Dragon Talisman

Chapter 406: Universe Thunderpool 3 more

"Anyone can be impressed as long as they have a need. This is a certain law in the meditation between heaven and earth. ≥1 ≧ fiction ≥W ﹤ W ≦ W ≦. ≦ 1 ≦ X ﹤ I ≦ AOSHUO.COM” In the face of Chang Weiyang's oppression, Gu Chensha did not have any stage fright, and the correct interests were maximized: "Weiyang teaches, in fact, now your cosmic mysterious gate and my Jingxian Division are the best choice. Moreover, in the future, Wei Yang's teaching to promote the existence of the rank of heaven respect, all these things are indifferent. "

"You guys have some reason to speak. I'm very interested in the memory of Xingqiang, Zhugeya, and many demon saints. In addition, you should get some exercises and wisdom of Taiyi Tianzun. Come on. "Chang Weiyang said.

"Taiyi Tianzun's exercises and wisdom are not possible, because this involves the secret of Taiyi Xuanmen. Unless the other party's consent is obtained, it is our Jingxian Division." Gu Chensha said this, naturally he wanted to bargain.

"If I guessed well, you gave Wen Hong this method." Chang Weiyang didn't eat this set: "In fact, I didn't have a place to exchange with you, just went to Wen Hongyao."

"It seems that the relationship between Weiyang's palm teaching and Uncle Hong is not very shallow. So, they all belong to the same camp." Gu Chensha hurriedly said: "I came here today, but I also want to acquire some knowledge of the universe's mysterious gate, especially It is Wei Yang's secret to teach the secrets of enlightenment. "

"You also want to perceive the different numbers." Chang Weiyang had already seen it. "But I have to warn you that even if the method of the different numbers is enlightened, it will not be promoted to cultivation immediately, but will be suppressed by heaven. Either you absorb the aura, or the immortal, even the cohesive matrix method is ten times more difficult than the ordinary monk. Maybe you have just learned the different numbers, you will be subjected to many robbers. These are offended by the rules of heaven. The resulting back phasing, when it is a different number, it is difficult to look back. You must think about it. From ancient times to the present, there are some anti-stars who came to understand the different number, but then all fell into the midst of the robbery number. Very few. "

"I know all these things, but only by achieving different numbers can you break through the thirty-six changes and gain the secret of longevity. Otherwise, even natural saints, in fact, there is a limit to life." Gu Chensha knows the truth about the different numbers very well clear.

"Since you are iron-hearted, I will complete you. In this case, I will not talk nonsense." Chang Weiyang seems to have observed Gu Chensha enough: "Give me the memory of Taiyi Tianzun, and I will teach you to become In exchange for different feelings, of course, how can I work with you to deal with the three great apes? The demon tribe and our fairy road are opposed to each other, but after the three great apes are captured, I will draw some of their blood as Research, and the wealth of the apes, I want half. "

As the largest tribe among the demon tribe, the ape tribe has accumulated countless wealth and treasures since ancient times.

The ape tribe itself is also the smartest and the most minded demon tribe.

"As far as I know, the Zhenshan treasure of the ape family is called Wan Wanhua Rentu, and it is also an innate treasure. It is very powerful. After the four great apes got in hand, they worked hard for thousands of years. It finally took shape. Could this magic weapon belong to Cosmic Xuanmen? ”Gu Chen said.

"That's natural." Chang Weiyang would certainly not let go of this piece of fat.

"This treasure is a well-known magic weapon among the demons. If we get it from Jingxianji and combine it with the sky demon tree, we can derive endless magical effects." Gu Chen said: "It fell into the hands of your universe Xuanmen, I'm afraid it won't do its best. "

"You're right, but you must master these treasures." Chang Weiyang refused to let go of this treasure.

Gu Chen's gaze turned: "Yes, this treasure can belong to you, but I hope Wei Yang's teaching can help me."

"What's busy?" Chang Weiyang asked.

"At the moment, the Demon Army gathers in the demon realm sealed under the bottomless and inferior sea of ​​Niezhou, and builds a large number of Hades, and countless masters have gathered, including demon-level masters acting secretly. I hope Weiyang ’s palm will teach a thunder, With the power of the universe thunder pool, out of the universe's thunder, break through the fortress combination and let the demons loose sand. "Gu Chensha asked:" In this way, we Jingxian Division will be able to harvest countless demons' lives, once It is to delay the explosion of magical disasters. In the second place, the sky demon tree can be promoted quickly, so that I can provide you with a lot of elixir. "

"The thunder of the universe cannot work." Chang Weiyang refused: "This thunder pool of the universe has been brewing for thousands of years and has never burst this thunder. It is a means of Zhenshan of our universe's mysterious gate. Don't be afraid of our cosmic thunder. If we go out and the power weakens, we have to re-accumulate. Where can we get so much time for us? "

Gu Chensha frowned, and he thought so too.

An attack means, the longer the savings, the greater the power.

