Looking at the sleeping Cheng Feiyan on the operating table, Ren Feng walked forward with large strides, and placed two of them on each other's wrists. After a while, he muttered to himself: "My pulse is peaceful, my heartbeat is a little slow, I have already escaped from danger, only my body is still a little weak …"

Seeing Ren Feng's actions, Shen Yunxuan was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously said: "You even know medicine?"

Ren Feng tilted his head, "At first, when I studied it for a while, I only knew a little."

A little?

The experts looked at each other with strange expressions on their faces.

If this was just a little bit, then what were these people?

Shen Yunxuan naturally did not believe in these modest remarks, she suddenly understood why these people were so respectful to Ren Feng, they were most likely convinced by his medical skills!

Thinking about that, she looked at Ren Feng with a complicated expression. This guy, what else could he not know?!

Ren Feng did not know what Shen Yunxuan was thinking. He found a pen and paper, wrote down a few lines of words, and passed them to the middle aged doctor.

"You don't need to prescribe any medicine. Just follow my prescription and let her boil the medicine." Ren Feng said proudly.

If someone had spoken to him like this before, the middle-aged doctor would have smeared the prescription on his face. However, now, he received the prescription with both hands and impatiently looked at it.

The prescription written by such a genius doctor was definitely extraordinary!

Everyone had the same thought and surrounded him.

When their gazes descended onto the medicinal formula, their faces were all filled with shock. Sometimes they would frown deeply, and at other times they would go wild with joy.

It was just a small prescription, but it had attracted the attention of so many experts from Huanyu Hospital. No one would believe it even if it was told.

"… …"

Right now, the Chen Family courtyard was shrouded in a dark cloud.

In a study room, a middle-aged man about fifty years old was standing by the window. His face was expressionless, but his eyes were as gloomy as water.

This was the current Patriarch of the Chen Family, and Chen Tianlai's father, Chen Bancheng!

Behind him stood a middle-aged doctor. The latter could feel how berserk Chen Bancheng was as he trembled and cold sweat covered his forehead.

After all, his opponent was powerful, and all he needed to do was look at him and he would lose his life!

"How are your injuries?" Chen Bancheng turned around and spoke in a voice that did not contain a trace of emotion.

"Chen …" Young Master Chen didn't have it for now … "My life is in danger …" The middle-aged doctor said hesitantly.

Hearing that, Chen Bancheng's expression turned serious: "What do you mean we don't have it right now?! "Tell me honestly, what exactly is going on?!"

The middle-aged doctor was shocked by Chen Bancheng's devouring eyes. His legs went soft, and he almost kneeled on the ground. He immediately replied: "Young Master Chen's legs and hands are already crippled, there is no possibility of recovery at all. "Also …"

The middle aged doctor paused for a moment, looked at Chen Bancheng's expression, and said while clenching his teeth: "The blood in his body continued to flow backwards, we used all of our techniques, and none of us are able to stop it. At this rate, his body's functions will be crippled, and if it goes on for too long, it will endanger his life …"


The sound of shattering glass could be heard. Looking at the teapot on the floor that had shattered into pieces, the middle-aged doctor shivered and quickly shut his mouth.

"You piece of trash! I don't blame you for being unable to treat your hands and feet, but if you can't even treat some dog shit of blood reverse flow, what's the use of me raising you with Chen Family?! " Chen Bancheng glared at the middle aged doctor, a cold light flickering in his eyes.

The latter was so scared that he quickly kneeled on the ground and shouted, "Master Chen, we are really not useless, it's just that the situation is too strange. The reverse flow of blood is not an injury, it's as if someone used some sort of method, this situation can only be solved by the caster, I hope Master Chen can observe it clearly!"

With that, the middle-aged doctor kowtowed.

Hearing that, Chen Bancheng seemed to have thought of something, his fists tightened, and his veins popped out.

"Ren Feng?!"

His eyes were as deep as the sea, filled with endless hatred.

After a moment, he came back to his senses and looked at the middle-aged doctor with disgust. "Scram!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged doctor felt as if he had been granted amnesty.


The door closed.

Chen Bancheng's face turned sinister, his eyes flashed with the light of a venomous snake.

He only had this one son, whom he had painstakingly nurtured for more than twenty years, and whose brilliance was on the verge of exploding. However, he was crippled by that Ren Feng fellow!

Not only that, the other party was even trying to torture him to death!

"Ren Feng, I will make you die a miserable death!"

Chen Bancheng growled, like a beast's roar, causing everyone to tremble.

He had deep regrets in his heart, and this matter was all his fault. He had long known of Ren Feng's existence, but he had never interfered with the thought of training his son.

Regret mixed with rage, filling up Chen Bancheng's heart, almost swallowing him up, he took a deep breath, his mind working extremely quickly.

