For his grandfather's sake, he had endured it himself!

Ren Feng took a deep breath and said: "Look at you, aren't I just concerned about something?"

"I don't need your concern! I don't want to see you right now, so please just disappear from my sight, okay?! " Cheng Feiyan looked coldly at Ren Feng.

Hearing this, Ren Feng's displeasure in his heart increased.

There was something wrong with his attitude from yesterday, but he shouldn't be so angry, right?

Could it be that it was wrong of him to care for his grandfather?!

He wasn't the type to swallow his anger, and there was a limit to his tolerance.

"Alright, you're the one who said that, don't regret it!" Suppressing the unhappiness in his heart, Ren Feng said.

In fact, as soon as he said those words, Cheng Feiyan immediately regretted them a little. She knew that her words were a bit too much.

However, after what happened yesterday, coupled with her grandfather's incident, her mood was extremely vexed. This made her especially angry, and her attitude was extremely vile.

However, after hearing Ren Feng's words, she swallowed her words of apology.

"Regret?!" In my, Cheng Feiyan's, dictionary, there is no such word as regret! " Cheng Feiyan sneered.

After Ren Feng heard this, his temper rose. Without even thinking, he immediately headed outside.

Just as he left the villa, his phone rang. Ren Feng was too lazy to check and immediately picked it up.

"Who is it?!"

"My dear Ren, why are you so angry so early in the morning? Isn't it because I'm not by your side that you're in a bad mood? " A woman's voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"I say, Zhu Liya, you are really overthinking things. Without you, I don't know how happy I would be!" Ren Feng curled his lips, and a trace of a smile appeared in the corner of his eyes.

"Hey, Ren, that's too much! Don't you know that coaxing a woman to be happy is the duty of a gentleman? " Zhu Liya was extremely dissatisfied.

"Come on, I'm just trying to make you happy. I don't think it's my job at all."

"Not a gentleman at all!" Ren, if we don't see each other now, I would already be looking forward to meeting with you. Zhu Liya said.

Her slightly coquettish tone made all of the hairs on Ren Feng's body stand up as he helplessly said: "Whatever you want to eat has already arrived in Hua Xia, I will also do my duty as a host."

"I heard that China's stinky tofu is pretty good, why don't we just eat that!" Zhu Liya said excitedly.

"No way, your request is that simple?" Ren Feng rolled his eyes, it was truly easy to support him, he gave the address of a smelly tofu shop to Zhu Liya and hung up.

Then, Ren Feng went over to Qing'er's house. The latter had just woken up, but his face still had a trace of sleepiness.

"Ren Feng, you came so early. Qing'er had a face full of doubt.

"The doctor friend that I told you about yesterday, she has now reached the Wanchuan City. Let's go over now and have lunch together with her." Ren Feng said.

"What?" She has already arrived?! " Qing'er's expression became excited, he grabbed Ren Feng's arm and said: "Does she like to eat western or Chinese food? I'll book a table for her right now!"

"You don't have to do anything. Just follow me." Ren Feng smiled indifferently and waved his hand.

"Isn't that inappropriate? I am a relative of the patient, and do not express anything at all. How can I do that?! " Qing'er said worriedly.

"Don't worry, she's not a petty person. She's easy to get along with."

Hearing this, Qing'er relaxed.

If any of the famous people in the world heard Ren Feng's words, they would definitely not agree. In their eyes, Zhu Liya was simply an unreasonable devil!

About an hour later, the two of them appeared in a small restaurant selling smelly tofu.

Looking at the slightly dirty and chaotic environment around him, Qing'er was a little dumbfounded.

"Ren Feng, did you go to the wrong place?"

"That's right, this is where we agreed to eat." Ren Feng said very naturally.

After receiving the confirmation, Qing'er was stunned.

Inviting someone to eat at a stinky tofu restaurant, wasn't that a bit too casual? It was hard for her to relate this kind of environment to a famous doctor.

Seeing the disbelief on Qing'er's face, Ren Feng explained: "You don't know her personally, she has never liked going to that kind of large restaurant. This type of street store is her favorite."

"Are you for real?" Your friend's medical skills are so good, he should be rich, right? " Qing'er's bright eyes flashed, and asked curiously.

"It has nothing to do with money. It's purely a matter of personal interests. How should I put it? In the eyes of some people, she has an eccentric personality and is hard to get along with. However, she is actually a very good person." Ren Feng said.

The two of them walked inside and soon found a blonde Caucasian woman wearing a peaked cap. She was sitting in a corner with a plate of stinky tofu placed in front of her.

This wasn't all. The woman's expression made people speechless. As she ate the stinky tofu, her face was one of ecstasy. If one didn't know what kind of delicacy she was eating, they would think she was eating.

"Hey, Zhu Liya!" Ren Feng and Qing'er walked over and sat opposite of the woman.

