Dragon Talisman

Chapter 440: Dragon Heart Method 3 more

Many secret transmission methods have curses, even in Xuandao Xuanmen, which is to prevent the stunts in the martial arts from being leaked by the disciples. Yi Yi Novel W ﹤ W ≦ W ≦. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

In Xuandao Xuanmen, many disciples swear in front of the statue of the grandfather before learning the exercises. This vow is actually a curse. If you violate this curse, you will forget all the exercises.

Otherwise, the practice of Xiandao Xuanmen has long been passed on.

Jingxian Division also intends to implement such a method. This is necessary. People's hearts are speculated. No one knows when the disciples will change their hearts.

Dou 19 didn't know what will be put into Jing Fanxing's mind, explained many things about him, and left.

The ancient dust and sand, regardless of Jing Fanxing, followed again.

Even if Jing Fanxing was to restore his strength, it would be useless to take a step further. He died after blowing his breath. The most urgent task is to get the dragon mind and the dragon mind from Dou19.

"This bucket of nineteen did not dare to suppress Jingqiu forcibly. It can be seen that he no longer has a winning card, or that he is reluctant to use that method, but I forced him to the extreme. He can still blow out a fatal blow. It ’s not worth it, you have to think of a way to let him run into danger again and run out of hole cards. Then you can force him to despair. ”Gu Chensha suddenly moved his heart:“ Yes, Emperor Wu! ”

After Emperor Wudi was born, he hid.

He had threatened him before, but he was a bit jealous of the power of the sphere of life.

Emperor Wudi obtained a complete mentality for raising dragons that year, but he did not acquire the mentality for making dragons. If this mentality is known to Emperor Wudi, I am afraid he will have a mind.

The method of raising the dragon heart itself is the method of cultivating its subordinates, and the method of making the dragon heart is even more so.

In order to restore the glory of the year, Emperor Wudi must obtain the dragon heart method. In this way, one can grow up the subordinates of the Wizards of the Geisha. As long as he cultivates 800 subordinates of the Wizards of the World, the exhibition power is like a snowball. Coming bigger.

By Emperor Wudi's methods, it was able to dominate those Gai Shi Wizards will not betray him.

The three celestial deities have long acquired this dragon-building mentality and cultivated their subordinates for many years. From this we can see how powerful they are.

Douzoku helped make Jing Fanxing regain the qualifications of the Wizards of the World through making dragons, and taught him "Driving the Heart of the Dragon" to consolidate the foundation. After all, the qualifications of elixir promotion are actually very unstable. Not taught.

This is tantamount to a fishing bait, always hooking up with Jing Fanxing to do things.

Dou Jiu left the desert shortly after, and returned to Middle-earth China during the flight.

One purpose of Gu Chensha tracking him is to find out how many people in this battle of nineteen have lurked into the court. In recent years, the court has held imperial examinations every year, and a large number of scholars have entered the court as Officials, the court continued to expand the territory in the wild desert, which can accommodate more people and officials.

The operation of the imperial court has become a mechanism. Even if it is Wudang Kong, the Prince Gu Xuansha cannot shake some of these rules.

Besides, there are also Jingxiansi tigers who are looking at it and chaosing up anyway. The court is now running normally, and it is still in a flourishing stage.

But in fact, there are also deep hidden dangers when it comes to counting. The country is big, and among the lush foliage, poisonous snakes and poisonous snakes will be hidden. This is inevitable.

A big tree is to be constantly built to eliminate pests.

Jingxianji should do such work.

In the sphere of wish of life.

Zhuge Ya is still condensing the sky demon tree, inferring various natural opportunities, enhancing his wisdom and cultivation, and at the same time, he is still practicing many mysterious methods.

Some of the knowledge he gained was not even comparable to that of the previous generation of the seven-star Lord Jiang Gongwang, and had already broken through the twenty-three changes in the state of affairs.

At this time, he got a lot of information from the ancient dust and sand, and opened his eyes sharply: "Jingqiu is really powerful, almost the same as my speculation, actually progressed so fast, but he wants to be a different number. I'm afraid it's still impossible. If the odd numbers are so successful, all the world will be odd numbers. "

"That Doujiu actually has a full version of the dragon mind and the dragon mind, and we Jingsi Si must have these two minds." Lou Baiyue stood up: "If I go out and join forces with the dust, Kill this bucket of nineteen? "

"No need. Doujuku is the nineteen sons who defeated Heavenly King, and Wangye is also the nineteen sons of the emperor. There must be a fight between the two. This is a collision of luck. If Wangye You can get a lot of luck and blessings if you can defeat Dou 19. You have avoided some calamities in the future. "Zhuge Ya said:" Let's see how Lord Ye used the Emperor to deal with Dou 19. "

"The Emperor Wu has disappeared since the last resurrection. No one knows where he hid. Why? Mr. Zhuge knows?" Lou Baiyue asked.

