Dragon Talisman

Chapter 424: Hate

In the depths of Guchensha's knowledge of the sea, he has always been firmly abandoned by him, and at the moment of giving up, the ape tribe's color world desire and hatred immediately entered his knowledge of the sea. To control what he wants. A novel > W

If nothing unexpected happens, Gu Chensha will be completely brainwashed by the ape race at this moment, and become a slave of the ape race, let him live and let him die. Better than a dog.

This is the power of the color world.

"What is this kid doing? Want to settle down and live again?" The Yin Yang Gui Ape stared at Gu Chensha. "This son has to think that this can resolve our color world's desires and aversions, isn't it delusional?"

He has to shoot at any time, regardless of status.

"Ha ha ha ha, boy, any struggle is futile, this time I will turn you into a walking dead, and become a slave to our ape race completely." Ape Huang knew that he was in control, everything was under control, and he burst into laughter, He converted all his mana into a strong attack, severely killed the body of Gu Chen, and made Gu Chen into a puppet.

At this time, Gu Chensha didn't move, it seemed to have lost all his will, and truly became a cricket-like existence.

"Give up the Tao, do whatever you want, the Tao is controlled by me and not moved by the Tao. Man is the master of the Tao, not the slave of the Tao. The Tao is just a boat crossing the river, and it will be abandoned when it comes ashore. The tools, even if they are discarded, do not harm themselves. The saint's cultivation reaches the end and is true to the Tao. That is to turn himself into a slave to the Tao. The only difference is the number of days. A real self. "

At this moment, Gu Chensha was not injured, and he was not controlled by the ape-ridden world of color and heaven, and he has not been able to understand for a long time.

Indeed, this color world hatred him a great threat.

But this is also the greatest exercise for him. This time he came here, just to be forced to learn something new, so as to impact the twenty realms of change and impermanence. , Cultivate the quality of the heavenly law.

Sure enough, under the persecution of the ape shortage, he once again learned more deeply about the principle of different numbers, and grasped his own Tao more exquisitely.

At the same time, he seemed to feel his body again, the supreme blood power of the son of Emperor Tianfu.



After entering a wonderful state, even if the power of the ape shortage rushed into the body, he remained still, unconscious.

Just before the physical body is to be controlled, everything is completely refining and transformed into a puppet.

He is extremely powerful.

Communicated the Supreme Blood of Emperor Tianfu.

Hum ...

From his body, I don't know which dimension node is deep, a wave that can reverse the world, tear the realms of the world, suppress chaos, and twist the power of the avenue, suddenly burst.

This is the blood of Emperor Tianfu.

In the beginning, this bloodline also burst suddenly, directly smashing Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Gouchen bloodline, and even the sun and moon dragon blood.

These mighty bloodlines are not worth mentioning in the presence of Emperor Tianfu's bloodlines.

The blood of Emperor Tianfu was finally summoned by Guchensha again.

This appearance directly shattered all the world ’s desire and hatred, but turned it into pure spiritual strength and food, so that Guchensha thoroughly gained the original experience of the four great apes and some of the mysteries of the Buddha. .

The combination of these knowledge makes the road of ancient dust and divorce a further step.

At the same time, when that bloodline appeared, all the magical powers of the ape that poured into him were shattered and broken up, becoming his nourishment, and boosting his own arrogance to a whole new level.

At the same time, the living gods who were entangled in his body were also infected with the blood of Emperor Tianfu.

This Cangsheng God will be trained with the jade seal of Xingqiongshi. It has a total of 3,600 heads and has great power. The power released from each head will definitely pass the strong and small, and the more critical body is almost May be broken.

However, the 3,600-headed Cangsheng Gods have just been refined and lack the heat, so the ancient dust and sand are incorporated into the body and nourished with their own bloodlines. Over time, they must be transformed again.

Now, as soon as the blood of the Emperor Tianfu appears, the contamination reaches above the three thousand and six hundred Cangsheng **** generals. Immediately, the three thousand and six hundred Cangsheng gods will suddenly begin to metamorphose, it seems that they have been promoted, the meridians in the body are being re-forged, and then the jade is scattered and turned into mana!

Cang Sheng Fa!

Gu Chensha himself hasn't practiced mana. He hasn't practiced until he reached the state of Twenty. He has become impermanent, but the 3,600 heads in his body will actually make mana.

This is an incredible phenomenon.

According to the truth, I am very sorry for the master himself, even if the ancient dust and sand refining materials are not trivial, but the jade seal to suppress the tomb of the Qiong Clan, refining or relying on his own elixir, if he does not cultivate into mana, these uncles also Unable to cultivate mana.

