It's not like you're going to lose a piece of meat.

Ren Feng muttered in his heart.

Of course, he did not dare to say those words out loud, as he was afraid that Ye Weiying would kill him.

"You … Why aren't you standing up?! " Ye Weiying's face turned slightly red, she said fiercely, and her two jade hands were still covering Ren Feng's eyes.

"Elder sister, let go of me first? How am I supposed to get up with you covering my eyes like this? Also, can you stop pressing down on me? " Ren Feng had a helpless look on his face.

"I don't care. Just get up!" Ye Weiying said.

She didn't dare to let go. If this fellow saw her insides, how awkward would it be!

"I can't get up." Ren Feng said.

Honestly speaking, the soft touch from behind made him feel a little unwilling to part with it.

The fragrance made him sniff uncontrollably.

This slight movement was noticed by Ye Weiying. She realized that the two of them were in an awkward position and her face was flushed.

It was her first time being in such intimate contact with a man.

"I'll give you three seconds, get up!"

Ye Weiying's beautiful face turned cold, and her tone carried a trace of anger.

"Let go of me first, I'll get up." Ren Feng did not give in. His breathing became heavier, and the fire in his eyes burned.

"Alright …" Just as Ye Weiying was about to go berserk and raise her eyebrows, Ren Feng suddenly gave in.

"Alright, I'll get up then."


Ye Weiying was startled, it did not seem like this fellow's way of life?

Ren Feng was naturally unwilling to get up. Even a man would not be willing to have two or three lumps of cotton pressing against his back.

However, if the stalemate continued, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to hold it in.

After all, as a man facing Yun Che's current situation, he probably could not even control himself.

Ren Feng stood up, but Ye Weiying was still covering his eyes with her hands, like a koala. Her alluring body was hanging on Ren Feng's body, her chest and Ren Feng's back stuck even tighter.

"Hey, can you at least let go of me now?" Ren Feng took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart.

"Go to the restaurant and wait!" Ye Weiying pushed Ren Feng aside and quickly walked to the side of the sofa. He placed the inner part of the chair into his pocket and heaved a long sigh of relief.

That was close! He had almost been seen by this fellow!

"… …"

The next morning, the white Porsche drove on smoothly.

Ren Feng held onto the steering wheel, and looked in front of him. Cheng Feiyan and Shen Yunxuan were seated behind him.

Feeling a bitter taste in his mouth, Ren Feng took a big gulp of water from his cup.

He still had some lingering fear towards yesterday's dinner.

How could that be eating it in such a way? It was pure suicide. Eating a mouthful of food could piss a person off!

Luckily, he had been quick to find an excuse to run away. Otherwise, the day of his death would be the day of the following year.

Just then, his phone rang, and Cheng Feiyan picked up the call from the back row.

"Hey, Little Li, what's the matter?" "What?!" The bank ask us to return the loan in advance... "I got it, I'll be at the company right away!"

With that, she hung up the phone and frowned.

"Yan, what's going on?" Shen Yunxuan asked worriedly.

"I wonder where the bank heard that our capital chain broke. They all called us and asked us to return our loans in advance. The latest would be the end of this month!" Cheng Feiyan rubbed his temples, his expression was gloomy.

Hearing that, Shen Yunxuan's face changed, as he said unhappily: These banks are really going too far, there's still seven to eight more days before the end of the month, where are we going to find the money to pay for the loans?! "And we just paid them back the loan, they're going too far!"

Cheng Feiyan sighed, she shook her head and was just about to speak, when her phone started ringing again.

"Little Li, why are you calling me again? Didn't I already say it, I'm coming to the company right now …" Thinking that the secretary was urging him, Cheng Feiyan said angrily.

However, hearing the explanation from the secretary on the phone, her expression changed drastically. She tightened her jade hand holding the phone.

"What did you say?!" Hee Kun summoned the board of directors, and is waiting for me in the conference room?! "

Receiving the confirmed answer, Cheng Feiyan's heart sank to the bottom.

Hee Kun was the second largest shareholder in the Gmeiyan, only second to Cheng Feiyan.

"Ren Feng, hurry up!" Cheng Feiyan took a deep breath, and said with a gloomy expression.

Ren Feng opened his mouth, wanting to persuade her, but he closed it again. He knew that at this time, it was useless to say anything.

However, since these people dared to find trouble with his cheap wife, don't blame me for being impolite!

"Yan, don't worry, Hee Kun and the rest have probably heard of the company's situation and come over to inquire about it." Looking at Cheng Feiyan's gloomy face, Shen Yunxuan consoled.

"Yunxuan, do you believe this yourself?" Cheng Feiyan laughed bitterly.

Shen Yunxuan was asked to the point that he was unable to say a single word.

