"Hee Kun, don't slander us!" Cheng Feiyan said angrily.

As the CEO, she never had any selfish motives. Some time ago, she had even thought of a way to repay the loan, but now, Hee Kun was actually slandering her. How could Cheng Feiyan endure this.

"Whether I'm spouting slander or if I'm serious, we can just investigate a bit." A cold smile surfaced on the corner of Hee Kun's mouth as he turned to look at the group of shareholders.

"I suggest that we temporarily remove Cheng Feiyan from her post and let the others assume the role of CEO. After the investigation of her is finished, if they can truly prove that she is innocent, they can resume her position as CEO."

When everyone heard this, they all showed expressions of agreement.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feiyan's heart sank to the bottom.

She naturally knew that she was innocent, but she believed that since Hee Kun dared to make such a suggestion, he must be prepared to frame her. At that time, even if she jumped into the Yellow River, she wouldn't be able to wash away her tears!

However, looking at the reaction of the shareholders, they were obviously moved by Hee Kun's words.

A feeling of despair surfaced clearly in Cheng Feiyan's heart.

[Did I really lose all my hard work?]

Glancing at Cheng Feiyan's pale face, Hee Kun felt extremely proud in his heart.

Bitch, I asked you to fight with me, and it's still your father who's the one laughing the last time!

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Hee Kun smiled and said: "Since everyone has no objections, let's begin to vote …"

Just as he spoke, he was interrupted by a voice.

"I object!"

The voice that suddenly came out caused everyone to be stunned, they looked towards the direction of the voice, and saw Ren Feng standing behind Cheng Feiyan, causing Hee Kun's face to instantly darken.

It was only then that he noticed Ren Feng's existence and sized up the other party's clothes. Hee Kun's face revealed a disdainful expression: "You're against it?! Who do you think you are? Do you even have the right to speak here?! "

The rest of the shareholders also looked annoyed.

"This is a general meeting of the shareholders, why don't you count as the onion and quickly get out?!"

They all glared at Ren Feng.

Cheng Feiyan frowned slightly.

She knew clearly that Ren Feng had good intentions, but how could he settle Hee Kun's plans with a single word of objection?

"Ren Feng, you..."

Cheng Feiyan was about to speak when he realized Ren Feng had already walked up to Hee Kun, and said with a smile: "Old thing, did you just say that you want to remove Chairman Cheng?"

Old thing?!

Hee Kun was so angry that his nose was crooked.

He had lived for over 60 years, this was the first time he was called an old man!

This guy, how could he dare?!

Who are you? Someone, get him out of here! " Hee Kun slowly stood up, his eyes blazing with fire.

Cheng Feiyan's face also changed, he was afraid that Ren Feng would use violence against him, if he did, it would be pushing himself to the opposite of everyone else.

"Ren Feng, stop messing around!"

Ren Feng did not care about what Cheng Feiyan said. He moved closer to Hee Kun and said with a grin: "Director He, take care!"

With that, Ren Feng walked towards Cheng Feiyan. From his posture, he did not even place Hee Kun in his eyes.

The latter felt that she had been greatly looked down upon, and was so angry that her entire body was trembling. No matter who you are, this old man will definitely fire you today! "


This old man is so infuriated!

Hee Kun exhaled a mouthful of impure Qi, suddenly felt a burst of heat coming from his lower abdomen, which then flowed into his entire body, causing the blood in his body to boil.

Noticing that his face was flushed and his breathing was ragged, the shareholders asked him out of concern.

"Old He, are you alright?"

"You must have been angered by that kid, right?"

"It must be. Old He, sit down and rest. Don't lower yourself to the same level as that kid."

With that, the two of them pushed Hee Kun back into his chair.

The latter, however, felt a burst of bitterness in his heart. He did not know why, but he had already lost feeling somewhere for many years.

At any other time, Hee Kun would probably jump in excitement.

After all, to be able to reinvigorate the manliness was his dream for many years.

However, at this time, he felt a burst of panic in his heart. In front of so many people, if he were to be discovered, where would he put his old face?

The most important thing was that the intense heat was engulfing his mind. Hee Kun himself could not guarantee what would happen to him in the next second.

"I …" I still have things to do, so I'll be leaving first! "

Hee Kun shook himself off the two people's arms and anxiously walked out of the room, but Ren Feng stood in front of him, with a teasing look on his face: "Director He, are you here for a meeting? Where are you going? "

"Who cares where I go?! Hurry and get out of the way! " Hee Kun took a deep breath and roared. Seeing that Ren Feng had no intention to give in, he stepped forward to avoid him.

The increasingly intense reaction in his heart prevented him from daring to stop for even a moment.

However, Ren Feng once again blocked Hee Kun's path, and a sinister smile appeared on his lips: "Director He, honestly speaking, our company's real man's heaven! Those beauties are all beautiful, their bodies are sexy and they shake in front of me everyday, making me drool … "

Ren Feng's words were like oil poured onto Hee Kun's heart, the impulse became even stronger, he could see what was going on, and did not dare say a word.

