Dragon Talisman

Chapter 406: open circuit

There are many bishops in the mixed-world demon ape temple, and the archbishop-level strong men are all characters who change the situation in seven or eight, nine or even eleven and twelve. ≯1 novel ≥W≤W ﹤ W≤. ≤1YX

These characters are usually enough to sit on the side of the town, but it is not enough to meet the masters of the ancient dust sand. Think about the Great Ape King, one of the top ten war kings of the ape family, and the state of the world has changed. The characters were captured by a single trick.

When Gu Chensha came here this time, he also wanted to make a real confrontation with the ape clan to let the ape clan know that he was not prone to attack and wanted to attack Jingxian Division, but it was a dead end.

Of course, he hasn't wiped out the apes's extravagant hopes.

Since the ancient times, the ape tribe has produced a large number of masters, and now there are countless old antiques operating the heavens, and when you realize the time, it is easy to destroy it?

However, the barbarians who mixed with the apes can be destroyed, seized as slaves, reclaimed barren hills, and built for the land.

In addition, the most important thing of Guchensha is to want to learn the final truth in the confrontation with the ape race, promote to reach the twentieth state of change, gather together and become impermanent, and become a mana. Law quality. Suppress everything.

Even if it is all the legal realms of the Legalists, there is nothing to do with the Tao of Heaven.

At that time, if I was careful, I hid and entered the mixed ape demon ape temple. If it was not protected by the sun and moon altar, it would have been caught as a sacrifice, and any of the big sacrifice could kill itself.

But now, when he is high above him, his thoughts move, thousands of elixir rush down, and immediately infiltrate and envelop the huge temple in the mountain, and those elixir are like spirit snakes, drilled into the temple, broken Drop countless forbidden laws, entangle the priests, high priests, bishops, archbishops and other masters, turn a little, and immediately refine.

"Oh? There are two Jindan-level old apes."

The ancient dust and sand clearly observed Qiuhao, and when his vitality descended violently and went deep into the underground treasure house, he suddenly encountered the counterattack of two old apes.

The two old ape demon sit in the secret trousers of the ground, seemingly guarding treasures.

They are all built into the Eighteenth Change, which is a golden way.

However, this is still of no use. The ancient dust of the ancient dust passed through the stones in the back room and entangled directly to them. They immediately exploded into a **** mist, in which the golden dandelion floated and was directly caught by the ancient dust and merged. Enter the crystal inside the palm.

Master Jin Dan survived for thousands of years. He could cut off rivers, move hills, and overturn rivers and seas. But in the face of ancient dust and sand, he was killed.

"It seems that there are a lot of treasures in these secret pants, and a lot of materials have been stored. Is it to prepare for war?" Under the magical power of ancient dust and sand, even the secret pants in the depths of hundreds of feet underground See it clearly.

I came here a few years ago and evacuated many treasures, but now there are dozens of times more treasures stored in the secret pants deep underground.

Apparently, the apes support a lot of strategic materials.

These are all prepared for the next war.

Of course, there is no such magical thing as "Seven Holy Lianxin Dan", most of them are the first-class elixir, medicinal liquor, armor, swords, organs and instruments and puppets taken by the barbarians.

These things are not very useful for ancient dust and sand, far less than the treasures of "Minggu Shuifu" I saw earlier.

However, all the treasures of the "Mingu Shuifu" were taken away after Emperor Wusheng was reborn, and the ancient dust and sand were not found, especially the 108 holy dragon soldiers. If they were obtained, how much benefit would the Jingxian Division get, and Dan furnace forged by Nahua Dragon Tower.

"Unfortunately, there are a lot of war materials in this temple, but there are no powerful treasures, and they are of no use to my spiritual practice." In an instant, the huge spiritual fluctuations penetrated thousands of miles and reached almost a hundred miles. Deep in the ground, there is a full-scale three-dimensional scanning. The ancient dust and sand have no valuable treasures for themselves in this mixed-world demon ape temple, but the huge strategic materials and various elixir are enough to support hundreds. Tens of thousands of years of fighting and consumption.

If converted into wealth, it can be compared with the taxes of several decades in the Yong Dynasty.

This wealth is also extremely rich.

Not to mention the gold and silver jewelry, jade and other secular things inside.

The entire temple has been in operation for thousands of years, and many of its decorations and statues are gold jewelry and various antiques. It is also extremely valuable.

"This temple is a stronghold. In the future, troops can be stationed, and the castle can be rebuilt in the province, but the roads outside are not smooth. In this case, I moved the mountains to change the Feng Shui pattern here and create a road leading to the border. The road is coming. "Gu Chensha already has the power to rule the world at this time. Coming here is just a few words of effort, suppressing Yuan Shaosheng, the Great Ape King, and killing two Jindan-level old ape demon guarding the treasure house. And killed all the priests, high priests, bishops, and archbishops in this temple.

Any monk who has become the "congenital qi" of the Six Changes of the State, regardless of the demon and the barbarian, is smashed by his elixir.

If he moves at will now, it means that there are tens of thousands of monks in Jindan who form a large array. Who can resist?


He roared, and countless elixir permeated.

All I saw was the huge palms between the entire sky and the earth, and when he fished to the ground, a mountain was caught by him out of nowhere, and then thrown away.


