Dragon Talisman

Chapter 401: Discussing ape

The cave sky created by Taishi Wenhong himself was on the bottom of Xingsu. ≥One small ≥ Say W

He arranged the tens of thousands of miles of Xingsu Sea into a huge array, constantly absorbing the power of the stars, and then gathered together into the depths of his own sky.

Ancient dust and sand fell into this cave sky.

He seems to have fallen into the vast sky, deep in the universe.

The world in which I live is all stars.

Between the stars, there was a huge planet moving slowly. There were mountains, rivers, and plants on it. It seemed that Taishi Wenhong had created it himself.

The giant planet is blue, and most of it is ocean.

A suction pulled Guchen Salad down, and he fell on the planet.

This planet is very huge, and ancient dust and sand fell into it, feeling down to earth, feeling a while, he felt that at least billions of people can live on this planet.

It is just that the planet cannot accommodate too much power. It is enough to inhabit ordinary people, but it is not enough to produce practitioners.

But the teacher Tai Hongwen created this planet, which already has the mystery of creation and death.

Tai Shi Wen Hong was living in a palace at this time.

The palace's carved columns and jade blocks seem to be an imperial city. Among the imperial palace, there are actually concubines, eunuchs, and guards. Outside the palace, there is a capital city. Outside the capital city, there are many cities, forming a country.

However, the people in this country are ordinary people. Among them, the master of martial arts is the master of martial arts. However, it is impossible for a master of state to appear.

Taishi Wenhong created the vast starry sky. This is his cave. In the starry sky, he created a huge planet. The planet has mountains, rivers, oceans, 6 plains, 6 above the plains, and national people, mountains. There are also various animals in it.

This is purely created by Tai Shi Wen Hong.

These means have the wonder of creation.

"I've seen Uncle Hong." Gu Chensha saw Wen Hong in the planet's palace.

Wen Hong was wearing an ordinary sackcloth, sitting cross-legged, wondering what he was thinking. When he saw Gu Chen coming, his eyes were fixed on him for a while: "The degree of progress of my nephew is incredible. The savings, beyond my expectations, will definitely be above me in the future. "

"Uncle Hong, I came here this time mainly to want to work with you to do something." Gu Chensha told the truth and did not hide: "I have acquired many memories of Xing Qiongshi, and the Lord of the Seven Ancient Stars. Some of Jiang Gongwang's memory fragments, and the moment when the Tian Yao Tree condensed successfully, many memories left by the ancient demon sages, and some secret methods of Tian Yi Tian Zun, I believe these things are very useful to Uncle Hong. "

Between words, Gu Chensha passed these memories on.

Wen Hong did not refuse, but absorbed all of them, and then began to enlighten, and all of them were digested in a while. These existences are also very powerful for him, and what he has learned is also very valuable for him.

Especially Xing Qiong's, even if Wen Hong cultivation reaches the highest level he can reach, he is definitely not his opponent.

It will not be Tai Yi Tianzun's opponent, nor will it be Jiang Gongwang's opponent.

Although Wen Hong's qualifications are lawless and immortal, there are still some gaps with the Lord of the Seven Stars.

"I rely on you to get a lot of things. Many of the practices of the Tianqiu book last time have benefited me a lot." Wen Hong stood up, tall and seemed to tear the infinite starry sky. There were cracks everywhere, more A lot of star power came over: "Are you going with me to calculate the three great apes?"

"Yes, the three great apes have been strong and strong, and their life is near. But the ape family has rich reserves and can be included in the bag." Gu Chen said: "This point, Uncle Hong, can be shared with me. Although the current situation in the world is stable, it can be intensified later. I'm afraid Uncle Hong can't stay out. "

"You're right." Wen Hong nodded: "It's really undercurrent today, and I will definitely get involved. I can only guarantee that I am as strong as possible. The three great apes, Xiaosu Mishan, have begun since the ancient times. Business. I can learn the essence and strengthen my cave. "

"Besides that, Uncle Hong can work with me to calculate the punishment for the tomb of the tomb." Gu Chen said: "I have a series of plans."

"Actually, Xing Qiong is not terrible." Wen Hong said: "The most terrible is the three heavenly deities. Although in ancient times, Xing Qiongs was extraordinary, but they were still torn apart in the calculations of the three heavenly deities. Since, After this battle, the three heavenly gods stepped into a state of supreme extraordinaryness. It can be said that no one between heaven and earth can count them. Except for the gods. But the gods did not regard the three gods as opponents. "

"The three great celestial deities can't close their doors now, but they have arranged chess pieces in many places." Gu Chen frowned. "For these three great celestial deities, there is basically no way to attack and reach their bodies."

