Dragon Talisman

Chapter 423: Broken road

The three great apes are not idiots, they must know that Gu Chensha will not come to the appointment so easily, and there must be some kind of killer on his body. ≥≯ > One novel W ﹤ W < W≤. ≦ 1 ≦ XYIYA

Each is calculating.

If Gu Chensha doesn't have any hole cards, they will absolutely not believe it. Where can the Lord of the Seven Stars deal with it so well?

Therefore, the three great apes do not want to do anything for the time being. Let the ape shortage test and see what the ancient dust sand's hole card is. After seeing the clues, you can think of ways to deal with it. trap.

Although the three great apes are extremely arrogant, they are not blind jealousies to the Jingxian Division. We must know that when the Lord of the Seven Stars was born, the death-prevention sign came out and shocked the world. Many sages did nothing.

Although the Jingxian Division has no such thing as the death-proof charm, but everyone knows that the ancient moon and the ancient sand and dust are the characters that are valued by the Emperor Tianfu. What day after day is the Emperor Fu left behind?


After hearing that the three old ancestors had also spoken, Yuanzhuang decided to start with Gu Chensha. Last time, he urged an incarnation. Although he had only one-tenth of the power, it was extremely horrible. He could be suppressed by Gu Chen's backhand. He suffered heavy losses, and was cast by Zhuge Ya's method of curse killing, which spread to the body. If it were not for the Yin Yang Gui Ape, he would have died.

This time, he also wanted Guchensha to try the taste of being worse off.


This is the original body here, completely shot. Now he has all the power, although it is not as good as Jingqiu, but after all, he is a twenty-five state who has become immortal. He opened it with one punch. The fist changed endlessly, and the mana trembled. Contains that immortal law, which cannot be broken at all, cannot be interrupted, cannot be resisted, and cannot be annihilated.

The immortal body is called the immortal because its mana operation reaches the extreme and is extremely difficult to destroy.

Twenty changes and impermanence. After training to become mana, it is twenty-one transformation into five elements. The mana merges the five elements, so that it has the power of transformation of the five elements, and then it realizes the attributes of the heavens and the earth. Ground, mana was further condensed. Then it is "seeing the past", "looking into the future", learning about the secrets of time, and finally achieving immortality.

The immortal body, of course, runs past and future, calculates everything, and claims to be immortal. Its mana is also extremely refined, and basically cannot be defeated.

Now that the wild monkey is shooting with all his strength, Gu Gusha feels extremely strong pressure.

The pressure was rolling in, and there was a dignified color on Gu Chen's face, and his expression was very happy. This time, he was under the pressure of the three great apes, god-level masters, the extremely dangerous situation surrounded by the demon, and the undead body. Strong fight.

The mana quality of Ape Huang is the Vajrayana, not the waste material of Jing Fanxing. Although it is not as good as Jing Qiu, every move has great power.

Jingqiu's mana quality is that the King Kong method is between the true dragon method. As long as he understands a certain truth, he will thoroughly practice the true dragon method.

Because of this, he fought the natural sage of Fa Wuxian and rattled the rat, and tasted the taste of failure.

The original cultivation of Guchensha was to capture one-tenth of the magical ape waste, and to deal with two-tenths, you can still suppress it. To deal with three-tenths and four-tenths, you can only defeat it. You ca n’t catch it. Five-tenths can only be divided equally in autumn. If the ape desert originally came with the power of six-tenths or seven, then the ancient dust was running.

Now, the ancient dust sand has been tempered by the universe's thunder pond, and it has been soared again, and its strength has been improved a lot. However, it seems that it is a little worse to deal with the ape shortage that goes all out.

After all, the realms are too different.

The mana of the opponent's operation, any subtle changes, fall into control, even if the ancient dust and sand exhausted its full strength, it will not cause any harm to the immortal body of the monkey wild.

The point is that Gu Chensha doesn't want to show his bottom boxing skills. For example, the sun and the moon of Tianzifeng Divine Art and the gods of the Holocaust show together at dusk, and the action is huge, but this is here. The group of evil spirits exposed.

Now Guchensha is performing the Cangsheng Butian technique that he created, and it is the real foundation to perfect this technique.


Gu Chensha also fisted and fought with Ape Huang.

In an instant, they fought thousands of rounds.

Gu Chen's fist was bombarded on the body of the monkey sand, there was no response, all the strength was resolved by the immortal body of the monkey sand, and the punch of the monkey sand was hit on the body of the ancient dust sand, and the power was also absorbed. Smashed his body into pieces.

"This boy, he's so physically strong." The yin and yang ghost ape and the variegated stone ape and the vagabond monkey looked at each other and frowned.

According to the truth, as long as the mana is trained, it is easy to tear the physical body of the nineteen changes in size.

Generally speaking, the twenties change and disperse the impermanence to deal with the nineteen changes. The size and wishfulness are absolutely crushed. As for the immortal body to deal with the nineteen changes? Fly ash can be wiped out between your fingers.

