Submission or death!

"Captain, let's retreat first!"

"That's right, captain, these hoodlums have a lot of Wei Chong in their hands, and they are suppressing us to the point where we can't even retaliate!"

"These bastards, have they gone mad? "He actually dares to use a gun!"

Looking at the flames in all directions, the policemen's faces turned pale.

They could not have imagined that these casino staff members would dare to resist and even use guns!

"Retreat!" Ye Weiying clenched his teeth, and said with unwillingness in his heart.

As a policeman, yet being forced to retreat by a group of hoodlums, Ye Weiying felt that it was the greatest shame of her life. However, looking at the police officers who fell one after another, she had no choice but to order them to retreat.

"You want to leave?!" There's no one at the door! "

When Li Feihu saw Ye Weiying's actions, a sinister smile surfaced at the corner of his mouth. He waved his hand and shouted, "Everyone pounce on me, don't let any of these policemen go!"

Hearing the order, the people from Longhu Sect rushed out, while the other powerhouses also rushed out, shooting loudly.

Bang! Bang! Bang …

The dense and dense bullets were like locusts, cutting off Ye Weiying and the rest's path. They immediately hid in a corner, the bullets striking the surrounding stones, causing the few policemen to scream out in pain and fall.

"Is this group of people crazy?!" Looking at her colleague who had fallen into a pool of blood, Ye Weiying uttered a low cry, her beautiful eyes filled with pain.

"Hahaha!" A bunch of trash! " Li Feihu was very proud of himself as he looked at the police officers hiding behind a rock. Normally, they were the ones that were chased by the police, but today, he had vented his anger!

"You think that by hiding behind a rock, you will be fine?" "How naive!" Li Feihu instructed from behind, "Throw a grenade at me, blast these dead cops to death!"

His subordinates quickly took out a grenade from their waists, and threw it behind a rock with a ferocious expression.

Seeing the hand grenades that covered the sky, the expressions of Ye Weiying and the others changed, and their bodies turned cold.

It was already too late for them to dodge. Despair involuntarily appeared in their eyes.

Ye Weiying felt unresigned in his heart.

Could it be that they were going to lose their lives here today?

Seeing that the sky was filled with hand that was about to fall down, a white light shot out and violently fluctuated in the air. The hand grenades flew backwards.

This scene stunned all of the lackeys. They regained their senses and looked at the grenade under their feet. Their eyes bulged out and they were about to dodge away.

Boom!" BOOM! BOOM *

A violent explosion resounded as the heat wave rolled over and caused the ground to shake. Dozens of hoodlums were sent flying.

After surviving the calamity, the group of police officers panted heavily. Looking at Ren Feng who was about to descend like a god, complicated expressions filled their faces.

Who is this man? So powerful!

Ye Weiying, on the other hand, felt her heart tremble, and an indescribable feeling arose in her heart.

"Don't just stand there. Hurry up and leave!" Ren Feng embraced Ye Weiying's slender waist and was about to lead the other party to escape, but the latter seemed as if he was struck by lightning and struggled out of Ren Feng's arms.

"You … What are you doing?! " Ye Weiying's beautiful face flushed red.

It was the first time that she had been in such intimate contact with a man. She was not used to his manly aura.

"What else can I do? Of course I'm going to bring you away. Do you want to stay here and wait for death?" Ren Feng glared.

"If I leave with you, what will happen to them?" Ye Weiying pointed to the policemen behind him.

"We can only rely on our own abilities. There are too many people surrounding you, so there's nothing I can do." Ren Feng said as he spread out his hands.

He had just received a call from Lee Jianguo requesting his help. Naturally, Ren Feng agreed to it immediately but when he arrived at the scene, he was shocked.

Over a thousand casino employees, many of them even had guns in their hands, how could he help them?

If it was just him alone, then it would be easy for him to simply kill them all. However, with Ye Weiying here, he had to take care of the other party's safety, so he could just directly take him away.

As for the policemen, Ren Feng was not the type of person who loved others, he could only rely on his own abilities.

"You can go by yourself! I want to stay with my colleagues. As the captain of the Criminal Police, I cannot run away from the battle! " Ye Weiying shook his head and rejected.

Seeing her resolute expression, Ren Feng swallowed back the words that were about to leave his mouth, and helplessly sighed.

He knew that no matter what he said, he wouldn't be able to persuade this woman!

"Alright, I'm already afraid of you. Take care of your own safety!"

After he finished speaking, Ren Feng took two steps forward and under the astonished gazes of the crowd, he transformed into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards the group of gamblers.


The policemen gasped, this guy, is he crazy?!

With such powerful firepower, he was simply courting death!

The group of casino staff let out a cold laugh, their faces full of ridicule and disdain.

He was truly courting death!

Gunshots were fired.

Dense numbers of bullets shot out, striking towards Ren Feng. The latter's mouth curved into a smile, and his body suddenly rose by three to four meters as he gripped his spear with both hands.

Tat tat tat!

Two flame tongues lit up, and in almost an instant, the row of strong men in front fell.

