In a park.

Within the pavilion, a slim figure was looking into the distance. She was tall and beautiful, and when she heard the sound of footsteps approaching, she raised her head.

"Dragon Soul …"

The beautiful woman gently opened her red lips, and her melodious voice rang out like a silver bell.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, Ren Feng took a deep breath, suppressed the complicated feelings in his heart and asked: "Rose, how come you came to Wanchuan City?"

"What, you don't welcome me?" Rose seemed to be hurt by Ren Feng's words, her eyes turning red, "Dragon Soul, do you hate me the entire time?"

Looking at her teary eyes, Ren Feng felt his head spinning, "Rose, in front of me, you don't have to be like this, right? Your acting skills can't fool me? "

Rose's face changed: "Dragon soul, you are so boring!" It took me so much effort to squeeze out a few tears, but you're not moved? "

Saying that, Rose rolled her eyes at Ren Feng, her eyes bewitching like silk.

Looking at his current appearance, even Ren Feng could not help but be moved, and immediately turned his head away.

In the Dragon Roar, he was always fearless. Even the Dragon Commander couldn't do anything to him, but towards Rose, he always avoided her like a tiger.

Because, this woman's every move, seemed to carry an endless amount of charm and charm, alluring people's hearts. Even with Ren Feng's mental fortitude, he was sometimes unable to control it.

"Stop, stop! Hurry up and stop!" If you are still here, I will leave right now! " Ren Feng said.

"Hehe, if the international people knew that the famous Dragon Soul was actually afraid of a little girl, I wonder what they would think." Rose covered her mouth as she smiled, revealing a charming smile.

Ren Feng laughed bitterly, as if he was recalling the past, his eyes became a little misty.

Seeing this, Rose's expression became serious and said hesitantly, "Dragon Soul, actually, Commander Long …"

"Well, Rose, if you're here to advise me to go back, you'd better give up." Ren Feng flatly refused.

Seeing Ren Feng's expressionless face, Rose heaved a long sigh in her heart.

Sigh, there are some years that I won't be able to return to!

Suppressing the sadness in her heart, she arranged her messy sideburns and said: "What I just said was just my personal opinion, don't take it to heart. I came to Wanchuan City this time to investigate an arms smuggling case, there are some people in Wanchuan City involved."

Hearing that someone from the Wanchuan City was involved, Ren Feng asked curiously, "Who is it?"

"The mastermind hasn't been investigated completely. We only found out that they set up a factory in the western suburbs for the time being. You know, we, Long Yin, only took care of this sort of thing conveniently. The rest is about the local police." Rose replied.

Ren Feng nodded, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something, "Have you passed over the clues?"

"Not yet. Aren't you in a hurry to meet me?" Rose gave Ren Feng a flirtatious glance.

The latter's heart skipped a beat and she quickly said, "Give me the clue. I have a friend who works at the police station and I owe her a favor."

Rose naturally had no objections, she took out a few documents from her Cosmos Sack and was about to give them to Ren Feng, but then her eyes suddenly turned, "What friend? It can't be your little lover, right? "

These words caused Ren Feng's face to darken. Could it be that in Rose's eyes, she was the kind of person who showed no mercy at all?

Seeing Ren Feng's reaction, Rose giggled, "I'm just joking."

As he said that, he handed the documents over to Ren Feng.

"Alright, since we've already met, I won't disturb you anymore." Rose's expression turned serious as she turned around and left.

Looking at the slim figure disappearing around the corner, Ren Feng suppressed the indescribable emotions in his heart and dialed Ye Weiying's number.

"Hey, Officer Ye, how have you been recently?"

Hearing Ren Feng's voice, Ye Weiying who was on the other end of the phone was stunned, following that, a complex expression surfaced on her face.

What happened last time had shocked her greatly.

The person who looked like a pervert in her eyes suddenly became mysterious and tall, causing her to not know how to face Ren Feng.

As for the idea of revenge, it had long been forgotten.

"What do you want?" Shaking his head, Ye Weiying threw all the unnecessary thoughts out of his mind and said.

"It's nothing much. I'm just returning a favor. Where are you? I'll go and find you." Ren Feng said indifferently.

He had never liked owing favors to others, so he took this opportunity to pay them back.

"I'm in the police station, I almost forgot about what happened last time, forget about favors …" He didn't know why, but Ye Weiying suddenly felt a bit of resistance in her heart when she came into contact with Ren Feng. She always had a feeling that this man was like a black hole.

"Have you considered clearly, this is a huge contribution. If it involves firearms, if you don't want them, I am giving them to someone else …"

Before Ren Feng could finish his words, he was interrupted by Ye Weiying, "What did you say?! It involves arms?! "

In China, firearms were always under strict control. If there was any involved, it would be a huge case. As the squadron leader of a squadron, Ye Weiying naturally could not keep his cool.

