Two days later, Ren Feng opened his eyes and the morning sun shone in, causing him to unconsciously narrow his eyes.

Looking around, he realized that he was lying on the sickbed, Ren Feng was startled, why was he here?

Two days ago, when he sent Cheng Feiyan into the sickroom, he fainted on the spot.

However, this time, his body felt much better. The piercing pain in his meridians had already disappeared, and Ren Feng couldn't help but look at his true essence.

His originally damaged true essence had actually been restored by more than half!

Ren Feng was stunned.

At that time, the effects of the White-Eyed Flower had long since been completely absorbed by him. Back then, he had only recovered a few injuries, but after some sleep, he had actually recovered more or less!

How was this possible?!

No matter how Ren Feng thought about it, he could not understand what was going on. In the end, he could only accept it in confusion, it was not a bad thing after all.

For a moment, Ren Feng's mood was elated, he looked around the surroundings with interest, and then discovered the soundly asleep Shen Yunxuan on the bed beside him.

Why was this woman sleeping here?

Ren Feng was startled, and after thinking about it for a moment, he understood.

Needless to say, after sleeping for such a long time, Shen Yunxuan must have thought that he had something on as he stayed here to take care of him.

Ai, it must have been hard on her. I was lying in bed with my cheap wife.

Ren Feng's heart warmed, he got up and went to squat beside Shen Yunxuan, and smiled, observing her.

The sleeping Shen Yunxuan was completely unlike the usual oneesan, but appeared extremely cute and adorable.

"To be honest, this woman's sleeping appearance is much more lovable than usual." Ren Feng muttered.

If Shen Yunxuan heard this, how would he feel?

This... Isn't that a little inappropriate?

Ren Feng thought in his heart, yet his eyes continued to stare unblinkingly, with no intention of moving away.

As if he felt Ren Feng's burning gaze, Shen Yunxuan opened his hazy eyes and discovered a figure squatting in front of him, looking at him.

"Ah …"

In that moment, Ren Feng felt that even his eardrums were being penetrated, following that, the slap that descended from the sky became bigger and bigger in his eyes.


A crisp slap sounded.

A clear palm print appeared on one side of his face.

It was only then that Shen Yunxuan realised, the man squatting in front of him, was actually Ren Feng?!

Her face instantly flushed red to the ears as she felt ashamed and angry at the same time.

This guy, how could he be like this?! Was there anyone who was staring at a girl like that?!

If it was anyone else, Shen Yunxuan would have already gone berserk. Anyone who dared to take advantage of this old lady would have had to break your legs!

However, she did not have such thoughts towards Ren Feng. In fact, deep in her heart, there was even a trace of pride and sweetness.

So it turned out that he was still attractive to this guy!

How could he have such thoughts? Shen Yunxuan blushed, feeling very puzzled in her heart.

Ren Feng was extremely embarrassed, wishing he could find a hole to hide in.

A glorious life, gone just like that!

However, she was too vicious, she slapped him right on the face. Luckily Fei Yan was not like her, otherwise he would not live past the New Year.

Rubbing his cheeks, Ren Feng took a step back. With his understanding of Shen Yunxuan, he knew that the next attack would be a violent storm.

However, Shen Yunxuan did not show any signs of flying into a rage, her beautiful face was red like an apple, and she lowered her head and said: "You …. You're awake? "

Ren Feng was stunned for a moment, and said in disbelief: "Am I seeing things? When did you become so magnanimous? Is this still the Shen Yunxuan that I know... "

Just as he finished speaking, he immediately shut his mouth because he saw two balls of flames surge out of Shen Yunxuan's beautiful eyes.

"Ren Feng..." Shen Yunxuan clenched her teeth, her beautiful face was filled with anger, and looked like she would attack in the next moment.

Ren Feng felt a chill on the back of his neck as he hurriedly covered his head. "Aiyo, why do I feel dizzy? No, I'm going to bed for a while."

With that, Ren Feng walked to the side of his sickbed and laid down.

Seeing him like this, Shen Yunxuan was angered to the point that he laughed, the anger in his heart also subsided.

This guy really knew how to act!

But she was afraid that Ren Feng might have some accidents as she said worriedly: "Ren Feng, are you really not feeling well? I'll call the doctor. "

She got out of bed and made as if to call the doctor.

Hearing that, Ren Feng immediately called out to Shen Yunxuan, "No need, I'm just a little dizzy. I'll be fine after lying down, if it's convenient for you …"

Ren Feng paused for a moment, before replying.

"Forget it."

"What is it? Tell me. It's convenient for me." Shen Yunxuan's expression was extremely sincere. A few days ago, Ren Feng had even risked his life for Cheng Feiyan, but she could only watch with folded arms. She couldn't help at all.

