Dragon Talisman

Chapter 422: Can't stand 3 more

Gu Chensha's heart was full of anger, but he didn't do anything, but there was a smile on his face. His emotions were invisible and he didn't watch the apes kill, but stared at the three great apes for a while. Then he slowly said, "Is that what you mean? Yin and Yang Gui Ape, is this your sincerity to call me?"

"Yes, this is our three-month final agreement. One novel W≤W≤W ≦. <1 ﹤ X "Boy, you started the agreement, so brave, who gave you that courage?" The big body of the Diamond Fighting Ape laughed loudly: "You are simply delusional, let us ape tribe pay taxes to you? Letter Do n’t believe me, I ’ll pin your head right now, but the two countries are at war and do n’t cut it, I still know that. So I let you go today, of course, provided you sign the treaty obediently, and then Yasuda executes the treaty. We will let you go. Otherwise, I will have your bitterness. I really want to throw your kid into my fire and grill it. It is pleasing to hear your pain and sorrow. "

"Fourth child, don't scare the children." Qianbian Stone Monkey said.

The ape's tone softened a bit, it seemed to sing red face, it looked at Guchensha: "Young man, you should be the most promising one of Jingxianji. Seeing your practice, it seems to still hit unprecedented heaven. Quality, and you ’re still the best son of that ancient step fairy, it ’s a pity to die like this. I urge you to sign this contract, as long as you sign the contract, you will give all the contents of the Tian Yao Secret you learned We have fulfilled some conditions. Otherwise, we can still catch you and dig out any memory from your head. Don't force us to do so. "

"Do n’t you talk about faith?" Gu Chen asked: "At the beginning, the Yin Yang Gui Ape said to me to sign an agreement and promised to pay tax to our Jingxian Division. I immediately released Yuan Shasheng and the Great Ape King, and it was enough. Sincerity, and what about you now? "

"Boy, you still have a face to say, you first attacked the Temple of the Mystical Demon Ape and killed our people. This account hasn't been accounted for by you yet." It seemed that Ape was going to shoot.

"Very good! Now that you make sense, let's talk about it. When you were a thief, you lurked into the temple, stole the dragon tower, the Seven Holy Lianxin Dan, many treasures, what about this account? Well? "Yuan Shasheng said fiercely.

This incident hurt him tremendously, otherwise his cultivation is more than that.

"We were fighting between the two sides, and naturally we could do everything." Gu Chensha sneered: "Later, the ghost and ape of Yin and Yang said in person that they had negotiated and agreed to some of our affairs. Isn't this farting impossible?"

"啧啧 啧 ....." Just then, in the cave, a woman's voice suddenly appeared, and two women in red clothes appeared.

It is actually the two sisters of Yingyinger and Quehuanger.

As soon as Que Yinger appeared, a smirk appeared on his face: "Gu Chensha, I said you're stupid, you're still stupid. Before you practiced the mana, you ran around with a real body, even dare to come here? "

"Isn't the Ape clan unwilling to hear the order of Wanlong Nest? Why did you appear here?" Gu Chensha asked, "And you really think I came here, and you didn't count on you to return to the water? Do you think? Will the Lord of the Seven Stars of Jingxianji be so stupid? "

"We naturally know that you will have some great things, and you have prepared a lot of things." Yin Yang Gui Ape said, "Wanlong Nest is our demon holy land. In the past, there was some small friction between the Ape and it, but it did not damage the overall situation. As for I am very clear about your movements. You went to Wenhong, didn't you? Do you think he can protect you? "

"Yin Yang Ghost Ape is indeed a Yin Yang Ghost Ape. You actually know my bottom line. In this case, you are going to fix me today?" Gu Chen smiled. It seems that Yin Yang Ghost Ape doesn't know Chang Weiyang and Tai Xuandu thing.

Chang Weiyang is a strange number, and he is already a top sage. He may even reach the realm of the thirty-sixth transformation, "alienization," and he can almost come to the realization and reach the realm of heaven. It is the same as that of Emperor Wudi.

Chang Weiyang's such revisions are that the three great apes may even pass the Li Wanlong of the demon tribe.

As for Tai Xuandu, it is also an old antique and a treacherous giant.

Yin Yang Gui Ape is hard to count.

However, this is not necessarily the deceitful way of the yin and yang ghost ape. It may already be known, and it is not intentionally said. Paralyzed ancient dust and sand.

These things Gu Gusha are counted, and there will be no slackness. The only thing he does not have is the wrong calculation. Xing Qiongshi has left the sea floor.

If you didn't leave, and borrowed the strength from Xingqiang's side, then the three great apes would be secure against the three great apes.

