Are you satisfied?

Seeing Ren Feng's calm expression and slow walking over, Ye Weiying suppressed his chaotic thoughts. Just as he was about to step forward, Xu Feng suddenly blocked in front of her, as if he was facing a great enemy.

"Go and capture this thug!"

Xu Feng shouted coldly. His eyes were full of jealousy.

Earlier, Ren Feng's godlike heroic bearing had completely taken away his limelight. This caused him to lose the chance to display his prowess in front of the goddess, how could Xu Feng endure this!

Therefore, he didn't even bother to ask about Ren Feng's identity and directly went to arrest him.

The policemen looked at each other but had no intention of moving.

What a joke, thousands of people were being chased and killed by this man, and if they went up, they would become cannon fodder!

"What are all of you standing there in a daze for? Didn't you hear what I said?! " Xu Feng was furious.

Looking at the fire in his eyes, the ten odd uniformed men cursed silently, then bravely walked towards Ren Feng.

"Everyone stop!" Ye Weiying frowned, and shouted coldly.

"Captain Ye, you don't have to worry. As long as I am here, this madman will not do anything to you!" Xu Feng did not care about what Ye Weiying said. His eyes were currently filled with Ye Weiying's exquisite and charming face, as he put on a mighty and majestic look.

What he did not know was that in Ye Weiying's eyes, all of his actions were unspeakably childish.

"Colonel Xu, please have your men leave. Ren Feng is someone we invited!" A trace of disgust flashed past Ye Weiying's beautiful eyes.

"Your people?" Xu Feng was stunned for a moment before he exclaimed in shock.

Since when did the Criminal Police squad have such a fierce person?! Why hadn't he heard of it?

"Captain Ye, from what I know, your Criminal Police squad doesn't have a person called Ren Feng? "He was very skilled at using firearms. I'm very suspicious of his identity. For the sake of safety, I'll bring him back for investigation!" As Xu Feng spoke, he waved his hand.

"Capture him!"

How dare you steal my limelight, let's see how I'll deal with you!

Seeing the few armed police officers approaching, Ren Feng squinted his eyes and asked expressionlessly: "Are you sure you want to capture me?"

His words, which contained no emotion, caused the policemen's expressions to change. They could not help but take a step back.

They recalled the terrifying scene from a moment ago!

Seeing the actions of his subordinates, Xu Feng's face was livid and his heart was filled with rage.

How f * cking embarrassing!

"A bunch of useless trash!" Xu Feng scolded a few military police officers, then walked in front of Ren Feng and arrogantly said: "Brat, what are you being so arrogant for! I am the squadron leader of the military police squadron, Xu Feng! "Now, I suspect that your identity is very suspicious. Come with me to be investigated!"

"Hur hur." Ren Feng laughed in disdain, "Go back with you? "Sure, let's see if you have the ability to do so!"

His disdainful words enraged Xu Feng.

He had always been a proud and arrogant young man, yet he had actually become the squadron leader of a squadron. This made him look down on everyone else, and this brat in front of him actually dared to look down on him?!

Under the rage, Xu Feng threw out a whip kick without thinking.


The sound of air exploding could be heard.

Xu Feng's right leg instantly arrived at Ren Feng's chest.

As Xu Feng's attack was extremely quick, Ye Weiying thought that it was already too late to stop him, "Be careful …"

Hearing this, the corner of Xu Feng's mouth raised into a sinister smile.

Kid, I'll make you act crazy with me! Without a gun, you are nothing!

As he was feeling proud of himself, the strength in his legs increased even more.


Xu Feng's right foot solidly kicked Ren Feng's chest.

Seeing that, Ye Weiying was stunned, her jade-like hands covering her cherry lips, her face full of disbelief.

How was this possible?!

With Ren Feng's skill, how could he have been kicked?

From the corner of his eyes, Xu Feng saw Ye Weiying's reaction, and he became even more pleased with himself.

He had finally displayed his abilities in front of the goddess!

He raised his head to look at Ren Feng, wanting to experience the might of his kick, but he was stunned.

Ren Feng stood in place without moving, and said with curled lips: "I say, you haven't eaten in the morning? Just this little bit of strength? "

His face was full of disdain and ridicule, which made Xu Feng very angry. He didn't have time to think as his right leg was about to move again, when he suddenly felt a majestic force rushing over.


Xu Feng's body was sent flying backwards and heavily fell on the ground, stirring up a lot of dust.


The faces of several policemen changed. They quickly ran over and carefully helped Xu Feng up.

The latter looked to be in an extremely sorry state. Her entire body was covered in dust, and her face was bruised and swollen. She was no longer as handsome as before.

"You …" Xu Feng's eyes were bloodshot and his pupils were about to crack. As the leader of the armed forces, this was the first time he was beaten up by someone like this. The intense pain coming from his chest made his hatred roll non-stop.

"Unconvinced?" Ren Feng said indifferently.

That expressionless face suddenly made Xu Feng's heart tighten. He had a hunch that if he were to make another move, his fate would not only be like this!


