Dragon Talisman

Chapter 400: Onmyoji ghost ape 3 more

"How to trade. One novel> ≧ W≤W≤W <. ≦ 1 "My ape tribe is willing to show sincerity, pay taxes, and keep your court running. But you must let go of this incarnation of Yuan Shasheng and the true body of the Great Ape King, and at the same time withdraw from the mixed ape demon temple, delimit the territory and not invade How are the mountain forests inhabited by our apes? "

"I think very well." Gu Chensha laughed when she heard this condition: "I have already occupied the Temple of the Demon Ape, and the wealth in it is worth a lot. I am going to evacuate it all. Let ’s start the construction of the temple. With this as a foundation, a huge city can be exhibited. This is already the land of our Dayong court, and exit is impossible. "

"Master Wang said well." Zhuge Ya waved his hand: "Since reconciliation is needed, the proposal of Yin Yang Gui Ape is very insincere. Besides, this magical ape with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, of which the blood is the monkey monkey of the mixed world demon god. Sun, your group of monkeys with **** yin and yang ghosts are not here, but live in deeper jungles. The four ancient apes in ancient times are actually not very harmonious, and they are fiercely fighting. If I remember well, you and The mixed-world demon **** still has hatred. Why bother for him? I think you can take this opportunity to accept its disciples and descendants, and then increase the strength of your tribe. "

"Are you dividing here? The ape family is always a whole. Even if there is a battle inside, it is also a matter of your own. When encountering an invasion of an external enemy, you naturally want to fight against the enemy." Yin Yang Gui Ape was not moved by the rhetoric of Zhuge Ya, and It was a stern voice: "Just like you humans, there are many parties in the imperial court, but if you encounter a catastrophe, do you still kill each other?"

"Okay, very good. The yin and yang ghost ape really understands the matter." Zhuge Ya reckoned: "In this way, I also put forward the conditions, your ape family pays a hundred years of tax to us Jingxian Division, and at the same time your yin and yang ghost ape, thousands of changes The three great apes, the stone ape and the diamond warrior, signed an agreement with our Jingxian Division. While not invading each other, they paid tribute every year and sent masters to resist the evil. "

"The Lord of the Seven Stars, you have such a big breath." In the tone of the Yin Yang Gui Ape, there was even a hint of killing.

"Don't worry, I still have something to say." Zhuge Ya said: "You ape tribe will definitely be good, that is, when the emperor retreats, I will play, reward you, and give you three extra apes. Thousands of years of life, and your ape to kill the demon head, through the sacrificial altar in our demon domain, feeding the demon tree, the things condensed on the demon tree, you ape can be divided, how ?? Of course, you The three great apes can also learn the secret ways of the demon. "

Yin Yang Gui Ape looked at Zhuge Ya and said nothing.

Obviously it was a little tempting.

The secret method on the book of the sky demon is a huge temptation for any demon family, and many treasures can be born on the sky demon tree, which is very useful for gods.

"I know that the sacred place of the entire demon clan is Wanlong's nest. Li Wanlong is ambitious. He wants to unify the demon with thousands of mountains and rivers, to become a peerless overlord, and to complete the great cause of ancient times. It is a pity that your four great apes do not want to submit to this person. If you cooperate with our Jingxian Division, the ape family has only advantages and no harm. "If the ancient dust sand caves watch the fire, it can be seen that the battle among the demons is very cruel, compared to the human court Partisan struggles are much more complicated.

"Tianfu Emperor does exist, this is beyond doubt." Yin Yang Gui Ape said very slowly. "If he is gone, the three celestial deities have already started, and the seal of the mixed-world demon ape **** will also break. This condition you put forward is indeed It ’s very generous. Just saying that it helps our three brothers to increase their lifespan by a thousand years is already very valuable. The others are second. "

"Yin Yang Gui Ape, you can do it." Zhuge Ya didn't seem to be ready to explain any more. "The secrets of the sky demon tree are still many, even if I tell you the secret demon of the sky demon, you can't plant it." Here comes the demon tree. But this day the demon tree is integrated with the Central Wutuhoude banner, and there are five bloodlines of the holy beast, and even a series of supreme magic weapons. If this demon tree grows up, it will be of great help to your apes. For example, if the demon tree condenses out and demonizes human fruits and gives it to the races of your apes, then you can even become humans completely. This is the ultimate evolution. In addition, We also have the fruit of Hongmeng tree in the treasure house of the imperial court. If this fruit is refined into elixir, do you think about the benefits? "

"Very good." The yin and yang ape suddenly laughed: "In this way, we will sign an agreement, but the specific details need to be discussed. I don't know your Lord of the Seven Stars, dare to come out of this sphere of wish of life, come Osuyama, where we live, signs a contract? "

"Mr. Zhuge wants to cultivate the sky demon tree, I can." Gu Chensha said suddenly: "I heard the ancient secrets long ago. Originally, the four great apes lived in the mountain of Xiaosumi. This mountain is the ancient **** of the mountain and has tolerance. The mystery of the heaven and earth universe is one of the 6 pillars of the Endless Big. Afterwards, the ascendant monster ape became a god. After leaving the Endless Big 6 and reaching the realm of God, you will leave your three great apes to practice. You invited us to go to Look at our sincerity? "

"I don't know if you dare." Yin Yang Gui Ape said.