Of course, there is some certainty now.

In addition, Gu Chensha knew that Zhugeya would count on this, and would never stand idly by, because this is the biggest prestige of Jingxian Division. The key is that if the three great apes are defeated, there will be great benefits.

The ancient dust and sand entered into this. The first thing to see is the demon tree wreckage. If it can be obtained, let the sky demon saplings in the sphere of its own wish to absorb, and the demon saplings will grow quickly that day. Sendai once again saved hundreds of years of exhibition time.

Therefore, the wreckage of the demon tree must be obtained this day!

In addition, in this huge cave mansion, Guchensha also saw many secret caves and stored many magical elixir. The apes do not know how many years have accumulated the essence.

If all these things are given to Jingxian Division, then Jingxian Division can almost bring the world to an unbelievable level, and various policies can be implemented, even the Prince, Wudangkong, and ancient bullet swords cannot be stopped.

In addition, Jingxian Division truly passed the Tiangong Academy and became the largest force in the court.

At that time, reform the court and weaken the power of Wudangkong, the ancient bullet sword, the prince, the power is in control, the world is stable, and the national transportation is prosperous.

The savings of the apes from the ancient times to the present are no small matter.

"I'm tantamount to leaving now? Imprisoned by you?" Gu Chensha smiled. "If I don't agree, do you want to catch me and refine the soul? Forcibly extract memory?"

"Yes," said Yin Yang Gui Ape: "Don't force us to do this, sign a contract, and immediately contribute all of our memories."

"This is impossible." Gu Chensha looked around: "You demon evils, it seems that I can't reason with you in the future. Thousands change stone ape, yin and yang ghost ape, diamond fighter ape, I dare say, except you three gods Level shot, no one else is my opponent. The demon tribe respects the strong, and I stand now. In a word, apart from your three old antiques, if any one can defeat me, I promise you What are the conditions? "

"Boy, you are too arrogant, and you are still bargaining with us here." Ape Huang stood up: "Even if you are strong, you dare to say such a thing? The three old ancestors, let me suppress this boy."

"Ape shortage, you shot it." Yin Yang Gui ape said: "Lest this kid bully us ape family, our three old guys shot, it is indeed bullying this kid, if you let the guests of Wanlong Nest spread out , We apes are ashamed. "

As a yin and yang ghost ape, deceiving Guchensha and deceiving this person here is actually a shame.

However, this ape doesn't care, he is worried that there are some other methods on Gu Chensha, and he wants the ape to come forward and try it.

In addition to the three great apes, the ape tribe is not the strongest now, but the three great apes have won the hearts of the three great apes. They have a hand in management and have become immortal. Twenty-five changes in the state of affairs, among the mysterious gates of Xiandao, can also be regarded as real antiques.

As for the Twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-nine, and twenty-nine, the strong are also among the ape races. They are the successors of the three great apes in the future. Some of them reached the critical point in the secret retreat and did not. Appear here.

Gu Chensha feels that his current practice is that it is very difficult to deal with the undead strong, and the odds of winning are not high. After all, he has recently improved very much, but after all, he has not cultivated mana. Now he still uses elixir. Compared with the power of Jindan and mana, there must be many deficiencies ~ www.readwn.com ~ Saohuang came out, and did not do anything, but to Ying Yinger and Ying Huanger: "Two, you seem to I also lost in this kid ’s hand. I remember that you gave Suzaku eggs to this kid, but now he abducted him. The Suzaku was hatched. Among the Jingxian Division, I think this kid will deal with it first. To show that our apes respect the Wanlong Nest? "

It seems that Shizhuang also knows that there must be some powerful things in Gu Chensha, and he will not be foolish to come to Xiaosu Mishan to kill him. He is also extremely cunning and wants to let Wanlong Nest start first.

Where did Que Huanger see these situations? It ’s like watching the fire: "This time is a dispute between the ape tribe and the Jingxian Division. Our Wanlong Nest is nothing more than a battle. Lord Demon Saint gave me a rune to prevent this kid from doing The dying struggle, the ape freak does not matter, and you can fight as much as you like. You are the master of a family. Xiu has reached the immortal body. There are not a few masters like you in Xiandao Xuanmen. Are you afraid that one does not cultivate into mana? Boy? Don't worry, as long as this boy shows off his own strength, then we will urge the demon Saint Fuyu, how about letting this boy die without a burial place? "

When the three great apes heard this, they glanced at each other. The yin and yang ghost ape said to the ape: "Ape shortage, let's go. This boy is of course scheming. The master of the Seven Stars has profound calculations, but overall, Calculations. "

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