land."

Emperor Haotian gave a mysterious smile: "this is the place I am curious about, and also the place where people appreciate Longyan, but his age is not more than a thousand years old!"

"What? This... "The five kings of Wu looked at each other face to face. In fact, they didn't know Long Yan's real age all the time, because he was very young and had a lot of experience, which made his heart become very mature.

"Emperor Zun, you said at the beginning, even if you were a thousand years old then, you are now powerful." The king said again.

"Yes, according to my calculation, I'm afraid that the age of Longyan is not more than 100 years old, or even younger. How terrible is such evil genius? I'm afraid that only in the Dragon kingdom can there be such genius."

"What?" When Emperor Zun said this, he asked the five kings to take a breath. When they knew the situation, they could not help shaking.

Therefore, whether Long Yan can grow up today is unknown, but it is absolutely possible. His ultimate promotion ability seems endless.

In this way, the five kings of Wu didn't know how to talk to Emperor Zun.

Haotian emperor laughed: "what Longyan understands should be the way of killing. Among all the seals, there is a degree of terror. But the seal of killing is the most difficult to understand, and its power is also the most terrible and powerful. Today's success or failure depends on his own nature. The way of killing is not real killing. He has a heart of killing. I hope he can fight, You can understand that at this moment, he has a heavy heart to kill, which is related to his future fate. So all of us can't help him, only he himself. After all, he is so talented. I don't want to watch him fall down and fight against the leader of Youquan mansion. He even put his hope in his heart. "

Emperor Zun finally expressed his high expectation for Long Yan, which shocked the five kings.

The emperor's palace was quiet. They were all worried about the dragon fire in the sky.

They were full of expectation and admiration for this young man. They were full of awe, fearless and invincible. They launched their most terrifying battle with each other.

At that moment, Longyan went up to meet the difficulties. The sword sky was not used to Longyan at all, and he could defeat Wang long, which showed that he had some resistance.

Last time, Long Yan could resist his fatal blow. This time, it was just a matter of time before he defeated him. Long Yan just wanted to stick to it for more time.


The sky thunder double swords are like gods holding their hands. The sky thunder explodes, interweaving the terrible thunder and lightning. The space is full of such thunder and lightning. Even if there is no need to attack, those thunder and lightning can also send out a frightening killing power.

Moreover, the thunder and lightning contains the power of his Daoyin terror, the power of Nirvana, as if triggering a more terrible lightning force.

The whole world has formed a huge lightning sky net. On their side, their fighting distance with the lion is 120000 Li, which is enough to give play to each other's real fighting.

Thunder and lightning frighten the world and destroy the space. Countless thunder and lightning penetrating the space not only enhance their power.

Before the real battle, this super power can cause such a huge terror power, and the surging sword will make the sky tremble. The battle with Wang long before, at this moment, it can't be compared with the sword sky.

Seeing this scene, Haotian emperor's face showed more and more shocked expression.

"No, it seems that Long Yan is in mortal danger this time. Unexpectedly, the sword sky has reached the four peaks of nirvana. He should feel the critical point of the five peaks of nirvana. Maybe he will break through the realm today."

When Emperor Haotian finished, the five kings almost vomited blood, which was completely explosive news.

"Isn't it, that Long Yan even after growing up, I'm afraid also isn't his match." People are even more worried. This heavy news can absolutely shock everyone.

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