"Hur hur, really?" Seeing Cao Fei's complacent look, Ren Feng grinned and exerted strength through his legs.


Was this to learn from him?

Glancing at the marble ground beneath Ren Feng's feet that was still unmoving, Cao Fei gave a disdainful laugh.

How ridiculous!

This place was made of high quality marble and was extremely hard. With the strength of a Heaven Realm master, it was impossible for him to break this easily!

"Idiot …"

Cao Fei taunted, but just as he said that, he stopped, the look of disdain on his face had not faded, his eyes revealing a look of disbelief.

With a kacha sound, the marble ground beneath Ren Feng's feet cracked open, and a long crack spread out.

In the end, with Ren Feng at the center, a crack appeared in the seven to eight square meters of ground.

"This... "How is this possible?!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Cao Fei couldn't help but to exclaim out loud, his eyes staring as big as bells.

It had to be known that with his power as a Lesser Innate, this kind of marble tile could only be cracked by one or two pieces. For someone like Ren Feng, to be able to break through a few square meters with a single step was absolutely impossible!

If that was the case, then how terrifying was his strength?!

Could he be an Upper Sky warrior?!

Cao Fei's face was filled with disbelief, the shock in his heart was like overturning rivers and seas.

"An Upper Sky warrior, you're actually an Upper Sky warrior?!" he muttered to himself.

Recalling his previous actions, a burning pain appeared on his face.

How embarrassing!

He had talked about how strong he was, but in the end, his opponent was a Xiantian realm expert!

But very quickly, Cao Fei seemed to have thought of something, and his face instantly darkened.

"Brat, I was almost tricked by you. With your age, there's no way you could be an Innate Ranker! Honestly speaking, what tricks did you do just now?! "

"Hehe, don't tell me it's this difficult to accept that I'm stronger than you?" Ren Feng curled his lips and said.

The ridiculing disdain on his face completely angered Cao Fei. The latter became furious, his legs paused for a moment, and he rushed towards Ren Feng.

In the blink of an eye, Cao Fei appeared in front of Ren Feng.

"Go to hell!"

The wind from his palm was sharp, and the surrounding air distorted. Seeing Ren Feng not moving, the corner of Cao Fei's mouth rose into a sinister smile.


A sound of impact rang out, and his large hand solidly slapped onto Ren Feng's chest.

Cao Fei's eyes flashed a look of contempt, with such little strength, he still dared to hoot in front of him?!

It was a pity that this palm strike was enough to crush this kid's heart. To let him die so easily, it could be considered letting him off easy!

Cao Fei felt pity and was about to retract his palm, but he was stunned.

He realized that Ren Feng was looking at him calmly, as if nothing had happened!

This... What was going on?

The might of his palm was so strong that it was like smashing a rock. How could this fellow be unharmed?

Looking at the stupefied Cao Fei, Ren Feng grinned, but suddenly exerted strength under his feet and lashed out with a kick.


The sound of air exploding could be heard. Cao Fei regained his senses, looked at the incomparably swift kick, and his pupils contracted. Just as he was about to retreat, he was already done for.


An intense pain came from his chest as his body slammed into the wall, leaving behind a pool of blood as he fell to the ground, his status unknown.

"So weak!"

Ren Feng curled his lips and walked out with large strides.

Qing'er was waiting outside. When he saw Ren Feng walk out, he immediately went to greet him.

"Ren Feng, are you alright?" Qing'er said with a face full of concern.

"I'm fine, but what happened to you? Why are you here? " Ren Feng said as he looked at Qing'er.

"I …" Qing'er hesitated for a moment, and with a miserable look, he began to narrate.

At the end, Ren Feng felt a wave of pity. He held her jade-like hand and gently said: "Sigh, why didn't you look for me when you lacked money? Do you know what the consequences would be when you deal with someone like Cao Fei, who only eats people and not spit their bones? "

As he finished speaking, Ren Feng felt a lingering fear in his heart. Luckily he had come in time today, if he had come even a little bit later, Qing'er's entire life would have been over!

"But …" I already owe you enough, I can't repay you in this lifetime, how can I trouble you again? " Qing'er shook his head.

"We don't need you to repay us. Aren't we friends?" Ren Feng rebuked.

Hearing that, Qing'er was startled.

Was he just a friend?

Her heart ached as she thought of Shen Yunxuan's beautiful face.

It was also true that with Manager Shen's conditions, he simply could not compare to her.

Ren Feng did not know what Qing'er was thinking, but he continued, "Auntie's illness has already reached a late stage, and with the medical conditions in the Wanchuan City, I'm afraid that there's no way to treat it. How about this, I have a friend whose medical skills are not bad, let her help Auntie take a look."

Hearing this, Qing'er's beautiful eyes lit up, and she tightly grabbed onto Ren Feng's arm. She cried out involuntarily: "Your friend, can you really look favorably on my mother?"

One had to know that her mother was in the terminal stage of cancer. She had been to many hospitals but none of them were able to do anything about it, causing Qing'er to feel extremely grieved in his heart.

And now, Ren Feng's words, were like the dawn in the darkness, giving her hope.