"I do have some methods. If he can release Xing Qiongshi, it would be a great harm to the three heavenly deities. Xing Qiongshi ’s hatred for the three heavenly deities is extremely strong." Wen Hong said: "But now the three heavenly deities, I'm afraid that Xing Qiongshi can't help them, after all, Xing Qiongshi has been torn apart, with great vitality, and has basically made no progress for so many years. "

"Of course, but after the rebirth of Xingqiang's robbery, he also learned a lot of things. As long as he is given time to recover, his strength can be further improved. The three great deities can only deal with this person only by joining forces." Gu Chensha Road: "Uncle Hong, Emperor Wu has also been born, and this person will set off a big wave."

"This man was terrible. He stepped into the realm of strange numbers and realized many mysteries. Unfortunately, he was strangled by the three celestial deities. He could not become the great cause of stepping on the ground now." Wen Hong runs the sky, countless powers of space, stars The force, condensed into a rune on top of his head.

This rune contains the secrets of millions of stars. In addition, the ancient dust and sand are horrifyingly present, and more chaotic elements appear in it. They are absorbed, decomposed, and re-forged, and there are endless means of creation.

Wen Hong's cultivation is extremely horrible, and he has reached the level of God. I don't know whether it is the Thirty Changes, the Thirty-one Changes, or the Thirty-two Changes.

Reaching his realm, Guchensha could not guess at all.

"I'm helping you practice a rune. This rune can only be used once. It's called the" Fun Fairy Ascendant Rune. "Once this rune is used, it will protect you from danger." After a while, this rune condensed into a form and gave it to the ancient Dust.

Gu Chensha took it, and immediately, a lot of mysterious breath was passed on the rune, but some secrets Wen Hong had recently learned.

These are also food, integrated into the sea of ​​ancient dust and sand, and immediately gained a lot of insights.

In this way, Gu Chensha gained countless exercises, knowledge, and insights, standing on the shoulders of many giants, and eventually integrated and formed his own exercises.

This rune contains tremendous power, but it is not offensive, but is taken away, which is most suitable for the current status of ancient dust and sand.

If it is a falcon, if the offense and defense are integrated, it will inevitably lose its duality. It is better to be pure. It is either a full attack, a full defense, or a full attack.

As long as you escape your life, there will be a lot of opportunities in the future.

"Thank you Uncle Hong, but if the three great apes don't keep their promises, I still need Uncle Hong to take action in order to be able to suppress it." Gu Chensha put away Fu Yu.

"That's natural. As long as you urge this amulet, I will feel it, and I know that the three great apes are indifferent." Wen Hong said, "However, you have to be careful, you must not be taken lightly because of my amulet. I'm good at calculations. If I cooperate with Yao Sheng Li Wanlong, then I can't help it. In addition, I have to guard against my biggest enemy. I may not be able to help you with all my strength. "

"Uncle Hong's worst enemy?" Gu Chensha frowned.

"Giant spirit god, giant spirit **** is my biggest enemy, and it is the existence that I have to kill. Unfortunately, I am not his opponent now." Wen Hong appeared murderous, "If it is not his calculation, your mother would not be It will die. This **** is not the strongest god, but he is the most cunning god. His cunningness is not less than that of the three celestial deities, otherwise he would not survive in the hands of stepping fairy. "

"The giant spirit **** supports the ancient bullet sword in the back. We can obtain the whereabouts of this **** from the ancient bullet sword." Gu Chensha has long been staring at this matter.

"It's not that simple. The giant spirit **** gave up his position and broke his position. This is the beginning of the odd number. During the last great change in the world, he actually gained a lot of benefits, and he is no longer a giant god, but Reincarnation has become a new existence, and I ca n’t even infer his existence. What I am most worried about now is that the Lord of the Sun and Moon has not appeared yet ~ www.readwn.com ~ If he has obtained the Sun and Moon Uprising, it will be difficult to do. It is very likely that he will be promoted to be side by side with the three deities. "Wen Hong's tone vaguely revealed his concerns.

"This **** is so horrible?" Gu Chensha suddenly emerged a crisis in her heart.

"I know you have recently defeated Jingqiu and ruined his great cause. What do you think about this person's plan?" Wen Hong asked.

"Absolutely terrible, the heroes are rough. If it takes time, it will definitely be a Emperor-level figure." Gu Chen said.

"Then I tell you that this method of Emperor Wu and Jingqiu is like a little child who just learned to walk compared to the giant spirit god." Wen Hong is definitely not alarmist: "He has not shown mountains and water, but it actually contains Many secrets have even been calculated by him. "

"This **** and I have the vengeance of killing mothers. But the Father sealed all the gods, and even Capricorn was unable to come out, but he gave up the deities and came out, and this shows where he went over the gods. "Gu Chensha was secretly vigilant, and Wen Hong's words made him take it seriously:" Unfortunately, it is really impossible to find the place where this puppet hides. "

"Someone knows where he is." Wen Hong said.

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