"Yes, it's five thousand dollars. Our laboratory is not profitable. For some patients, it's just a token fee." Zhu Liya nodded, but his heart was bleeding.

Tens of millions of dollars just vanished like that!

"Really?" Qing'er still found it hard to believe.

This was the first time she had heard of such a charity, and such a famous doctor at that.

"Qing'er, don't worry, how can Zhu Liya lie to you?" Ren Feng said.

After saying so, he looked at Zhu Liya. The latter was extremely unwilling, but had to say: "Yes, Miss Gu, you are a friend of any kind. Even if I am to lie to anyone, I will not lie to you."

These words caused Qing'er to be slightly relieved. She looked at Zhu Liya's beautiful face and praised: "Doctor Zhu Liya, all the famous doctors you and I have seen were all different. You are so young, yet your medical skills are so outstanding.

After Ren Feng heard this, his face trembled.

However, Zhu Liya smiled like a flower, "Dear Gu, how old do you think I am today?"

Hearing this, Qing'er carefully sized up Zhu Liya's beautiful face, and then probed: "Twenty-eight?"

After Zhu Liya heard this, he couldn't help but grin as he looked at Ren Feng proudly: "Ren, do you see, I'm a young lady!"

"Come on!" Ren Feng curled his lips with a look of disdain.

Hearing the two of them talking, Qing'er was at a loss.

"Ren Feng, could it be that what I said was wrong?"

"It's more than wrong, there's simply a difference of one hundred and eight thousand miles! "She's in her fifties today!" Ren Feng said.

"Over fifty?!" Qing'er's face was filled with disbelief, as her gaze subconsciously fell on Zhu Liya's charming face.

This was unbelievable, this beauty who looked to be no more than thirty years old was actually in her fifties?!

Seeing Qing'er's flabbergasted expression, Ren Feng explained: "You don't have to be so surprised. If you have her conditions, you can also be like her when you come into contact with the most advanced biological technology."

"Dear Gu, as a brilliant medical researcher, I know how to slow down my aging, so I'm younger than I am." Zhu Liya said.

Even though the two of them had explained it like this, Qing'er was still shocked. He was not younger, but an entire twenty years old! When she imagined herself aged fifty, she couldn't help but feel envy in her heart.

After knowing Zhu Liya's actual age, Qing'er's attitude became a lot more respectful, but in his heart, he felt even more at ease. After all, in the field of doctors, the older one was, the more one would feel at ease.

After about half an hour, Zhu Liya got up and bid his farewell. She and Qing'er had made a reservation and would go to the hospital to see her mother tomorrow.

"… …"

In the office, Cheng Feiyan was frowning as she looked at the documents on the table.

This was the demand letter from Gmeiyan's suppliers. No one knew where they heard that there was a problem with the funding chain for Gmeiyan. As if they had teamed up, they urged Gmeiyan to pay for the goods last month.

And now, the company had just repaid the loan, the liquid capital on the account was almost gone, how could they have the money to return it to them!

In addition, there was a trace of strangeness behind all of this.

Cheng Feiyan immediately thought of the existence of Chen Family.

It was definitely Chen Tianlai's doing!

He will not rest until Gmeiyan is destroyed!

Thinking about it, Cheng Feiyan clenched her fist, her eyes became gloomy and cold.

Bang! Bang! Bang …

Knocking on the door interrupted Cheng Feiyan's train of thoughts.

"Come in!"

With that, Shen Yunxuan pushed open the door and walked in.

"Yan, I have already investigated the purpose of your visit to China …" Saying that, Shen Yunxuan's beautiful face revealed an expression of disbelief.

"She came this time for our company's Gu Qing'er's mother!"

"What?!" Cheng Feiyan cried out in alarm. She even suspected that she had heard wrongly, that a great figure of the medical realm with a huge door, would actually come to China just to see Gu Qing'er's mother?!

How was this possible?!

She knew about Gu Qing'er's family background, and that there was absolutely no possibility for them to intersect. Why would the other party specially come to see Gu Qing'er's mother?

"Are you sure?! Are you sure that the other party is our company's Gu Qing'er?! "

Seeing Cheng Feiyan's face of disbelief, Shen Yunxuan laughed bitterly: "It's absolutely true, when I received this news, I was even more surprised than you. Let my friend confirm again and again, that it was our company's Gu Qing'er!"

Even now, Shen Yunxuan still felt that it was hard to believe that Gu Qing'er was actually related to the Ms Julia.

Cheng Feiyan took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and said: "No matter how Gu Qing'er talked the Ms Julia into it, since she was able to get the Ms Julia to specially come here, it means that their relationship is deep, and that their only option is to start with her."

"That's right, find Gu Qing'er for help. As long as she asks, I believe the Ms Julia will give her face." Shen Yunxuan agreed.

Cheng Feiyan took out his cell phone and called Gu Qing'er.

"Hello, Chairman Cheng, is there something you need me for?" On the other side of the phone, Qing'er was puzzled.

