The sword sky didn't expect that there was a sign of breaking through to the five levels of nirvana. The emperor Haotian had already felt it. All of a sudden, the five kings of Wu were terrified. They were more worried about Longyan.

However, although there are signs in this regard, the quintuple nirvana is not so easy to break through.

In the holy Dynasty, the four great emperors are the most terrifying beings. They are all five levels of Nirvana, and when they reach the peak of existence, they have no body, or the body must be trapped in a space and cannot come out.

Jian Tianqiong has such talent. He has the qualification to compete with the current God and devil wanzu. As we all know, God and devil wanzu is the one who is about to break through this realm in front of these peak strongmen. It is also rumored that he has become the realm of the early five fold nirvana, and he is also a dragon warrior. He has become famous for many years and has been a dragon for a long time, Natural combat power is more terrifying than sword sky.

But when the emperor said it, it made people believe the possibility of this fact.

The presence of the peak of the strong, if the achievement of four peaks, are extremely adverse existence, every millennium will lead to a terrible nirvana.

Some people will die in this terrible catastrophe, while others will break through, and few will break through.

It was absolutely a matter of life and death. The most important thing was that Jian Tianqiu was still very young. Although he was hundreds of thousands of years old, he still had a good chance to survive the robbery.

It has to be said that jiantianqiong was cultivated by the emperor of natural calamity, and after the emperor worshiped Shenji, he was appointed as the leader of the clan, which showed that he was different.

His insistence is not without reason. The whole Jianjing Jianzong will obey him. If he achieves the five primary levels of Nirvana, the only ones who can really compete with him are wanzu and Haotian emperor.

The whole person's status and prestige in the mainland of the holy Dynasty will rise with the tide. It is absolutely not a problem to kill Longyan.

At this time, Long Yan has been fighting with him crazily, and he is desperate to give full play to his strength. His heart of killing is too heavy, which is also the worry of emperor Haotian.

In the battle, Long Yan has been groping, hoping to improve himself. His anger and killing heart are transformed into his own strength. He uses the spirit of martial arts to completely break through the realm.

The power converges on the twelve magic sealing blades. They wave wildly and attack.

Every wave is absolutely full of the power of destroying heaven and earth, killing thousands of people.

Then, it stirred up the changes of the wind and the clouds. Among the Nine Yang scriptures, the most terrible killing was performed.

"Panlong devours!"

The terror attack appeared in the air with nine different fire dragons roaring, forming nine more crazy fire dragons roaring out, and the whole world seemed to be swallowed up.

Many of his fighting skills are closely related to the dragon, and the roar of Jiulong, plus the five clawed Golden Dragon's magical blade power, and the terrible power of the dragon soul, all about the combination of dragon power, can be said to make the heaven and earth tremble and fade.

It's just this move that definitely makes Longyan play to the extreme, even surpassing the state when he fought with Wang long before.

Because this time is the most real treatment of Longyan, no matter he has the slightest ease, the other side is the sword sky.

"Well, it's not enough."

Facing the attack of Longyan, the sword sky didn't care at all. He used the double swords of Tianlei to wave them at the same time.

"Dao FA comprehension - Broken Sword array!"

Suddenly, people can see that Tianlei double swords burst out with great power of Taoism and magic, which condensed countless sword Qi, forming a power of ten thousand swords in broken space, just like a raging tide of ten thousand horses, attacking Panlong in an instant.


The shock of terror and the wave power directly destroyed the attack power of Longyan.

Moreover, it formed a wave, which continued to fight against Longyan with the power of breaking souls with ten thousand swords.

"No!" Long Yan didn't expect that the other party was so terrible. At that moment, the magic blade sword in his hand was quickly shaken out of his hand, and his whole person was also overturned, which was the attack without any suspense.

He was strong enough, but the sky of sword was even more terrible. Longyan's hands were almost cracked, his blood was flowing, and he was thrown away. At the same time, his whole body suffered from the pain of so many swords penetrating his heart, even if his bones were pierced.

There is no great disparity in the battle, two levels of strong fight, Long Yan's body was overturned at least a kilometer distance, this is to stabilize the body, but the body was seriously damaged, all the viscera were shattered, blood gushed out, the speed of flying backward, also will be behind the kilo star stone into countless pieces.

This is the real strength, bloody terror to kill, let Long Yan only this move is difficult to parry.

His body quickly repaired the injury with amazing strength, and he felt that the strength of sword sky was almost the same as that of Wang long after he turned into a dragon, at least ten times of his attack.

If it wasn't for his super defensive ability, I'm afraid the blow just now would have been here.

Seeing this scene, let tens of millions of people clamor up, they all know that it must be such an end, Long Yan once does not die, then the second time does not die?

"What? It's not the enemy of one move. There's a huge gap in strength. "

"It seems that it's hard for Longyan to take away Longling today."

More people began to worry about the safety of Longyan. The irresistible killing made Longyan feel the crisis of death again.

He can kill Wang long with innumerable magical means, but in the hand of sword sky, he has no power to fight back.

Whether it is speed or strength, the other side is much more terrifying than him, which is beyond his reach.

Immortality is a miracle.

Longling cried bitterly below, her heart was stabbed, the pain of suffocation, the whole person would become dull, she cried out the name of Longyan, but found that her throat was stuck, it was difficult to make a sound.

Because she was so worried and nervous.

"Brother Yan..." that kind of pain, I'm afraid only Long Yan most clear, she in the end for their own worry to what extent.

Long Yan has been completely fleshy, can still stand in the middle, has been completely a miracle, but he is not reconciled, in his bones, is the kind of indomitable.

"My spirit son..." Long Yan sees below, his eyes are more moist.

I know that I can't escape the killing of the sword sky with such recovery ability, and the other side won't give him so much time.

In order not to let Longling worry about himself, Longyan had to use the rule of time again.

"Dragon reverse power on!"

"I can't die, I can't die..."

This is Long Yan's only belief. While he is extremely eager to survive, he can only rely on this means to protect his life. If he had not been promoted before, he would not have been able to complete this amazing feat.

When everyone saw those bodies pierced by the sword Qi, countless flesh and blood came back to Longyan's body again in the blink of an eye. Under the control of his mind, he recovered as before, intact, and once again faced the sword sky with an absolutely unwilling attitude.

Long Yan angrily said: "come on, I can't kill you, I can't kill you. Kill me once. I'll write it down for you. If you kill me several times, I'll pay you back ten times. This is my principle. If people don't offend me, I won't commit crimes. If people follow me, they will pay back ten times!"

In order to let Longling see clearly that she is OK, let her at ease, Longyan can say, today completely let go.

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