Under the raging flames of anger, Hu Gang looked at Ren Feng with a dark face and laughed coldly: "Brat, just say it, you don't dare? "If you do not dare, then get the hell out of here as soon as possible!"

"Hehe, since you're asking for a beating, there's no way I wouldn't satisfy your logic!" Ren Feng raised his eyebrows.

Hearing that, Hu Gang's lungs suddenly exploded.

This brat actually dared to look down on me? He really needed a beating!

His eyes were blazing with fire, his legs paused, and he threw a punch towards Ren Feng's chin.

"Hu Gang, don't..."

Ye Weiying's face changed as he tried to dissuade her.

To dare to attack Ren Feng, wasn't he courting death?!

Her actions fell into Hu Gang's eyes, but he thought that Ye Weiying was worried about Ren Feng, so he naturally did not stop. On the contrary, the strength in his hands increased even more.

This punch contained a huge amount of power, causing the air to hiss.

When the group of policemen saw this scene, they shook their heads with eyes full of sympathy.

This brat was determined to provoke Squadron Leader Hu. After all, he was an amateur boxer champion. With this punch, he would definitely be sent flying!


The sound of the collision rang out, as if confirming everyone's thoughts. They raised their heads to look, and the expression on their faces froze.

Ren Feng did not fly out. Instead, for some reason, as his body rubbed the ground, he rolled backwards, and like a ball, he slid more than ten meters away.

Lying on the ground, Hu Gang let out a painful groan. The enormous remaining strength in his chest still made him vaguely feel pain.

"Captain Hu!"

Three to four policemen immediately ran over and carefully helped Hu Gang up. The latter endured the pain and looked up at Ren Feng with an expression of disbelief.

This punch of his contained 10 years of cultivation. He had the confidence that even a normal professional boxer would not be able to withstand it. However, before he could clearly see what had happened, he was actually sent flying!

Being shocked, Hu Gang's face burned with pain. Recalling his actions just now, like a clown, he couldn't wait to find a hole and hide in.

How f * cking embarrassing!

"Now, I wonder if I have the qualifications to participate in this operation?" Ren Feng swept his eyes across the crowd and said expressionlessly.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other and did not say anything.

They had already been stunned by Ren Feng's earlier move.

Hu Gang lowered his head in shame. Only now did he come to his senses, it turned out that Ye Weiying's persuasion earlier was all about him. Thinking up to here, he felt even more ashamed and angry.

"There's no time to lose. Let's go now." Ren Feng said as he looked at Ye Weiying.

The latter nodded and strode towards the jeep, followed by the others.

Half an hour later, outside a machinery factory in the western suburbs, everyone parked their cars far away and walked down.

Everyone looked at the machine factory from a distance with unsightly faces.

More than twenty uniformed men were patrolling the area, cautiously sizing up the surroundings. They held electric batons in their hands, and their waists were bulging. Clearly, they were hiding weapons.

The security outside was already so tight. Who knew how many guards there were inside? There were simply not enough people outside for him to see!

Even Hu Gang, who saw this, had the intention to retreat.

After all, compared to their merits, their lives were more important. These people were clearly desperate criminals and would never care about their identity as police officers.

"Captain, why don't we go back first and report the situation to the bureau chief before making any plans?" Hu Gang said.

Hearing this, Ye Weiying's face looked displeased, "Hu Gang, you didn't say that just now. You said that it was you who acted quickly, and the one that said that it was you who reported back, what do you want to do?"

The questioning caused Hu Gang's face to turn red, "Captain, I..."

"Enough!" This time, I did not count on you! " Ye Weiying did not care about Hu Gang's reaction, looked at Ren Feng and said: "Ren Feng, let's go in together, and act accordingly."

With that said, Ye Weiying looked at the machinery factory in the distance, and was eager to try.

Being alone like a tiger's den, there was nothing more exciting than this!

She took out her gun and was about to go towards the workshop, but Ren Feng pulled her back.

The warm feeling coming from her wrist made Ye Weiying feel as if she was struck by lightning. She wanted to struggle free from Ren Feng's big hand, but she was afraid to alarm the guards of the factory, so she held herself back.

"What are you doing?" Ye Weiying's beautiful face had a tinge of red.

Her appearance looked a little less heroic and a little more charming, causing Ren Feng's eyes to light up.

Did this woman have such a feminine side to her as well?

However, Ren Feng did not dare say that he could not get in, and smiled: "I will go in myself, just wait outside for news."

These words were exceptionally ear-piercing to the ears of the crowd.

Ren Feng was an outsider, yet he still acted like that. On the contrary, it seemed like they, the police, were incapable of anything.

