Dragon Talisman

Chapter 405: Lobby

The ancient dust and sand will not be ineffective, because Jingxian Si's national policy is to let the Xuandao Xuanmen pay all taxes and feed the people in the world. 1 novel ≥WYWW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

No Xuanmen can make an exception.

Even if the universe gate is huge and unregulated, you can pay taxes with this gate after the growth of Jingxian Division.

Chang Weiyang also clearly sees this.

She asked Gu Chensha just to see how courageous he was.

As a result, Gu Chensha was outspoken.

"Did you say this, wouldn't you be afraid that I would kill you on the spot?" Chang Weiyang chuckled: "I have collected taxes from the universe Xuanmen, and they have not appeared since ancient times. The three celestial monks made a tribute once, and every time the heaven and earth mysterious gate did the same, but my universe mysterious gate never made a tribute, and the three celestial gods had no reason to do so. You, how can you deserve it, dare to charge my universe mysterious gate. "

"IMHO." Gu Chensha said in a dignified tone: "Weiyang ’s palm teaches you that, although it ’s powerful, it can be compared with Xuan Huanglong Emperor and Li Wanlong. It may even be a line higher than them. I am afraid that any one of them will have no chance of winning, and he will definitely lose. "

"You said that well, keep talking." Chang Weiyang's face converged with a smile: "I haven't heard such an upright language for a long time."

"The three celestial deities must also hate the cosmic mysterious gate." Gu Chensha continued, without any fear: "But they didn't do it, they were afraid of being anxious. Instead, the cosmic mysterious gate turned to our court. To be honest The three heavenly deities are mainly to fight the emperor, and they are afraid in their hearts. "

"There is no doubt that ancient step immortals are really powerful, I can't compare them." Even if it is as strong as Chang Weiyang, learn the secret of "different numbers", break the qualification defects, and now step into the unpredictable situation, and even hope to break through three The sixteenth change, jumping out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements, but this achievement is still not worth mentioning in the presence of Emperor Tianfu: "However, the ancient birth of the ancient step fairy was fifty or sixty years. Before that, the universe Xuanmen also existed for thousands of years. Did n’t the three heavenly masters attack us at that time? "

"I know that your universe's mysterious door and the bottom of the box can avoid the pursuit of the three deities, and there are even some counter-attacks, but this time is different from the past. It is a large pattern that has changed tens of thousands of years, even the strong. It is inevitable to fall into it, think about Taiyi Xuanmen. "Gu Chensha will stop here, I believe Chang Weiyang can see the truth of Taimang's enemies relying on Jingxian Division.

"Taiyi Xuanmen's Taitian is also treacherous and cunning, and he actually gave his son to you Jingxian Division." Chang Weiyang still couldn't see clearly: "Even Tai Yizhu was abandoned. This is to bet on both sides, but for In this case, the three celestial deities are well aware. "

"After all, there is an excuse, and the three celestial deities cannot be difficult." Gu Chen said: "Besides, Taimang has now gained a lot of benefits, and the progress is very fast. Only the wisdom of our Jingxian Division can break through Taiyi. Bead's secret. "

"That Tai Yizhu is also a congenital essence left over from the Chaos Big Bang. It has been refined into a treasure by Tai Yi Tianzun. If all the power is used, even if it is not as good as our cosmic thunder pool, there is not much difference." Chang Weiyang said: "Now this Bao belongs to your Jingxian Division, plus the demon book that day, the Zhou Palace, and the sphere made from the dragon tower, the potential is huge. Unfortunately, you are too weak to truly integrate many treasures into one. Otherwise, we can look forward to any powerful existence between heaven and earth. "

"I came here today to find Wei Yang's teaching, mostly for this matter." Gu Chen said: "I don't know what Wei Yang's teaching teaches us?"

"I can condense magic for you." Chang Weiyang looked at Gu Chensha.

"The palm teacher talked and laughed." Gu Chensha quickly refused and made a joke. The sphere of wish for life was made by him and Jingxian Si, and he himself refined it bit by bit. In the process of growth, he must not be subjected to external forces, otherwise it would not Their own magic weapon.

If Chang Weiyang helps them to condense, the sphere grows extremely fast, but the attribute of the sphere magic weapon is not the attribute of the wish of life.

The idea is wrong and the situation is different. The magic weapon is a foreign object, not the innate treasure of life. In the future, even if the cultivation reaches the highest level, it is difficult to exert its own power.

This group of people from Jingxian Division came together according to a common concept, which is based on ancient dust and sand, condenses the sphere, and carries all the will of the wish of life, and cannot change its taste.