The mountain was severely smashed between the mountains, and countless demon monkeys fled in panic, causing the landslide to break, like a doomsday scene. I don't know how many demon monkeys died at this moment.

"open circuit!"

The ancient dust and sand is another finger. A golden light that is dozens of miles wide advances directly and flattens the ground. The mountains are also squeezed away when they encounter this golden light. The quagmire and swamp are filled up, and the rivers and lakes are empty. Cut off, a wide road runs through the wild and long distance, directly bordering his fief.

From the edge of the ancient dusty sandy land to the Temple of the Mixed Apes, layers of barriers, mountains, dense forests, swamp quagmire, gully gully, there are countless radon in the jungle, poisonous insects, beasts, magic apes, between the mountains and the mountains, there are also cliffs .

It is impossible for the army to reach there.

But now, under the unparalleled strength of the ancient dust and sand, all the mountains have been removed, the natural danger has been opened, and the broad avenue is quickly condensed under the melting of golden light.

Where the ancient dust and sand's elixir arrived, the landslides were melted into magma in an instant and then solidified into hard slabs, flat and neat, as strong as steel.

This is the power of magical powers to transform mountains and rivers.

"What is that? What happened?" Many adventurers, chambers of commerce, experts, and even ordinary people on the edge of the fiefdom felt that the earth was constantly shaking.

Some masters stood and watched from a high place, and now in the distant mountains, a golden dragon crossed the mountain. When it met the mountain, it shattered. When it met the gully, it filled up. As the golden dragon appeared, it was a Kangzhuang Avenue. , Extending to endless distance.

In that wild mountain forest, countless demon apes and beasts, and even lurking army of barbarians were surprised. Some were fleeing, some were madly attacking the border.

At this time, a team of soldiers appeared, all of them were absolutely elite, wearing star soldier armor, carrying star soldier sword, holding fire rune gun in hand, all of them ran like flying, much faster than apes.

Even if an ordinary stupid man puts it on, Xingzu armor will walk like a fly, possessing the power of almost four cows and one tiger, and it is inaccessible to fire and water.

This is the Battlegear of the Vigilant Horned Armor from Jingxian Division.

In particular, the star-dagger swords these soldiers are carrying can also expand and contract. During the battle, they suddenly become longer and pierce the enemy. They can also fly out automatically, cut and kill the enemy, and then fly back.

With these two weapons in hand, the barbaric demon ape is losing ground, even if it is a soldier of five people, it can completely deal with thousands of barbarians.

Sure enough, as soon as these soldiers appeared, they chopped up vegetables and killed all the attacking barbarians and apes.

The masters of the ape group did not appear, and the masters of the barbarian seemed to disappear together.

"Don't panic, everyone. Lord Jingchen's Dust is completely solving the demon problem." At this time, many soldiers were also instructed and yelled. At many military stations stationed, the instruments with braces were also spreading the sound. : "The Lord Lord of the Dust is now performing giant magical powers, moving mountains, filling rivers, and opening a highway in the wild jungle, leading directly to the Temple of the Messy Ape, and you can also go into the wild and hunt."

After half an hour.

The golden light directly reached the mountain near the fief and suddenly disappeared.

And a vast road connecting the fiefs appeared in front of everyone.

This cannot be said to be a road, but a plain.

Above the plain, all are solid and flat, like mirrored rocks. Almost countless people can use this road to go to the depths of the barren wilderness, and even build houses on the road to open up settlement towns.

In the distant wild jungle, the mountain forest and the mountain forest were squeezed and distorted, and the barbarian army and the demon ape mourned in it. Some of the army's gathering sites were squeezed by the two mountains, which squashed directly. The entire army was buried under the mountain and died Can't die anymore.

Countless people cheered excitedly when they saw this scene.

The ancient magical powers and mighty powers just dispersed.

At this time, in the sky above the mestizo ape temple, between the palms of ancient dust and sand, penetrating the mountains and rivers, and the mountains, it was actually between the wild and mestizo ape temple and its own fief. Ten miles of smooth road.

When he was doing this, no one stopped him, because the masters here were killed by him, the strongest Yuan killed, and the Great Ape King was also suppressed ~ www.readwn.com ~ This kind of digging ability, even if it is a state of affairs Twenty-four people can hardly do it. Maybe only the strong man who is twenty-five who can't die can run the mana to achieve the ancient dust.

This is the nearly two-month progress of Guchensha. After fighting with Xingqiangshi, his fighting power has increased tenfold.


At this moment, he took back Dan Qimo, and a shadow appeared behind him, silently lurking and assassinating. This shadow is also an ape, but it seems that there is no entity, it is a shadow.

He reached out his claws, and severely cut into the back of Gu Chen, seeming to dig out his heart.

"The patriarch of the ape tribe, the ape shortage, have you finally come out? But it only uses a mana incarnation. This mana incarnation only has about one-tenth of your body power. Just treat me like this? It's a joke." The dust did not evade. Even if the claws were caught behind her, the hundred golden dandelions in her body suddenly disappeared, and all the attacks of the shadow ape were completely absorbed.

And his body was twisted, and a spirit filled a cage, which actually locked the shadow ape.

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