The emperor Haotian was very worried about the impulse of Long Yan, and then he continued: "Xiao Longyan, do you know the importance of you now? Mud Bodhisattva said that you were the only one who could defeat Youquan. And we emperors have reached the age of rarity, so the most important thing is to contain the devil. Do you know how to take life as the important task, Do not mix personal hatred, if you once let him succeed, take back the heart, then his strength will increase greatly, at that time, no one can stop him.

It can be said that emperor Zun has already said this. What else can long Yan say? He can only overcome his own pressure now, and long Ling will never let him take risks in the demon world.

This is absolutely a critical period, and we can't make our own decisions.

Long Yan thought about it, and then he was relieved, but there was less than five months left. He still had a lot of room to grow up. Maybe he would fight for it.

Long Yan said that he would not give up anything about Li Mengyao. Time will soon pass. At present, it can only be like this. There is no other way.

"Emperor Zun, I understand. I will use the rest of my time to practice well." Long Yan is biting his teeth, and hatred is full of his heart.

Haotian emperor then continued: "by the way, there is something about Longyan, I want to tell you about it."

Longyan respectfully said: "emperor, please say it!"

"Well, during this time, I have made contact with Youming emperor Zun, even with the nine strong people in the territory, Jianzong, and wanzu. Once anything happens in the holy Dynasty, everyone will rush to the scene for support. Now the only thing that has not been reported is the orc tribe in the wild area of the end of the earth, the wild emperor palace, The wild emperor, I know best, is a very proud guy, but he didn't show his attitude in this catastrophe. The wild emperor is the strongest one among us. If he can fight, it will be a great help for us to fight against Youquan in the holy land. But this guy had something to do with me and the natural disaster emperor, I'm afraid I don't care now, so I'm going to let you go in person. "

Long Yan then said: "What Does emperor Zun mean? Do you want me to go to the wild imperial palace? Persuade the barbarian emperor to respect him. "

"Yes, your current status and status can represent me. Although the leader of Youquan mansion is powerful and haunted, the first target of the devil must be Canghai region and our holy kingdom. You know that there have been two successive demonic riots in Canghai region, so the wild emperor, I know what he's thinking best. He doesn't do anything. I'm afraid he'll wait until Canghai area and holy heaven are completely occupied. He's an ambitious guy, and then he can help us kill Youquan. At that time, our strength was weak. He might lead all the demon orcs in the wild area to invade us, You know what I'm talking about

Long Yan nodded: "the wild region is the most powerful of the three regions. I understand what emperor Zun said."

"Well, that's good. I know you have a special relationship with the emperor and the prince of the wild emperor palace. You are brothers. If you go to persuade the wild emperor, there will be great hope. Now you represent our holy emperor palace. If you go to talk to him, he will pay attention to you. At least we have a strong helper, which is better than you go to the head of Youquan house."

Long Yan thought about it. In fact, he also planned to go to the wild emperor's palace. This time, he was just told by the emperor. Long Yan would naturally agree.

"Emperor Zun, I plan to go to the wild areas, but I know nothing about the wild emperor. How much do you know about him, can you tell me?"

If you know something about it, you will be more sure if you go there at least.

The wild emperor is very kind to the little lion, which makes Long Yan very worried. He is afraid that the emperor of the demon clan is using the little lion, so long Yan will see what kind of person the wild emperor is.

Haotian emperor then said: "the wild emperor is a mysterious and powerful demon clan. The demon clan itself is a higher Orc tribe. They can be said to be the blood and soul of half human and half beast. They are more ferocious than the human race, and even much higher than the wild beast, crazy beast, Warcraft, spirit beast and demon beast. They are beyond the human beast, The earth level beast, the heaven level beast, and then the holy beast. The holy beast has the creation of heaven and earth, and lives by swallowing living things. He is the only one who can cultivate and refine into a fairy level. He has already transcended the body and consolidated his holy spirit with the power of holy yuan, which is much stronger than me. "

Long Yan learned this from emperor Zun. It sounds more cruel than the means of Youquan to consolidate his holy spirit by swallowing living things.

"How dare you go?" The emperor asked.

"Yes, it shouldn't be too late. I'll get ready and start right away. Emperor Zun will wait for my good news. I'll certainly persuade him."

Long Yan said goodbye to the emperor soon after he finished. He came down from the land of the five elements. After returning to the Shura hall for a while, he joined the Dragon Spirit and said goodbye to the people in the Shura hall again. Then he left the underground palace.

Originally, Longyan intended to send Longling back to Tianjing Jianzong for the time being. In case of anything unexpected, Longling would not agree.

Just take her with you. Besides, Long Ling is the most important person now. If he leaves her in Jianzong, Long Yan is not at ease. In case those demon kings suddenly patronize Jianzong, jiantianqiu and others may not be able to resist.

Along the way, Long Yan takes out the crystal stone with green light that Xiao Hei left behind when he left. After looking at it, there is still no news about Xiao Hei. It seems that there is no news about Xiao Hei. Maybe it has attracted the attention of Youquan.

Can't help but let Long Yan worry about the safety of black, but black has a lot of escape means, should be OK.

"Xiao Hei, I can't contact you now. Where are you? Don't have an accident."

Long Yan thought for a moment, and long Ling had already set foot on the direction of going to the end of the world wild region Orc tribe.

What should be explained was almost finished with all the people. Long Yan left at ease. Of course, in the wild area, the road was very far away. They had to transfer from the Imperial Palace several thousand li transmission array to get there as soon as possible.

Before long Yan set out, Emperor Zun also gave him the route to the wild Imperial Palace, which was deeply imprinted in his mind.

In this way, Longyan and Longling set foot on the direction of going to the wild imperial palace.

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