Three regions, nine territories, and three legged tripod, the wilderness area is larger than the total area of Canghai area and the holy kingdom of heaven.

The number of orcs living in the demon clan is also the largest. The words of emperor Haotian reverberate in Longyan's mind. It seems that the barbarian emperor has always been so mysterious. Last time in Jianzong, the ninth emperor and the tenth emperor, they should have brought the words of the emperor to the barbarian emperor. I can't say that the emperor of the demon clan really has that idea.

The orc tribe of the demon clan won't welcome the strong man of the Terran clan, but Long Yan's identity is special, and he has a relationship with the lion, so no one dares to embarrass him.

Why did the wild emperor want to leave the lion there for a thousand years? This problem has been puzzling Long Yan.

Is it true that after a thousand years, Xiao Hei will grow strong enough to take the lion as his host, just like the emperor of natural disasters.

The Orc tribes in the wilderness are boundless.

There are millions of demon race, all kinds of orc race, and the cultivation system of demon Orc is similar to that of human race, they will have more means, and even have terrible Orc transformation.

Demon world, this is the place that Long Yan has never set foot on. Maybe he will meet an unexpected adventure.

"Little lion, I'm here. Brother, you will be very happy to see me. Let me see who this wild emperor is."

This trip to the wild demon tribe, let Long Yan inexplicably have a kind of very bad premonition, this kind of feeling, let him some uneasy.

On the way, he must pass through the Canghai area. By the way, Long Yan went to zashen island. Looking at the thirty-six islands around him, they have basically returned to their former appearance. Many warriors have begun to build their homes again.

Long Yan left at ease. According to the memory on the map in his mind, Long Yan and long Ling have passed the thousand mile transmission array of the demon Kingdom imperial palace and come to the position near the edge of the wild area.

At this time, Longyan and Longling were standing in a huge and extremely barren area. There was no end at a glance. There was only a desolate area. A small array was formed on the ground. This thousand mile transmission array was very insignificant. Only a dilapidated building was built as a cover. There was a frontier guard team guarding here all the year round.

When leaving, Long Yan also needs to pass this transmission array to leave quickly.

In this way, Long Yan stepped on the edge of this wild region.

This vast wilderness looks very barren and desolate, and even a monster is hard to find.

However, on the ground, you can see some huge tiger paw prints. There must be some large fierce animals here.

Occasionally can hear the roar of the wolf, the wolves should be the master here.

Long Yan pulls Long Ling, in fact, his map is not comprehensive, barely find here is very good.

In the wild area, the so-called ends of the earth, there is a feeling of reaching the end of the world. Although it is extremely desolate, it gives Longyan and Longling some space to be alone. They walk on the desolate ground, covered with a layer of yellow sand, and the wind is blowing, which can leave a lot of yellow sand in their bodies.

After coming here, I feel the sun is very dazzling, and the temperature of the whole ground is also very high.

Soon, the two of them spread out and rushed forward. At least they had to find a place where the orcs lived so that they could find out the direction and location of the barbarian imperial palace.

The deeper you go, the less desolate you feel. Even in Longyan, you can see some green plants growing in the soil. There is a small hill in front of you, and a spring forms a river.

Here, Longyan can even find the existence of some wild animals, but most of these wild animals look strange. Although they can communicate with human language, they can't change into adult type.

Belong to the kind of low-level wild animals, of course, there will be more terrifying Warcraft around here.

These wild animals are very big, some of them are drinking water, and some of them are flying in the sky, forming a primitive ecological environment. It seems that everything here has not been developed, and they are all primitive.

It can be said that this is a paradise for these monsters and wild animals. For Longyan and Longling, this is also a free life they like and yearn for.

As long as we are together, wherever we go, no matter how desolate, we are happy.

Go on, those wild animals will run away when they see Longyan. After all, their terrible power is fatal to those low wild animals.

At night, Longyan and Longling find a cave. This time, they come to Longguo and prepare for all kinds of life.

Two people embrace together, this may be the second time after they get married, can have such an opportunity to warm, love a good good bar.

One night he fought and applauded for love. The next day, Long Yan felt quite comfortable. Of course, Long Yan could not fight for several days and nights as he did last time. He knew that he was sorry for Long Ling for letting his beloved woman suffer with him. No matter how tired he was, long Yan would nourish his beloved woman, Let her get the beauty she should enjoy as a wife.

"Ling'er, disaster is coming. It's hard for me to put all my mind into our fight. But brother Yan promises that when everything is over, I will make it up to you."

After nourishing and harmonizing in the night, all the magical power they consumed these days has been restored.

Long Ling lies in Long Yan's arms: "brother Yan, don't be full of remorse. It's very good for me. I'm very satisfied."

Yes, in the whole world, who still has the majesty of the dragon body, the ancestor god of Longyan.

Two people feel each other's heart, the sound of heartbeat, Long Yan will embrace her more tightly.

"The route given to me by Emperor Zun has been cut off here, so it's up to us to ask what we should do next. Some of these wild animals have thoughts and language. I'll go out and ask later."

Longling nodded happily.

Of course, when these wild animals saw Longyan, they had already run out of sight. Even if they asked, I'm afraid they couldn't find out anything. Originally, Longyan also planned to use soul devouring pupil to directly find out each other's information.

"Let's go..." Long Yan said softly.

They came out of the cave. It can be said that the night made Longling feel very happy, and his face was very ruddy. Soon, Longyan sensed the presence of wild animals in front of him.

Long Yan spread out all speed, chase toward that wild beast.

It was a deer covered with plum blossom stripes.

"Don't kill me!" Listen, this wild animal should be older.

"Wait a minute, I won't hurt you. I just have something to ask if it's convenient." Long Yan opens a way directly, because he doesn't know how to call each other.

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