Everyone in the company knew of Hee Kun's wolfish ambitions. When he was in the early stages of creating his own business, he and Cheng Feiyan had tried to seize control of the Gmeiyan, but Cheng Feiyan was just as skilled as him, forcing him out of the upper echelons of the company.

From then on, he hated Cheng Feiyan to the bones, and never stopped doing small things. However, Cheng Feiyan managed the company with great dignity, and obtained the strong support of all the shareholders.

He didn't expect that he would jump out just as there was a problem with the company.

Very quickly, the car parked in the company's car park, Cheng Feiyan opened the car door and rushed towards the meeting room, Ren Feng followed closely behind.

"Why are you following me?" Turning his head to look at Ren Feng behind him, Cheng Feiyan frowned.

"Of course I'm going with you to the meeting." Ren Feng said as a matter of fact.

"Meeting? I don't have the time to joke around with you right now! " Cheng Feiyan said with a displeased expression.

This guy was really funny. How could she have the mood to joke with him at this time?!

"Who's joking with you? I really want to go to a meeting with you." Seeing that Cheng Feiyan was about to go berserk, Ren Feng explained: "If you go alone, I won't be at ease. Furthermore, if I go, I might even be able to help you."

Help him?! How can you help?!

Cheng Feiyan muttered in her heart. Of course, she did not say those words out loud, as she was afraid that she would hurt Ren Feng's kindness.

Suppressing the agitation in his heart, Cheng Feiyan said weakly: "Go back to work, I can do it myself."

After that, Cheng Feiyan was about to leave, but she was stopped by Ren Feng, who smiled: "What, you don't believe me?"

That calm smile caused Cheng Feiyan's heart to tremble, the fretful mood calmed down for no reason.

She swallowed her words of reprimand.

"Fine, you can go with me, but don't talk nonsense!"

Ren Feng nodded and the two of them went to the meeting room on the top floor.

Within the meeting room, ten middle-aged men sat at a long table with serious expressions.

These people were all the shareholders in Gmeiyan.

When they saw Cheng Feiyan walking in, all of them sat up straight and looked at Hee Kun. As for Ren Feng behind him, they automatically ignored him.

Today's meeting was a matter of life and death for the Gmeiyan, so how could they possibly care about a bumpkin?

Seeing Cheng Feiyan sit down, Hee Kun cleared his throat and said arrogantly: "Chairman Cheng, the outside world is in an uproar. Our company's capital chain has been broken, explain what happened!"

"That's right, Chairman Cheng, our company is doing very well, how did the capital chain suddenly break?"

"Now that the bank has come looking for us to ask for a loan, with this trend, our company is in a precarious situation!"

"That's right!"

Everyone couldn't help but speak up.

Cheng Feiyan's beautiful face sunk, she looked at the people around her, under her gaze, the people around her all shut their mouths, no one daring to speak anymore.

This was the majesty that Cheng Feiyan possessed in the Gmeiyan.

Seeing this scene, Hee Kun's face became extremely ugly, and he cursed a bunch of trash in his heart!

He raised his head to look at Cheng Feiyan, and said with an unfriendly tone: "Cheng Feiyan, this company does not belong to you alone. We all have our share, you can't bring this big guy into the ditch, right?!"

Glancing at Hee Kun, Cheng Feiyan said: "I can understand everyone's feelings, but everyone do not need to worry, any broken funds are just rumors outside, our company's business is still considered good, the reason for this is because the dealers below are in arrears to us, this is my dereliction of duty, I will urge them to do so as soon as possible."

"As for the bank, I've already made an appointment with the president to explain the situation. I believe they won't make things difficult for our company."

After saying that, Cheng Feiyan stood up and leaned forward with both hands on the table: "I, Cheng Feiyan, am a person, and I believe that everyone has seen for themselves after such a long period of time. Now that there is a small situation, I hope that everyone can support me and get through it.

As his voice faded, the ten or so shareholders looked at each other and nodded.

Firstly, they came here today because they were truly worried about the situation of the company, and secondly, they were bewitched by Hee Kun. And now, Cheng Feiyan's words made them think deeply.

After all, there was no doubt about Cheng Feiyan's capabilities. They could rest assured that she would be able to manage the company.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Hee Kun immediately became anxious, he had finally found a chance to make a comeback, how could he be willing to let it go?

"Cheng Feiyan, you're still lying to big guys even at this time! If the bank does not consider the full, the door urges the loan?! How can you get rid of the president just by asking him to meet with you! " Hee Kun sneered.

"You are well-known for your ability, but I am afraid you are selfish!" Who knows if you intentionally emptied the company's cash flow and put it in your own pocket! "

Hearing that, everyone's face changed, they looked at Cheng Feiyan with unfriendly eyes.

What Hee Kun had said was not impossible!

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