"It is inferred that some clues came. But Wang Ye definitely had an idea. You must know that the reason why the Emperor Wu was resurrected was to absorb one third of the blood of Wang Ye, and then he finally got great energy and mystery. He was resurrected. He and Wang Yezhi In the meantime, there is a great connection among the princes, as long as the prince does not hide his secrets, he can be known by the Emperor Wu. "Zhuge Yadao said:" This is a good strategy for killing people with swords and driving tigers and wolves. Well, you can get enough benefits between Emperor Wu and Douzan. "

Gu Chensha bite Dou 19, and now Dou 19 heads to Jiangzhou, Shenzhou University 6.

This Jiangzhou is also a land of fish and rice. Rivers and rivers flow by thousands of rivers. Various harbors and fish ponds are scattered around. The paddy fields are stretched. It has been called the "granary" since ancient times.

In the Yong dynasty, the imperial court even increased its governance, digging ditches and rivers to enhance water storage capacity, and connected many paddy fields to form a matrix. This way, the rice planted would have a weak aura.

Jiangzhou's current "Jade Spirit Rice" is sold throughout the country, even in many overseas countries, as well as tribes in the desert, and various other external forces will also buy it.

Twenty years ago, this "Jade Spirit Rice" was a meal that nobles could enjoy, but now it has become popular.

The aristocracy now basically uses more advanced elixir.

The big aristocracy and the big family all eat Pei Yuan Dan, Jing Yuan Dan, and the former small star Huan Dan, or fire jujube, purple green peach.

"This Jiangzhou has been well managed in the past ten years. The yield per mu has been increasing every year. Schools across the country have eaten jade rice." Gu Chensha looked at the paddy fields in Jiangzhou like mirrors. The rice plants below are full of vitality, which is one of the foundations of the Dayong court.

Of course, Jingxian is also planting.

Many wild rice fields have been opened up in the barren land, especially the ancient dust and sand has recently captured the huge mountain range of hundreds of thousands of miles of the ape family, and opened a huge road. Based on this road, it spreads on all sides and can be planted. , Reclamation, and can feed countless people, even if the population is several times more.

Gu Chensha felt that after solving the issue of Dou 19, he completely returned to his own land, digested the construction of the ape chassis that was seized, absorbed the population, and managed it well, at least to pass the Samar Empire, borrow This is to temper the order of your enlightenment.

He felt that it was only this that he could make himself realize more things.

The Sphere of Cangsheng's Wish has completed his savings. He has the backing and can build with peace of mind. Learn the truth from the construction order.


Dou Jiu fell down, actually went to the Governor's Yamen of Jiangzhou.

"What? Could this Governor of Jiangzhou be a man who did not succeed? It is impossible? This person is a person who was called by the father and the emperor himself. Jiangzhou is a granary. At the beginning of the founding of the country, the emperor attached great importance to it. With the Governor coming, the Governor Deng Pingyuan has now been in office for 20 years. If it was a 19th person, his father would not use him at all. "Gu Chensha was shocked.

Jiangzhou is a granary. If it is penetrated by Doujiu, it will be very troublesome.

Although it is wild now, it has become a grain silo larger than Jiangzhou. However, since ancient times, the soil and water in Jiangzhou has been vigorous and the quality of rice produced has been excellent. However, the barren land has been poor for a long time, and has been polluted by evil gods. It takes a long time to become a hero.

The ancient dust landed on the ground and was located in the city of Jiangzhou. The city plan also has a dense water network. The rivers cross and flow through the city. Those rivers are crystal clear and there is no sewage.

Generally speaking, the water networks in these cities are used by residents to drain sewage ~ www.readwn.com ~ The so-called smelly ditch, but after the Yong Dynasty, it was vigorously transformed. The sewage was piped underground and discharged to Special ponds are treated and settled.

So the current city, clear springs and clear waves, fish swimming, is the world in poetry and painting.

Gu Chensha looked at the Governor's Mansion in the distance. He was standing on a stormy bridge and his heart moved: "Master Wu Di, since you have appeared, then show up, and in your capacity, you don't have to hide."

Sure enough, at this bridgehead, Emperor Wu appeared silently.

"You can sense puppets." Wudi was slightly surprised.

"Master Wu Di, do n’t forget, your resurrection was only able to gain vitality after taking a third of my blood. Although Master Wu Di refined my blood, some things could not be wiped out at all, plus I ’ve recently improved, so I can naturally sense and even communicate with the Emperor Wudi. ”Gu Chensha's tone was very faint:“ However, the emperor Wudi ’s cultivation has been promoted so fast that it should now reach the 29th change, and feel the chaos The change from the 29th to the 30th change is the most critical change. The change from the immortal to the god-man and the conversion of mana into the power of the world is the most critical point of this change. This situation, now making a comeback, is still stuck at this threshold. "

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