Ren Feng continued: "When you entered, did you see the receptionist? What do you think? Shall I call her up to talk to you about life and ideals? "

As Ren Feng spoke, he gave Hee Kun a look that you understand. The latter's breathing became heavier and heavier, and the impulse in her body was completely ignited.

"Phew …" I can't take it anymore! I can't take it anymore! " Hee Kun roared out, and flustered as he undid his belt. He then took off his pants, and made an extremely indecent gesture.

This scene caused everyone's eyes to bulge out of their sockets and their mouths to gape wide open.

Are they seeing things?

Hee Kun, who was known for being calm and collected, had actually done such a shameless thing at a meeting of the shareholders?!

Cheng Feiyan's beautiful eyes flashed with a trace of disgust, as she hurriedly turned her head away.

"Let's go."

Unknowingly, Ren Feng had arrived beside Cheng Feiyan, and pulled her small hand to walk out.

"Was what happened just now caused by you?"

In the corridor, Cheng Feiyan suddenly asked.

After recovering from her shock, she realized that there was something fishy about this matter.

She still had a certain understanding of Hee Kun's character. The other party wasn't some shameless person who would definitely not do something like that.

Thus, she suspected Ren Feng.

"How is it, are you venting your anger?" Ren Feng did not comment and smiled slightly.

His tacit agreement caused Cheng Feiyan's heart to feel warm, and his heart was unspeakably moved.

Ever since he met this guy, whenever he had something on his mind, this guy would always help him settle it. Unknowingly, he would owe him a lot.

Remembering that he had questioned Ren Feng, Cheng Feiyan felt even guiltier in his heart.

"Thank you so much!"

Cheng Feiyan's beautiful face was full of gratitude.

To make a fool of himself in front of so many people, Hee Kun's position in the hearts of the many shareholders would probably plummet. Those people would no longer accept his encouragement to oppose him.

And all of this was because of this man in front of him!

"How are you going to thank me?" Ren Feng moved closer to Cheng Feiyan, his face had a mischievous smile.

Cheng Feiyan's face immediately flushed red, and she retreated a step.

"You … "Don't do anything rash, this is a company!"

"Oh? "You mean, as long as it's not a company, I can do whatever I want?" Looking at Cheng Feiyan's beautiful face, Ren Feng was a little stirred up.

"No way!" Cheng Feiyan said bashfully, she suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and her face darkened: You just said, Gmeiyan is a man's heaven?! "Also, do you have any thoughts about the reception desk?!"

A man's paradise?!

This guy, he really dares to say, just how many girls did he hook up with behind his back?!

For a moment, Cheng Feiyan was very unhappy and his eyes couldn't help but turn cold.

"Ah, what did you say? I don't feel well in the stomach. I'll go to the bathroom. " Ren Feng held his stomach and chose to urinate.

Looking at Ren Feng's back figure, the corner of Cheng Feiyan's mouth raised upwards, his eyes moving quickly.

It was really good to have this man!

"… …"

After getting off work in the afternoon, just as Ren Feng walked out of the company, he was suddenly surrounded by 10 strong men. One of them was fat, he had a huge golden chain around his neck as he glared at Ren Feng.

"Boy, you are Ren Feng?!"

"Oh, you are?"

Ren Feng raised his eyebrows, how could he not recognize such a man?

"You're still pretending to be confused?!" "How dare you insult my father, I will definitely teach you a lesson today!" The fat man gritted his teeth.

"Brother, it's not that I'm acting stupid, it's just that I've insulted quite a few people's fathers. I really don't know which one of them your father is?" Ren Feng ridiculed.

His arrogant attitude made the fat man even more furious, and he said with flames burning in his eyes, "Alright, I will let you die today!" I am Dazhuang, father is Hee Kun! "

"So it's Young Master He. I'm truly sorry for the disrespect." Ren Feng said slyly.

"Do you know fear now? I tell you, it's too late! "How dare you insult my father, let's see how your father will deal with you today!" He Dazhuang's face turned sinister.

The remaining ten robust men slapped the steel tubes against their palms. They took a step forward, and were about to take action.

"Young master He, if we have something to discuss, why bother? You say that, don't you? " Ren Feng said.

"Talk to you?!" I have nothing to discuss with you! " He Dazhuang snorted coldly, and waved his hand.

"Break his legs!"

Looking at the sturdy men who were surrounding him, Ren Feng shook his head and sighed.

"Sigh, what a pity!"

"What's a pity?" He Dazhuang asked subconsciously.

"Is your father usually dissatisfied with you? Is he always scolding you?" Ren Feng asked.

Hearing this, He Dazhuang was stunned, and cried out involuntarily: "How did you know?"

Nonsense, if I had a son like you, I would have strangled him long ago!

Ren Feng muttered in his heart, but he did not reveal it on his face. He said with sincerity: "The reason is very simple, you don't even understand your father's thoughts, will your father be satisfied with you?"

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