To take revenge on Ren Feng and take revenge for his son was something that he had to do, but the strength displayed by the other party right now was absolutely terrifying. Even Elder Li had fallen to his hands, so he could not rely solely on his martial power.

Thinking of this, he picked up the phone by the table and dialed a number.

"Dad, something happened in the sky …"

"… …"

Kyoto, a secret base.

In a dark room, a man in his fifties was sitting at his desk.

The man had a square face and a cold expression. He had an imposing manner that seemed like he wouldn't get angry.

At this time, knocking sounds came from the door.

"Come in." The man didn't even raise his head.

A sturdy man in his thirties walked in, saluted the square face with a military salute, and then said in a deep voice, "Reporting to Commander Long, the Dragon Soul has appeared!"

As the square-faced man was dealing with the documents, his body froze and the pen in his hand slid down soundlessly. He regained his senses and stood up, staring at the intrepid man and enunciating each word, "What did you just say?!"

A huge pressure came over him. Even the sturdy man couldn't take it and retreated two steps back, "Commander Long, we found traces of the Dragon Soul."

He sighed in his heart. To be able to make Long Shuai lose his composure like this, perhaps only Long Hun could do it.

But, what was so special about that man that could make Long Shuang like this?

Long Shuang was speechless for a long time as he received the confirmation. A complicated expression flashed across Long Shuang's face.

After a while, he let out a long sigh and whispered, "Is he okay?"

The voice was faint, but it seemed to carry a tinge of sadness.

"He's fine, but …" The sturdy man hesitated and was about to speak, but Long Shuang's eyes widened as a terrifying pressure burst out from him.

"But what?!"

The sturdy man was shocked and whispered, "It's just that he recently offended a commander of the Northwest Army and they seem to want to cause trouble for him..."

Hearing this, Long Shuang narrowed his eyes as a playful smile appeared on his face.

"The commander of the Northwest Army can be considered as someone of high authority. However, he isn't worthy enough to touch my people!"

His voice was cold, causing the man to break out in a cold sweat. At the same time, he seemed to have thought of something and said carefully, "Marshal Long, hasn't the dragon soul already left the dragon cry …"

Before he could finish his words, he felt a surge of killing intent. Lifting his head, he saw Commander Long looking at him with a dark expression.

"Marshal Long, I …"

"Enough! You've only been here for a short time, so I'll call you your first offense. I won't argue with you so much. If you dare to speak like that again, then get the hell out of here! "

Seeing that Long Shuang looked like he was about to eat someone, the sturdy man was so scared that he trembled and nodded repeatedly.

This was the first time he saw Long Shuang angry, and it was for a guy who had already left the Dragon Roar. This made him extremely unconvinced.

That man, why should he?!

However, he did not dare to show it on his face. He respectfully greeted her and walked out of the room.


The sturdy man turned around and asked with a blank expression, "Commander Long, you still have something to say?"

Long Shuang was silent for a moment before sighing, "Stay away from the Dragon Soul. Don't get too close to him, and don't let him discover any of your movements. Do you hear me?"

The sturdy man nodded, but in his heart, he was not convinced. The Dragon Roar could be described as peerless in the world. Even if it was the Dragon Soul, it wouldn't be able to find any trace of them.

As if he knew what Long Shuang was thinking, Long Shuang raised his eyebrows and said, "I know you are not convinced, but let me tell you, even ten of you are not enough for the Dragon Soul!"

As the sound of his voice faded, the intrepid man's eyes widened like copper bells. He had an unconvinced expression on his face.

What a joke!

The fact that he had been able to become Dragon Roar was enough proof of his excellence. And Marshal Long had said that even ten of him couldn't defeat a Dragon Soul, how was that possible?!

The sturdy man had always been proud and arrogant. He wanted to retort, but the words that were on the tip of his tongue were swallowed back down.

Who was the Dragon Commander? He was the man in charge of the Dragon Roar. In their hearts, he was like a god.

With the other party's temper, he would never do something like raising the dragon's soul higher or belittling himself. This meant that what he said was the truth!

Almost in an instant, the shock in the man's heart spread like mad grass.

He truly could not imagine how terrifying his strength would be if he was ten times stronger than himself. More than that!

"There is always someone stronger than you, and there is always someone stronger than you. Some people are destined to be existences that you look up to." Long Shuang said indifferently. However, he couldn't bear to see the fierce man being attacked. "But you don't have to be discouraged. There aren't many perverts like this."

Hearing this, the sturdy man felt slightly better, but his heart was immediately filled with curiosity towards Ren Feng. He really wanted to see this pervert in Long Shuang's mouth.

After the sturdy man left, Long Shuang stood up, looking out the window at the setting sun. His eyes flashed a trace of sadness, but also a trace of nostalgia.

"Dragon Soul, I never thought that you would be found by me so quickly. I hope that one day, you will be able to return to the Dragon Roar …"

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