Seeing Qing'er's eager look, Ren Feng did not dare guarantee anymore. After all, he was afraid that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

"I can't guarantee anything about that, but her medical skills are still passable, so it's not a big deal for her to take a look."

With that, Ren Feng walked to the side, took out his phone and made a call.

After a few minutes, Ren Feng hung up and walked over.

My friend will fly over here tonight. Roughly tomorrow morning, he will arrive at Wanchuan City. Ren Feng said softly.

Upon hearing this, Qing'er's beautiful face was filled with gratitude: "Ren Feng, I'll have to trouble you again this time. If it wasn't for you, I really don't know what I would have done."

"The word 'trouble' from now on, please do not appear in your eyes. Between you and I, there is no such thing as trouble." Ren Feng pretended to be angry and said.

Qing'er's heart felt warm, but at the same time, it also felt a little sad.

This man did not belong to him after all!

"… …"

The next morning, Ren Feng walked out of his bedroom and yawned. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Cheng Feiyan and Shen Yunxuan sitting on the sofa.

"Grandfather, why don't you listen to my advice?! This was a godsend chance! That doctor came to China with great difficulty and asked her to show it to you. What if she had a way? "

Cheng Feiyan frowned, as though she was in a bad mood.

But after talking for half a day, her grandfather still did not agree. Cheng Feiyan said helplessly: "Grandfather, can I beg of you? That doctor's medical skills, you know … "

Before she could finish speaking, the phone was hung up, causing Cheng Feiyan to become angry.

Ren Feng walked over and asked with concern: "Fei Yan, what's going on? What's wrong with grandpa? "

Cheng Feiyan looked like she did not see Ren Feng, her beautiful face was gloomy and cold.

Recalling Ren Feng's cold attitude and rejection yesterday, she became angry.

What was even more despicable was that this fellow didn't return until two or three in the morning!

He came back so late because of a woman, but he couldn't think of any other reason!

Because of a woman, Cheng Feiyan had to reject her, so the anger in his heart could be imagined.

Looking at Cheng Feiyan's expression, Ren Feng rubbed his nose in embarrassment. He knew the reason behind the other party's anger, but he couldn't do anything yesterday since he was in a hurry.

However, he could not say any of that, if he let his friend and wife know that he was doing this for Qing'er, who knows what they would think.

Helpless, he turned his head to look at Shen Yunxuan, "Grandfather, what happened?"

"Does what matter to you? It's better to take care of your little lover! " Shen Yunxuan glared fiercely at Ren Feng.

Evidently, she was just as Cheng Feiyan had thought. She thought that it was definitely because of the woman that Ren Feng had returned so late.

Well, he was not to be taken seriously.

Ren Feng laughed bitterly.

Seeing Ren Feng's expression, Shen Yunxuan said that he deserved it in his heart, and then turned to look at Cheng Feiyan, "Yan, my friend just sent me a message, saying that Ms Julia has already arrived at the Wanchuan City, and will be here for a few days."

Hearing that, Cheng Feiyan's beautiful eyes lit up, and said with an excited expression: "Are you serious?! Yunxuan, then ask your friend to make an appointment for me as soon as possible! "

Zhu Liya?

Ren Feng was startled.

What a coincidence!

Shen Yunxuan found it hard to believe, "Yan, I've already told my friend about it, but she said that Ms Julia came here specifically because she has something on and she won't meet with anyone else."

"You and your friend tell me, as long as Zhu Liya is willing to treat my grandfather, you can pay as much as you want!" Cheng Feiyan said firmly.

As long as she could cure her grandfather's illness, even if she sold the company, she would not hesitate.

"Yan, it's not a matter of money! According to what my friend said, the Ms Julia has a esteemed status. She is a prominent figure in the medical realm, and her students are all famous professors in the medical realm. Even big figures from other countries would have to line up to make an appointment if they wanted to invite her to see a doctor, let alone us small fry. " Shen Yunxuan shook his head and sighed.

Hearing this, Cheng Feiyan's face changed, her eyebrows knitted together: What should I do, Grandfather's illness seems to have worsened recently, I have seen all the major hospitals at home and abroad, but all those doctors were helpless, they said, Ms Julia might be able to cure my grandfather's illness.

Saying that, Cheng Feiyan sighed.

"Before this, I specifically went to the Mi Country to look for her, but I didn't contact her personally. How could I miss such a good opportunity!"

"Yan, I can understand your feelings, but contacting the Ms Julia like this is completely useless. How about this, let's go investigate why the Ms Julia came, maybe this will be our chance." Shen Yunxuan muttered to himself.

"That's right!" I'll arrange for someone to investigate! " Cheng Feiyan frowned, and took out his phone.

At this time, Ren Feng came over again, and said with a face full of concern: "Yan, what kind of sickness is Grandfather?"

Cheng Feiyan raised his head, looked at Ren Feng, and coldly said. "What disease is it that has to do with you?!"

This kind of attitude, which could reject others by leaps and bounds, made Ren Feng very unhappy. The taste of a hot face on a cold butt was quite uncomfortable.

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