For example, he now uses Sun and Moon to arrange a large array. If he saves for decades, the power of the large array can explode, even the undead strong can be killed.

The huge school of the universe, based on the congenital treasure pool of thunder pools, has accumulated thousands of years of **** thunder. Once it explodes, to what extent will power be reached?

This is the means of pressing the bottom of the box.

"However, I do n’t need the Thunder of the Universe to defeat the alliances of the demons." Between the words of Chang Weiyang, a circle was drawn in the air, and many scenes appeared. It was in the magic realm that the huge iron war fortress Yue As more and more come, the formation of the formation is getting bigger and bigger. These formations gather together, absorbing the magic madly, and condensing into a giant golem. It seems to tear all the seals and turn the Divine Land into a demon realm.

This has become the climate, even if the ancient dust and sand have the power of heaven and earth, they cannot break into it.

Hundreds of millions of demons gathered, chanting all the power of the curse, which he could not compare.

Now Louyue Yue, Liu Yu's five men are fighting in the Demon Realm, and it is difficult to kill the Demon Army. They can only kill some scattered demon heads around the edge. This effect is not great. .

If Chang Weiyang is able to defeat the Demon Alliance forces and prevent them from condensing into an iron plate, then it would be equivalent to a **** mass, and let Jingxian Division eat it.

"So we agreed on this?" Gu Chensha knew that Chang Weiyang took the shot. I am afraid that it could really tear the defense of the Demon Alliance and cause chaos. Jingxian Si had a chance.

"Magic disaster is a confrontation between magic and spirituality between heaven and earth. Demonicity represents chaos, and spirituality represents order. At this time, the imbalance is the most critical point at the touch, and no one dares to easily Shooting, otherwise triggering this calamity is tantamount to igniting the fire, and it is difficult to bear cause and effect. Even the three deities are watching the changes. "Chang Weiyang said that he did not want to shoot.

"I don't agree with this." Gu Chensha revisited: "Since Wei Yang's teaching is different, it is not to be allowed to exist in the heavens and the earth, just to be the tide of the times. Now, at a critical time, participate in the confrontation of magic and spirituality. Maybe you can learn some of the supreme truths and prepare for breaking through the thirty-six changes and becoming a deity. "

"You are really a good lobbyist." Chang Weiyang smiled. "But we have discussed this matter for a long time, and first exchanged the memory of the exercises."

"It doesn't matter." Gu Shensha's thoughts moved into a ray of light in front.

Chang Weiyang lightly, this light dissipated, and he has obtained all the information in it.

And those rays of light came back, Gu Chensha also gained some experience that Chang Weiyang became enlightened.

This experience is extremely important. As soon as it is incorporated into the ancient dust and knows the depths of the sea, it begins to settle, is calculated, digested, and operates. Many rays appeared on Gu Chen's body, changing his throughput.

After a while, he opened his eyes: "Wei Yang taught, can I borrow your Universe Thunderpool to use it to temper the body. Now my 108 points in my body can be condensed out of Jin Dan, But some other small acupoints have not yet been fully opened. With the help of the universe thunder pool, it can help me stimulate the physical body, make the physical body go further, and open up various small acupuncture points. At the same time, the acupoints will condense more gold Dan. "

"I have never seen your idea so crazy." Chang Weiyang was rather curious: "I see that you have learned something and you want to practice the qualities of the heavenly law, which is also a reference for me. I Lets you use the power of the Universe Thunderpool. "

Chang Weiyang's mana quality is just the true dragon method, which has not been practiced into the heavenly way.

Indeed, the practice of Gu Chen's sand is a worthy observation for her.

"Thank you." Gu Chensha looked around: "The activation of this Universe Thunderpool must be taught by hand."

Chang Weiyang a little, suddenly the space in front of the ancient dust and sand split open, there was a pool of silvery water, swirling, there was crackling electric light flashing inside.

The ancient dust and sand ~ www.readwn.com ~ entered it.

Suddenly, the sky turned round, and he saw the overwhelming lightning of God's thunder rushing towards him. The whole person has a taste to melt in it.

"Sure enough, it is a thunder carrying the power of the universe, which contains the power of time and space, and the power of the past and the future." Ancient dust and sand began to work a secret method, began to absorb the power in it, tempered the flesh, and trained the flesh again .

To speak of the physical body, the strongest in the world is the Xingqiang Clan. He has a lot of body-building techniques, and he has been brewing in the ancient dust and sand, and has come up with some methods that are suitable for him. Now he is showing them, using the power of the Universe Thunderpool. , Began to create the flesh, and even concentrated the elixir again.

Gradually, the body of ancient dust and sand shined brightly. Many acupoints resemble the stars in the sky, and the bright light with the wisdom of the uprising was born in it.

In addition to the 108 great acupoints, many small acupoints have been opened, and it seems that a **** is being born.

"This boy is really amazing. When I was in his realm, he was far worse than what he is doing now." Chang Weiyang secretly surprised.

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