After that, Ren Feng landed on the ground, the [Subtle Charge] in his hands did not stop firing, and continued to reap lives.

Looking at their comrades who were falling down nonstop, everyone was enraged and frantically shot at Ren Feng, but the bullets that shot out seemed to have eyes, avoiding Ren Feng. On the other hand, the members of the casino continued to fall down.

Seeing this scene, all the policemen, including Ye Weiying, were shocked speechless.

Isn't this spear art too terrifying?

Just one bullet was enough to take a person's life. The two guns had the firepower effect of dozens of guns. Just one person was enough to make all the casino staff not be able to lift up their heads!

Not far away, Li Feihu's face was ashen, and his heart was bleeding.

These gunmen he had brought were all elites of the hall. But now, they had been cut down like vegetables by the enemy and more than half of them had been killed!

"Go to hell!"

Li Feihu grabbed a handful of Wei Chong from his subordinate's hands and was about to shoot at Ren Feng, but his hands suddenly stopped.

Ren Feng turned her head and shot him a cold glance.

That extremely indifferent gaze caused the depths of Li Feihu's soul to tremble.

This guy, just what kind of background does he have?!

A single glance could actually frighten him to such a state?

Seeing Ren Feng's gaze turn away, Li Feihu gritted his teeth and raised the [Subtle Charge] in his hand once again.

I don't believe that I can't kill you!

Just as Li Feihu was about to pull the trigger, he suddenly felt a sharp pain from his throat. His mouth issued a "wuwu" sound and his body fell down.

"Tiger Lord!"

"Brother Hu …"

The hearts of the disciples from Longhu Sect tightened. Looking at the lifeless Li Feihu, their eyes turned red as they let out a loud roar.

"Kill this bastard and avenge Tiger Lord!"

The members of Longhu Sect roared, and rushed forward with sinister expressions.

Seeing this aggressive scene, if it was a search party, they would be so scared that they would not be able to stand steadily. However, Ren Feng casually glanced at it before turning his gun, and a rain of bullets shot out.

Blood spurted out from all the people in the front row of Longhu Sect as they fell to the ground.

The group of people behind immediately halted their steps, and started to dodge in all directions.

However, Ren Feng had no intentions to let them go, he slowly walked over.

"Ah …"

Miserable screams rang out one after another. The people from Longhu Sect were fleeing in all directions, their eyes filled with fear.

This guy, he's not human, he's a demon!

When the other forces saw this scene, they were so frightened that their faces turned pale. The trigger in their hands felt like it weighed a ton, and they couldn't push it down no matter what.

It was not that they did not dare to shoot, but they were afraid that they would attract the attention of this God of Death, following the footsteps of the Longhu Sect personnel!

Just then, the sound of cars rumbling came out, a few army-green trucks drove over, and stopped in front of Ye Weiying and the rest, many well-equipped martial police officers jumped out.

A colonel officer came in front of Ye Weiying and gave him a military salute.

"Captain Ye, I am the squadron leader of the military police squadron, Xu Feng.

Seeing the beautiful Ye Weiying with a hot body in front of him, Xu Feng's eyes lit up.

This was the first time he had seen such a beautiful and heroic woman!

He could not help but be excited.

[This is a godsend! If I perform well, I might be able to attract the attention of beautiful women!]

"Men, capture these maniacs for me!"

Xu Feng put on a dignified look as he glanced behind him, only to discover that his subordinates all had stupefied looks on their faces.


Xu Feng froze for a moment. He followed his subordinate's gaze and was instantly stunned.

The empty grassland had become a slaughterhouse. The casino staff who were initially arrogant and proud were now all crying and calling out for their parents, fleeing in all directions. They only wished that their parents were not so strong.

"This... "This …"

Seeing the mighty Ren Feng with two hands wielding a spear, Xu Feng's face was filled with shock, and he was unable to say a single word.

These were over a thousand people, yet they were being chased by a single person, not daring to retaliate in the slightest.

How was this possible?!

Silent shock spread throughout the hearts of Xu Feng and the rest. The scene before their eyes was truly hard for them to accept.

"Colonel Xu, I am so sorry that you guys are late. Ren Feng alone has dealt with all of them." Ye Weiying had a complex expression on his face.

She could understand Xu Feng's shock. Even though she had personally experienced the entire process, right now she still felt like she was living in a dream.

For the first time in her life, she knew that a person's strength could be so terrifying.

This fellow was simply a humanoid weapon!

At this time, the gunshots stopped. Ren Feng stood at his original position, threw away the flushed Wei Chong and said expressionlessly: "Submit, or die!"

His voice was ethereal and carried an endless amount of dignity. However, when it entered the ears of the crowd, it was like the sound of nature.

Plop …

The sound of knees hitting the ground rose and fell. In the blink of an eye, Ren Feng's surroundings were filled with a black mass of kneeling people. Those gamblers were currently as docile as little sheep.

This scene blasted into the hearts of everyone present, causing them to be even more shocked.

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