Dragon Talisman

Chapter 407: Patriarch 3 more


The shadow ape burst out of power and was transformed into a rune. There are thousands of apes worshiping on the rune. On the flood land, it seems that it is praying to heaven. One novel W≤W≤W ≦. <1YX Then, these 10,000 apes didn't know that they had got some kind of mysterious power, they started to walk upright, and finally evolved into humans.

An ancient ape-like human figure is displayed in the seal of the ancient dust, showing an extremely mysterious and supreme mystery.

Click, click ...

The seal of ancient dust was torn apart by this rune, and then the shadow ape condensed into a shaped body again.

This ape was transformed into a personal person, a middle-aged person with long beards, wearing a robe, with a book-like atmosphere in his eyebrows, but a high taste of the ancestor in his body.

"It's a good idea to transform the ape into a human figure." Gu Chensha admired the means of breaking his seal just now: "Ape shortage, is this your means?"

"Gu Chensha, I know you are extremely tyrannical, and can kill more powerful men than you, but are you really going to fight against our ape tribe?" Azuhuang frowned, just now he felt it, Gu Chen Xiu's practice is non-trivial. His incarnation was almost buried in an instant.

Generally speaking, masters who have been trained in mana will hide their true body. When they are dispatched, they all condense mana into an avatar. In this way, the avatar is destroyed. It is only a loss of skill and there is room for maneuver.

But in this way, there are also great disadvantages, that is, when the master can't exert all his power, the mana incarnation is to send food.

Moreover, if you are too cautious, over time, you will lose the ability to make progress, and it will be difficult to take it to the next level. Basically, if you use all the power to incarnate and never use the true body, then there is basically no chance of advancement.

The path of spiritual practice is to fight against the sky and win the battle against the sky. It is necessary to maintain a spirit and an indomitable will at all times, otherwise you will retreat if you do not advance, such as sailing against the water.

Even if it is the three celestial deities, they do not move for a long time, and they are careful, but when it is time to shoot, there will be no reservations. This is the case against the Xingqiang. Regardless of his own body injuries, Xing Qiong's counterattack also killed him.

Also in ancient times, the three heavenly masters repeatedly dispatched themselves to explore the secrets of Hongmeng Tree and Honghuang Dragon Gate.

The last time Jing Fanxing, Gu Su, Xiao Yan, the elder forgotten to kill the ancient dust and sand, without any reservation, all the deities were dispatched. Especially the valley disaster, to report the last hatred, desperate.

Fa Wuxian was sent out in real time. He was full of spirits, and he had confidence. There was no existence between heaven and earth to help him.

The same is true of ancient dust.

"Countering against your apes?" Gu Chensha laughed when he heard this: "I see that your apes and barbarians assembled an army and will soon attack my fiefdom. I happened to be a **** and I will kill you. You live and die on both sides of the battlefield. You, the ape shortage, as the chief of the ape tribe, will not tell me these nonsense. "

"Do you really want to kill the apes in this mountain?" The ape wasteland looked around. This area, centered on the mixed-world magic ape temple, has hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains, gullies, lakes, and grasslands. Numerous apes survived in one of the habitats of this village. This time, the ancient dust sand exerted its magical power and opened a channel directly. It is also unknown how many apes died when the mountain was blasted all the way.

Ape shortage is very heartache, these are the future of the ape.

In particular, this mountain range is rich in material and is most suitable for the survival of the ape. Numerous elixir, animals, and fruits are grown in it. In ancient times, it was transformed by the mixed-world magic ape **** and became the most important survival area of ​​the ape. If they are taken away, the ape race will carry out a large migration, and other demons will rob the land, which will cause war.

Although the wildness is large, many land rich in products are occupied by large forces, such as the wolf, tiger, snake, hawk, and so on. If the ape race hastily migrated to another ethnic chassis, war must be waged .

In any case, with the mixed-world magic ape temple as the center, this huge mountainous land with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles cannot be thrown away, otherwise the apes will face a dilemma in survival.

Although some masters of the ape race can migrate to other places, after the survival environment of billions of ape races faces crisis, the foundation of the ape race will decline.

The masters of any race are born in a huge bottom.

For example, humans, if the number is increased tenfold, the probability of being a master will also be tenfold greater.

As the Patriarch patriarch, it is impossible to ignore these.

"This is the territory of our eternal dynasty. The land of heaven is the land of the king. If you want to survive, you must accept jurisdiction." Gu Chensha waved his hand: "For many years, the ape race has killed For many humans, you must make up for your work. The first is to attack other demons and barbarians, and fight the same territory as atonement. In addition, you must send masters to do things for our Jingxian Division, go to the demon realm, and demon heads. Fight and fight. And pay taxes like some Xuandao Xuanmen. How about these three? "

Of course, Gu Chensha will not slay the magic ape. If the other party can surrender, then it is not uncommon for Her Majesty Jingxian to have some more demon army.