"Of course I dare," Gu Chen said.

"Okay, courageous, our brothers also have to take a look. What kind of hero is Emperor Tianfu?" Yin Yang Gui ape admired: "As long as you dare to come to our brother Xiao Xu Mishan to go to an appointment, our three brothers will agree with you What about the requirements? The ape clan will give you a hundred-year tax on Jingxian Division. There is no problem with the hundreds of thousands of miles of land around this mixed-world demon ape temple. "

"Master, it is dangerous to go here, the monster has never been faithful." Zhuge Ya frowned.

"My cultivation has reached a bottleneck, and I just took this opportunity to break through. I want to see what is dangerous." Gu Chensha waved his hand: "Besides, I have reached an agreement with Xingqiangshi, which is not so easy. Die. "

"Yeah, I also have my own arrangements." Zhuge Ya reckoned for a while: "Master Wang is very ambitious. To practice the qualities of the heavenly law, he must go through many things. Negotiating with the apes is a huge grind. "

"That being the case, I'll go to Xiaosu Mishan now." Gu Chensha said to the Yin Yang Gui Ape.

"Very good, really brave, as long as you dare to come to my little Xu Mishan, I will greet you with wine." Yin Yang Gui Ape thumbs up.

"Released Yuan Shaosheng, the Great Ape King." Gu Chensha reached out and grabbed the existence of these two seals out of the sphere of the wish of life, and did not let the sky demon tree absorb them, so he released: "Yin Yang Gui Ape, In order to negotiate with your apes, we Jingxian have shown enough sincerity, I hope I can come to Osuyama, and you can show enough sincerity. "

The yin and yang ghost ape's face changed slightly, he did not expect that Gu Chensha actually released Yuan Shasheng and the Great Ape King.

"This man has big ambitions, regardless of gains and losses in one city and one place. He has the courage to live by the heavens and the earth, and will become a great tool in the future."

As everyone knows, Gu Chensha and Xing Qiong's battle for wisdom on the bottom of the sea for a month have long been tempered with many calculations. Although this yin and yang ghost ape is powerful, compared with Xing Qiong's, there are still differences between heaven and earth.

"Do you know the address of our little Xu Mishan?" Asked the Yin Yang Gui Ape.

"I know everything about these ancient secrets, and I know the location of Xiao Xu Mishan very well."

"Then I'll wait for the ride." The shape of the Yin Yang Gui Ape finally disappeared.

"Mr. Zhuge, why do you say that this yin-yang ghost ape wants us to sign a contract on Mount Xiaosumi? Is there a ghost?" The fourth frowns: "You can't believe the monster's words, and this yin-yang ghost ape is the most cunning one."

"I know this." A funny smile appeared on Gu Chensha's face: "But the problems of the apes have to be solved, and there is no worries, otherwise we will be bordered by the apes, and even if these apes are expelled now They will also make a comeback. If they can reach an agreement with the ape tribe, it will be extremely beneficial to us. We can also stir up the discord between the ape tribe and the Wanlong nest.

"But in case of danger, the three great apes are not what you can handle, and the power of the sphere of life's wishes can not be transmitted over there." The fourth child was still uneasy.

"So, I'm going to find Wen Hong." A deep smile appeared on Gu Chensha's face: "Wen Hong and my mother have some friendship. He has always taken good care of me, and I can also reach him now Certain agreements, such as the memory of Xing Qiongshi, and in cooperation with him, he basically will not plot me. "

"It turned out you already had a plan!" The fourth old nodded suddenly: "I thought you were reckless."

"I won't have any recklessness." Gu Chensha appeared deep on his face: "I'd join forces with Wen Hong. If these three great apes and old guys do their tricks, then they will be wiped out. I believe Taishi Wenhong I can suppress the three great apes. In fact, these three great apes are almost exhausted ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is true. " Hong is indeed an object that can be joined together, and his cultivation is truly unfathomable. "

"That being the case, Mr. Zhuge will look at my plan." As soon as Gu Chen's body moved, he came out of the sphere of the wish of life, and went to the starry sea lake in the deep wilderness.

In his degree, that is, half an hour, he reached the residence of Taishi Wenhong.

He blasted out his eyes, and he saw countless stars flickering in the depths, which seemed to be the reflection of the sky of the universe. Deep in the vast starry sky, was copied by Taishi Wenhong.

Gu Chensha just watched quietly, but did not make a sound.

He believed that Tai Shi Wen Hong could calculate what he had come to.

Sure enough, just before he had observed three breaths, a starlight swept out and dragged him into the depths of the kingdom of stars.

He saw Taishi Wenhong.

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