He hesitated for a moment before he walked towards the military truck with his tail between his legs.

The group of armed police followed him immediately.

"Ren Feng, I am truly sorry for making you suffer so much just now." Ye Weiying walked over with an apologetic look.

"I can't say I feel wronged. However, if you are willing to compensate me, I have no objections." Looking at Ye Weiying's beautiful face that carried a trace of heroic spirit, Ren Feng laughed mischievously.

The dubious meaning of his words, made Ye Weiying's face flush red, as she fiercely glared at him.

This guy, how could he not have any sense of propriety?

"You're thinking too much about compensation. Don't think that I don't know. Commissioner Li asked you to come over and help. If you want compensation, then go and find Commissioner Li!" Ye Weiying coldly snorted.

"Oh? How did you become so smart in just a few days? Didn't you say that it's brainless? " Ren Feng said, and glanced at the beautiful scene in front of Ye Weiying's chest.

"You …" Ye Weiying's face flushed red, she clenched her fists.

This guy actually dared to tease me!

If it was anyone else, she would have already gone up to give them a good beating. However, her target was Ren Feng, she surprisingly did not feel any revulsion towards him, she was just simply ashamed and angry.

After all, how could any girl not be angry when they said they had a big chest and no brains?

Seeing her expression, Ren Feng laughed out loud, then waved his hand: "Alright, the following matters have nothing to do with me. I'll be leaving first."

Looking at Ren Feng's back figure, Ye Weiying stomped his feet in anger.

This scoundrel!

"… …"

In the Chen Family courtyard, in the spacious living room, Chen Tianlai sat on the sofa and shook the goblet in his hand, as he asked with an indifferent expression: "How's it going in the western suburbs?"

The brawny man in front of him heard his words and said with a flattering face, "Young master, as you expected, those people started fighting …"

The sturdy man started to recount the story vividly, and when Chen Tianlai heard the interesting part, he could not help but be careless, and drank the entire cup of red wine.

A bunch of trash!

He had only drawn a pie and they were already fighting each other. What a bunch of brainless people!

Looking at Chen Tianlai's pleased expression, the sturdy man took the chance to flatter him: "Young master, your method of killing three people with two peaches is truly amazing. My Chen Family effortlessly used up all of their strength, in a short period of time, it's impossible for them to recover their vitality.

The brawny man's eyes were filled with admiration. It was not a disguise, but from the bottom of his heart.

After all, to be able to cause such a ruckus in the underground world just by relying on empty words like "white teeth", other than his own Young Master, there was no one else with Wanchuan City!

Chen Tianlai was scratched on the itch by the sturdy man's words, and started to laugh complacently.

"That's right, very soon, the final say of the Wanchuan City's underground world will be decided by my Chen Family!"

Chen Tianlai's eyes exploded with a terrifying splendor.

Since the time he had been crippled by Ren Feng, he had been extremely focused on power and influence. This also gave rise to many shocking thoughts in his mind, and the underground world, which controlled Wanchuan City, was one of these thoughts.

"How many people did the casino staff end up with?" Chen Tianlai asked.

"About three or four hundred people died." The brawny man replied.

"Why are there so few?" Chen Tianlai frowned, according to his plan, these powers should be killing each other, even if there were more than a thousand dead, it was not a big deal.

"I don't know who leaked the news, but the moment they started fighting, the police arrived. Those people were the spearhead, and they started fighting with the police …" The sturdy man hesitated for a moment before he asked carefully.

"Just as the police were being surrounded and annihilated … Ren Feng appeared, and he alone managed to beat up all the employees of the casino... "

After saying that, the brawny man felt uneasy and didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

In the Chen Family, the two words "Ren Feng" were taboo, and the moment Chen Tianlai heard the two words "Ren Feng", he would go berserk.

"Ren Feng?!" Chen Tianlai's eyes were filled with anger, he clenched his right hand tightly, and his joints turned white.

This guy who refused to leave, he was everywhere!

Was he purposely making life difficult for himself?

The hatred in his heart grew stronger as Chen Tianlai gloomily said: "Send someone to spread the news that due to the failure of the investment, the company's capital chain has been broken and cannot repay the bank loans!"

"Yes, Young Master!" The sturdy man nodded, he took a look at Chen Tianlai's expression and hesitated: "Young Master, if Ren Feng knows that we are the culprits, will he take revenge?"

"Revenge?!" Does he have evidence?! " Chen Tianlai curled his lips in disdain.

He originally only wanted to fill in the blanks for Cheng Feiyan, but he didn't think that it would be this big. Since Ren Feng was here and she kept spoiling his plans, then it was no wonder that he was being impolite!

If he did not destroy the Gmeiyan, he did not believe in Chen!

Furthermore, these were just appetizers. The main course was yet to come!

When his plan succeeded step by step, the day he gained control of all the powers in the world, he wanted Ren Feng to kneel in front of him and torture him!

At that time, even that bitch Cheng Feiyan would not be able to escape!

This adulterous couple had to die for him!

Chen Tianlai's eyes flashed with a poisonous light.

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