Therefore, when she heard that Ren Feng wanted to help her, she immediately agreed without thinking.

"It's nothing. I just want you to massage my head. It might be better this way." With that, Ren Feng pretended to be indifferent, and waved his hand.

"I know this is difficult for you. Just pretend that I didn't say anything. Perhaps later."

Ren Feng sighed, massaging his temples, it was extremely painful.

This request indeed made Shen Yunxuan very troubled. If it was before, when a man dared to make this request to her, with her temper, she would have already smashed his head with a punch.

Yet, he had already said it like that earlier. Furthermore, the reason why he was so tired was because of the Yan …

After hesitating for a moment, Shen Yunxuan's beautiful face flushed red as she walked to the side of Ren Feng's bed.

It can't be? This woman actually agreed to it?

This made Ren Feng have an unreal feeling.

He couldn't help but close his eyes, revealing a comfortable expression.

Although Shen Yunxuan's massage techniques were not professional, but with such a beautiful and alluring beauty massaging for you, that sort of extreme pleasure was incomparable to any other method!

If Shen Yunxuan's pursuers saw this scene, their hearts would have shattered.

However, Shen Yunxuan did not feel like enjoying anything, she regretted agreeing to Ren Feng, because this guy was truly detestable.

Ren Feng was muttering nonstop.

"It's a bit light here, but it's too heavy. You should try a bit harder, it's too light …"

"The acupuncture point of your massage is wrong, it should be a little above, too close to the top, a little below, that's right, you are quite professional …"

Shen Yunxuan's face was as black as charcoal. After moving three or four positions, she finally couldn't take it anymore and exploded.

"Ren Feng, don't go overboard!"

She glared at Ren Feng furiously. If he could, she really wanted to strangle this fellow who acted like he didn't know anything. She wanted to massage his face, but he should be satisfied.

As if he didn't feel Shen Yunxuan's anger, Ren Feng said slowly: "Xuan Xuan, I'm not talking to you, but your attitude is very problematic. If you want to do a great deed of love, either not do it, or do it well, such a simple reason still needs me to teach you …"

Xuan Xuan?

Was he addressing himself?

Shen Yunxuan's face trembled. Hearing what Ren Feng said after, her eyes filled with killing intent.

"Ren Feng, go and die!"

Shen Yunxuan waved her fist and smashed at Ren Feng's face.

She had to smash that wretched face into pieces in order to vent her anger.

Feeling the dense killing intent, Ren Feng stood up from the bed with a whoosh, and seeing the look in Shen Yunxuan's eyes, he laughed dryly.

Just a moment ago, under the influence of his intoxication, he had indeed been overjoyed. He was afraid that he had angered this woman.

Seeing Shen Yunxuan's determined look, he hurriedly shifted the other party's attention.

"How is Fei Yan? Is she awake? "

Hearing that, Shen Yunxuan glared at Ren Feng, suppressing the anger in his heart: She was already awake last night, there's no problem, her body is slightly weak, after drinking your medicine, she's much better.

Saying that, Shen Yunxuan's beautiful eyes flashed with a strange light.

She only found out yesterday that the Yan was treated by Ren Feng and at that time, Shen Yunxuan was so shocked that he couldn't say a single word.

This man really didn't know how to describe him!

This was the first time in Shen Yunxuan's life that he felt that words were useless.

Although Ren Feng knew that Cheng Feiyan would be fine, he still heaved a sigh of relief after hearing the confirmation. There were some things that he had to take care not to worry about, it was fortunate that Cheng Feiyan was fine.

"How many days have I slept?"

"I slept for two days." Shen Yunxuan calculated the time and replied.

Both Cheng Feiyan and Ren Feng had fallen ill, but she was completely powerless. She could only do this and look after them, but in truth, she couldn't really help much.

She could not help but feel a burst of guilt in her heart.

"It's all thanks to you this time. If not for you, I'm afraid Yan would have …" Shen Yunxuan looked as if he still had lingering fear in his heart.

Thinking back to the day Cheng Feiyan was kidnapped, she felt a burst of fear. She couldn't imagine what would have happened to Cheng Feiyan if he hadn't been there for her.

Her life would be ruined for the rest of her life!

Therefore, from a certain point of view, Ren Feng owed a great debt to Cheng Feiyan!

Moreover, through this matter, she gained a whole new level of respect for Ren Feng.

Husband and wife were originally birds of the same wood, flying away from each other when faced with a great calamity.

Furthermore, as the nominal husband, Ren Feng could have just sat there and watched, and no one would say anything to him. However, he did not fear the power of Chen Family and saved the Yan, and he even helped her take revenge.

This man was really good!

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