She really couldn't imagine why Cheng Feiyan, with his identity, would call her.

"Qing'er, I have something to ask you, you must answer me truthfully." Cheng Feiyan said in a heavy voice.

Her solemn words caused Qing'er to instantly become nervous, "Chairman Cheng, please speak."

"What is your relationship with the Ms Julia?" Cheng Feiyan asked.

After hearing this, Qing'er was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously said, "I am not related to Ms Julia in any way."

Hearing this, Cheng Feiyan frowned slightly. This little girl, what does she mean by hiding?

"According to what I know, Ms Julia came here specifically for your mother. With her status and identity, you have nothing to do with each other.

How could Chairman Cheng know all this?

Qing'er hesitated for a moment, then said: "Chairman Cheng, I am really not lying to you, Ms Julia is not someone I have invited, she is Ren Feng's friend."

"What did you say?!" Cheng Feiyan stood up with a whoosh, and cried out involuntarily.

Shen Yunxuan, who was at the side, saw this scene, her beautiful face was at a loss.

How could the Yan have such a huge reaction?

"Chairman Cheng, Ms Julia was invited by Ren Feng. Help me treat my mother." Qing'er thought that Cheng Feiyan did not hear it clearly, and explained it again.

After receiving the confirmed answer, the shock in Cheng Feiyan's heart surged like waves.

She never would have thought that Ms Julia would actually be Ren Feng's friend!

This guy, just what kind of background does he have?!

The previous Master Ensco had already shattered her eyeballs, but this time Ms Julia was even more unbelievable.

Even if they were to offer a large amount of money, they would have to wait in line at the back of the line for treatment. And just a phone call from Ren Feng was able to make the other party come thousands of miles away to China to specially treat Qing'er's mother.

Why does this sound like a fantasy story?!

On the other side of the phone, Qing'er saw that Cheng Feiyan had stopped talking, and asked anxiously: "Chairman Cheng, did I say something wrong?"

Cheng Feiyan retracted his train of thoughts, his expression becoming extremely complicated, "You did not say anything wrong, it's all right, let's do it like this."

With that, Cheng Feiyan hung up.

"Yan, what did she say?" Shen Yunxuan asked with concern.

Cheng Feiyan was still immersed in the shock from before and subconsciously shook his head.

"She doesn't admit it?! What should I do? " Shen Yunxuan's face was anxious, but Gu Qing'er did not admit it. She obviously did not want to help, so after thinking for a moment, she said: "Why not let Ren Feng go and have a chat with her?

Hearing the two words "Ren Feng," Cheng Feiyan's pretty face instantly darkened, and killing intent surged in her beautiful eyes.

This bastard actually found the Ms Julia to treat Qing'er's mother, but didn't care about his grandfather at all!

She suddenly felt an indescribable discomfort in her heart, as well as a strong sense of anger.

Without thinking, she took out her phone and called Ren Feng.

"Hello, Fei Yan …"

The moment Ren Feng had finished speaking, don't be interrupted by Cheng Feiyan. The latter said coldly: "Come to my office now! Immediately, immediately! "

With that, she did not give Ren Feng a chance to speak, and immediately ended the call.

Seeing Cheng Feiyan's ashen face, Shen Yunxuan was stunned for a moment before asking with concern, "Yan, what's wrong?"

"Just now Gu Qing'er said that Ms Julia was invited by Ren Feng!" Cheng Feiyan gritted his teeth.

"What?!" Shen Yunxuan exclaimed.

Ms Julia was actually invited by Ren Feng?!

Under the shock, a ball of fury rose in her heart.

"This bastard, is he really serious about Gu Qing'er?!" Shen Yunxuan sneered, her beautiful eyes ignited with two flames of anger.

This scumbag, isn't he enough of a Yan?! He dared to mess around outside, he must show him who's boss!

Shen Yunxuan clenched her fist, and a burst of killing intent filled the air.

Very quickly, the door to the office opened, and Ren Feng walked in. Looking at the four gazes that shot over, even he was shocked.

"What's wrong with the two of you? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Looking at the postures of the two women, Ren Feng stood at the door, and did not dare to enter.

"Tell me honestly, what exactly happened between you and Gu Qing'er?!" Shen Yunxuan slammed the table heavily, and glared at Ren Feng.

Although Cheng Feiyan did not say anything, she still clenched her fist tightly. If Ren Feng did not give a reasonable explanation, she would not let this bastard off!

"What can I do with her?" Ren Feng was confused.

"You're still being stubborn even now?" Shen Yunxuan's mouth issued a cold laughter, and her beautiful face became even more gloomy. "Gu Qing'er had already said it before, you helped her find the Ms Julia, and helped her treat her mother.

So that's the case!

Ren Feng was suddenly enlightened, he curled his lips and said: "How can I be blamed for this. In the morning, I asked twice, but Fei Yan ignored me and even chased me away, why is it all my fault?"

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