During the night, Ren Feng suddenly received a call from Ye Weiying, who suddenly invited him to dinner, which greatly surprised him.

"Am I hearing things? You want to invite me to dinner? Speak, what unspeakable purpose do you have? "

Hearing that, Ye Weiying clenched her teeth angrily.

Because of the fight in the western suburbs, she caught hold of a large number of gamblers, so she was awarded a prize by the Bureau. This made her feel ashamed, so she wanted to treat Ren Feng to a meal to thank him.

And this bastard actually said that he had an ulterior motive!

"Fine, let's consider it as I didn't say anything just now!" Ye Weiying was about to hang up the phone.

"Hey, hey, don't. I already said I'm treating you to a meal, how could I take it back. I was just joking just now, why are you being so stingy." Ren Feng said.

These words, made Ye Weiying unable to say a single word.

[It was this guy who talked too much, and he actually made me feel stingy?!]

She really wanted to hang up the phone, but the image of Ren Feng coming to her rescue like God had appeared in her mind, made her heart soften.

"Alright, come to my house now." Ye Weiying gave his address.

"It's not appropriate to come to your house, is it?" Ren Feng was startled, but his face revealed that he was moved.

Going to her house, this was a rather obvious hint. Ye Weiying's sexy figure surfaced in his mind, and he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

The sound of saliva being swallowed could be heard. Ye Weiying's beautiful face flushed red as she said in embarrassment and annoyance, "You … Don't think about it! It's not what you think! I merely invited you to dinner! "

"Is that so? I'm not thinking about anything, why are you so anxious to explain? Are you feeling guilty? " The corner of Ren Feng's mouth rose into a sinister smile.

"I …" What do I feel guilty about? I'm warning you, if you dare to let your thoughts run wild, I … I'll blow your head off! "

With that, Ye Weiying hung up the phone, touching her burning face, feeling both embarrassed and angry.

Did this guy really misunderstand me? What kind of thoughts do you have towards him?

Actually, Ye Weiying had already wanted to treat Ren Feng to a meal a long time ago, since the other party had helped her a lot.

With their relationship, it wasn't appropriate to hastily invite Ren Feng over, so they ran aground.

As for the matter at the western suburbs, she felt that it would be unjustifiable if she did not express her gratitude. Thus, she mustered her utmost courage and invited Ren Feng to her house for a meal.

This was the first time he was cooking for a man, so he got lucky!

Ye Weiying scoffed, but he could not help but smile, and walked towards the kitchen.

After around half an hour, Ren Feng opened the elevator door and walked out.

He bumped into a man and the man looked deeply at Ren Feng with eyes filled with sympathy.

"Bro, did you go to 301?"

"Yeah." Ren Feng nodded his head, his heart filled with curiosity. How did this brother know he was going to go for 301?

Seemingly knowing the doubts in Ren Feng's heart, the man explained: "I've seen many people like you. Almost every month, there are a few like you who come here to look for 301 beauties. They are much more sincere than you are.

After saying that, the man paused for a moment and shook his head, "But their ending is very miserable. A 301 beauty threw him into the elevator like throwing trash. One of our brothers suffered the most, he refused to let go, and in the end he became a pig head."

When the man thought of that scene, he couldn't help but shiver, and the sympathy in his eyes became even stronger.

"Look at your thin arms and thin legs, you can't even withstand the punches and kicks of a 301 beauty. It's better to be more tactful and go back to where you came from."

When Ren Feng heard this, he was stunned for a moment. Then, he smiled.

This seemed to be something that Ye Weiying could do, as he couldn't help but to mourn for his pursuers.

Chasing after a tigress was akin to using one's life as a joke.

"It's nothing. She invited me over for dinner." Ren Feng nodded and walked towards 301.

The man's face was filled with disdain.

Invite you to dinner? You should just go and lie to the devil!

He had seen a lot of beauties' pursuers, and they were all successful people. Many of them looked like they were rich second generations, but so what? In the end, didn't they still get beaten up!?

As for the guy in front of her, his clothes were in tatters and his looks could only be considered passable. How could a 301 beauty invite such trash to her house for a meal?!

What a joke!

With this thought in mind, the man looked at Ren Feng as if he was watching a good show.

If you don't listen to my words, I'll make you cry later on!

Bang! Bang!

Ren Feng lightly knocked twice on the door. After a while, the door opened and Ye Weiying's figure appeared in front of the door.

The man at the side looked at it deeply a few times, swallowed his saliva, and then looked at Ren Feng with a face full of ridicule and disdain.

However, in the next moment, he was stunned.

The scene of Ye Weiying making his move did not appear, but instead, he moved his body away, allowing Ren Feng to walk in.