"It's so magical. The blood of Father Emperor is so incomparable." The ancient dust sands will actually practice all of these gods of mana, and the quality of mana is King Kong method, and they are suddenly surprised. "However, each of these gods will The mana is too weak, almost 360 heads is equivalent to a normal monk who practiced the Vajrayana. Fortunately, these gods can return to the jade mountain that seals the tomb of Xingqiang, devour those jade stones, and strengthen themselves. Mana. "

Every three hundred and sixty gods are equal to a twentieth monk who has developed the quality of the Vajrayana.

Ancient dust is now equal to ten monks with twenty changes in the Vajrayana.

Dust method, rock method, diamond method, true dragon method, heavenly method. These five qualities are actually very difficult to practice, and the true dragon method is extremely small. Only the qualifications are born sages and heavenly sons can be practiced.

Moreover, the three thousand and six hundred common gods are so weak. The reason why the mana is relatively weak is that during the refining, the material is used less, that is, a large jade head. If more jade is used, the mana will be more. some.

Fortunately, these blessed gods will devour jade, and the mana will be improved, which is much faster than the monks to improve the mana.

This is the benefit of the Heavenly Blood Emperor's bloodline and the seal Xingqiong's jade material.

What's more important is that if ancient dust and sand were practiced into heavenly ways and mana, the mana qualities of these gods would become the qualities of true dragons. At that time, the power would not be comparable now.

This series of changes is also instantaneous.

That color world Yutianli hate technique was shattered, and one third of the mana's whole body's mana was also shattered, all of which were incorporated into the ancient dust and sand, and it also nourished the three thousand and six hundred gods.

The ancient dust and sand's knowledge of the sea, Qihai, and acupoints expanded again.

His own mental power was originally devoted to one million uses, but now it has been fully doubled, and has become one devoted two million uses. Some of the subtle hole tricks that even the Universe Thunderchief did not open were all opened.

His qualifications, in an instant, ascended to the realm of born saints!

This is no longer a Wizards of the World.

A long time ago, he was a Wizard of the World, and later fought against Fa Wuxian, which also stimulated the blood of Emperor Tianfu, and raised his qualifications to a critical point. He could break through the realm of natural saints at any time.

Now, once again, the blood of Emperor Tianfu has been stimulated, and his qualification has truly broken through this critical point and turned into a natural saint.

The bloodline of Emperor Tianfu seems to be able to break some of the constraints, and he doesn't even care about the rules of heaven.

Qualifications were upgraded to natural sages and expanded. The body's 3,600 Cangsheng gods would be trained into the quality of the Vajrayana quality, and they themselves obtained the essence of the study of the three great apes.

This series of gains is simply huge.

However, Gu Chensha has not been able to transform himself and practice it into the "Traditional Method of Heaven." This shows how difficult it is to have the quality of the King of Thousands of Laws that no one has trained in ancient times.

Even the original "Sacred Law" was not able to be completed. It is rumored that he just touched it.

But Gu Chensha felt that there was a layer of paper in front of him, and it would be broken if he blew it lightly. His strength was far inferior to that of the "Sacred Master" in the past, but it seemed that he would be higher in understanding the Tao of Heaven. Front line.

"As long as I learn a little bit more, I can cultivate the qualities of the heavenly law with just a little bit of magic. I can do it even if the three celestial beings cannot. I can do it!"

This time when he came to Xiaosu Mishan, he was very impressed by the pressure of the apes.

"No, born sage, mana appears on his body, and the ape is in danger." The yin and yang ghost ape was wrong right now.

He waved violently.

A huge force suppressed the past toward the ancient dust.

In an instant, this power reached the top of Guchensha, and he was oppressed down. Guchensha originally wanted to directly kill the ape desert, but the strength of the force almost frozen him.

At this moment, the promotion has reached the ancient dust of the natural sage qualification, and the attacking force in the body is absolutely imaginary, and it can already cause harm to the ape shortage.

And just now, the strength of the ape shortage has been reduced by three tenths, and the mana has been swallowed by the ancient dust.

He was frightened.

Because he was stunned by the breath contained in the blood of the Emperor Tianfu.

Click! Click!

The power of the yin and yang ghost ape is not what the ancient dust sand can compete with ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is a god-level master, even if the ancient dust sand has been modified into the "Tiandao method", when it reaches the Twenty Changes of the state, it will compete with the god-level master , That is also to hit the stone with eggs, not at your own discretion.

Realms are too different.

The power of space is not something he can handle at all.

Gu Chensha only felt that the yin and yang ghost ape was a common palm, and the surrounding space was immediately squeezed. No matter how he showed it, it was useless.

Of course, he also has a self-knowledge, and he can fight with Ape shortage, that is, he has got countless adventures, but compared with Yin Yang ghost ape, it is still sky and clouds.

He was well prepared and acted without his own strength.

At the moment, he released Tai Xuandu, Fu Wei of Chang Weiyang.

These two saint-level masters Fu Fu can definitely make a world of difference here! Then the ancient dust and sand can touch the fish in the muddy water, and Wen Hong's Fu Yan is used for escape, and cannot be sacrificed for the time being.

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