But now, the ape desert can't clean up the ancient dust and sand?

The point is, Gu Chen did not use any magic weapon, relying solely on his own strength?

If you let the ancient dust and sand grow up, then you still have it?

Que Ying'er and Que Huang'er were all shocked. Their strength is also very strong, but in the face of ancient dust and sand, I am afraid that they will be killed instantly. Seeing this scene, the two girls almost produced a kind of intense, that is, killing ancient dust and sand.

The same is true of the three great apes. They are god-level masters with sharp eyes. Naturally, the potential of ancient dust and sand is almost limitless. If ancient dust and sand are allowed to continue like this, nothing else, even if the promotion reaches 20 Change, to become mana, are huge killings for the demon.

Think about it, now that the nineteenth change, you can fight with the ape tribe chief ape fright. If you are promoted, what will you have?

The monsters present were all masters, and they knew how the difference between the Nineteen and Twenty Changes was.

"Boy, die!"

Suddenly, the ape tribe's chief ape was stricken with a long shout. After all, he was in a high state and controlled the situation. He already knew that the ancient dust of the ancient dust could not hurt himself.

Immediately, he was running mana, holding his hands in his arms, and rubbing between them, a burst of enchantment came out. This enchantment was the color of dark gold, and then it was turned into ten million colors. The light was strange and it was 6 away. Wrap ancient dust and sand in it.

"This is the destiny of the ape tribe. The realm of the color world desires to be separated from hatred! It is rumored that the four great apes have realized the supreme spell for thousands of years, with the five essences of the color world as the foundation and the six desires of the realm as the auxiliary. The realm of the realm of hate is the true meaning of it. It ’s incredible. ”Ying Yinger said:“ I ’m afraid this boy ca n’t resist this method once it is performed, because this method is not a mana attack, but an illusion of inverting the realm. It contains the Supreme Demon Method, Taoist True Essence, Xianjia Qiankun, and the change of the demon Tao. They are fused into a furnace. It is rumored that as long as it is covered by this method, an illusion will subvert the world you have previously known, and then you will go into magic and die. "

This color world is a special magic skill that does not belong to any attack, but subverts the worldview you know. For example, you think the earth under your feet is boxy, and this technique will tell you The ground beneath your feet is actually round, and there will be all kinds of information to prove that any of your previous ideas are wrong.

This is a supernatural power that destroys the worldview, destroys all knowledge, and destroys the Tao heart. It is extremely powerful and almost unstoppable.

No matter how strong your body is and how high it is, you cannot resist this magical power.

Sure enough, when Gu Chensha was enveloped in it, he immediately felt a huge amount of information violently. This information brought irrefutable truth and subverted everything he thought, his spiritual philosophy, and the vicissitudes of human life. Even the various previous practices, I feel very wrong.

There seems to be a supreme wisdom that is igniting him, causing him to lay down his butcher knife and become a man again.

Everything in the past is illusory.

"Great magical power!" Gu Chensha was almost lost. Fortunately, he was also a strong man who created his own Taoism. He also learned the mystery and firmed his ideas all the time, and all ideas were overturned without a second.

However, under this level of attack, he had some doubts about his Tao.

Suddenly, Dao was unstable, and his strength began to run away, as if to explode.

"Sure enough, my soul is a bit weaker." The Yin Yang Gui Ape is keenly aware of everything: "If he can resist the color world we created, I really want to kill him."

"This method is that our four brothers searched for the remains of the ancient Buddha. After nine deaths, they learned the practice of the relics, got acquainted with it, and then merged their own demon ways to create this technique. From truth and Taoism In terms of subversion, this technique can definitely be used to defeat the weak. "Qianbian Stone Monkey said:" However, this son's body contains a lot of powerful power ~ www.readwn.com ~ Once you go into the magic, you can't control it, it will explode. Come, it's quite powerful. "

"Anyway, even if he explodes, we can collect all the memories. The top of Xiaosu Mi Mountain was originally a place under our control. Nothing can be leaked out. Everything is in the cave." The Diamond Monkey said.

"Great magical powers are definitely not created by the four great apes. Instead, they are similar to the disappeared Buddha magical powers. Rumors there are Buddhas in ancient times, which are absolutely different from the practice of immortal path. This Buddha does not know where it comes from, nor does it Where to go is a flash in the pan, and the Brahman family and the Buddha left behind have some relationship. "Gu Chensha still has some wisdom in his heart." However, according to ancient secret records, the Buddha was born on the tree of Hongmeng. "

Hongmeng trees can be born from everything, including souls.

"Everything is a fault, and you are covered with sin. Let go of the past." At this time, the ape tribe chief ape was actually exuding golden light, extremely sacred, the light of liberation.

"Yeah, let it go. Let me take a look. What if I smash my own way?" Gu Chensha made a sudden, long whistle and made an unexpected initiative even the three great apes.

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