If you can surrender the demons, let them destroy the barbarians, and then fight the demons, that's also a good thing.

The demons are almost endless, and there are so many masters of the ape race. Letting both lose each other can eliminate many hidden dangers.

But the ape is not a fool, such things are difficult to wishful thinking.

The ape desolation was really angry: "Gu Chensha, do you propose such harsh conditions to let us ape race be slaves for you?"

"Slave?" Gu Chensha smiled: "It's better than being a dead monkey. I know you want to wait for the demons to explode, invade our land, kill humans, get blood, destroy the national movement, perform sacrifices, and want to unlock the mixed world. The seal of the demon ape god. But I will also bet on my own. Before the magic disaster explodes, I will stabilize my back and kill your ape races cleanly. If you have the ability, you will fight me with you. How will I live? "

Gu Chensha knows that although there are many masters among the apes, but they are afraid of death, and they really do it by themselves. With the many forces of the sphere of the wish of the wild, the apes have great scruples.

Some of the old antiques of the ape family are also afraid of the power of the Emperor Tianfu, and dare not come out at will.

"In that case, I would like to see what kind of power you have in Jingxian Division to destroy our ape race." This incarnation of Ape Huang was also angry.

He could not agree to the conditions of Guchensha.

"Very well, then the Great Ape King will not be able to survive. Your incarnation will also be buried. The souls and flesh of the hundreds of millions of demon apes here just become my nourishment of the demon tree that day. I know you have Extremely powerful master, then come out, let's see how Jingxian Si? "Gu Chensha spoke with blood, and he was not afraid of any fighting, because he and Xing Qiongshi had contacted each other, accepted some memories of the other party, and Having combat experience, he also endured the invincible meaning in his memory. In this way, other masters' pressure on him is worthless.

"We ape clan is not afraid of anyone. Since ancient times, many immortals of Xuandao and Xuanmen have cut off demons and have not completely exterminated our ape clan. Just because of your little Jingxian division wants to eradicate us?" Azuhuang is very tough: " Let's go to war so long. "

"Very good, Ape shortage, you have this courage, I admire it. In this case, I will kill your incarnation first, and then I will kill the backbones of the blood ape king, the golden ape king, the wise ape king, and the empty ape king. Let your ape tribe completely fall apart. "Gu Chensha has long been informed that among the ape tribe, the long ape tribe of the ape tribe is the main, and His Majesty the ten ape kings support a sky of the entire ape tribe.

If all the ten ape kings can be captured and killed, it is tantamount to killing all three princes and eight princes, and the structure of the imperial court will soon be in chaos.

The top ten ape kings of the ape race, all of them are powerful men who have been trained into mana.

It can be seen that the ape clan has such an overbearing strength, and it can naturally dominate the king among the demon clan.

Of course, this is only a superficial phenomenon, and many of the old antique masters of the Ape clan have not been born. If all come out, you can stir up the reckless Shenzhou.

The ancient dust and sand are not afraid. The apes are always going to solve it. If they hurt the apes now, they will lead some old antiques to play the role of fighting grass and snakes. Otherwise, the old antiques of these demons are killed at the most critical time, and they will catch Jingxian Si by surprise.

The most important thing is that even if the god-like old antiques appear, the ancient dust can hide into the sphere of the wish of life, and even the design makes this old antique a big loss.


Gu Chensha no longer spoke, but shot directly, and hundreds of dragon-shaped pride were shot in his palm. These dragon-shaped roams around the sky ~ www.readwn.com ~ Once again turned into a seal, turning this ape desolate The incarnation gave the catch.

This incarnation of Saruaki was once again transformed into a rune of "ape-in-human figure".

But this time the ancient dust and sand did not give the ape shortage the opportunity. His palm changed, and there was boundless fierce air on it. This is a simulation of martial arts in Shenzhou's first fierce torture.

"What's this?" The incarnation of Saruaki was almost in ruins.

The fierce air simulated by the ancient dust and sand was forced, and instantly, the mana in the avatar began to collapse.


Gu Chensha didn't look at it either. He grabbed the avatar and sealed it into the crystal sphere. The body flickered, left here, returned to his own land, and entered the sphere of the wish of life.

"Heavenly tree!" He threw the crystal ball, and many of his soul and blood were devoured by the heavenly demon tree.

In the end, only the incarnation of Yuan Xiesheng, the true body of the Great Ape King, and the incarnation of the ape tribe's long ape shortage.

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