"Where are you? I'll bring someone to find you now!"

Ren Feng gave his address and then hung up.

"… …"

About twenty minutes later, a few jeeps drove over at a lightning fast speed, and the sound of tires scraping against the ground rang out.

Tshh Tshh!

The car stopped at the side of the road, and about 10 police officers walked out, led by one Ye Weiying.

She quickly walked in front of Ren Feng and directly asked: "What exactly happened?"

Ren Feng did not say anything, and directly handed the document over to Ye Weiying.

The latter flipped through it and a hint of sternness flashed in her eyes, "This group of people are too audacious. They actually dare to engage in arms production right under our noses!"

Seeing Ye Weiying's angry look, a thirty something tall and burly police officer walked over and asked: "Captain, what's going on?"

The man was the vice-captain of the Criminal Police Squadron, Hu Gang.

"Here, take a look for yourself."

Ye Weiying handed the document over to Hu Guang, who read it through, and immediately sneered: "This group of people are really bold, daring to set up factories in the western suburbs, engaging in arms production! "There's no time to lose, Captain. We'll go get them now!

As he spoke, his eyes flashed with excitement.

A military production base, this was a huge contribution! Although Ye Weiying was the captain, she contributed the most, but as the vice-captain, he had his share as well!

Hearing that, Ye Weiying hesitated, "Captain Hu, since that place is an arms factory, then the security will be tight, and relying on us, I am afraid that it won't be enough. In my opinion, we should first report to the chief of the police, and then dispatch the special forces to eliminate them in one fell swoop!"

"Captain, if we report to the police station, it will be none of our business. Moreover, sooner or later, there will be a change. If those people dare to be so brazen, who knows if they have spies in the police station." Hu Gang advised.

How could he just hand the credit over to someone else? No matter what, this matter had to be handled by their Criminal Police Squadron!

Ye Weiying nodded his head, what Hu Gang said did make sense, what if the news spread, then nothing could be found!

Seeing that Ye Weiying was moved, Hu Gang waved his hand, "Brothers, get in!"

With that, he glanced at Ren Feng, and said with a haughty look: "Young lad, you are not bad, I will remember this contribution!"

Saying that, he extended his hand out to pat Ren Feng's shoulder to show his encouragement.

Ren Feng curled his lips, twisted his body, and dodged Hu Gang's big hand.

The latter was stunned for a moment before her face darkened.

"Hehe, captain, this informant of yours has quite the temper?!"

As a vice captain, it was already a great honor for him to encourage the other party. Yet this fellow still dared to give him face?

How shameless!

If he did not consider the fact that Ye Weiying was still by his side, he would have already gone berserk!

"Hu Gang, it's not a lie, he's my friend!" Ye Weiying frowned, then looked at Ren Feng and said: "Ren Feng, we still need to trouble you with this matter, we do not have enough strength, so, please follow us."

Ren Feng never thought that Ye Weiying would let him go along. He pondered for a moment and just as he was about to speak, Hu Gang started yelling in extreme dissatisfaction.

"Captain, I don't know this guy's background, but this operation is extremely secretive. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to let him participate, right?"

With that, Hu Gang looked at Ren Feng a few times with disdain.

With this kind of trash, with his thin arms and thin legs, he could easily beat him up with just himself. Yet Ye Weiying actually wanted him to take part in the mission, wasn't he already drunk?!

All the policemen had looks of disdain on their faces.

This fellow was just an ordinary person. Asking him to join the operation, wasn't he just adding fuel to the fire?!

"Since Captain Hu doesn't welcome me, then Officer Ye should ask someone else." Ren Feng smiled indifferently, he did not place Hu Gang's disdain in his heart at all.

How could Master care about an ant's clamor!

His calm appearance greatly displeased Hu Gang.

This kid, what is he putting on an act in front of me!

Hu Gang rolled his eyes, then sneered: "Alright, little brat, don't say that I won't give you the chance, as long as you can block one of my attacks, I will let you join in. How about it?"

He still remembered Ren Feng's rude actions just now, and wanted to use this opportunity to ruthlessly teach him a lesson.

Hearing that, Ye Weiying frowned: "Leader Hu, don't mess around!"

Ye Weiying knew better than anyone else what Ren Feng was capable of. He was a man who didn't change his expression even when facing over two hundred special forces; a hundred Hu Gang wouldn't even be enough!

However, Hu Gang obviously did not know, he thought Ye Weiying was protecting Ren Feng and he could not help but feel jealous. Everyone in the police station knew what he was thinking about Ye Weiying, but had never lied.

But now, she was actually so protective of a man!

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