Chang Weiyang also understands this. She was just testing the reaction of Gu Chensha. When she saw him categorically refused, she nodded. Now. "

"I'm going to deal with the three great apes, do you want to share a cup of tea with Weiyang's palm?" Gu Chensha said the agreement with the three great apes: "I have contacted Master Wen Hong. If we join forces, we can eat this. All masters of the ape family. If you can capture the three great apes and absorb them into the demon tree, this demon tree can absorb three god-level masters, and you can increase the cultivation for thousands of years. At that time, the demon Trees can create a lot of good treasures. I think it can definitely enhance the strength of the universe Xuanmen. For example, the disciples of the universe Xuanmen now have a set of Tian Yao Wu Soul Armor? What is the overall strength? "

Tian Yao Wu Soul Armor is an extremely powerful war armor that can be condensed on the Tian Yao tree. It absorbs the power of chaos and condenses into the Tian Yao Wu Soul. This is the purest thing that attaches to people and immediately Will wield great power.

Even the most stupid, fool who has no power to bind chickens, as long as he obtains this armor, it is immediately equivalent to a fairy in the magic realm.

There is nothing wrong, that is, the state of mana, the state of change in twenty, impermanence.

Generally speaking, this kind of demon soul captures the life of human essence and blood, even after the master has obtained it, it is difficult to control, but the demon martial spirit is the innate spirit extracted by the demon tree from the chaotic power, not the day after tomorrow. Birth, such as the demon head of various souls condensed into the demon.

The innate spirit of this kind of demon martial spirit has no impurities and is very pure, just like white paper, moving according to human mind. There won't be any counterattack and self-will, but only strong battle experience and strong mana support.

This is also the research result of many demon sages, which can be described as the capture of heaven and earth.

It is created by imitating the Hongmeng Wuhunjia born on the Hongmeng tree.

Hongmeng Wushun Armor is an armor born on the Hongmeng tree. It is extremely powerful. If you obtain it, you can have the ability to tear the void and move instantly. In addition, there are many innate magical powers.

In other words, even ordinary people get this armor, they can urge this armor to reach the peak of the fairy, second only to the god.

The Sky Monster Tree is not as good as the Hongmeng Tree. Naturally, it is impossible to give birth to such a powerful existence as the Hongmeng Wuhunjia, which can be settled next. It is not impossible to give birth to the Tianmen Wuhunjia.

However, these changes are the anti- heavenly actions that can be made after the Tianmao Tree has truly matured and reached an extremely terrifying realm.

If the sky demon tree is truly mature, the magic weapon is created on it, the elixir is born, and the various magical powers that decompose the chaotic element are still above the universe thunder pool.

After all, the cosmic thunder pool of this cosmic mystery is attacking and crushing, breaking some mysterious secrets, and is not good at manufacturing.

The sky demon tree is best at giving birth to everything and making all kinds of wonderful babies.

Gu Chensha calculates that if Chang Weiyang can reach an agreement with himself, seize the three great apes, and integrate them into the sky demon tree, that day the demon tree can grow even more, and it is possible to condense the sky demon Wuhunjia.

You know, the three great apes, the thousands of stone apes, the yin and yang ghost apes, and the diamond fighting apes are also the alien species that dominate the world. They are not the same as the saints, but they are different now. These three great apes have run out of oil and have a short life span, which is a good time for weakness.

Can be captured in one fell swoop.

Of course, the premise is that these three great apes want to plot themselves.

However, the ancient dust sand is almost 100% sure that the three great apes are not so easy to surrender, and they will definitely exert their own poison.

"If the sky demon tree grows up, it can indeed give birth to an endless magic weapon ~ www.readwn.com ~ It will be of great benefit to my universe, and the overall strength will be greatly improved. Even if it is a god, it can be condensed from the sky demon tree. The magic weapon gains benefits, such as the Seal of the Twenty-eight Star Sudden Demon God. After it is obtained, its strength can be increased by as much as twenty-eight times, but this requires thousands of years of hard work. "Chang Weiyang said:" If the demon tree is mine this day, I'd love to increase its growth, but unfortunately this tree is yours. At most, I only gain some benefits after growing up. This can't be achieved. Besides, if the demon tree matures, the strength of your Jingxian Division will not increase. After that, if one day we passed our cosmic gate and collected taxes from us, wouldn't I lose it? In a way, you and the three heavenly gods are almost the same. And your Jingxian dynasty court also charged, isn't it a single hill? "

"This is different. The three celestial deities are for selfish desire, and we are born for the world." Gu Chensha talked eloquently. "Wei Yang's teaching can naturally see how our court treats the people in the world. I think you also The country has been established here, and there are many rules for governing the world, which should resonate with us. Moreover, I will not let the teacher teach Baigan, and today brings many memories, such as the memory of the Seven Star Lord Jiang Gongwang, ancient times The memory of the demon sages and the memory of Xing Qiongshi. These are also of great use to Wei Yang's teaching of the thirty-six changes in Wuchi. "

"You are fierce enough." Chang Weiyang nodded. "Even Xing Xing's dare to provoke him, but also reached an agreement with him. This murder is simply killing God, sacrificing saints, and drinking water."

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