As the door closed, the man was stupefied.

This... What was going on?

This guy actually went in?

He and Ye Weiying had been neighbors for quite a few years, and this was the first time they had seen each other, allowing a man to enter her house.

Could it be that, this is her …

The man's heart burned with jealousy, and his eyes were filled with jealousy and hatred.


"… …"

Inside the house, Ren Feng did not know what the man was thinking. He walked into the living room and looked around.

The house that was more than 100 square meters was tidied up neatly and the ground was bright without a speck of dust. It could be seen that Ye Weiying loved cleanliness.

But perhaps it was because he was alone that there was less life in the house.

Looking at Ren Feng who was looking around, Ye Weiying started to get nervous, his palms were full of sweat.

This was the first time she had ever been alone with a man. Despite her usually carefree personality, she was at a loss for what to do.

"You … You take a seat first, I'll go cook! "

With that said, Ye Weiying ran out the door like he was escaping.

Seeing Ye Weiying's abnormal reaction, Ren Feng muttered in his heart, and then sat down on the sofa.

"It's pretty soft."

Ren Feng comfortably lied on the sofa. Out of the corner of his eyes, he suddenly saw a pink ball under the pillow at the side.

The sofa and pillow were beige in color, which made them look quite out of place.

"I really didn't expect that a dignified police captain would still have a young girl's heart."

Ren Feng was very surprised, he moved under the pillow and caught the ball of pink in his hand, then opened it to examine it.

Seeing that, Ren Feng's eyeballs almost popped out.

F * ck, what the hell?!

The pink ball in his hand was actually an inner one!

What surprised him was that the design inside was quite bold!

Ren Feng couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

That tiger-like Ye Weiying would actually wear such bold and sexy clothes?!

He couldn't help but have a coquettish scene appear in his mind.

"Phew, there's no Amitabha in the south …"

Ren Feng muttered in his heart. He suppressed the anger in his heart and was about to put his clothes back.

If this continues, something must happen.

"… …"

In the kitchen, Ye Weiying was cooking absentmindedly. She picked up the bottle beside her and poured it directly into the pot. Only then did she realise that something was wrong and immediately put it down.

"We're finished. What should we do? A bottle of soy sauce has been poured in!"

Ye Weiying was crestfallen, he fiercely knocked on his own head.

What's wrong with me? Ever since that guy came, I've been absent-minded, is this still me?!

He just didn't know what that fellow was doing.

Curious, Ye Weiying glanced outside and saw that Ren Feng was sitting on the sofa, with her body facing away from her. She seemed to have thought of something and her beautiful eyes widened as she rushed out.

"If it's a cheap wife wearing this kind of clothes, then the scene would be really beautiful …"

Ren Feng smacked his lips, his face was filled with infatuation, and then, he placed his clothes under the pillow.

He was about to sit up when he heard an angry shout behind him.

"Ren Feng!"

The sudden voice startled Ren Feng. He was just about to turn around and see what was going on when his back sank and a soft body pressed down.

A delicate fragrance entered his nose, and before Ren Feng had time to react, he was directly thrown onto the sofa.

"Tell me honestly, what were you doing just now?!"

Ye Weiying grabbed Ren Feng's neck, and said fiercely, showing a posture as though he would attack without a word.

After saying that, she hurriedly looked under the pillow. Seeing the pink color below, her tensed mood suddenly relaxed.

When Ren Feng came over today, she had forgotten to pack up. It was only when she was in the kitchen did she suddenly remember.

It was fortunate that this fellow did not discover him. Otherwise, he would have been utterly humiliated!

After all, that was a girl's clothes, how could other men see it! Moreover, the style of the clothes was quite bold. If this guy saw them, who knows how he would think of himself.

It was unknown when Ye Weiying had started to think highly of Ren Feng, but even she herself had not noticed it.

However, Ye Weiying was still naive, she did not know, Ren Feng had already discovered it long ago. Not only that, he had even carefully observed it with his hands, and had even imagined the beautiful scenery on her body …

Hearing Ye Weiying's voice from behind, Ren Feng was startled for a moment, and immediately shook his head: "I didn't see anything."

As he said that, Ren Feng's gaze subconsciously looked down toward the pillow. His actions clearly entered Ye Weiying's eyes, and the latter's beautiful face reddened, as she covered Ren Feng's eyes with her hands.

"What are you looking at?! Do you believe me … I'll dig out your eyeballs! " Ye Weiying said fiercely, her beautiful face flushed red.

If he knew that things would turn out this way, he wouldn't have invited this fellow out for a meal!

Ye Weiying thought in embarrassment.

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