"A certain someone really likes to play the hero. Does he really think he is invincible just because he has some skill?!" No matter how powerful it is, it is only a matter of a bullet! " Hu Gang ridiculed, he saw that Ren Feng had grabbed Ye Weiying's wrist, and his face became even darker.

That was something he had never even touched before. What right did this kid have to be the first to reach the top?!

"What, you think I can't handle it?" Ren Feng's mouth raised slightly, revealing a playful smile.

"What do you think?! They have so many guards, I think you should be sending yourself to your death! It's fine if you lose your life but if you alert the grass and delayed the snake, do you think you can take it?! " Hu Gang said with a face full of disdain.

Everyone nodded, looking at Ren Feng with eyes full of ridicule.

It was one thing to show off, but it was a bit too much if he could not differentiate the importance of the matter!

Did he really think that the enemy's guns were just for show?!

"Hu Gang, enough..."

Ye Weiying's pretty face sunk. She was about to berate Hu Gang, but she was interrupted by Ren Feng. He looked at Hu Gang with a face full of ridicule: "Since you're so confident, why don't we make a bet."

"Betting on what?" Hu Gang said subconsciously.

"I bet on whether I can take care of them alone …"

Just as Ren Feng finished speaking, he was interrupted by him. "If you can handle them all by yourself, I'll eat the gun in my hands!"

After he finished speaking, he coldly snorted.

What kind of joke was this? He was on high alert and wanted to take care of all these people by himself? Wasn't that just a pipe dream?!

"Fine, wait for me to come out and I'll see how you eat that gun!" With that said, Ren Feng headed towards the workshop.

Looking at his back, the policemen wanted to stop him, but they restrained themselves.

If he were to throw his life away, he couldn't blame anyone else!

Hu Gang's face was gloomy.

Brat, just go to hell!

He didn't notice that Ye Weiying was looking at him with sympathetic eyes.

Ren Feng's figure moved like lightning, relying on the cover of the terrain to move closer to the machine factory.

Just as he was about to reach the side of the factory, one of the guards suddenly stopped and looked towards where Ren Feng was hiding.

"San-er, what's going on?"

"I saw a shadow just now and it disappeared in a blink of an eye. Did I see something wrong?"

"Kid, have you been poached dry recently?"

"F * ck your grandpa. I've done this eight times a night and I'm still as vigorous as usual!"

The brawny men laughed and looked away.

This was the moment!

Ren Feng stopped and his body shot out like a cannonball, rolling to the side of one of the factories.

In the workshop, there were many wooden boxes, not too far away, three men were sitting on top of them playing cards, and when they saw Ren Feng, they were shocked.

"Who are you?!"

Before his voice had even faded, the three stones in Ren Feng's hands shot out, drawing three streams of air currents. Then, blood blossomed and splashed out as the three of them held onto their throats, as their bodies fell.

Clapping his hands, Ren Feng opened a few boxes and took a deep breath.

It was full of pistols and automatic rifles, gleaming and cold.

This group of people truly had great courage!

Just the ammunition in this room was enough to equip a company!

He closed the box and walked out of the warehouse. He looked at the largest building in the warehouse and walked over.

If he guessed correctly, this should be the production workshop.

Entering the house, Ren Feng looked around and squinted.

There were about five to six hundred square meters of factory floor. There were a few dozen workers working on the assembly line. Their feet were all chained up. The other end of the chain was connected to the bed.

These people were clearly under house arrest!

Ren Feng's heart could not help but be infuriated, his gaze landed on the spear-wielding guards behind the workers, killing intent filled the air.

This group of scumbags deserved to die!

Brat, who are you? How did you sneak in?! "

Seeing Ren Feng's figure, a dozen of guards opened up the security, and surrounded him with sinister expressions.

"You're not talking, right?! Do you believe that I can kill you with a single spear?! "

"This brat might have been sent by the police?" Brothers, kill him! "

"Wouldn't killing him be letting him off easy? Two workers just died yesterday and we were just worrying that no one was working. Isn't he just a ready-made labourer? "Hahaha …"

The group of guards laughed crazily, completely disregarding Ren Feng.

In their eyes, Ren Feng was just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

Ren Feng's eyes flashed with a cold light, he grabbed a steel rod at the door and rushed forward.

The group of guards saw the approaching figure, and a fierce light flashed in their eyes. The bullets in their hands shot out.

Bang! Bang! Bang …

The bullets were densely packed, like locusts, they shot towards Ren Feng.

"What an idiot!"

Releasing the trigger, one of the guards lit up a cigarette and curled his lips in disdain. In his opinion, Ren Feng was dead for sure!

The others had the same thought, but in the next moment, they were all stunned.

Ren Feng's body moved back and forth in the rain of bullets, like a ghost, the densely packed bullets barely brushed past his body!

In a blink of an eye, Ren Feng was in front of everyone.

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