Seeing Ren Feng, the woman immediately swallowed the food in her mouth. After drinking a large mouthful, she said with a face of satisfaction: "Ren, your recommendation is indeed still in accordance with my appetite. This stinky tofu is truly too delicious!"

Ren Feng rolled his eyes, it was just smelly tofu, why did his performance have to be so exaggerated?

He pointed to Qing'er and said: "Let me introduce you, this is Qing'er, the patient I asked you to treat is her mother."

Looking at Zhu Liya in front of him, Qing'er was a little absent-minded. The other party's typical Euramerican appearance, deep blue eyes, were like the ocean, with a high nose bridge and deep eye sockets, causing her eyes to look even more profound.

Yet another beauty!

Qing'er sighed with emotion in her heart. As for why she used the word again, even she herself was not too clear about it.

Seeing Zhu Liya's gaze, Qing'er stopped thinking and nodded his head: "Hello, I am Gu Qing'er. I will have to trouble you with this matter."

"Trouble or something, you can't really be called that. After all, you're a little lover." Zhu Liya winked at him.

Qing'er's face reddened and she wanted to explain, but Ren Feng was the first to speak: "Zhu Liya, don't speak nonsense, we are only friends …"

These words caused Qing'er to feel a sense of loss in his heart. Ren Feng did not notice it, and continued to speak: "If I say it, you can go out on your own. Why bring a hat? Do you think this is the state of Mi? "Who would recognize you?"

"What do you think? Just as I got off the plane, my phone exploded. They were all here for me. If I didn't do that, I'm afraid I would have been stuck somewhere! " Zhu Liya said with an unhappy expression.

The reason why she came to Hua Xia this time, was precisely to see Ren Feng; she basically did not want to bother with these unrelated people.

When Qing'er heard this, she felt deep veneration for him. She had initially thought that Ren Feng's friend was just a slightly famous doctor, but now she knew that his reputation was so great that so many people in China knew about him!

Thinking of this, her heart was filled with excitement. Perhaps, her mother could be saved this time!

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Qing'er said: "Doctor Zhu Liya, do you know my mother's situation? Is there hope for her illness? "

As he spoke, Qing'er's heart rose to his throat, afraid that the other party would say a word of no.

Zhu Liya was currently struggling with the stinky tofu on her plate. She replied without raising her head: "Her condition is rather serious, with an advanced stage of cancer, even I have a headache. However, the specific situation requires me to give her a specific examination before she can be certain."

Hearing this, Qing'er heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. The other party did not announce the death sentence to her mother like the other doctors did, which proved that there was still hope.

"If so, are we going to the State of Mi?" Qing'er asked.

"That's right, I want to use the most advanced equipment to conduct inspections and treatments. I can't stay here for sure, I'll leave in two days, and then your mother will come with me." Zhu Liya nodded.

After Qing'er heard this, he suddenly thought of something and carefully said: "I have to be bold to ask, how much medical fees do I need to prepare?"

"The medical fees are fine, you are Ren's friend, I will definitely give you the cheapest price, 5 …"

Before Zhu Liya could finish his words, he was intercepted by Ren Feng, "Five thousand dollars, right? This price is indeed fair."

Hearing this, Zhu Liya spat out the stinky tofu in his mouth and looked at Ren Feng in disbelief.

Five thousand dollars, this guy really dares to say that?!

"Five thousand dollars? Is that for real?! " Qing'er also had a face full of disbelief.

This amount of money should only be enough for a plane ticket, right?

"Enough!" Ren Feng waved his hand, then looked at Zhu Liya, his lips trembling, but he did not make a sound, "Zhu Liya, saving the dying and helping the wounded, is your doctor's duty, medical fees, this kind of thing, it will be enough after a while, unless you want your laboratory to disappear from Earth!"

Zhu Liya's lips that he understood immediately understood Ren Feng's words. Her face darkened as she said, "Anyways, with her mother's situation, fifty million US Dollars is the lowest price, if the situation is complicated, that's not enough. You should know that those important figures have looked for me to have a stomachache, they would even need several million US Dollars, not to mention her!"

Zhu Liya, do you look like the type of person who needs money? If you want to earn my friend's money, don't even think about it! " Ren Feng said without a doubt.

Seeing his resolute expression, Zhu Liya nodded his head helplessly, "Alright, on your account, I only took five thousand dollars from her. But Ren, you have to marry her home as your wife, if that's the case, I won't lose too much."

Hearing this, Ren Feng almost vomited a mouthful of blood.

What kind of logic was this?!

Looking at the two of them whose lips were trembling but who did not make a sound, Qing'er felt that it was extremely strange, "Are you two alright?"

"It's fine, we will be having fun as soon as we meet." Ren Feng said as he looked at Qing'er.

The latter nodded her head and looked at Zhu Liya: "Doctor Zhu Liya, is the medical fee really five thousand dollars?"

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